How will they rule ??!

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There will be no civil war. People don't give a shit as much as the TV makes you think with all these organized protest.

Everyday I see people of all races and beliefs and I swear to god none of us give a shit about all this BS. I havent't once seen a real "hateful" situation and I do see plenty of respect from all people for different people everyday.

The idea of a civil war only exist if you watch too much TV and I promise those uppity nancies wouldn't fight an ant!
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Not a chance in hell Trump said that for 'misdirection'

He wouldn't have said it if there was no proof that it happened.
I've also never seen this divide within the media before either. I mean there has always been a bias, but the left news simply will not stop bashing and refuses to report anything bad about their own. Meanwhile the right news people are just as bad vice versa just to match their opponents.
Do not see a Civil War anytime soon. Very small portion of folks would fight it. Most could care less. Now, take their entitlements away and who knows.

The Civil War we will see has just started inside Washington DC.
There will be no civil war. People don't give a shit as much as the TV makes you think with all these organized protest.

Everyday I see people of all races and beliefs and I swear to god none of us give a shit about all this BS. I havent't once seen a real "hateful" situation and I do see plenty of respect from all people for different people everyday.

The idea of a civil war only exist if you watch too much TV and I promise those uppity nancies wouldn't fight an ant!

Well not in normal towns but there is always the Berzerkly, Ca
So the marching order is, "Trump provided no evidence for his claims."

Just laughable how ****ing one sided the media is.

"Provided no evidence of his claim"

10 seconds later "Meanwhile Russia hacked the election, here's the Russian dossier, oh here's these women that were sexually assaulted."
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Go look at Rand Paul's twitter. He's calling out the republican healthcare plan that nobody is allowed to read. But, Politico claims to have copy of it.

Trump better handle that shit. He better not let these Dem's in Rep clothing repeal govt healthcare just so they can put their name on govt healthcare.

Politico leaks this before Rand and real americans see the plan we need to step up the pressure on Ryan. He is a snake.
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What's Trump stand on that? I don't know. Is he with repealing govt healthcare just to turn around and create another govt healthcare plan? If so, he's a fn snake, too. I can't and won't believe that's the case, but if that were to somehow, a lot of voters are going to lose all hope.
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So you're saying no govt healthcare plan will exist if trump can help it?

Apparently cuck rino establishment GOP have a version they are submitting. Highly suspicious and doing it without Trump. They are hiding it from any Trump supporting politician
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Go look at Rand Paul's twitter. He's calling out the republican healthcare plan that nobody is allowed to read. But, Politico claims to have copy of it.

Trump better handle that shit. He better not let these Dem's in Rep clothing repeal govt healthcare just so they can put their name on govt healthcare.

Rand is correct in this position. It isn't just about him having a version he likes. It is the simple fact if they are in fact trying to keep a lid on this thing and force it through then what is the difference from what Obama did.

Beside that, anyone attacking Rand needs to reevaluate their perspective on politics! Good luck proving possibly the best politician in the WH is some democrat jack wagon.
Remember Paul Ryan wouldn't even get on stage with trump during the election. No doubt he's playing both sides of the street.

There's already an airtight case with irrefutable evidence that he knowingly violated national security protocols by using a dummy email account to communicate with Killary. That is a crime in and of itself.

True but it's an entirely different case
This is a Canadian government video that the taxpayers essentially funded. It's bragging about white genocide and not having any whites by the year 3,000 through race mixing.

Came out in December but just wanted to show how insane they have become and it lends credence to what many of us have been saying about white people being targeted.

The real question is why are they trying to turn us against each other?
I don't know what you mean when you say "nobody cares enough to fight a civil war" . . . millions of women in pussy hats walking around, thousands of "muslim ban" protesters, and then the Trump voters who are all just tired of being pissed on. BLM will also get involved when you sully the name of Obama. If Russia was really powerful enough to steal our election (lol), why wouldn't they try to instigate? What if one of the 15 bubbles burst and our economy turns to shit again?

I was born in the 80s, and this is the most I've ever seen people care. Today a sitting president accused a former president of spying on his campaign. WTF? Civil War II is definitely not inevitable, but it wouldn't be hard to fill a history book with justifications if it happens.