How will they rule ??!

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I don't know what you mean when you say "nobody cares enough to fight a civil war" . . . millions of women in pussy hats walking around, thousands of "muslim ban" protesters, and then the Trump voters who are all just tired of being pissed on. BLM will also get involved when you sully the name of Obama. If Russia was really powerful enough to steal our election (lol), why wouldn't they try to instigate? What if one of the 15 bubbles burst and our economy turns to shit again?


Once people started dying only the Trump supporters would be willing to suffer through the death tolls for their cause.

A lot of the left protestors are paid to be there, and usually those are the worst ones with the masses just looking on to see their stupidity.

BLM I guess has cause enough to fight.........but as things move on they will be forced to realize trump is helping blacks over all and that will cause some confusion.
Not a chance in hell Trump said that for 'misdirection'

He wouldn't have said it if there was no proof that it happened.
Where is that proof?
Admit it, you'll demand that proof like you demanded he release his tax returns.
Quite probable that the Russian intelligence assets were being tapped and Trump made calls to those assets from Trump Towers and therefore had his conversations recorded.
I'm sure when this imbarrasment gets impeached y'all will all claim he was framed. You've already decided that he can do no wrong and won't believe anything that proves otherwise.

Can't wait to see how you deflect this one.
Reminder: "Journalism is art"-rqfuzz
What's Trump stand on that? I don't know. Is he with repealing govt healthcare just to turn around and create another govt healthcare plan? If so, he's a fn snake, too. I can't and won't believe that's the case, but if that were to somehow, a lot of voters are going to lose all hope.
So just how many times has Trump said that they would repeal and REPLACE Obamacare? Has he not said that EVERYONE must be covered?
Have you simply ignored what he has consistently said.
Where is that proof?
Admit it, you'll demand that proof like you demanded he release his tax returns.
Quite probable that the Russian intelligence assets were being tapped and Trump made calls to those assets from Trump Towers and therefore had his conversations recorded.
I'm sure when this imbarrasment gets impeached y'all will all claim he was framed. You've already decided that he can do no wrong and won't believe anything that proves otherwise.

Can't wait to see how you deflect this one.
If you don't think there is an attempt to "frame" Trump I don't know what qualifies as being framed. It's pretty obvious there is a negative force against him. It's not like the "impeach him" narrative has been hidden and the rhetoric is too difficult to decipher.
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Two possibilities, right wing nuts:

1) Trump made up a huge lie to misdirect the press.

2) The FBI had probable cause to get a FISA warrant to tap Trump Towers because that's where the investigation led them. If any of you actually think a FISA judge would just hand out a warrant in an election to do that without very clear and very compelling evidence then you are an idiot.

So which is it? Another Big Trump Lie or does compelling evidence of a Trump/Russia connection exist sufficient enough to have a FISA judge look at the evidence and authorize wire tapping of a presidential candidate?

In case you're keeping score, those are not good options for you, right wing nuts.

The FBI wouldn't be getting a FISA for minor shit in that situation. That means they were hunting espionage, folks. And they had compelling enough evidence to go after the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Think about that for a moment...

Who would you rather?
A blender.
All this really shows how much the Democrats have been completely corrupted by the Marxist/FAR Left Extremist slugs of this country.

The middle America traditional Democrat Party is gone. Completely gone. Radical/Alinsky tactics have been fully embraced and implemented, with the media doing everything in its power to make this all seem "NORMAL".

All of the shit Obama pulled which didn't even get a SHRUG from the media is despicable. And now they try to destroy Trump with Fake News.

I'm predicting it backfires spectacularly, but only if Trump listens to Bannon fully and unleashes Sessions to prosecute ANY political criminal behavior he can uncover and prove, no matter WHERE or HOW HIGH those investigations lead.

If Trump doesn't take it to them 2x as hard as they attack him, the weight of it all will eventually bog down and destroy his administration.
2) The FBI had probable cause to get a FISA warrant to tap Trump Towers because that's where the investigation led them. If any of you actually think a FISA judge would just hand out a warrant in an election to do that without very clear and very compelling evidence then you are an idiot.
Or number 3. The warrant was denied, as has been reported, and the Obama administration went through with the wiretapping anyways. It's not like Obama hasn't used the intelligence agencies, IRS to attack his political foes before. If he's done it twice already, a third time is nothing.

Also, I keep hearing about all this Trump/Russia evidence, so my questions would be; Why wasn't/hasn't any of this evidence been presented? Why has every single person privy to the information of these investigations said there is zero evidence of collusion?

Also, are we forgetting the Obama administration, CIA, FBI, NSA etc... did a full and complete investigation of this matter before Obama left office and it turned up nothing? So if there wasn't any evidence then, then what makes you idiots, all of the sudden, believe there's tons and tons of evidence now? Exactly how does work into your conspiracy?
Pretty clear what happened. Russians communicated to the Trump campaign (Manafort was the guy they initially worked, I believe) that they had the dirt on Hillary then in one way or another insinuated that improved relations and lifting sanctions would help grease the wheels on that Hillary dirt coming out. There were multiple sustained communications between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence operatives.The Trump campaign fell all over themselves in complimenting the Russians and even at one point changing the language in their party platform to be more digestible to the Russians. Intermixed in all these contacts was dirt being dropped on the Clinton campaign coinciding with the Trump campaign's public overtures to the Russians including one very wild moment when Trump actually called upon the Russians to drop the dirt on Hillary in a presidential debate.That probably was the final straw that got the FBI's nose in Trump Towers with a FISA warrant to try and determine if they could prove a quid-pro-quo agreement to drop sanctions in exchange for dirt on Hillary being released.

With just the public statements from the Trump campaign favorable to Russia followed by Russia being determined to be the source of the leaks is enough to prove collusion. Hell, Trump colluded on camera in calling for the Russians to do precisely what they did.

The final unknown is what intelligence the Russians collected on Trump in 2013 during his Miss Universe visit.

The FBI has something. Something powerful enough to apparently cause a FISA judge to issue a warrant to wiretap the Republican nominee for President of the United States. Obama doesn't authorize that. No president can do that. That is done ONLY when the FBI presents a FISA judge with compelling evidence of what must surely have been espionage... a successful Russian operation to intervene in our election in exchange for the lifting of US sanctions.

There is a reason why every Trump campaign staff member suddenly developed amnesia when the subject of Russia came up. And that reason turned up on a FISA warrant.
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Pretty clear what happened. Russians communicated to the Trump campaign (Manafort was the guy they initially worked, I believe) that they had the dirt on Hillary then in one way or another insinuated that improved relations and lifting sanctions would help grease the wheels on that Hillary dirt coming out. There were multiple sustained communications between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence operatives

Then why didn't the Obama administration's full and complete investigation uncover any of this? You can't answer that question, can you? Is Clapper that shitty at his job? They investigated it for three months, November through January, yet nothing? Are they lying about the investigation turning up nothing but have a treasure trove of evidence? Please, explain this?

As for the President can't order a wiretap, and has to have a FISA warrant excuse, it's simply false. When you only watch and read fake news, you only get one side of the story, and that's the one they want you to believe.

Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code *War and National Defense", Subchapter 1, Section 1802:

(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies
Then why didn't the Obama administration's full and complete investigation uncover any of this? You can't answer that question, can you? Is Clapper that shitty at his job? They investigated it for three months, November through January, yet nothing? Are they lying about the investigation turning up nothing but have a treasure trove of evidence? Please, explain this?

As for the President can't order a wiretap, and has to have a FISA warrant excuse, it's simply false. When you only watch and read fake news, you only get one side of the story, and that's the one they want you to believe.

Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code *War and National Defense", Subchapter 1, Section 1802:

(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies
Do you know how to read? Trump is not "between or among foreign powers" nor "communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power".

There is no way on earth Obama or his AG did that under that pretext. This, if it happened, would have to be the FBI and they would have to be convinced they were tracking down espionage in order to go to a FISA judge for a warrant to wiretap the Republican nominee for POTUS.
Do you know how to read? Trump is not "between or among foreign powers" nor "communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power".
Are the Russians not? Or they all of the sudden not part of this story anymore? Obama and his AG could have easily used that law to tap the Russians, but also Trump as well. Again, you act like Obama hasn't already gone to these lengths and done these sorts of things before.
Also, you have still yet to answer one simple question. The full and complete investigation, delivered to Obama before he left office (remember that one?), turned up absolutely nothing. Zero proof of collusion.

If that investigation turned up nothing, and it's the same exact intelligence that's being leaked out today (these leaks are coming from intelligence gathered during that investigation), then where is there this monumental pile of evidence connecting Trump and Russia?

It's a simple question. The answer as to why you can't answer it is just as simple.
I don't think we've seen the conclusion of this investigation, yet. Hell, we haven't even seen Trump's tax returns nor do we know the details of the Russian surveillance of Trump in 2013. I'd like to see their video surveillance especially. All those Miss Universe parties must be great TV viewing. Hard to close an investigation with so many potential unknowns out there.

Need an independent investigator to put all their pieces together. The American people need to know that their president is not a Russian stooge especially since there are already so many proven lies swirling around this. Phony denials from the President and his VP that their staff didn't talk to the Russians. Phony testimony from the AG in front of Congress. They provably lied at every turn when it came to anything involving Russia while falling all over themselves in complimenting Russia. Changing their party platform to appease the Russians and ensure the leaks continue to drop on Hillary. Publicly calling for Russia to leak even more on Hillary.

The American people need answers to this behavior and, frankly, the president has shown no inclination to come clean on his Russian ties so we need somebody to get in there and tell the American people the truth... for a change.
I don't think we've seen the conclusion of this investigation, yet
[laughing] Quite a selective memory you have. The full and complete Obama administration investigation has came and went. Obama made a point to be done before he left office. It was closed in January.

Clapper testified in front of Congress on the findings and everything. All this other stuff is just a witch hunt. Everyone who has been briefed on these "new" investigations say the same exact things Clapper said in January --

Russian meddled in the election, made an effort to hurt Hillary, but zero evidence their meddling changed the outcome or that there was any collusion with the Trump campaign.
The point is, none of this is new. All of these Russian "revelations" have been know by the Obama administration and Intelligence agencies since their investigation took place in November - January.

The Flynn phone calls, Sessions meetings, all of that was uncovered and gathered during their investigation. None of it amounts to anything just as Clapper testified to Congress. There's zero evidence of Trump campaign/Russia collusion.

The only reason they're leaking it now is to undermine Trump, lend credence to the Russian narrative, and to try to sway public support.
Do not see a Civil War anytime soon. Very small portion of folks would fight it. Most could care less. Now, take their entitlements away and who knows.

The Civil War we will see has just started inside Washington DC.
A car in the garage, food on the table, a case in the fridge, and an entertainment center in the living room and most Americans don't care what the government does. Just don't mess with them.
I still can't get over all the headlines and news stories being "Trump said this, but Trump provides no evidence to support his claims."

There's just as much evidence that Obama bugged Trump Tower as there is that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, Russia hacked the election, etc. But they didn't hesitate to run with some of those stories and conveniently leave out the fact there was no actual evidence.

Is it not Journalism 101 to investigate the facts?

Hmmmm...something triggered Trump to go on a tweet rampage accusing the previous administration of conducting surveillance operations in an attempt to treasonously undermine the free and fair election process in the United States.

Should I, (1) figure out what triggered him and see if there's any truth to these accusations, or (2) ask Obama's spokespeople if it's true and take their word as gospel?

Well, I still want to get invited to all the fun parties in DC, so I'll go with (2).
Where is that proof?
Admit it, you'll demand that proof like you demanded he release his tax returns.
Quite probable that the Russian intelligence assets were being tapped and Trump made calls to those assets from Trump Towers and therefore had his conversations recorded.
I'm sure when this imbarrasment gets impeached y'all will all claim he was framed. You've already decided that he can do no wrong and won't believe anything that proves otherwise.

Can't wait to see how you deflect this one.
Hmmmm, you ask for proof and then throw out a "probable statement" without proof? Do you realize how stupid that was? Sorry....forgot what kind of moron that question was directed to, carry on.
Hmmmm, you ask for proof and then throw out a "probable statement" without proof? Do you realize how stupid that was? Sorry....forgot what kind of moron that question was directed to, carry on.

Rq's opinion doesn't matter. It's irrelevant and has no value. The FISA requests are proof. Obama ordered Loretta Lynch under the DOJ to do the wire tapping. Which is why the Tarmac meeting tween Bill and Lynch happened. This shit is so corrupted that you'd think this is some Hollywood Liam Neeson movie thriller
Two possibilities, right wing nuts:

1) Trump made up a huge lie to misdirect the press.

2) The FBI had probable cause to get a FISA warrant to tap Trump Towers because that's where the investigation led them. If any of you actually think a FISA judge would just hand out a warrant in an election to do that without very clear and very compelling evidence then you are an idiot.

So which is it? Another Big Trump Lie or does compelling evidence of a Trump/Russia connection exist sufficient enough to have a FISA judge look at the evidence and authorize wire tapping of a presidential candidate?

In case you're keeping score, those are not good options for you, right wing nuts.

The FBI wouldn't be getting a FISA for minor shit in that situation. That means they were hunting espionage, folks. And they had compelling enough evidence to go after the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

Think about that for a moment...
"First I heard of it was on CNN" "A video was the cause" "We took sniper fire on the tarmac" etc....nothing to see here. Must now lie and misdirect to cover up illegal wiretapping. You must be proud of the morons who fool you morons into believing their lies.
I don't think we've seen the conclusion of this investigation, yet. Hell, we haven't even seen Trump's tax returns nor do we know the details of the Russian surveillance of Trump in 2013. I'd like to see their video surveillance especially. All those Miss Universe parties must be great TV viewing. Hard to close an investigation with so many potential unknowns out there.

Need an independent investigator to put all their pieces together. The American people need to know that their president is not a Russian stooge especially since there are already so many proven lies swirling around this. Phony denials from the President and his VP that their staff didn't talk to the Russians. Phony testimony from the AG in front of Congress. They provably lied at every turn when it came to anything involving Russia while falling all over themselves in complimenting Russia. Changing their party platform to appease the Russians and ensure the leaks continue to drop on Hillary. Publicly calling for Russia to leak even more on Hillary.

The American people need answers to this behavior and, frankly, the president has shown no inclination to come clean on his Russian ties so we need somebody to get in there and tell the American people the truth... for a change.
I guess being a muslim stooge was OK.
If any of you actually think a FISA judge would just hand out a warrant in an election to do that without very clear and very compelling ev

Fisa judges do just hand out warrants like candy. That's why any objective thinking individual knew they were terrible when W installed them.

Probable cause is the lowest legal standard. As interpreted by Fisa courts, this means a warrant almost every time.

We don't know the contents of the sworn affidavit used to get the warrant. This is crucial and would be extremely telling.

We know this was for political purposes. Was hillary tapped? Of course not. She deserved it 1000 times more than trump. But the intent can never be proven.

The illegitimate tap turned up nothing. If it had, we'd known about 10 seconds after they recorded the info.

So all this collusion, wire tapping, hacking, msm lying, etc; and the worst they ever had was raunchy comments from the 80s. Pretty damn incredible if you ask me.

This shit is so corrupted that you'd think this is some Hollywood Liam Neeson movie thriller

Yep. House of cards may as well shut it down. They can never top any of this
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Lindsey Graham: ‘I’m Very Worried’ Trump’s Suggesting That Obama ‘Has Done Something Illegal’


He should just go on and re-register as a Democrat
To be fair, I saw it live and he most certainly said seconds before that that if Obama did this it would be the biggest scandal since Watergate. Was also combatting college idiots the entire time.

I can't stand LG but it's no shock they would cut and pasting his words.
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To be fair, I saw it live and he most certainly said seconds before that that if Obama did this it would be the biggest scandal since Watergate. Was also combatting college idiots the entire time.

I can't stand LG but it's no shock they would cut and pasting his words.

Oh I read that too, Rex. But that doesn't fit my narrrative. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

His real alliance is with Obama. That was the first comment. It was defensive of Obama. You think Rand Paul would've said it that way?
Trump is the President and has access to, per my understanding, virtually limitless information and intelligence. It was a huge accusation yesterday with the potential for even bigger repercussions. This wasn't a quick tweet to Rosie...this was directly targeted to his Presidential predecessor.

From an article in Newsweek:
Contrary to some reports, President Trump is entitled to see any records related to the surveillance of him and his associates as “consumer-in-chief” of U.S. intelligence, a Justice Department lawyer familiar with national security procedures says. That would include FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) applications for surveillance warrants to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, or FISC.

“I don't see how DOJ and FBI can refuse... and the president has the authority to declassify whatever he wants...,” the official told Newsweek on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak with the media.

He has proof, no way this would have happened otherwise. And they know he has proof which scares them even more.

All that said, it doesn't matter anymore because CNN now has the smoking gun against Trump. It's all over now.......

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I find it odd that we don't know the name of the Judge who thought it was perfectly OK for Trump to be spied on. How do we not know this?

There was a Judge who thought it was completely fine to do this and we don't even know the asshats name?