Let’s enforce our rules or update them against this, let’s not just say it’s ok now.You’re joking right? Where was your outrage when…
1) Biden awarded two no-bid contracts to Family Endeavors totaling $600 million for “handling migrants”. At the time of the award the Senior Director of Family Endeavors had strong ties to top Biden officials (who also happened to be holdovers from the Obama administration)
2) The Obama administration awarded a $350 million No-bid contract to Pearson Publishing to develop the Common Core project. When Obama left office he & his wife Mike signed a $65 million book deal with Penguin Random House (Pearson owned a 25% share in Penguin). That’s by far the largest book deal ever…5 times as large as 2nd place. Next closest at the time was $13 million signed by Bill & Hillary Clinton when they left office.
The cover up was in the exit strategy…In 2019, Pearson sold its US K-12 courseware business to the private equity firm Nexus Capital Management, which rebranded it as Savvas Learning Company. Pearson also sold its remaining 25% stake in Penguin Random House to Bertelsmann.
3) During Covid, King Andy awarded two no-bid contracts totaling $14 million to the Grimes family owned company, Emergency Disaster Services, to build two emergency field tents in Lexington & Louisvile.
Total cost = $14 million
Total bids = ZERO
Total number of patients treated at the facilities = ZERO
This is just an appetizer. The list of no-bids is looooooong with both the Biden & Obama administrations if you want me to continue. But the point remains…where was your outrage back then???
We have to get dark money out of our govt.
and the only way to do that is bipartisan legislation.
But if they keep us divided and angry and dismissing any critiques of each other then NOTHING will ever change.