How will they rule ??!

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No, they wouldn’t. They’d prefer not being taxed vs. being taxed, obviously. But that isn’t the contention. I’ve had many, many long conversations on this topic over the years and almost everyone would rather be paid flat what they’re worth rather than have to live on the kindness of your customers that day. How many shifts do people pull where they give the exact same quality of service they do every day, yet walk away with hardly anything because their customers just happened to be dicks that day? Look at Sundays, nobody wants to work it, you can never get it covered. Why? Because church crowds are the worst tippers. They already gave that day and won’t do more. Every shift you pull shitty customers eats into your total, you can make $15/hr one shift and $5/hr the next and it’ll still average out to over the $7.25 min wage. When was the last time you tipped MORE than the expected 20%? It’s few and far between, nothing the average worker sees regularly.

“Dude, yeah, sure, whatever. I’d rather just pay taxes or whatever you want. I need to get to this other table.”
Oh the restaurant industry where there's at least four couples hooking up within the restaurant, everyone goes to the bar to blow their tips after work or to a co-workers home to get high and hookup.

The movie Waiting is so accurate.
What a fascist prick you are. People screwing and getting high, oh no! The horror! People enjoying their lives! Get 'em!
Of COURSE they don't. I don't know who these imaginary servers are that dion is talking to, but he's dead wrong on this.
One double-edged sword. The dudes who got bartending jobs at places like Two Keys made like $400 a weekend night. I remember going back to Lex when I was 28 and saw a guy who was my age still bartending there. He basically said it was too lucrative to leave when he was 22. But the problem was there was no long-term growth path.
This is a funny story. I've said on here before that I didn't know anyone that is MAGA (whatever that actually is) but at the Ice Cube concert Saturday, I saw my first MAGA hat in the wild, true story. In fact, I saw THREE of them. And all three of them were being worn by black men. 😆 😆 😆 😆 100 percent accurate. Not making it up.

Same here. I saw a pickup truck in another state that had a Trump flag once. I've maybe seen a maga or Trump hat maybe 3 or 4 times, and a hot woman wearing a Trump bikini, but besides that, don't see a lot of advertising of political alliance by conservatives.

Staunch liberals all over the place, however, have had everything political in some form of print on either their bodies or clothing.

Conservatives I know don't treat them different, but liberals clearly make judgments and show bigotry with or without knowing anything about people. Had liberal friends that spoke ill of everyone conservative as being "evil" and/or "mean" in my presence in spite of all of the things I and other conservatives had done for them. They're ABSOLUTELY UNTETHERED to reality
No, they wouldn’t. They’d prefer not being taxed vs. being taxed, obviously. But that isn’t the contention. I’ve had many, many long conversations on this topic over the years and almost everyone would rather be paid flat what they’re worth rather than have to live on the kindness of your customers that day. How many shifts do people pull where they give the exact same quality of service they do every day, yet walk away with hardly anything because their customers just happened to be dicks that day? Look at Sundays, nobody wants to work it, you can never get it covered. Why? Because church crowds are the worst tippers. They already gave that day and won’t do more. Every shift you pull shitty customers eats into your total, you can make $15/hr one shift and $5/hr the next and it’ll still average out to over the $7.25 min wage. When was the last time you tipped MORE than the expected 20%? It’s few and far between, nothing the average worker sees regularly.

Waited my fair share of tables back in the day. You’re right about Sunday lunch shifts but not because “they already gave” that day. Haha It’s because it’s an older clientele in general on Sundays vs Saturday nights. Old folks don’t tip well from my memory. But neither do teens or college age. I could throw out some other demographics that are exceptionally even worse, but I won’t.
This is the problem, you're stuck in dogmatic views and susceptible to propaganda. You cant deflect here. Unless you're claiming donating thru ActBlue and having a biden harris sticker is 4d chess.


Just so we're clear, if something happens to a D it's a Rs fault, if something happens to a R it's bc of that Rs fault.

You're something else man

The guy that claims he was told to pour bleach in his ass, can't seem to put together democrats rhetoric. Guess stuff like this is nothing

Acting like Republicans don't use violent and/or angry rhetoric that incite violence is rich coming from the MAGA party and J6th insurrectionists.
Bomb threats and schools on lockdown in Ohio because of BS fake stories about legal Haitian immigrants....
But because some unhinged mentally ill individuals listen to Trump spew election lies, talk about suspending the Constitution, say he's gonna be a dictator on day one and watched with their own eyes as our Capitol get attacked by Trump's mob......
You are shocked. Shocked I say....that those mentally ill individuals see him as a danger to our Democracy.
Their assessment is correct, but their coping mechanism to deal with it is not acceptable. Voting is the solution.
Mentally ill people with easy access to weapons and a culture of anger fueled by Trump is the problem.... Not Democrats reporting on actual sh** Trump says and does.
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Took the family to The Precinct (one of Ruby's restaurants) last night. I asked the waitress if she was aware of Trump's no tax policy on tips.

She smiled and said "Yeah... it comes up in our staff meetings".

Those are 6 figure jobs: the tax savings would be huge for Ruby's servers.

Fvck you Democrats.
Waited my fair share of tables back in the day. You’re right about Sunday lunch shifts but not because “they already gave” that day. Haha It’s because it’s an older clientele in general on Sundays vs Saturday nights. Old folks don’t tip well from my memory. But neither do teens or college age. I could throw out some other demographics that are exceptionally even worse, but I won’t.
It isn't age. Plenty of regulars come in for lunch every single Tuesday. They tip. Most fixed income people budget their costs and include tip in that. It's the Christianity.
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Same here. I saw a pickup truck in another state that had a Trump flag once. I've maybe seen a maga or Trump hat maybe 3 or 4 times, and a hot woman wearing a Trump bikini, but besides that, don't see a lot of advertising of political alliance by conservatives.

Staunch liberals all over the place, however, have had everything political in some form of print on either their bodies or clothing.

Conservatives I know don't treat them different, but liberals clearly make judgments and show bigotry with or without knowing anything about people. Had liberal friends that spoke ill of everyone conservative as being "evil" and/or "mean" in my presence in spite of all of the things I and other conservatives had done for them. They're ABSOLUTELY UNTETHERED to reality
No idea where you live but there's a Trump sticker on almost every truck and Trump flags flying from almost every boat in rural KY.
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Everyone is picking the table of liberals over the table of conservatives. Every single person. If you think different you have never worked the service industry in any capacity. Better tips and no sexual harassment.

The party of dopey college kids and minorities is not going to lead the way in tipping, lmfao.
  • Haha
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If this is your response whenever someone tries to talk to you about anything complicated, no wonder you're so shallow.

Not whenever someone talks to me, but certainly would be the response if you tried to talk to me. Obviously I’d never be waiting your table as you tried to talk to me about tax policy, but I would blow right past you if you were holding a sign on the sidewalk as I walked to lunch.

If you stop and talk to every mentally ill person you see, whether just a lefty, or ones that’s begging for change, you’ll have a pretty long day in any medium to large size city in Kamala’s America.
No server is picking the table of liberals. That's just stupid. LOL

Liberals, post church crowd, and black people: This constitutes the worst tippers on the planet group. Like I said Dion, I don't know where YOU worked, but in the real world, EVERYONE knows this. Seriously, do you have ANY real world life experience at ALL? LOL

You SAY you've worked in the industry, and have lived all over the US but I actually HAVE, and your stories don't add up chief. I think you're posing.
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Boomers lead the way in tipping, which naturally means more conservatives (as opposed to if Gen X we're the highest, then it would be liberals). On top of that, minorities are historically bad tippers. Especially, and let's just say it, African Americans. It is what it is, probably nothing to do with skin color, as much as it is that they make less money than Caucasians, and therefore simply have less to tip.. but regardless.. it's white men who tip the most.

If I were you, I would move on from this one immediately and pretend that you never said "Liberals tip better than conservatives"..

Also, I have to question if you ever actually worked in any sort of service industry if you think that's true. That's like Day 1 on the job type of stuff.
Haven’t been on here in several days…..did get the cacklin’ hyena get a big post debate bump after wiping the floor with Trump?

Looks like 538 has Trump closer than before the debate.

the ony bump she got was the one on top of her head, as she climbed back up from underneath the table.

538 is garbage, and even THEY have her losing ground. Why do you think there have been two attempts on his life? They are TERRIFIED.
Worst tip I ever got (where I actually provided good service): church going black women
Best tip I ever got: 30-something black dude on a date

I always thought young libs were good tippers because they're such pussies and were scared to let down a waiter.
Haven’t been on here in several days…..did get the cacklin’ hyena get a big post debate bump after wiping the floor with Trump?

Looks like 538 has Trump closer than before the debate.

Was out with 8 people yesterday for the Sunday games. The debate came up. Fairly mixed group politically. Obviously it's a little more conservative as we're guys and football fans, but 3-4 are liberal.

The two things that pretty much everyone agreed on. 1. Trump didn't do well and lost the debate (the reasons for this were up for debate) and 2. Kamala didn't actually improve or say anything, despite "winning".

As with all the big events that swing polls, such as Trumps 1st assassination attempt and Kamala getting the nod.. the numbers only moved temporarily because of her "winning" the debate, but have leveled off now that everyone's takeaway was "what did she actually say, though?"

Like I said last week, Trump really shouldn't debate her again, and I know many conservatives don't agree with this. It's just going to be another setup, and they can't seem to get anywhere unless Trump hands them something. So let them win on their own. Either debate on Fox, or don't debate at all and see if Kamala can actually garner enough of her own votes to win in November.
Worst tip I ever got (where I actually provided good service): church going black women
Best tip I ever got: 30-something black dude on a date

I always thought young libs were good tippers because they're such pussies and were scared to let down a waiter.
It's a matter of economics and selfishness. They don't have enough money to tip well, but at the same time, going out and having a good time is more important because liberals think in much the same way as prepubescent children do. And if the server gets screwed, so be it. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Bottom line.
It's a mystery how we are producing so many crazies and mentally unfit people:

Definitely a well-adjusted person you want raising kids and teaching kids.

Academia/education is always one of the first things tyrants take over and control.

McCarthy was right. He has been vindicated about American industries being infiltrated by commies.
No server is picking the table of liberals. That's just stupid. LOL

Liberals, post church crowd, and black people: This constitutes the worst tippers on the planet group. Like I said Dion, I don't know where YOU worked, but in the real world, EVERYONE knows this. Seriously, do you have ANY real world life experience at ALL? LOL

You SAY you've worked in the industry, and have lived all over the US but I actually HAVE, and your stories don't add up chief. I think you're posing.
Oh yeah, everyone knows this which is why I know Dion is FOS.

Just like car salesmen don't want to deal with Indians and run like hell when they come near the showroom.
Acting like Republicans don't use violent and/or angry rhetoric that incite violence is rich coming from the MAGA party and J6th insurrectionists.
Bomb threats and schools on lockdown in Ohio because of BS fake stories about legal Haitian immigrants....
But because some unhinged mentally ill individuals listen to Trump spew election lies, talk about suspending the Constitution, say he's gonna be a dictator on day one and watched with their own eyes as our Capitol get attacked by Trump's mob......
You are shocked. Shocked I say....that those mentally ill individuals see him as a danger to our Democracy.
Their assessment is correct, but their coping mechanism to deal with it is not acceptable. Voting is the solution.
Mentally ill people with easy access to weapons and a culture of anger fueled by Trump is the problem.... Not Democrats reporting on actual sh** Trump says and does.