No, they wouldn’t. They’d prefer not being taxed vs. being taxed, obviously. But that isn’t the contention. I’ve had many, many long conversations on this topic over the years and almost everyone would rather be paid flat what they’re worth rather than have to live on the kindness of your customers that day. How many shifts do people pull where they give the exact same quality of service they do every day, yet walk away with hardly anything because their customers just happened to be dicks that day? Look at Sundays, nobody wants to work it, you can never get it covered. Why? Because church crowds are the worst tippers. They already gave that day and won’t do more. Every shift you pull shitty customers eats into your total, you can make $15/hr one shift and $5/hr the next and it’ll still average out to over the $7.25 min wage. When was the last time you tipped MORE than the expected 20%? It’s few and far between, nothing the average worker sees regularly.