You keep saying really stupid shit. We get it, you’re not bright.
You keep saying really stupid shit. We get it, you’re not bright.
OMG please. Company gets almost as much as I do on bonuses.Now if Trump can get rid of taxes on bonuses, say $20k or less to start with.
You take a joke post and treat it as serious? 😂😂😂No, but y'all do. This is the 'taxation is theft!' thread. It's your wet dream come true.
As we speak, Im sitting on my backyard swing, my german shepherd is laying on my swing with me, and to the left is a loaded glock and ice cold miller lite! Life so far is survivable, but lets hope life with Trump gets it better!
You take a joke post and treat it as serious? 😂😂😂
Dude you have no idea Wish you my friend was here!Sounds pretty awesome to me
I didn't. I disagreed with them immersing them in English at the expense of their native language. You can do both.How can you disagree with another family’s decision to fully assimilate into the American culture of the time? It’s not a right or wrong issue. The post was about their intent to be fully American, not about how they went about it.
Show me a conservative's count of the lies by both candidates. I'm sure your ABC, etc. sources show Trump with more lies so that claim is irrelevant.I do agree the moderators appeared to go a little easier on Kamala but she also didn't blatantly lie as many times as Trump.
She also didn't talk about cooking up pets for dinner. Debate School 101.
If you let him blow you I bet he'll show up.Come see me Stan Got a surprise for you! You kackling fool! Please wear your hoodie and mask so I can’t see your rainbow hair!
You're always confident, so the comment is immaterial to the world.Not even sure what that means, but I am confident it is wrong. 😂
Yea, I mean Trump has never bashed anyone.LOL! 20 minute rally from harris. 20 minutes. No policy, no nothing. Just bash Trump fro 20 minutes and leave. WTF?
No thanks, but its a thought!If you let him blow you I bet he'll show up.
Sorry, but no one knew where KH stood on the issues. And they still don't thanks to ABC.Debates are pointless, regardless of the candidates. We already know where each person stands on the issues, and this specific election is unique in how each candidate has impacted our country. You have one former POTUS with a substantial advantage in economical and foreign policy related issues, and a current VP who has been a part of the worst inflation numbers we have seen in a very, very, long time. Throw in the fact she has condoned the mass influx of illegals into our country, while being in charge of this issue....she failed, mightily.
It doesn't matter who won or lost a debate, especially with what we witnessed from both sides on Tuesday night. Kamala Harris is not even close to having the credentials to lead our country, especially with the seriousness of the problems we face, both domestically and internationally. She doesn't even qualify to run a business and wants to tell us how her tax increases are for the good of the country? If you are voting for her because of her gender or race as a primary need to sit this one out. That should be well down the list of reasons to vote for anyone.....EVER. Trump may not be on the guest list to Thanksgiving dinner, but he had us in a great spot before covid, and corrected many of the wrongs that Obama implemented, especially with the economy.
You have a choice, but if the economy and foreign policy are your top issues (as they should be) then there are no other alternatives to Trump getting elected.
You Dick, do not ever flop that in my lap!!If you let him blow you I bet he'll show up.
CBS did post debate interviews out and about in Pennsylvania and they were blindsided because people said she was worthless and he hit on the issues. The cheating operation is gonna have to work so much overtime that they are gonna get caught this time.
It fixed people being put in jail over a generally harmless plant. Which over time is going to improve relations between the people and the police. We do what we can.
I take that whomever wrote this concluded there's not much effect of the differences. OK, but that not what the past 8 years show. So why would any validity be connected to it?
Look, he originally wanted 3 debates with her & she ducked all but the most biased one. So she now disses him & he's ducking? Very childish of her. LOL.So the Trump supporters here don't want to discuss him ducking out of another debate after getting his ass embarrassed this week? Harris wanting another debate was the right call. It allowed Trump to back down and now you guys will need to spin how that's a good decision when a majority agree she just won their first debate. I mean, he clearly lost and now is walking away after days of more whining. Awful, pathetic look for him.
Is he speaking to a crowd of Haitians?
I know exactly what he's doing. And he just took the bait and had it turned back on him. Y'all don't give two shits about policy. All feelings, all the time. Wouldn't even vote for someone abolishing the income tax if she's a brown woman.
So you think having field offices is being "up to" - whatever the F that means? I thought that's what elections are about. Why doesn't Trump have them - if her doesn't? If not, that's on him. BTW, why do we only hear about the Dim field office number & not the Pub number?Democrats have field offices in 43 of 47 counties in Wisconsin. They have 150 staffers in PA. He just can't overcome what they are up to.
You have a lot of confidence there.Trump should tell her he will debate on Fox. She has always run from the news channel that won’t help her.
Universal healthcare. Which includes mental health. And weapon restrictions so he never had access to those human-eliminating tools to begin with. Sure he could have stabbed someone. But nothing like the 18 dead and more wounded that happened.
Here comes the 2 hour workday with six hours of overtime.
Surely the union that represents these guy will tell Democrat officials to kick rocks. LOL. No chance.
Can't argue that he's not correct.
Ever stopped to consider that they do not have the majority? I know a bunch of Muslims, and I think many are peaceful, caring, good people. However, taken on the whole, their track record is abundantly clear.Maybe so, but I have met Muslim people working professionally (lawyers, doctors) and they have assimilated. My dry cleaners are Muslim and they are nice people. There are exceptions to everything.
Stan like most lefties has a man bun.Come see me Stan Got a surprise for you! You kackling fool! Please wear your hoodie and mask so I can’t see your rainbow hair!
He got paid. It’s the only explanation that makes sense
@TheFrontRunner I started to send you my number via message on this board but not sure if it’s private The same Austin uses
They are definitely NPCs.My point in my last post, I block these morons. They refuse common sense, they refuse facts of proof, they are only zeroed in on what they are told to believe. Your not gonna change that. These are the same types that shoot up rallies or schools. They can find you if you trigger them. Please be careful. This shit is going to get more crazy as we move to the election and they have zero morals, zero!