I've come to realize that on this site you can post very left wing opinions and as long as everyone agrees with it it just stays up. If you post right wing opinions it usually doesn't make it 2 pages before it gets sent to the Political Thread.Spot on regarding the border bill. Moderators (who obviously didn’t do him many favors) T’d up that question perfectly for him. Trump had the opportunity to let America know why that bill was bad, sure it had many good things in the bill but democrats always make an otherwise good bill is not approvable with something that is not beneficial at all and does more harm than good. He could have knocked that out of the park but instead just took a heater down the middle. Cant e en say he swung and miss as he just rambled on about all the illegal crossings which he had already done so on 2-3 other occasions. If I were his advisor I’d tell him he’s not a lot to debate anymore because he sucks at it. Piss him off, and drill his ass on preparation if he were serious about actual debating. Probably has advisors that are too afraid to stand up to him. Not what he needs, he needs people to push back on him and prepare his Ass. This election is too damn important.