How will they rule ??!

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Oh yeah, everyone knows this which is why I know Dion is FOS.

Just like car salesmen don't want to deal with Indians and run like hell when they come near the showroom.

When I read this, that scene from Best in Show popped into my head. When Ed Begley Jr. said, "I didn't think we'd EVER get the smell of cumin out of the drapes." 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

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No, they wouldn’t. They’d prefer not being taxed vs. being taxed, obviously. But that isn’t the contention. I’ve had many, many long conversations on this topic over the years and almost everyone would rather be paid flat what they’re worth rather than have to live on the kindness of your customers that day. How many shifts do people pull where they give the exact same quality of service they do every day, yet walk away with hardly anything because their customers just happened to be dicks that day? Look at Sundays, nobody wants to work it, you can never get it covered. Why? Because church crowds are the worst tippers. They already gave that day and won’t do more. Every shift you pull shitty customers eats into your total, you can make $15/hr one shift and $5/hr the next and it’ll still average out to over the $7.25 min wage. When was the last time you tipped MORE than the expected 20%? It’s few and far between, nothing the average worker sees regularly.
I actually own a restaurant...with 2 I know a bit about the subject. I do not have any employee earning less than $12/hr. They range from 12 - 15/hr for BOH and FOH. Given the opportunity I would agree that they would prefer the higher hourly wage.

The overtime aspect is likely not going to happen. Margins are too low to schedule for overtime exposure. Tax-free tips are a different thing. There are a lot of shitty tippers and maybe this is because we are "fast-casual." Its also a function of your customer base. We are in what I'd consider...the other side of the tracks. A higher percentage of our customers are from a demo that doesn't tip well period. And the rest are not what you'd find daily in the East end of Louisville.
Of COURSE they don't. I don't know who these imaginary servers are that dion is talking to, but he's dead wrong on this.
I would like to know what a servers incentive is to provide good to great customer service if tipping is eliminated and they are paid a standard wage just like the dishwashers. They are the face of the company, they are the ones tasked with making sure the restaurant has a good name and reputation. Working for tips are what ensure you're getting the best out of those employees rather than them just mailing it in and doing the bare minimum.

Libs tip better...LOLOLOLLLLOL

Mom's neighbor had two kids that I got to know, both were servers at Cracker Barrel and begged to work weekends because they made bank on the Sunday after church crowds.
No server is picking the table of liberals. That's just stupid. LOL

Liberals, post church crowd, and black people: This constitutes the worst tippers on the planet group. Like I said Dion, I don't know where YOU worked, but in the real world, EVERYONE knows this. Seriously, do you have ANY real world life experience at ALL? LOL

You SAY you've worked in the industry, and have lived all over the US but I actually HAVE, and your stories don't add up chief. I think you're posing.
Personal political bias, what I already said, and racial stereotyping. Great list. Totally credible.
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I would hope, given their positions on things, that our resident libs on this board get mugged and attacked by Haitian cat eaters.

But then again, they’d probably say that they had it coming and wish their beating was from a 60 year old white man instead. F’ing rubes.

At some point people have to leave the addict to their drugs and stop bailing them out and making excuses. They have to bottom out before they pull their heads out of their assets.

Same goes for socialists. If they want to destroy the republic from which they benefit, send them to a socialist country to live. It would be cheaper for this country to simply get them a visa and a plane ticket to Venezuela. Don't let them come back for a few years.

Griner sure figured it out in a hurry

Local sheriff wonders if he was part of a conspiracy.

Great. The fbi is investigating the fbi again
3. As a felon crossing state lines in criminal possession of an illegal gun proves intent to commit a violent crime. Pointing it as someone in a public place from a place of concealment confirms that as well. The book is the third strike

If they don't charge him with more than possession and the illegal gun charge, you know it's an agency orchestrated event.
The body count that the left has rung up just in the last 100 years is staggering. They are a death cult. Any surprise that they are responsible for nearly all of the political violence we see....and rhetoric we hear.
Even more astounding: the morphing of communism and Islam means that body count will be staggering in the coming years.

Two death cults, joined together in the democrat party.
This is exactly the narrative the media is pushing. And democrats are running with it.

Unbelievable how mentally ill these sick f**ks are.
As someone who loves history and just has common sense, it is quite a sight to see leftists believe throughout world history that the good guys censor government dissent, hide what people can know (control media and academia-silence on campus and on social media) , try to disarm the public, weaponize the system against opposition, and try to kill the opposing candidate.
Waited my fair share of tables back in the day. You’re right about Sunday lunch shifts but not because “they already gave” that day. Haha It’s because it’s an older clientele in general on Sundays vs Saturday nights. Old folks don’t tip well from my memory. But neither do teens or college age. I could throw out some other demographics that are exceptionally even worse, but I won’t.

I worked as few Sundays waiting tables as possible. Hate to say it, but the church crowds up north were pretty horrible at tipping. You wanted to wait on 30 something professionals or those who had waited tables themselves. Later Sunday shifts were better than 1130-4 in my experience.

A buddy of mine served an entire church group one night. Supposed to be 12 people because of reservation and room capacity. They brought nearly 20. Ordered water. Wanted free stuff. None would order for an hour. All ordered at different times instead of together. Refused to leave at their reserved time. Most didn't tip. The owner of the restaurant had to come in, charge the automatic percentage for large groups, and threaten to have them removed from the restaurant because another reservation was waiting on that room for over 15min at that time. They were so rude he had to tell them that they and their church would not be welcome there again.

Liberals were usually more the dine and dash types, but there are the majority that tip commensurate with the service received. Some people are just horrible tippers.
When I read this, that scene from Best in Show popped into my head. When Ed Begley Jr. said, "I didn't think we'd EVER get the smell of cumin out of the drapes." 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

a family member and their neighbor sold their houses two years ago to indian brothers in chicago, who bought them online without ever seeing them in person, and each paid $35k + over asking price.
anyway, they both put a kitchen stove in their garages. i was told that it’s not uncommon for indians to do that because they use so many strong smelling spices in their cooking that they don’t want their house to be permeated with the scent.
It's a matter of economics and selfishness. They don't have enough money to tip well, but at the same time, going out and having a good time is more important because liberals think in much the same way as prepubescent children do. And if the server gets screwed, so be it. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Bottom line.

That's ALWAYS been my position. If I can't afford to tip you well for good service, my butt isn't in the seat.

Always annoying to see people stiff the wait staff because they can barely afford to pay for the meal. Saw that at Ruth's Cris once, and several other places. Always liberals doing it. If you can't tip, you can't afford the meal.
  • Haha
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