Hey, Bro, you’ve convinced me, by Damn!!
I don’t call myself a leftist, but I tend to make three left turns to avoid making a right turn whilst driving [but in a conservative fashion].
Those videos you’ve posted are so convincing, so well documented, the only folks who would not be convinced are the same ones who do not fear for their cat when a new Chinese restaurant opens next door [Sweet and Sour Pork, My Ass].
Well, I think one of the your videos was actually a MAGA justifiably killing a transgender cat, but all the rest were obviously ungodly cat-killing-immigrants . . . you could tell they were because they don’t look a damn thing like me . . . the guy, not the cat.
So Power On HeismaNole!!
Keep the Pussy-Poaching-Pressure on, Brother!!
And remember, if this sh!t ain’t brought to an end, the next Pussy that gets eaten might be your own!!