How will they rule ??!

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I touched on this earlier but kids and socialism always cracks me up. I have some in my journalism classes that are all about it and big Sanders supporters. The thing is, if you put socialist concepts into something that's relative to them then it's a different ball game.

For instance, they have no money so it sounds great to take it from someone else. However, ask them to make their grade or GPA "socialist" and collectively the same and see how quickly they say "that's not fair."

If you think about it, all kids have ever known growing up is socialism. They contribute nothing in the home and all their needs (and wants) are provided until adulthood (and often, beyond). Socialism has always worked for them. Oh well ... just as long as they stay out of my yard.
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Sanders points to some of the Scandinavian countries that have what's called social-democracy as evidence that something similar would work here. While it's true that they have near 0 unemployment higher quality education and health care at lower prices, less poverty and crime etc., they also aren't straddled with maintaining a world police force at a cost of over $600 Billion a year, and the generations old social and ethic problems that have generated widespread crime, poverty and ignorance that must be dealt with.

It is true that the country is building wealth as a nation but it's also true that the vast majority of Americans are not participating in that wealth. I'm not for some socialistic Robin Hood approach to leveling the field, but I do think government could play a roll by incentivizing companies to pay their employees higher wages and benefits, reform the tax code to eliminate the zillions of deductions that have been purchased by the plutocrats, and also to crack down on all the mergers and acquisitions that are creating oligopolies and thus eliminating competition which is the driving force of a free market economy.
It's almost like she'll say differing things depending on the audience or something.....

September 10, 2015
"You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center," Clinton told the audience at a Women for Hillary event in Ohio. "I plead guilty."

October 13, 2015
When CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Clinton to clarify at the beginning of the debate whether she considers herself a “progressive or a moderate,” the former secretary of state said: “I’m a progressive. I’m a progressive who likes to get things done.”
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US multi national companies employed 11.7 million overseas/over the boarder workers as of 2013. If the average wage of the lost job to a US worker is $30,000 a year, then that's 330 billion dollars a year lost to our economy - not to mention the negative impact of those without jobs having to retire early or draw unemployment, or go on medicare and food stamps.

The best thing to me about Trump and Sanders is they aren't afraid to piss off the huge US corporations that benefit so much by sending US jobs overseas. But again, the corporations are too big to be stopped, they have congress in their back pocket so nothing is likely to change no matter who is in the White House.
^ That's about the only appealing thing of Trump. Him not being anyone's puppet and his disregarding PC nonsense.
They don't. Learn curriculum.

We've been teaching "fairness and equality" for at least 30 years now. This is the result. That's why it's so silly to play this D v R stuff, and get mad at current politicians. Yea, they suck, but the wheels to socialism were set in a motion a loooooong time ago by people who also sucked.

Yep. This is basically the participation trophy and "dont keep a score" kids all grown up. Theyre applying the same dumb concepts to everything. Its dumb, but you can kind of understand it since thats what they were taught.

Its really incredible. People (pilgrims) fled England and settled in America. Eventually settlors fought and died to gain our independence. And now the trophy crowd is turning us into a European socialist country. Pilgrims may as well had stayed home.

It's almost like she'll say differing things depending on the audience or something.....

September 10, 2015
"You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center," Clinton told the audience at a Women for Hillary event in Ohio. "I plead guilty."

October 13, 2015
When CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Clinton to clarify at the beginning of the debate whether she considers herself a “progressive or a moderate,” the former secretary of state said: “I’m a progressive. I’m a progressive who likes to get things done.”

Stuff like this is just hilarious. And theres probably 10,000 examples of her doing this. She will say or do anything to get elected. No exaggeration.
If you think about it, all kids have ever known growing up is socialism. They contribute nothing in the home and all their needs (and wants) are provided until adulthood (and often, beyond). Socialism has always worked for them. Oh well ... just as long as they stay out of my yard.
Not so much at school as he suggest. When they make their own grades and make the Dean's list or some other worth while merit approving goal it is considered their accomplishment. But, if you ask them to give some grade points away to help out those who are struggling, they get rather angry about it. Why? Because they earned it and those with lesser grades did not.
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Sanders points to some of the Scandinavian countries that have what's called social-democracy as evidence that something similar would work here. While it's true that they have near 0 unemployment higher quality education and health care at lower prices, less poverty and crime etc., they also aren't straddled with maintaining a world police force at a cost of over $600 Billion a year, and the generations old social and ethic problems that have generated widespread crime, poverty and ignorance that must be dealt with.

It is true that the country is building wealth as a nation but it's also true that the vast majority of Americans are not participating in that wealth. I'm not for some socialistic Robin Hood approach to leveling the field, but I do think government could play a roll by incentivizing companies to pay their employees higher wages and benefits, reform the tax code to eliminate the zillions of deductions that have been purchased by the plutocrats, and also to crack down on all the mergers and acquisitions that are creating oligopolies and thus eliminating competition which is the driving force of a free market economy.

Deeee, social-democracy won't work because it requires too much government involvement. Maybe a co-op democracy will work.

One day humans, if we ever want to do something unbelievably awesome, will have to shed the need for government involvement. Now, I realize it will take one helluva situation for humans to come to that mindset, but humans won't evolve towards betterment until they unleash the governmental ankle weights holding them down.
"Yep. This is basically the participation trophy and "dont keep a score" kids all grown up. Theyre applying the same dumb concepts to everything. Its dumb, but you can kind of understand it since thats what they were taught."

I think this is a big part of what is keeping our kids from doing well in school. What point is there for them if everyone gets a trophy or everyone is told they are doing great when in fact that is not true. There is no incentive to try harder to excel. We are ranked 27th in the world in math and not real good in many other subjects either. Also, telling everyone they are a winner hurts them in the long run. When they get in to the real world where winning is needed to complete and they don't have the drive to do so and lose, they do not know how to respond. I guess we just continue to medicate them, keep them on welfare, and they will continue to vote Democrat. Perhaps that is the goal.
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This weeks' narratives/topics people:

-HRC is actually the victim related to Benghazi, GOP is mean
-9/11 was Bush's fault
This sounds just like something I'd say. It's brilliant!!

"If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares."
If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital,

Yea becasue everyone knows Obama hates doctors, especially those doing volunteer work and therefore ordered the hospital to be bombed. No such events ever took place under G W.

decided to keep troops in Afghanistan

Obama horrible for leaving a residual force in Afghanistan and horrible for not leaving a residual force in place in Iraq.

and had details of his robot assassin program leaked,

Yea Obama should have stopped the Predator program that G W put in place. Then the next time a terrorist incident happened your side could really have something to sequel about.

As long as we have politics and cable news, Fox News will heavily critique the actions of Democrats and MSNBC will heavily critique the actions of Republicans, but come on man this article if friggin ridiculous.o_O
So you never misspelled a word I guess....
Far from the point, but predictable. Just noted since it is a weird coincidence and many here think you may be the same person due to the same dishonest posting style. I don't think that but wouldn't put money on it.
Far from the point, but predictable. Just noted since it is a weird coincidence and many here think you may be the same person due to the same dishonest posting style. I don't think that but wouldn't put money on it.
Just who are the "many"? Are you this paranoid and obsessive in real life?
Yea becasue everyone knows Obama hates doctors, especially those doing volunteer work and therefore ordered the hospital to be bombed. No such events ever took place under G W.

Obama horrible for leaving a residual force in Afghanistan and horrible for not leaving a residual force in place in Iraq.

Yea Obama should have stopped the Predator program that G W put in place. Then the next time a terrorist incident happened your side could really have something to sequel about.

As long as we have politics and cable news, Fox News will heavily critique the actions of Democrats and MSNBC will heavily critique the actions of Republicans, but come on man this article if friggin ridiculous.o_O
What are you blathering on about? The hospital was bombed, he reneged and is keeping troops in Afghanistan, etc. As the guy says, if this were a Republican, these stories would be daily features on every network and most daily newspapers, and the usual suspects would be protesting. Period. It's not an R, it's a D, so there's no organized fake protesting, and the major media give the stories a mention, not the daily drip intended to create an environment.

Where is Code Pink these days anyway? Why are those dying today less important than they were 2003-2008? It's almost like they aren't really protesting out of principle, but are just political hacks....
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What are you blathering on about? The hospital was bombed, he reneged and is keeping troops in Afghanistan, etc. As the guy says, if this were a Republican, these stories would be daily features on every network and most daily newspapers, and the usual suspect would be protesting. Period. It's not an R, it's a D, so there's no organized fake protesting, and the major media give the stories a mention, not the daily drip intended to create an environment.

Where is Code Pink these days anyway? Why are those dying today less important than they were 2003-2008? It's almost like they aren't really protesting out of principle, but are just political hacks....

What mojo said
This sounds just like something I'd say. It's brilliant!!

"If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares."

Its entirely true.
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Biden would be a better president than Hillary imo.
more electable, too, which explains why a lot of the non-Bernie grassroots are hoping he runs.

i'm sure the big donors are scared to cross Hillary yet, but I honestly haven't read much about what his funding strategy would be.
Scary thought about these Dem candidates. If Biden is a legit candidate then we're the screwed.

Ya know, a place is too big when no one is responsible for the person who wrecks this country. Find the guy responsible for Obama. Good luck.
Biden waited 2-3 weeks too long, HRC has momentum back now. Even playing the victim. Although, since Dems so rarely criticize their own, if he comes out tough on her it could inflict some real damage. Would be entertaining if nothing else...which if you look at the top 5 candidates overall, getting a laugh is the best you get hope for.
America can still be a place where kids can achieve near limitless potential. Just look at the kid that made a "clock" that was mistaken for a bomb and got the meet the Butcher of Darfur and the POTUS in the same week. If you can't celebrate that you are a xenophobe.
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"You have to remember that diplomats gets killed in every administration"

Joe Klein, on MSNBC Morning Joe this morning
Klein works for Time and was one of the coordinators of the journolist in 2007-8.

Scarborough had to remind him it was the first since 1979.
"You have to remember that diplomats gets killed in every administration"

Joe Klein, on MSNBC Morning Joe this morning
Klein works for Time and was one of the coordinators of the journolist in 2007-8.

Scarborough had to remind him it was the first since 1979.

The key point here is that dems are basically willing to say whatever it takes to get their candidate elected, truth be damned. That carries over to dem talking heads too.

Too often some ridiculous statement like that goes unchecked and the viewers take it as fact. So happened this time, apparently someone knew better and brought it up on air.
"You have to remember that diplomats gets killed in every administration"

Joe Klein, on MSNBC Morning Joe this morning
Klein works for Time and was one of the coordinators of the journolist in 2007-8.

Scarborough had to remind him it was the first since 1979.
Carter administration.

Why can't Democrats protect our diplomats?
Could be wrong but think Biden timed this exactly when Hilary goes in front on Congress this week. She will get away with this scandal, but she is going to be damaged goods.

Biden was an irrelevant candidate when he ran in 07 and is not any better now. If you want Obama's 3rd term, vote for this guy. Will say I think he can get along with people much better than Obama ever could. Won't get anything done but it won't be as toxic as it is now.
Even if Biden does enter and gains momentum....the Clinton Cartel will have dead whores buried on his property faster than you can say "L1C4."

You think anyone is keeping Hillurr out of this? You want to test her? Do it. She wishes a bitch would.

Years of an excrutiating fake marriage, years of kissing the asses of others less worthy than all comes down to 2016.
Even if Biden does enter and gains momentum....the Clinton Cartel will have dead whores buried on his property faster than you can say "L1C4."
07-08 was torture for the Clintons when they could not go after Obama due to his race. Bill had to apologize for simply calling BO a fairy tale.