How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Why do you hate white people so much? Those values apply to anyone of any race who happens to be a citizen of western nations. What about those values are so abhorrent to you?
Because they’re not real. It’s a manufactured, arbitrary grouping made up solely to enforce an oppressive hierarchy. There are no ‘Western’ values or culture. There are no “white people”. Until recently the palest of them all, the Irish, need not even apply. You only think there are because you’ve been fed a propaganda narrative your whole life about what America is, what it means to be an American, and who that applies to. Plenty of the values on @exemjr’s list are laudable. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with the amount of melanin in your skin or the Classical Greek and Roman world or Christianity.
Dude I think you’re misinformed on what being a rebel is. Not conforming doesn’t mean just being a dick. It means going your own way, not just being a contrarian. Do you use racial slurs too just because society frowns on it?

Says the guy who commonly uses the phrases 'redneck' 'white trash', and others.
Racial Slurs are Racial Slurs, regardless of race, Commie scum.
Says the guy who commonly uses the phrases 'redneck' 'white trash', and others.
Racial Slurs are Racial Slurs, regardless of race, Commie scum.
Being a redneck is a choice, has nothing to do with race. Hopefully shame will make some of them choose something different. But around these parts it's embraced instead of embarrassing.
Because they’re not real. It’s a manufactured, arbitrary grouping made up solely to enforce an oppressive hierarchy. There are no ‘Western’ values or culture. There are no “white people”. Until recently the palest of them all, the Irish, need not even apply. You only think there are because you’ve been fed a propaganda narrative your whole life about what America is, what it means to be an American, and who that applies to. Plenty of the values on @exemjr’s list are laudable. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with the amount of melanin in your skin or the Classical Greek and Roman world or Christianity.

Then why do you always call them 'white trash?
Ever call a black a redneck? Define redneck.
Hillbilly, yokel. Rube. The opposite of urbane, cosmopolitan. Someone of rural habits who revels in the limited scope of their worldview. Actively hostile to change, diversity, and the broader world beyond their particular patch. Yes, there are plenty of Black rednecks. Many Black people are highly Christian, traditionalist, and conservative and would be Republicans if not for the racial history.
That 5 percent is EXACTLY why abortion should be legal up to when the baby is viable outside the mother.
Thanks for proving my point with your stats.
What point did I help you prove exactly? That you are indeed an evil SOB. The only stat here you are constantly blabbing about is rape/incest which is .4% or 4,000 abortions/year. How is that justification for the other 996,000 plus children dying annually before ever seeing the light of day.

And your also FOS as you have tried to pass yourself off as someone who would be ok with an abortion ban after a certain time period but above you just stated abortion should be legal until viable outside the mother. You sick **** would terminate a child at 9 months that was ready for delivery.
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Seems like that foreign collusion thingy that the leftist propagandists have been yammering on about for years. Yet crickets

I don't believe this at all. Zero way this was ever coming out. This same group tried to give him a sweetheart deal blocked only by the judge. No way they were suddenly going to burn the bidens.

Imo it was all a show. They knew he was going to plea. In federal court noone pleas last second because you get zero value out of it. The entire value is a reduction in sentencing points for acceptance of responsibility. In the jurisdictions i practiced, you only get that with a timely plea, which is a week before trial.

So we'll see what happens but im more convinced now than before that hunter was never going under oath and this whole thing was a show. Prosecutors will probably concede a safety valve (which they rarely agree to) and hunter will get nothing except immunity from prosecution on all other (more serious crimes) related to these same set of facts.

Because they’re not real. It’s a manufactured, arbitrary grouping made up solely to enforce an oppressive hierarchy. There are no ‘Western’ values or culture. There are no “white people”. Until recently the palest of them all, the Irish, need not even apply. You only think there are because you’ve been fed a propaganda narrative your whole life about what America is, what it means to be an American, and who that applies to. Plenty of the values on @exemjr’s list are laudable. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with the amount of melanin in your skin or the Classical Greek and Roman world or Christianity.

I agree on part of what i think is your point: culture and race are two different things. One is determined by birth and the other by choice.

Beyond that, its extremely clear some cultures are vastly more successful by any definition than others. America, japan, and other western cultures are vastly superior. Its just a fact. Maybe an uncomfortable fact but a fact nonetheless. If mexico or latin America is so great, why are people literally dying to come here? Let me know next time they send a shuttle to space, build super computers, etc.

As an additional point, thats why controlled immigration is so important. Anyone coming here must assimilate. That doesn't mean they just entirely cast aside their entire culture, which is obvious by the amount of ethnic cuisine you see around the country, but you must accept the basic tenets of what made our culture so vastly superior. Otherwise the more successful culture starts getting cannibalized and turns into the less successful culture by sheer numbers alone.

You see the exact same with people born in the us. Race isnt the divider, its culture. Want to give in to impulses and sleep late, drop out of school, not hold a job, scam the government for ssi, stand on the corner dealing drugs, etc - you will reap what you sow and race will have nothing to do with it. Complete a degree, get places on time, work hard, develop marketable skills, follow the law - you will also reap what you sow and be successful to varying degrees.

It really is neither complicated nor hard. The problem is personal accountability doesn't endear you to voters. Blaming the evil "man" does get you votes and lots of them, so thats what we get as our successful culture continues to erode. But hey at least a very small group of elite people will get to stay in power.
Elmer Fudd's shotgun, blowing up in his own face, might as well be the avatar for the Democrats since Trump showed up. LOL

What point did I help you prove exactly? That you are indeed an evil SOB. The only stat here you are constantly blabbing about is rape/incest which is .4% or 4,000 abortions/year. How is that justification for the other 996,000 plus children dying annually before ever seeing the light of day.

And your also FOS as you have tried to pass yourself off as someone who would be ok with an abortion ban after a certain time period but above you just stated abortion should be legal until viable outside the mother. You sick **** would terminate a child at 9 months that was ready for delivery.
Viability is my preference but I also said I could be ok with bans that included exceptions for rape, incest and mother's health.
Unlike you, I am a man of compromise and pragmatism. I am not an extremist kook that doesn't care about a 12 year old girl who has been traumatized by rape and then forced by her fascist state to flee in order to deal with the horror of carrying her rapist's child.
I have NEVER said I was for an abortion up to 9 months (except in a situation where the fetus is no longer viable and mother's health is in danger). I have never in my life met even ONE solitary person who is for that. Republicans are the only ones I ever hear that from.
You couldn't be more wrong on my views. wife has never had an abortion and I have no idea about my neighbors because it's NONE of my GD business. You all are weirdos just like Walz days.