Uh, sure, im not really a gun person, so im fine with more strict gun laws on some level. But one school shooting a year isn't stopping people from having kids, if that's your point.
Also.. and while those incidents are horrible, I'm just not sure that's the *real* root of the problem at hand. I'd say it's a mental health problem first and foremost, because let's remember that Klebold and Harris didn't originally intend to shoot up Columbine Highschool, they intended to blow it up, and kill far more people. Crazy people who want to hurt others are going to find a way to do so, sadly. So we can put all the gun control out there that we want, but there will still be bombs made and knives used to quickly stab several victims within minutes.
I'll always have that slight worry that the next school shooting in the next few years will have a small, miniscule lottery-winning chance of happening to school where my kid goes to. We all do. But, that's also like worrying that my kid will be victim to an animal attack or a car crash. I have much greater worry over the more likely day-to-day incidents such as my child dealing with classmates every year that are mentally unstable, bullying, bad and poorly equipped teachers, their own mental health issues, etc.