How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just got my informational ballot from Florida. On the ballot is an amendment to the state constitution that prohibits the state from making any law that prohibits abortions after viability except for the usual exceptions. Does NOT define when viability occurs. I'm sure I'll be labeled a RINO but I'm voting for it. 6 weeks is way too stringent, imo. From both a personal and political side, I'm in favor of some reasonable restrictions but not an all-out ban. I get the moral choice but you could also ban alcohol and cigarettes on moral grounds, too. Or porn and gentlemen's clubs. Not the same thing, I know, but less state control, in general, is preferable to more state control. Common sense says the time restrictions on abortion should be exactly the same as when the state can prosecute a murderer for 2 offenses in the case of the victim being pregnant and I'm positive not a single state defines that as 6 weeks.

Having just moved to the state, I did not know this was on the ballot.

Reading this headline and first paragraph, it does everything it can to push the reader to conclude this is another mass shooter for which common sense gun laws must ne enacted to stop

Read the actual story closely. Multiple shooters, targeting specific individuals at a "nightlife" location that just happen to catch other people in the crossfire.


And she waa still awful. Zero doubt she had those debate questions and rehearsed for weeks to be that smooth on that stage. Hell probably had a communication device too of some sort. That was by far best she ever looked.

funny how there’s no mention of the mass shooting this weekend in chicago—or every weekend in chicago

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It should be fine to. It only isn't now because society frowns on tattoos, a big bad scary taboo, so that person will be subjected to those stigmas by the customers and be avoided because of them. It's gross behavior. But we just allow it because it's 'normal' to us. Sad.
Society doesn’t frown on tattoos, it’s the visible satanic or otherwise offensive graphics that employers frown upon because they choose not to alienate half their customer base.
If you're selling tattoos and piercings, sure. If you want anyone to take your company or product seriously, it's not likely that 80% or more would hire someone that willfully negligent of their appearance.

It's hilarious how people think choices they know will not be accepted by most employers should somehow be ignored by the same simply because someone made them. As if they should be rewarded for telling the world to FO...
If you’re covered in face and body tattoos, you’ve basically relegated yourself to working in a tattoo shop, bar atmosphere, etc. Maybe in the tech industry where personal interactions are limited. I don’t condemn them for making that choice, but they have to understand they’ve narrowed their employment opportunities.
We should tax the F out of tattoo parlors who give tattoos on people's faces. Why? Because when somebody gets a tat on their face their earning potential takes a nosedive and they soon become a ward of the state.
OT....watched a medical video the other day. Have been a number of studies lately that show that there is a 21% higher chance of someone with tattoos getting lymphoma than without.

Study Finds That Tattoos Can Increase Your Risk of Lymphoma (OnlyMyHealth)
Getting a Tattoo Puts You At Higher Risk of Cancer, Claims Study (NDTV)
Inky waters: Tattoos increase risk of lymphoma by over 20%, study says (
Shocking study reveals tattoos may increase risk of lymphoma by 20% (Fox News)
Why do we engage with the lefties on here, other than to ridicule them? Does anyone think we're going to "convert" them to not being insane?

Just curious.
Good question. I feel your pain; however, conversion out of the question. Let's try "positively influence". Similar to chipping away at a large boulder.

My firm belief is we should engage the other side. Cleverly. Smartly. Makes for interesting conversation. If not, then we're doomed to pages and pages and pages filled with little more than Twitter spam, complimented by an occasional comment or two. Posting a couple tweets = perfectly fine. Highly encouraged. Unfortunately, some posters abuse the opportunity.
If you’re covered in face and body tattoos, you’ve basically relegated yourself to working in a tattoo shop, bar atmosphere, etc. Maybe in the tech industry where personal interactions are limited. I don’t condemn them for making that choice, but they have to understand they’ve narrowed their employment opportunities.

True. Never seen anyone working at the bank, Costco, hospital etc. with face tattoos
They don't want to limit things for themselves of course. They mean they want those things rationed for everyone else.

These Ivy league graduates are the people democrat administrations will be putting in places like the State Dept, department of energy, DOJ, etc. in 15-20 years.

That means 11% of Ivy League graduates are indifferent to AGW. Nobody has high expectations of the moneyed class. Holding onto their $$ is why they have lots of it.

So, whatever it is that AGW has in store for the planet, we're going to get it full on. We're addicted to having the Pennsylvanian Era do most of our work for us.

There was a story on the web the other day that showed the ocean taking some beach houses on the Outer Banks. A few years ago, Florida had to build a low sea wall along the Atlantic to counter Sunny Day Flooding.

So, we can't say we haven't been warned.


Sunny Day Flooding in Florida. No rain. Just high tide.


Ocean eating beach houses. Rodanthe, NC

I think this kind of stuff is a sideshow. The big thing with AGW has always been food. I remember 15-20 years ago, 3 of the big 4 wheat producers in the world basically lost their wheat crop due to heat & drought. Sure, there's going to be sea level rise, but that's just window dressing. Hunger moves lots of people around and we all know how much we love people moving around.
OT....watched a medical video the other day. Have been a number of studies lately that show that there is a 21% higher chance of someone with tattoos getting lymphoma than without.

Study Finds That Tattoos Can Increase Your Risk of Lymphoma (OnlyMyHealth)
Getting a Tattoo Puts You At Higher Risk of Cancer, Claims Study (NDTV)
Inky waters: Tattoos increase risk of lymphoma by over 20%, study says (
Shocking study reveals tattoos may increase risk of lymphoma by 20% (Fox News)

I wish that study said it increases your chance by 20000%, but then it turns out that the study was actually flawed (because I don't want people to get lymphoma), but that sticks in people's mind and they don't get tattoos.
Society doesn’t frown on tattoos, it’s the visible satanic or otherwise offensive graphics that employers frown upon because they choose not to alienate half their customer base.
I find crosses offensive. I still buy things at stores wear people are wearing them. Just immature behavior from everyone involved. Suck it up. The customer is not always right, they're stupid and rude. We need to change our entire business culture. The workers are the ones there toiling. The customer is just indulging themselves by buying something they want.
I find crosses offensive. I still buy things at stores wear people are wearing them. Just immature behavior from everyone involved. Suck it up. The customer is not always right, they're stupid and rude. We need to change our entire business culture. The workers are the ones they’re toiling. The customer is just indulging themselves by buying something they want.
If you find crosses offensive you’re in a super minority and businesses don’t give a shit if you or your ilk shop there anyway. I think you’re a bright young guy, but you really need to grow up.
i forgot this guy’s still the president. obviously so did he

I mean they haven't even thought about using the 25th because they don't want to be able to blame Kamala for what's going on.
i can’t decide if fetterman has come full circle or if he’s just going around in circles.
he’s obviously making lot’s of lib’s heads explode so that’s a good thing

Crap like that is elected???... Ole Vindman is running for congress too. A soldier who should have been on the fatboy program at the least and in prison at the worst... But, send him some dough... :rolleyes:

United States prisons need serious upgrading and "new" inmate policies...
I find crosses offensive. I still buy things at stores wear people are wearing them. Just immature behavior from everyone involved. Suck it up. The customer is not always right, they're stupid and rude. We need to change our entire business culture. The workers are the ones there toiling. The customer is just indulging themselves by buying something they want.
No offense...

That means 11% of Ivy League graduates are indifferent to AGW. Nobody has high expectations of the moneyed class. Holding onto their $$ is why they have lots of it.

So, whatever it is that AGW has in store for the planet, we're going to get it full on. We're addicted to having the Pennsylvanian Era do most of our work for us.

There was a story on the web the other day that showed the ocean taking some beach houses on the Outer Banks. A few years ago, Florida had to build a low sea wall along the Atlantic to counter Sunny Day Flooding.

So, we can't say we haven't been w

Oh wow! The outer Banks are eroding. Shocked.

Here's an idea, do not build on an ecologically unsound area.
That’s a special brand of crazy right there!

Women like that though would as quickly pull a knife and stick you with it multiple times in intense anger and rage at the drop of a hat as cry a flood of tears and act pitifully and crying as if defenseless, as she is doing. (I have seen them from afar...) They need to be in a restrained environment...
If you’re covered in face and body tattoos, you’ve basically relegated yourself to working in a tattoo shop, bar atmosphere, etc. Maybe in the tech industry where personal interactions are limited. I don’t condemn them for making that choice, but they have to understand they’ve narrowed their employment opportunities.


IF they want to deal with the consequences of their decisions, I've got no problem with it. In fact, it can look pretty good on the right person, even if they might look better without any of it. I support their decisions and the right to those decisions.

I don't support their whining about it afterward. Too many people do support them, and therein lies the problem.

One of the stores Target closed was its Harlem store. I lived near the Target a little north on the Bronx Red Line. It was like 231st and Broadway iirc.. and that one was absolute bedlam. So I can't imagine what Harlem's location was like. If you've ever been to a grocery store, box store or pharmacy in the hood, you know just how drastically different and worse it is. Literally danger zones. Our liquor stores BACK in 2005 when things were good, had bulletproof glass counters and you'd get the booze in a turnstile. Most of this country just has no idea what inner city living is like, especially blue democrats from the safety of their homes, miles away.

Recent article came out saying how all these stores CEOs have seen a drop in theft over the last year and they are speculating why.

Lmfao, maybe it's closing stores like the Harlem location and locking up anything worth more than $10.
That’s a special brand of crazy right there!

So accurate.

I ran into a woman like that a couple years ago. She was eating her lunch at a state park on sheltered picnic tables and I was about 75 ft away with two dogs. I was about 10 ft from being in the woods. She started yelling at the top of her lungs that my dogs were too close to her while she was eating. I said something that rhymed with Buck you witch and kept going by. She started calling 911 or some stupid stuff and then went to take pictures of my license plates. Where do these psychos come from?