How will they rule ??!

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Here's a good beginners guide to socialism, by Albert Einstein himself:

I highly suggest reading the entire thing, but here's one particularly relevant paragraph that just about everyone here would agree with if you remove the term socialism:

"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."
Actually there is. We need more immigration, not less.

Immigration yes. Illegal invasion no. But you conflate the completely different two to cover up the bad actors & your party that encourages them.
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Immigrants have to assimilate, fully accept our values and culture. These people won't, atleast not anytime soon, which is why the left is so eager to have them: exploit them in the name of "democracy."
Don't know any group that ultimately doesn't integrate besides Muslims & maybe Amish.
Just bringing this up because it's a fact that we're all immigrants to this country unless you have native American heritage.

And for the record, we took over the country after invading it.

So, should we throw ourselves out?

EDIT: If this makes too much sense, I can change it.
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God bless, please all of you (you included), stop bitching about moderators in every single debate. If Trump is seen as the loser of the debate, that's on him and his team. I've never seen such a "big, strong man" like Trump and his "manly" supporters whine so much. That's how I knew the debate was going well for Harris last night. This thread was about three pages deep bitching about the moderators and ABC.

Spoiler: no one outside of MAGA world sees Trump as a constant victim. Either he wins the debate or he loses it. He lost it. Blame his lack of prep or maybe him telling the world migrants are eating pets.
It's not either/or. Both can be true. The moderators sucked & favored Harris, clearly. Trump let his anger get the best of him mainly thanks to Kamala, not the moderators. She was able to look better than she ever has because the questions ignored her vulnerabilities & not being held to the same standards as Trump.
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Really is crazy how Elon Musk could be smart enough and capable enough to send people into outer space on private space flights, to have revolutionized the EV industry, to have founded one of the biggest most successful payment processors in the world, but is not smart enough to know Trump will be bad for America.

It’s so clear to me, having spent so much time on Reddit and watching mainstream news outlets owned by big pharma, that Trump is a threat to democracy and will destroy our country.

Just perplexes me how someone like Elon musk can be so smart in certain areas, but be completely blind to everything I’ve learned watching nightly left wing cable news and scrolling Reddit between jerk off sessions in my moms basement.
Just bringing this up because it's a fact that we're all immigrants to this country unless you have native American heritage.

And for the record, we took over the country after invading it.

So, should we throw ourselves out?

EDIT: If this makes too much sense, I can change it.

The “native Americans” were also immigrants. Fun stuff!
As a new parent, I'd argue that we need to incentivize having children a little more in this country. It's just too expensive and childcare is too demanding today, compared to what it was for a lot of us growing up (imo). Too many in their 20s and 30s don't have the money and/or the desire to have children.

So yes there *could* be some advantages to some liberal policies that emphasize greater parental leave or higher child care tax credits. BUT, we're also sitting on high inflation that hurts the spending abilities of new parents, and that's not democrats strong suite.

I'd rather see America figure out how to entice CURRENT Americans to have more children.. instead of just taking in every countries poorest, weakest and desperate to fill the gaps.
The illegals arriving are 75-90% male. That won't create more children unless you believe fluid genders can change that.
My grandfather came to this country, his parents told him he could only speak English, even at home with family. I am not sure as many people have that approach today when the migrate to a new country where the language is different.
We weren't built on that belief. We weren't going to force people out of their religion or their culture. America was supposedly established as a melting pot of cultures where anyone needing asylum or freedom could come here and live.

We never had rules in place for strictly speaking English. We still don't. Does it help learning the English language and using it to communicate? Yes. Is it a requirement? Nope.
Don't know any group that ultimately doesn't integrate besides Muslims & maybe Amish.
I think it often takes getting to a second generation in the US to really assimilate. In Miami-Dade County, Spanish is the first language of more than 50% of the population and you can go into many places of business (drug stores, even places like Quest Diagnostics) and have a hard time finding someone who speaks English. But the kids of the immigrants do assimilate. I think this has been true historically when there was anti-immigrant feelings toward Italians, Germans, Eastern Europeans, etc. in the early 20th century. BTW, I think this same logic applies to Muslims.
We weren't built on that belief. We weren't going to force people out of their religion or their culture. America was supposedly established as a melting pot of cultures where anyone needing asylum or freedom could come here and live.

We never had rules in place for strictly speaking English. We still don't. Does it help learning the English language and using it to communicate? Yes. Is it a requirement? Nope.

I think his point is that coming to America wasn't some free ride for immigrants of yesteryear. You were going to work, because those families had values. The act of getting into this country was earned, not given.. whether it was by some sort of lottery system, or the act of trekking here.

You're mistaken if you think THESE immigrants are built of the same cloth as immigrants from 100 years ago.
And, they're seemingly shitty ones at that. We're taking in every countries worst, laziest, morally void immigrants.
Jesus. Where is the proof of this? No offense. Do you have some data to back this up? Maybe a legit site with legit numbers that have been peer-reviewed?

I would bet my entire house that if you sent back all the 'illegals' to their own country we would have a bigger economic issue. Most of these 'illegals' are the backbone for jobs that Americans are too damn lazy and cheap to do themselves.

And Dictator Trump's entire small empire was built from them. He didn't personally take care of his apartments and houses himself. And you better believe he didn't take the most expensive route to improve those places.
But most targeted candidates won't be rattled by the media.

Yeah I don't love that. I think most here are shaky on Trump's debate skills. He seems to just not be able to get out of his own way.

At the same time.. Trump seems to be the only one who can MAKE it this far by being practically bullet-proof. So we could argue if someone like Mitt Romney would have been better in the debates.. but it probably doesn't matter because he'd have been taken down well before being president.
I think his point is that coming to America wasn't some free ride for immigrants of yesteryear. You were going to work, because those families had values. The act of getting into this country was earned, not given.. whether it was by some sort of lottery system, or the act of trekking here.

You're mistaken if you think THESE immigrants are built of the same cloth as immigrants from 100 years ago.
What cloth are they built from and where is the proof? No assumptions here.
Jesus. Where is the proof of this? No offense. Do you have some data to back this up? Maybe a legit site with legit numbers that have been peer-reviewed?

I would bet my entire house that if you sent back all the 'illegals' to their own country we would have a bigger economic issue. Most of these 'illegals' are the backbone for jobs that Americans are too damn lazy and cheap to do themselves.

And Dictator Trump's entire small empire was built from them. He didn't personally take care of his apartments and houses himself. And you better believe he didn't take the most expensive route to improve those places.

Look at the criminal reports coming out lol.

And once again, everyone is on board that we need IMMIGRANTS here for some of the labor that American's seemingly don't want to do today. So why can't we just vet them and take the ones that we deem appropriate,.. instead of just letting anyone come in, claim Asylum, and then figuring out later if they are good or not?
There is no correlation. He is just using a random example of spending to make the other argument seem bad. He is a magician to keep the dumb even dumber.

If we do not help Ukraine then this Putin issue gets worse. Putin is living off USSR ideals and has invaded a country in hopes of taking it over. The last time a dictator did that to this magnitude was probably WWII. And America learned a hard lesson that if you don't stop it before it gets worse than eventually it makes it to your shores.
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Look at the criminal reports coming out lol.

And once again, everyone is on board that we need IMMIGRANTS here for some of the labor that American's seemingly don't want to do today. So why can't we just vet them and take the ones that we deem appropriate,.. instead of just letting anyone come in, claim Asylum, and then figuring out later if they are good or not?
Send them to me. I want to see what you're reading. Please by all means. I want to see your data.
Look at the criminal reports coming out lol.

And once again, everyone is on board that we need IMMIGRANTS here for some of the labor that American's seemingly don't want to do today. So why can't we just vet them and take the ones that we deem appropriate,.. instead of just letting anyone come in, claim Asylum, and then figuring out later if they are good or not?

But who’s going to pick the cotton if we get rid of the cheap easily abused slave I mean illegal alien labor? It’s the backbone of our economy!
Literally just scroll up for 5 minutes lmfao. Someone has a post probably once a page of an illegal immigrant committing a crime.

Why are you so hell bent on just letting anyone into the country, when you wouldn't do the same for your home, place of work, etc? You want immigration? Then vet them.
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But who’s going to pick the cotton if we get rid of the cheap easily abused slave I mean illegal alien labor? It’s the backbone of our economy!
Yeah, not the same. If you have people who are willing to be paid peanuts versus Americans who demand a wage to live on, who are you going to hire?

Someone is either going to make money or lose it.'s so easy to see this. I'm ashamed I had to type it.
Literally just scroll up for 5 minutes lmfao. Someone has a post probably once a page of an illegal immigrant committing a crime.

Why are you so hell bent on just letting anyone into the country, when you wouldn't do the same for your home, place of work, etc? You want immigration? Then vet them.
Not hellbent at all. It's only been happening this way for the entire history of our country. Suddenly it's a massive problem?

Republican and democratic agendas aside, vetting them is fine, as I think people should become citizens if they make money in this country, but spewing hate and nonsense toward people with zero facts to back that up is irresponsible and borderline a hate crime.

But, please, as I said before, you said the statement, you said it's a fact, so please just throw me a bone and present the link to the data you're reading from.