How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Both events were terrible for our country.
9/11 was caused by foreign terrorists....1/6 was caused by domestic terrorists.
Obviously, 9/11 was much more horrific but 1/6 caused more damage to our standing as a beacon of democracy for the world.
Time will tell which one did more long term damage to the country. There is no country if Americans no longer respect or believe in Presidential elections.
Speaking of 9/11...

Actually there is. We need more immigration, not less.

Oh, so you're saying we need more people? Bodies? How many fetuses are aborted every year?

I'll let you make the connection, if your feeble mind can.
You have some good points. I would also add in gun policy that makes it possible for parents to put their kids on a school bus every morning and feel confident they won't be gunned down at school. It's insane and not conducive to child bearing in a country where guns are the leading cause of death for children.

Uh, sure, im not really a gun person, so im fine with more strict gun laws on some level. But one school shooting a year isn't stopping people from having kids, if that's your point.

Also.. and while those incidents are horrible, I'm just not sure that's the *real* root of the problem at hand. I'd say it's a mental health problem first and foremost, because let's remember that Klebold and Harris didn't originally intend to shoot up Columbine Highschool, they intended to blow it up, and kill far more people. Crazy people who want to hurt others are going to find a way to do so, sadly. So we can put all the gun control out there that we want, but there will still be bombs made and knives used to quickly stab several victims within minutes.

I'll always have that slight worry that the next school shooting in the next few years will have a small, miniscule lottery-winning chance of happening to school where my kid goes to. We all do. But, that's also like worrying that my kid will be victim to an animal attack or a car crash. I have much greater worry over the more likely day-to-day incidents such as my child dealing with classmates every year that are mentally unstable, bullying, bad and poorly equipped teachers, their own mental health issues, etc.
Recently I started watching Sons of Anarchy. The goofy shit on tv is not fit to watch because they are so woke. I actually been enjoying SOA. I just finished watching Mayans, it was good to. These gangs do not mess around. A friend I worked with at DuPont had a scar from ear to ear. I always thought he had some sort of surgery when actually he was at one time a member of the Hells Angels. He wanted out so the slit his throat from ear to ear leaving him in a ditch to die. He survived somehow, but I always wondered if they would come to finish the job. I guess not since years have passed and he has not lived in seclusion. Odd story but true.
I have never voted on abortion, one way or the other (I have an opinion and it wont change - just like everyone else). I would really like to address the economy and foreign policy from a thoughtful perspective and in an honest way. But F it, lets just scream and holler about something that never persuades voters, will never be resolved by agreement between factions and, indeed, just stamps out productive conversation on anything else.
When I was younger, I was pro choice, pretty adamant. When my first child was born, that changed instantly.

I also told a pollster that I was dead set on voting for kamalahoe until her performance last night and now I'm all-in for the only person on the stage that took a bullet for our country. That should F with their models pretty good...
8 states have no time restrictions at all. How about you actually look up facts before you try your Village Idiot level attempts at arguments?
That's because there are circumstances that necessitate abortions in the last trimester such as a threat to the mother's life, ectopic pregnancies or a baby that is destined to die/suffer because of conditions like having no skull.
Those states just want to remove any worries for the doctor about protecting a woman's health.
Uh, sure, im not really a gun person, so im fine with more strict gun laws on some level. But one school shooting a year isn't stopping people from having kids, if that's your point.

Also.. and while those incidents are horrible, I'm just not sure that's the *real* root of the problem at hand. I'd say it's a mental health problem first and foremost, because let's remember that Klebold and Harris didn't originally intend to shoot up Columbine Highschool, they intended to blow it up, and kill far more people. Crazy people who want to hurt others are going to find a way to do so, sadly. So we can put all the gun control out there that we want, but there will still be bombs made and knives used to quickly stab several victims within minutes.

I'll always have that slight worry that the next school shooting in the next few years will have a small, miniscule lottery-winning chance of happening to school where my kid goes to. We all do. But, that's also like worrying that my kid will be victim to an animal attack or a car crash. I have much greater worry over the more likely day-to-day incidents such as my child dealing with classmates every year that are mentally unstable, bullying, bad and poorly equipped teachers, their own mental health issues, etc.
We need to address mental health, guns, and security in schools. It's not just a mental health issue.
They know the globalist NGO’s have funded mass violent protests and anarchy if Trump wins.

Half of me believes they know in a real valid election Trump will romp. So they are essentially conceding it and will combat with mass anarchy that could lead to civil war type circumstances. Cheating isn’t going to be as easy in some states and will be patently obvious in others, so preparing for mass anarchy is their solution.

Just a spitball of a theory.
We need to address mental health, guns, and security in schools. It's not just a mental health issue.

I'd love to know what percentage of those are gang-related shootings. Which, you might say "what's the difference?"

The difference is those shootings are generally targeted or "domestic" by nature. Person A wronged Person B, so B shoots A. And while tragic, and obviously dangerous to others, no one else was a target.

If you go through Wikipedia's listings of mass shootings, you'd be surprised to see that probably 80% of those are gang-related, and therefore, really don't affect others (aside from the problem if stray bullets of course). And while I'd rather not see anyone killed.. I'm also not as concerned or worried for my kid in regards to a Chicago school shooting between two antagonizing individuals.
There are not enough undecided voters to account for that large of a shift. Not legitimately. I know what you're saying, but in the states that really matter, cheating is going to be much more difficult than in 2020. So, chin up.
Baris says the majority of undecideds THIS year are men and men don’t like Kamala
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Point? Mine was that upwards of 20K migrants were forced upon a community thst doesn’t have the capacity or resources to absorb it, and the citizens of that community get screwed and told to suck it up essentially.

Also the car insurance rates are going through the roof for the locals because the non insured migrants are causing 2-3 traffic accidents a day in that town. This guy been covering it all of any of our local low info Kamala voters and David Muir watchers curious what’s going on there.

And the debate thread gets deleted. Puss moderation. Maybe a moderator who posted in that thread with a goofy thought did not like how people responded to his comment? I hope that was not the spineless case, because I have enjoyed that person over the years and don’t want to perceived them as that weak.
And the debate thread gets deleted. Puss moderation. Maybe a moderator who posted in that thread with a goofy thought did not like how people responded to his comment? I hope that was not the spineless case, because I have enjoyed that person over the years and don’t want to perceived them as that weak.
If they’re a lefty, they’re weak. Just the way it is.
I'd love to know what percentage of those are gang-related shootings. Which, you might say "what's the difference?"

The difference is those shootings are generally targeted or "domestic" by nature. Person A wronged Person B, so B shoots A. And while tragic, and obviously dangerous to others, no one else was a target.

If you go through Wikipedia's listings of mass shootings, you'd be surprised to see that probably 80% of those are gang-related, and therefore, really don't affect others (aside from the problem if stray bullets of course). And while I'd rather not see anyone killed.. I'm also not as concerned or worried for my kid in regards to a Chicago school shooting between two antagonizing individuals.
The fact that this country averages close to one school shooting per week should concern every American regardless of its nature.
Just amazes me that Republicans spend all their time focusing on passing laws about drag queens that read books, trans kids and hanging 10 Commandment signs in schools..... But wave the white flag on school shootings every GD time and say there's nothing they can do.
Nobody's ever died from a drag queen reading a book or a trans kid taking a piss.... A framed picture of the 10 Commandments ain't gonna stop a bullet.
Those numbers are just as much complete propaganda fabrications as theirs are about us. You linked to a "free minds and free markets" website. Literal capitalist propaganda. Did you take Khrushchev's word on American atrocities? You would be the exact type of person who was cheering the purges on in the USSR.
And the debate thread gets deleted. Puss moderation. Maybe a moderator who posted in that thread with a goofy thought did not like how people responded to his comment? I hope that was not the spineless case, because I have enjoyed that person over the years and don’t want to perceived them as that weak.
He absolutely did it because he came in there with some weak ass argument about how he was down the middle.

He's non-biased.

Liberals always see themselves as moderates.