There's also something seriously wrong with a country where it's easier for a child to get an AR-15 to shoot at classmates than to get an abortion after being raped by their father.
What a lunatic. We need to bring back insane asylums.
There's also something seriously wrong with a country where it's easier for a child to get an AR-15 to shoot at classmates than to get an abortion after being raped by their father.
nonsenseBottom line is that Trump got bitch slapped by Kamala and called out in front of 70 million Americans for his BS lies and y'all are just salty over it.
Facts are real tough for you Trumplicans.
Fact check: Donald Trump, Kamala Harris debate on ABC News | CNN Politics
Former President Donald Trump delivered more than 30 false claims during Tuesday’s presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, CNN’s preliminary count found – as he did during his June debate against President Joe
Maybe if it were a tin foil hat debate over conspiracy theories he'd have done better. 🤡
Imagine the outrage if that were his husband and people mocked it.
Huge majority of debate watchers say Harris took home the victory, CNN poll finds
A majority of debate watchers say Vice President Kamala Harris defeated former President Trump in their Pennsylvania debate Tuesday
That Muir dude says he’s a man of God on his Twitter, lol. Fraud. More like a creepy atheist or even worse an atheist who says he’s an agnostic to make it look less creepy, lmao.
It is most of the dem party that is this way. We have seen it here. Antisemitic, America hating, Military loathing socialist/communist party. They hate the military because up until now, the military has been the biggest roadblock to their want to take over this country and change it to their idea of the perfect system, communism. This is why they have poisoned the military with all of the social justice warrior crap.The Biden administration has shown nothing but contempt for the military the whole time and the media will be largely silent about this too. Kirby hit reply all in an email:
I stopped reading right there. This is the level of STUPIDITY that kills a free country. You really think the government/tyrants will stop at stuff you don't care about? You are an imbecile if you think this way. Eventually they'll come for you and nobody will stand up for you because you didn't care enough to care about the others. Dumbass 🤡Uh, sure, im not really a gun person, so im fine with more strict gun laws on some level.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Norway (Norge or Norwegen) has lots to lose if Ivan goes off the deep end.You. Norway is great because of their policies, not their skin color. Kentucky is basically as white as Norway and is poor and awful. The only one making it about race is you.
I stopped reading right there. This is the level of STUPIDITY that kills a free country. You really think the government/tyrants will stop at stuff you don't care about? You are an imbecile if you think this way. Eventually they'll come for you and nobody will stand up for you because you didn't care enough to care about the others. Dumbass 🤡
Did God not commit genocide and kill millions of innocent babies when he flooded the world??It’s amazing to see the people who are responsible for supporting the murder of babies and immoral sexual deviancy take issue with Christian dogma. The examples of biblical truth shine through you all in ways you’ll never comprehend.
Still hoping you figure everything out and grow before it’s get too late.
"readjusting some laws" = taking away freedoms. Get lost, "moderate." You're in a Kentucky forum. You're not going to win hearts and minds arguing against guns in THIS state. LOL I'm sure you think the founding fathers were "whacked out" as well, you cuck.I don't think readjusting some gun laws, like reviewing background checks, gun safety, etc is that big of a deal. I never said they should take your guns away or that you can't go buy them.
But you were an absolute psychopath at the end of Cal's tenture, so this whacked out post going off the rails is par for the course.
Other Republicans here, I'd distance yourself from this one. This is our version of a purple-haired man who chopped his dick off and is desperate to read books to children.
Still spamming with the trolls, eh?Meanwhile, back in the real world, Norway (Norge or Norwegen) has lots to lose if Ivan goes off the deep end.
Spoke with a senior Norwegian Air Force officer over breakfast while on vacation in Lerwick two weeks ago. Old boy trained at Beale AFB in CA. He was not real happy about Ivan's recent Ukraine adventures.
Norway's spy chief sees Russia more likely to attempt sabotage.
- Norwegian Intelligence Service boss sees risk level higher
- Putin government calls sabotage accusations scaremongering
- Norway fears its oil and gas facilities may be targeted
Dreadlox apparently has dreadlox for brains.I was shocked to learn that vhcat is older than me. Lox is too.
I'm 61 and I've gotta say, WiTF is up with the older folks in this thread? We're supposed to be for independence, liberty, and low taxes, but a lot of you carry the torch for these Demwits. I don't get it. Either do better or take up shuffleboard, you're emabarassing the rest of us (old folks)
Pretty sure he takes it in the anus on the reg.That Muir dude says he’s a man of God on his Twitter, lol. Fraud. More like a creepy atheist or even worse an atheist who says he’s an agnostic to make it look less creepy, lmao.
Did God not commit genocide and kill millions of innocent babies when he flooded the world??
Did God not kill countless innocent babies and children during the Passover in Egypt??
Did Lot not get drunk and have intercourse with his own daughters who later gave birth to their daddy's babies??
It's the hypocrisy of using that nutty dogma to tell others how to live their lives that's the problem.
Nobody cares what beliefs you want to live your life by....until you try to force your hypocritical beliefs on others against their will.
The video should've been muuuuuch longer.Only time she's not lying is when her mouth is shut
Jealous much, Señor? How about you STFU and leave me alone.Still spamming with the trolls, eh?
She acts like she knows more than nightmoron84 . He watches MSNBC. What does she know?
Happens to the best of 'em. Surprised it lasted so long.And the debate thread gets deleted. Puss moderation. Maybe a moderator who posted in that thread with a goofy thought did not like how people responded to his comment? I hope that was not the spineless case, because I have enjoyed that person over the years and don’t want to perceived them as that weak.
...which is rare, given the amount of cawk she sucks.Only time she's not lying is when her mouth is shut
I’m not sure I even want another debate as Trump is a very bad debater. Honestly think most any conservative on this board could have debated for Trump against her and mopped the floor with her but not him. He just doesn’t have it in him to stay on course and gets easily baited and never answers anything as he just (as you stated) keeps repeating his same shit over and over. There is no doubt we need him back in office but I don’t have confidence in him on the debate stage.Next debate would like to see Trump hone in on Harris' lies with numbers to back it up. He does too much repeating himself that takes time away. When she spews a lie be prepared to expand on her lie so people can see she really did lie. Also, stay cool and in control. Occasionally turn and look at her with weird faces like she looks at him. Dominate her mentally instead of being on defense. She is a weak air head that relies on ugly facial expressions that tries to make her look tough. Do the same to her when she is talking. She is a nothing so treat her like one.
I just assume these crazy grants are all tied into money laundering in one way or another.These federal grants are insane. There are countless others just like these:
Didn't he used to live in Springfield? It wouldn't surprise me if he sold out his (former) home to get a kickback.DeWine, who I don't like (RINO), is probably concerned about Springfield. He lives (when not in office/Gov mansion in Columbus) in Cedarville....which is only about 20-30 minutes from Springfield.
I'll bite. What's the difference between her and someone who comes here from Haiti legally (not as an asylum seeker) under temporary protected status (TPS)?
Happens to the best of 'em. Surprised it lasted so long.
Meh, there will be others.
Here's a good beginners guide to socialism, by Albert Einstein himself:
Monthly Review | Why Socialism?
Is it advisable for one who is not an expert on economic and social issues to express views on the subject of socialism? I believe for a number of reasons that it is.… Clarity about the aims and…
I highly suggest reading the entire thing, but here's one particularly relevant paragraph that just about everyone here would agree with if you remove the term socialism:
"Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights."