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Trump on tweet spree



I just wanna know, when do we start to see these mfers pay? I know it's early, but I need to see Clintons/Obamas pay for this shit. I'm just afraid we are still so corrupt as a whole, one Trump can't make it happen.
Agree with all points above

and Kooky- It's not the Clinton Foundation that you should be worried about it. It's the "newly-about-to-be-constructed" Obama Foundation that is next in line. That's the one to be worried about

Oh it's happening, been happening, and there is no telling the type of influence and control they have bc of their connection to Oprah.

Still, the craziest shit I've seen is that Snowden stuff. Because that was something that actually made it to the big MSM, and people didn't give a shit. People by and large won't really believe anything unless it hits the ABC/NBC nightly news. That's stuff did and it still alarm people. What it does take? Nobody will give a shit Obama hacked Trump, or whatever. Ho hum. In fact, why wouldn't he hack Hitler??!!

I just need our govt to do something, to officially stand up and prosecute somebody for this Clinton/Obama/whoever shit. To restore my faith in the country, because I don't believe it can happen, tbh. Not after all the shit they've gotten away with. I think most republican and Dems would work very hard to ensure their worldly leaders aren't hurt.
May not have been legal Cosby.....and an incredibly terrible precedent even if it was.
I didn't think it was possible for me to hate Obama even more. But then this morning happened.

Worst President ever and possibly the worst human being ever in American politics. This guy makes King George almost seem likable.
If I was Trump, I'd send every single one of those bastards to fill the empty cells at Guantanamo.

I can't even imagine the size of the justice boner I'd get if Obama was sent to Guantanamo, and there weren't enough prisoners left to even play a game of 2 on 2 basketball. He'd have a nice soccer field to walk around on though.
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Years of corruption in Washington may be approaching its judgement day. Critical moment in our country's history.
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Even assuming the allegations are true. Everyone does realize no one is going to talk about this, correct? There will be no consequences for anyone.

It's fun to fantasize about on a Saturday morning, but as with everything a politician on the left does, there will be no consequences.
Was Paul Ryan in on this??? Can't stand that Obama f-boi.

Even assuming the allegations are true. Everyone does realize no one is going to talk about this, correct? There will be no consequences for anyone.

It's fun to fantasize about on a Saturday morning, but as with everything a politician on the left does, there will be no consequences.

The entire country should vote every Dem. out of office for supporting the past criminals in the WH. To say Obama is the worst President in history is an understatement of all time. The Clintons, Obama, and that entire pile of sh@t in their group should all be in prison.

God works in mysterious ways and Trump and Sessions will be the wrath of God. Drain the swamp
Damn, this is just beyond belief. A sitting President..with direct access to hordes of information..claiming his predecessor wire tapped his phones. Cannot imagine that Trump would have done something so bold without iron clad proof. This isn't a cheap shot fired at a celebrity, this is against an individual who was President only weeks ago.

Gonna be a wild ride....


Proof? He don't need any stinkin' proof. Trump said it, that's all most his lapdogs need to know.

Ties to the Russians? Where's the proof? Won't believe it without proof and even if proof is given we will all know that it will be lies.
"so many" . . . that's quite a feeling you have, but whatever. And you know what? After 8 long years of conditioning? Those people f'ked up our world with Obama blank checks. We are totally okay if they get the feeling that this is f'king up theirs. Totally okay.
I rest my case.
[laughing] CNN and MSNBC scuffling to keep their Rooskie narrative when the POTUS just dropped that the former POTUS surveilled him.

Btw, CNN analyst just said if Obama tapped Trump it was to make sure there was no funny business......there's your angle of defense, folks. Write that down.

You can actually see a nugget of that in Trumps tweet "they found nothing"......he's 100% correct, had they found something it would have been leaked already, stone cold lock.

Very reasonable explanation for the whole thing imo.
[laughing] CNN and MSNBC scuffling to keep their Rooskie narrative when the POTUS just dropped that the former POTUS surveilled him.

Btw, CNN analyst just said if Obama tapped Trump it was to make sure there was no funny business......there's your angle of defense, folks. Write that down.

You can actually see a nugget of that in Trumps tweet "they found nothing"......he's 100% correct, had they found something it would have been leaked already, stone cold lock.

Very reasonable explanation for the whole thing imo.

Well then I guess hopefully Trump wiretaps everyone in the media to make sure there's no funny business. I'm sure they'll be cool with that.
Proof? He don't need any stinkin' proof. Trump said it, that's all most his lapdogs need to know.

Ties to the Russians? Where's the proof? Won't believe it without proof and even if proof is given we will all know that it will be lies.
We have had proof over and over again about the listening in on Americans from the Obama admin and Trump is an American. How more wrong can you be? Don't answer that, you would not tell the truth anyway. Your truths are Hillary and Obama level info. You did not know it happened until you saw it on CNN and, "What difference at this point does it make!" with a little Harry Reid response after the lies had their effect, "Well it worked didn't it?"
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Once again, assuming all this is true...

Do we ever reach a tipping point for the media where they decide principle is better than politics? I know they hate Trump, but surely there has to be a point where enough is enough.

Although as I type this it dawns on me Obama was wiretapping journalists and they were still his lap dogs.
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Once again, assuming all this is true...

Do we ever reach a tipping point for the media where they decide principle is better than politics? I know they hate Trump, but surely there has to be a point where enough is enough.

Although as I type this it dawns on me Obama was wiretapping journalists and they were still his lap dogs.

Unfortunately I don't think it'll ever get there. If not by now, what would it take?
I've had Fox on for a little bit and they had a guest on saying Obama could be indicted for this. Fox is covering it very well.
There's no middle ground with dems. RUsh is so dead on. You DO NOT play nice with these people. It does not earn you good grace from them. The media will not take into consideration and hate us any less. If Obama orchestrated this he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Then hilar
Unfortunately I don't think it'll ever get there. If not by now, what would it take?
if this is not prosecuted then the US a government will always be a complete farce. It's very sad.
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You DO NOT play nice with these people. It does not earn you good grace with them
- This is the truth. The last major national R figures GHWB, GWB, McCain, Romney were honorable men but pussies and got run over like varmits on I-65. Fight to win. Don't be a pussy. Thankfully that's over.

- The secondary point of this morning (after disclosing he was surveilled) is a warning shot across the bow for Obama/Obama deep state folks to sit down and stfu. Holder already stated Obama is getting situated to make his public and active return in an unpredictable manner to the political stage.

- Trump using the term "sacred rite of the election" is pure unadulterated genius......the lengths the media has gone to claim the election was tampered with puts them on the spot due to the "seriousness of the charge" for the precious process.

- Going bananas over every move of the fatass Russian ambassador is hilarious in its own right.....he's the ****ing ambassador, he lives in DC and meets with everyone under the sun. I mean, CNN lit up Jared Kushner for a 10 minute meeting with the lardass in December AFTER the election....Kushner has "met" with what, 100,00 some-odd people during and after the election?
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... an opposition that will always be more grounded in thought and more occupied with responsibilities and legitimate ambition.
This from the party that brought us Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, and now Donald Trump.

The same ones that have declared war on science and now run a propaganda ministry right now out of the White House that would be the envy of Joseph Goebbels.
Obama wire tapped Trump.

Uh oh.

Bury your heads lefties.
The crooked sonofabitch belongs in prison.

It's time for Trump and Sessions to take off the gloves. Trying to give these Leftists a pass will only embolden them. It's crystal clear laws have been broken. Why hasn't a special prosecutor been named for Killary yet? Take her fat ass off the board!

Don't understand why Trump hasn't already fired every Obama appointee. Should've happened first day.
This from the party that brought us Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, and now Donald Trump.

The same ones that have declared war on science and now run a propaganda ministry right now out of the White House that would be the envy of Joseph Goebbels.
If the allegations of Obama wiretapping Trump are true, anyone that thinks that is was okay will be on the wrong side of history.