How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh absolutely. She's supposed to be riding off into the sunset right now after establishing her legacy as the greatest American woman ever, instead she's staring down the barrel of another year long, soul sucking campaign thanks to him.

I can only imagine back in 07-08 how many interns were brought into abandoned warehouses, tied to chairs, and had the absolute shit beat out of them by her with a baseball bat.

<drops bat, lights cigarette>

"Ma'am, Pelosi is on the phone, wants to confirm some things for the Women for Change rally next week."

"Tell that c**t I'll call her back."
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Per Vox:

Climate scientist Kevin Anderson recently argued in Nature Geoscience that the only way we’ll stay below 2°C is if we either a) develop negative-emissions technology, or b) opt for negative economic growth. The math is too brutal otherwise.
Donald Trump has a commanding lead in the latest polling for the GOP nomination, 28% of respondents say they will vote for him. He has now led the field for over 90 days, showing that he is not a flash in the pan contestant like former leaders Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, etc. whose advantages evaporated within in a month or so of attaining leader status. Things look especially grim for Jeb, who has been mired in single digits for over a month and has a net favor ability rating of negative 7.

Trump 28%,
Ben Carson 18%
Ted Cruz 10%.
Carly Fiorina 6%
Marco Rubio 6%
Jeb Bush 5%
First candidate to convince voters that he/she is a fiscal conservative and social moderate wins. Trump still has a chance.
This week's sign of an impending liberal-state apocalypse:


The incident happened at Everett Middle School in San Francisco’s Mission District. The voting was held Oct. 10, but the principal sent an email to parents on Oct. 14 saying the results would not be released because the candidates that were elected as a whole do not represents the diversity that exists at the school.

* * * * * * *

According to Principal Lena Van Haren, Everett Middle School has a diverse student body. She said 80 percent of students are students of color and 20 percent are white, but the election results did not represent the entire study body.

“That is concerning to me because as principal I want to make sure all voices are heard from all backgrounds,” Van Haren said."
As each day passes I am more and more figuring that Donald Trump is going to win this election. He's actually starting to get serious about it and his positions are not junk. He is right about several things. If he would commit to not bringing a bunch of politicians into his cabinet he would get a huge bump IMO.
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This week's sign of an impending liberal-state apocalypse:


The incident happened at Everett Middle School in San Francisco’s Mission District. The voting was held Oct. 10, but the principal sent an email to parents on Oct. 14 saying the results would not be released because the candidates that were elected as a whole do not represents the diversity that exists at the school.

* * * * * * *

According to Principal Lena Van Haren, Everett Middle School has a diverse student body. She said 80 percent of students are students of color and 20 percent are white, but the election results did not represent the entire study body.

“That is concerning to me because as principal I want to make sure all voices are heard from all backgrounds,” Van Haren said."

So not the will of the people but somehow people with darker skin that ARE THE MAJORITY need to be put in power because it's more in-tune with your ideology?

GD progressive lunatics. How did we ever let these nut jobs in positions of power. Why the eff were we asleep at the wheel?
This week's sign of an impending liberal-state apocalypse:


The incident happened at Everett Middle School in San Francisco’s Mission District. The voting was held Oct. 10, but the principal sent an email to parents on Oct. 14 saying the results would not be released because the candidates that were elected as a whole do not represents the diversity that exists at the school.

* * * * * * *

According to Principal Lena Van Haren, Everett Middle School has a diverse student body. She said 80 percent of students are students of color and 20 percent are white, but the election results did not represent the entire study body.

“That is concerning to me because as principal I want to make sure all voices are heard from all backgrounds,” Van Haren said."

My high school was 20% black. We always had a black high school homecoming queen because the black kids always voted for one black girl and the white kids spread their votes around 10 other candidates. Too bad for my girlfriend that this principal wasn't there to make sure the black girl didn't get elected due to not reflecting the lack of diversity at the school.
This week's sign of an impending liberal-state apocalypse:


The incident happened at Everett Middle School in San Francisco’s Mission District. The voting was held Oct. 10, but the principal sent an email to parents on Oct. 14 saying the results would not be released because the candidates that were elected as a whole do not represents the diversity that exists at the school.

* * * * * * *

According to Principal Lena Van Haren, Everett Middle School has a diverse student body. She said 80 percent of students are students of color and 20 percent are white, but the election results did not represent the entire study body.

“That is concerning to me because as principal I want to make sure all voices are heard from all backgrounds,” Van Haren said."

I love that diversity essentially means "less white." That is always the context it is put in. No one ever goes around and says "this place is too black" or "this is too Asian." It's always injecting of white guilt and demonizing one group to promote the other due to their color/religion. Total hypocrisy.

Since progs hate whites so much, you know what this country would look like without whites? A third world shithole .
I love that diversity essentially means "less white." That is always the context it is put in. No one ever goes around and says "this place is too black" or "this is too Asian." It's always injecting of white guilt and demonizing one group to promote the other due to their color/religion. Total hypocrisy.

Since progs hate whites so much, you know what this country would look like without whites? A third world shithole .

The GOP is always hearing about their demographic problem. I'd argue the progressives have a far worse demographic problem. It won't be long until the Hispanics look around and tell the progressive whites that they're no longer in charge.
The GOP is always hearing about their demographic problem. I'd argue the progressives have a far worse demographic problem. It won't be long until the Hispanics look around and tell the progressive whites that they're no longer in charge.

Ideologues will do that. They also, exploit and use non-whites to further their agenda and control. Why the majority have not caught on to this is beyond me. I guess our society is painfully dumbed down. The thing is, like you mentioned, is one day because they sold our country down the river, it will catch up and the ideology of lily white progressives will be treated with much hostility as it is in the majority of the world .
I love that diversity essentially means "less white." That is always the context it is put in. No one ever goes around and says "this place is too black" or "this is too Asian." It's always injecting of white guilt and demonizing one group to promote the other due to their color/religion. Total hypocrisy.

Since progs hate whites so much, you know what this country would look like without whites? A third world shithole .

The GOP is always hearing about their demographic problem. I'd argue the progressives have a far worse demographic problem. It won't be long until the Hispanics look around and tell the progressive whites that they're no longer in charge.

I really don't get this "they're out to get white people" mentality that's been building.
I really don't get this "they're out to get white people" mentality that's been building.

How so? Diversity and multiculturalism is always pushed on just white majority countries. If someone is referencing that they need more "diversity" it's in reference to someone not white. Mojo posted an article with a middle school not allowing the winner of an election to be revealed because they were white and it wasn't a "diverse" choice.

There is a constant promotion of "white guilt" taught on college campuses and in the media. It's pretty ridiculous at this point especially the media/political narrative when it comes to reporting of crime. Black criminal dies or someone non-white or non- gay is slighted, protests erupt. The social warriors come out of the woodwork and race is mentioned ad nauseum. Someone that is white gets attacked, NO MENTION OF RACE AT ALL by the MSM. No protests…no one says anything out of fear of being labeled a racist.

In one of my journalism courses, our professor often shares stories of cops killing black criminals or some type of perceived racism towards blacks is ALWAYS brought up. However, nothing that shows anyone non-white in a negative light is ever mentioned.

It is seriously as if white progressives are like Jesse Spano in that episode of Saved by the Bell where she follows Lisa around and apologizes and grovel to her because her ancestors owned slaves.

Why this is down is up for debate. Could be to divide races and portray the Dems as the saviors to "minorities" since that party is amazing at pushing a victim mentality on everyone. Everyone thinks they're being oppressed by the evil white man..sorry, evil conservative white man.
I'm 100 percent convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that one day all of us will have the truth completely revealed to us. All lies and deception will be exposed. It's something everyone who has ever existed is entitled to.
How so? Diversity and multiculturalism is always pushed on just white majority countries. If someone is referencing that they need more "diversity" it's in reference to someone not white. Mojo posted an article with a middle school not allowing the winner of an election to be revealed because they were white and it wasn't a "diverse" choice.

There is a constant promotion of "white guilt" taught on college campuses and in the media. It's pretty ridiculous at this point especially the media/political narrative when it comes to reporting of crime. Black criminal dies or someone non-white or non- gay is slighted, protests erupt. The social warriors come out of the woodwork and race is mentioned ad nauseum. Someone that is white gets attacked, NO MENTION OF RACE AT ALL by the MSM. No protests…no one says anything out of fear of being labeled a racist.

In one of my journalism courses, our professor often shares stories of cops killing black criminals or some type of perceived racism towards blacks is ALWAYS brought up. However, nothing that shows anyone non-white in a negative light is ever mentioned.

It is seriously as if white progressives are like Jesse Spano in that episode of Saved by the Bell where she follows Lisa around and apologizes and grovel to her because her ancestors owned slaves.

Why this is down is up for debate. Could be to divide races and portray the Dems as the saviors to "minorities" since that party is amazing at pushing a victim mentality on everyone. Everyone thinks they're being oppressed by the evil white man..sorry, evil conservative white man.
Well I just don't think whites have it so bad that I feel the need to complain about it on a message board.

Now what happened down in Waco is another thing. 9 white bikers were killed by a bunch of white cops in that Twin Peaks restaurant and 177 arrested in what has been described as an overreaction by the cops, and the story has just died on the vine. If the victims had been black bikers Jessie Jackson would have made sure no one forgot about it. That's why advocates are necessary, so no one forgets when things like this happen. If the bikers had a "Jethro Jackson" speaking out on their behalf we might be getting some answers, maybe the FBI would be involved, instead of letting the good old boy Waco Tx. jurisdiction stonewall everyone. If you want to complain about that I'll be with you.
I'm 100 percent convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that one day all of us will have the truth completely revealed to us. All lies and deception will be exposed. It's something everyone who has ever existed is entitled to.

Sure it will, but most people don't want to hear the truth, especially if it requires them to make significant changes in their lives or viewpoints.
Best news for Repubs: Biden out.

Biden says Dems should not only defend on the Obama track record, but should run on it.

I laughed out loud.
Listening to Biden makes me wonder if he's been the VP of some other POTUS; its literally laughable listening to him talk about compromise.
Clock boy and his family are moving to Qatar.

This little shit played everyone and the press bought it and made this little douche into a celebrity.

It's beyond obvious. he didn't build anything and was a known troublemaker. This was him and his dad orchestrating the whole thing.
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This little shit played everyone and the press bought it and made this little douche into a celebrity.

It's beyond obvious. Little effer didn't build anything and was a known troublemaker. This was him and his dad orchestrating the whole thing.
At least he got to say goodbye to President Obama.
Biden says Dems should not only defend on the Obama track record, but should run on it.
If you are already cool with your candidate being under FBI investigation and an abject failure as SoS, what is the big deal about running on a false track record? Just win baby...
If the Dems win this election, just say goodbye to America because we we will be so radicalized by progressives that there will be no coming back.
Biden dropping out should sew this up for the Repubs.

I think Trump winning the nomination would end up effing the Republicans. But I'd still take him over Bush. Bush absolutely CANNOT WIN THIS THING! He is the last guy any of us should want.
Biden dropping out should sew this up for the Repubs.

I don't think it matters.

Heisman is right. Repubs won't get the electoral votes with the current candidates. The best bet is Paul first, but Americans don't really want gov't reform, they want ssocial reform. That's all that matters to Repubs and Dems. Social affairs.

The only person that I could see maybe getting the electoral votes for the Repubs is Trump. If it's not Trump or Paul, this ass kicking will look worse than Romney.

I don't support Trump, but he may be enough to get the votes. Any Repub who thinks otherwise is in pure denial.
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If you are already cool with your candidate being under FBI investigation and an abject failure as SoS, what is the big deal about running on a false track record? Just win baby...

Exactly. Dems arent exactly known for their truthfulness on the campaign trail.