How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So did everyone enjoy who was caught in this latest crackdown on Russian shills? Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson. All three are linked constantly in this thread. Y'all have been eating Russian propaganda straight from the trough for years while claiming the left is brainwashed. Hilarious.
So if you have a company and that shows up to apply for a customer facing'd hire that?

If you're selling tattoos and piercings, sure. If you want anyone to take your company or product seriously, it's not likely that 80% or more would hire someone that willfully negligent of their appearance.

It's hilarious how people think choices they know will not be accepted by most employers should somehow be ignored by the same simply because someone made them. As if they should be rewarded for telling the world to FO...
Now that we have Putin, Neo Nazi Fuentes, David Duke, Iran, Satan, and Hitler’s ghost endorsing Kamala. The evil is about set.

Crazy the amount awful people supporting Kamala. John Wayne Gacy would support her too. He was a Democrat.

Ah, thank you. I thought I had heard that right.
Do you know the specifics of the situation? It's all Arizona residents who obtained drivers licenses before October 1996. They're mostly old people, who'll probably vote Republican. No questions about citizenship, just recorded status. You want to exclude them?

Yes, if they don't have the proper documents.

This is not hard, commie boy.

It's not partisan.

Regardless of what half of the loons that think it is. (Like yourself)
It should be fine to. It only isn't now because society frowns on tattoos, a big bad scary taboo, so that person will be subjected to those stigmas by the customers and be avoided because of them. It's gross behavior. But we just allow it because it's 'normal' to us. Sad.

No, it's more that a stigma does currently exist, and if you have such poor decision making skills how can you possibly be expected to be a good worker bee? (Like yourself) 👍
California has 33 million acres of forest and 20 million acres of brush. How do you propose they pay for 100's of thousands of people to constantly clear out the ground? Forest fire is a good thing, it's nature's way of clearing out the crap and fertilizing the soil. Humans are just dumb and think they can live in a natural fire trap. It's the same concept for idiots that live on the coast or a river with land below the water table. Play stupid games with nature, get predictable results. You either wipe out the forest and kill the earth or move your stupid asses away from the forest.
Job security, Cali style.


Reading this headline and first paragraph, it does everything it can to push the reader to conclude this is another mass shooter for which common sense gun laws must ne enacted to stop

Read the actual story closely. Multiple shooters, targeting specific individuals at a "nightlife" location that just happen to catch other people in the crossfire.


And she waa still awful. Zero doubt she had those debate questions and rehearsed for weeks to be that smooth on that stage. Hell probably had a communication device too of some sort. That was by far best she ever looked.
Your mom’s cooterhole. It’s widely available and broadly shared with each according to their need. No but seriously, every modern economy is a mixed economy. You have socialism to thank for much of our modern way of life. You don’t want to live in laissez-faire capitalism with toxic waste dumped in your backyard any more than those in previous centuries did.
Just got my informational ballot from Florida. On the ballot is an amendment to the state constitution that prohibits the state from making any law that prohibits abortions after viability except for the usual exceptions. Does NOT define when viability occurs. I'm sure I'll be labeled a RINO but I'm voting for it. 6 weeks is way too stringent, imo. From both a personal and political side, I'm in favor of some reasonable restrictions but not an all-out ban. I get the moral choice but you could also ban alcohol and cigarettes on moral grounds, too. Or porn and gentlemen's clubs. Not the same thing, I know, but less state control, in general, is preferable to more state control. Common sense says the time restrictions on abortion should be exactly the same as when the state can prosecute a murderer for 2 offenses in the case of the victim being pregnant and I'm positive not a single state defines that as 6 weeks.

Having just moved to the state, I did not know this was on the ballot.