Even if tried as an adult?
Nope. Not on the table. Ever.
Even if tried as an adult?
Because they’re not real. It’s a manufactured, arbitrary grouping made up solely to enforce an oppressive hierarchy. There are no ‘Western’ values or culture. There are no “white people”. Until recently the palest of them all, the Irish, need not even apply. You only think there are because you’ve been fed a propaganda narrative your whole life about what America is, what it means to be an American, and who that applies to. Plenty of the values on @exemjr’s list are laudable. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with the amount of melanin in your skin or the Classical Greek and Roman world or Christianity.
Being a redneck is a choice, has nothing to do with race. Hopefully shame will make some of them choose something different. But around these parts it's embraced instead of embarrassing.
When have I done that? If I ever did it was personal jousting with Willy, but I don't recall. Think you're just conflating the terms whereas I don't.Then why do you always call them 'white trash?
When have I done that? If I ever did it was personal jousting with Willy, but I don't recall. Think you're just conflating the terms whereas I don't.
Hillbilly, yokel. Rube. The opposite of urbane, cosmopolitan. Someone of rural habits who revels in the limited scope of their worldview. Actively hostile to change, diversity, and the broader world beyond their particular patch. Yes, there are plenty of Black rednecks. Many Black people are highly Christian, traditionalist, and conservative and would be Republicans if not for the racial history.Ever call a black a redneck? Define redneck.
What point did I help you prove exactly? That you are indeed an evil SOB. The only stat here you are constantly blabbing about is rape/incest which is .4% or 4,000 abortions/year. How is that justification for the other 996,000 plus children dying annually before ever seeing the light of day.That 5 percent is EXACTLY why abortion should be legal up to when the baby is viable outside the mother.
Thanks for proving my point with your stats.
Seems like that foreign collusion thingy that the leftist propagandists have been yammering on about for years. Yet crickets
Because they’re not real. It’s a manufactured, arbitrary grouping made up solely to enforce an oppressive hierarchy. There are no ‘Western’ values or culture. There are no “white people”. Until recently the palest of them all, the Irish, need not even apply. You only think there are because you’ve been fed a propaganda narrative your whole life about what America is, what it means to be an American, and who that applies to. Plenty of the values on @exemjr’s list are laudable. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with the amount of melanin in your skin or the Classical Greek and Roman world or Christianity.
THIS.For the love of God. Quit responding to Dion.
So why shouldn't the prosecutors make public the evidence that shows why he pleaded guilty?Seems like that foreign collusion thingy that the leftist propagandists have been yammering on about for years. Yet crickets
Viability is my preference but I also said I could be ok with bans that included exceptions for rape, incest and mother's health.What point did I help you prove exactly? That you are indeed an evil SOB. The only stat here you are constantly blabbing about is rape/incest which is .4% or 4,000 abortions/year. How is that justification for the other 996,000 plus children dying annually before ever seeing the light of day.
And your also FOS as you have tried to pass yourself off as someone who would be ok with an abortion ban after a certain time period but above you just stated abortion should be legal until viable outside the mother. You sick **** would terminate a child at 9 months that was ready for delivery.
Please tell me that this is some SNL skit and not someone deemed serious enough to be POTUS. Please? Anybody?
"So in the mid- to late-19th century, abortion was generally legal in the United States, at least during the first trimester, before the quickening of the fetus, before a woman could feel the fetus moving. Things began to change in the 1850s when the American Medical Association came out against abortion."Wasn't my question when they were made legal, Village Idiot.
I asked when some random states made them illegal.
How come EVERY criticism the left makes against Trump/MAGA/right is a lie?Yeah, but he's also really, really, really stupid. See my above reply to him for an example. It's wasn't that navy guy, it was an army guy (that is also clearly a political operative).
One of many examples of the attempted destruction of our armed forces by these leftists.
That's how most of the country feels about y'all's election conspiracy nonsense.
Probably becuase they aren't political hacks like jack smith, bragg, james, etc and don't maliciously leak to taint the case.So why shouldn't the prosecutors make public the evidence that shows why he pleaded guilty?
If Trump gets the 15% Corp tax rate passed, the Biden/Harris recession we're about to enter might be the shortest in history.
The left care more about non citizens than the people they are supposed to represent. They have lost touch with reality.🤬
spreading fast. springfield is only 50 miles from my town.