How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I think he did fine considering it was ABC and the moderators were pure ass.

Name 1 friendly Trump moderator since 2016. 1. Name just 1

Yeah I agree with that. I think the other night could have looked a lot different if this was A. No moderators or worse, B. If they favored Trump. We could be looking at very different headlines today.

Now, I still think there's things he could have and should have done differently. Someone should have known on his team that this would he a possibility.

So yeah, this has been happening since 2016 (before actually).. but then that just means Repubs should know its coming. We should have a plan in place to combat it.

If you ask me, this country is too divided to allow human moderators that are anything more than time keepers. Everyone feels a type a way about these candidates. Remove the human element from this, just like anything else that humans prove to be bad at.
I guess this is the new America. Catturd or some other moron "questions" the veracity of something, and therefore the person has to disprove the allegation. This is the consequence of you guys not accepting what the media says about anything. There is no real truth - it is just up to everyone to decide what they believe.

Why would you believe anything she says? Do you disagree with any of these or do you think they've been edited wrong or faked? I can go dig up original long form stuff of most of these.
When she came here, the government was likely not 36 trillion in debt; she very likely didn’t depend on welfare; she fled actual persecution and not plain old poverty (the de facto state of the entire third world); the government didn’t dump 20,000 of her on a small town that had no hope of handling that number.

Your thinking is just plain old wrong: poverty is not something that makes one a refugee, or deserving of protected status. It is something that every nation must defeat on its own.
I think we need to start tying taxes to how you vote. If dude wants to fund Haitian migrants and muslim fundamentalist.... Have at it big boy... Just check the box on your tax form and we'll line that up for you. LOL.

Somehow, I think his opinion would change if it actually affected him personally.
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Spot on regarding the border bill. Moderators (who obviously didn’t do him many favors) T’d up that question perfectly for him. Trump had the opportunity to let America know why that bill was bad, sure it had many good things in the bill but democrats always make an otherwise good bill is not approvable with something that is not beneficial at all and does more harm than good. He could have knocked that out of the park but instead just took a heater down the middle. Cant e en say he swung and miss as he just rambled on about all the illegal crossings which he had already done so on 2-3 other occasions. If I were his advisor I’d tell him he’s not a lot to debate anymore because he sucks at it. Piss him off, and drill his ass on preparation if he were serious about actual debating. Probably has advisors that are too afraid to stand up to him. Not what he needs, he needs people to push back on him and prepare his Ass. This election is too damn important.
I've come to realize that on this site you can post very left wing opinions and as long as everyone agrees with it it just stays up. If you post right wing opinions it usually doesn't make it 2 pages before it gets sent to the Political Thread.
Trump looks even worse now. One debate which Harris won soundly, she immediately put it out there that she wanted and was ready for another debate, and Trump cowers away like a scared child. Now the legacy of that debate will be Harris getting the win and Trump throwing out a conspiracy about pets being eaten in Ohio. Good job, good effort by the Trump team!
It's so awesome when you say something that is immediately refuted by the polls. Most independents went for Trump after the debate. You are like Jim Cramer for politics at this point. You should really just stop trying to troll this thread now because it's become sad.
Okay. But what about Trump now ducking out of another debate with Harris? Most agree she won this week. Doesn't Trump want another crack at it so the lasting impression isn't him taking the bait and ranting about conspiracies he saw "on the tv"?
Most???? But not the undecided voters. "MOST" undecided voters thought Trump won. And that is very bad for your uninformed ass.
So the Trump supporters here don't want to discuss him ducking out of another debate after getting his ass embarrassed this week? Harris wanting another debate was the right call. It allowed Trump to back down and now you guys will need to spin how that's a good decision when a majority agree she just won their first debate. I mean, he clearly lost and now is walking away after days of more whining. Awful, pathetic look for him.
I find it funny how much more you post when you are trying to convince yourself of something. LOL. Ask yourself why she wants another debate so bad if she knocked it out of the park...? Could it be that immigration and the economy are the 2 biggest issues to undecided voters and they all thought Trump won on those 2 issues.... OOPS.
When you say insane shit like pets are being eaten by people in a specific town in America, I'm sorry, but any moderator will question that. If you say that babies, after being born, are being executed by Dems in America, I'm sorry, but any moderator will question that. If you're Trump, STOP SAYING INSANE SHIT.

Kudos for calling him out but again, any moderator isn't going to allow some nutty conspiracy theory 4chan shit to slide as almost 70 million people are watching. He sticks to the issues, he doesn't look as bad.

Just the Democrat Governor of Virginia saying exactly what you say doesn't happen.
How does one "rig" a debate exactly? Did ABC shove the real Trump in a closet backstage and push out an imposter who made bizarre claims involving dogs and cats and actually admitted that he did not have a plan but a concept of one? Please, enlighten us how the debate was rigged and stolen from Donald Trump. Provide proof as well. I recall when I asked for proof about the election being stolen I was instead quoted and called a bunch of names, which of course further let me know it was bullshit.
Kamala's sorority sister was one of the moderators. They gave Kamala the questions in advance. They fact checked Trump repeatedly even falsely on several. They didn't fact check her once even on bold face lies. Are you on the spectrum?
Oh I know. The bullshit is thick here and it's getting tiresome. The actual debate thread on the paddock was great and level-headed because most here stayed out of it lol. For whatever reason it was deleted or sent here and now these posters have latched onto yet another conspiracy, this time involving ABC and the moderators instead of just saying Trump wasn't great the other night. Some here just cannot say that Donald Trump lost a debate. It's honestly stunning how much they latch onto this guy and cannot let go for a second. Hell, just wait until Nov. They might get this whole thread deleted with the nonsense spewed if Trump loses again.
You could always quit posting in here and just go outside and touch grass. Maybe go have a cookout with some neighbors. Quit taking this stuff so serious dude. It shouldn't be your whole life. Try to enjoy this great economy and clean environment.
Oh I know. The bullshit is thick here and it's getting tiresome. The actual debate thread on the paddock was great and level-headed because most here stayed out of it lol. For whatever reason it was deleted or sent here and now these posters have latched onto yet another conspiracy, this time involving ABC and the moderators instead of just saying Trump wasn't great the other night. Some here just cannot say that Donald Trump lost a debate. It's honestly stunning how much they latch onto this guy and cannot let go for a second. Hell, just wait until Nov. They might get this whole thread deleted with the nonsense spewed if Trump loses again.

Oops... Looks like black men don't like Kamala. I guess they are Uncle Toms though right...?
Either here in the political forum or somewhere in the paddock recently I saw where one or two people were saying they wished they had been born earlier like in the 1950s. I have had that same thought before.

When Trump was President, before covid the economy was running really well and the border was more secure than in forever and I remember thinking that I could probably live to be 65 or more before the country would collapse but I still thought however that it was likely in my lifetime. I felt like if I made it that far I shouldn't complain cause as @Creed Bratton said in the office "I already won the lottery. I was born in the US of A baby"

Covid, Biden being put (not elected) in office, the spending and opening up the border to a degree that I don't think most people ever anticipated has changed my view. I really believe that 4 years of Biden has sped up America's demise by 10-15 years, maybe more. Trump has to win for countless reasons, even if all he can do is slow down the damage Dems want to cause...that is better than nothing I guess. Vance and Elon truly need to be in charge of initiatives that require a very disciplined approach.

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Correct, if I'm taking all of her other positions into account. They would cost a lot more than income tax very quickly.

Nothing about color, dion. But you can't help yourself, can you?

Typical leftist. You're nothing special, dude. Dime a dozen.
? There is no way even if every tax she wanted was implemented it would be more on you and the average American than the entire income tax. That's nuts. You're just being a contrarian.

I hope my comment didn't seem rude last night man. I just thought your idea of putting your number on a website might not be a good one haha. Will figure something out was all I was saying.

We will get @augustaky1 on the phone too one day and make fun of him for an hour or so.
I agree, no one needs to be “Speared” by online crazy’s.

Edit: Doxxed might be the correct term. Lol

The first taco is on me. 😁
Bipartisan usually good. Stay tuned.

I feel the exact opposite. If there’s one thing democrats and republicans agree on, it’s do whatever benefits the political class at the expense of the people. When was the last time “bipartisanship” in Washington worked for America?

Trump is setting up a truly bipartisan ticket, and they tried to kill hill because it’s not what they mean when they say “bipartisan”.
Pornography has been a boogeyman of conservatives for literally millennia. Feminists did not create anti-pornography sentiment in the 20th century. You are a moron.
Oh, hell, I've got a damned stalker.

Sorry I hurt your feelings. Now piss off, Señor.
Stop bullying people and I will. Otherwise I guess you can be a whiny little b**** and ignore me. Bullies usually run off when confronted. Deuces.
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I feel the exact opposite. If there’s one thing democrats and republicans agree on, it’s do whatever benefits the political class at the expense of the people. When was the last time “bipartisanship” in Washington worked for America?

Trump is setting up a truly bipartisan ticket, and they tried to kill hill because it’s not what they mean when they say “bipartisan”.

So many of each party bought and paid for by china, ill have to see whats actually in there. At least the gop have some non chinese reps but not enough to kill this if its bad.

Knowing the way it usually works, the bill title will sound tough as nails but the actual law within will be worthless, limiting actions to censor or something without teeth.

Hopefully im wrong.