How will they rule ??!

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Sunergos was caught up in the PC cross hairs for removing the LEO newspaper from its shop earlier this month. People assumed that it was because of a cover featuring two lesbians kissing. It turned out that wasn't the reason and they were barely spared a boycott/picket from the PC police.

"The owners of a local coffee company have fended off a wave of anger — and allegations of discrimination — over removing LEO Weekly from their stores "due to increasingly sexually explicit content and advertising.".....
Yeah! Good deal I'm getting for my money. Great coffee for cheap, pissing off libs for free.
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Or, look to the young ultra rich bastards who not only have billions, but also hold sway over various forms of influential media such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Maybe, but those young ultra rich people are too stupid to really influence anything other than what they are paid to influence which again falls back to the old folks.
Yeah, we have one of those in Louisville too. I won't be buying coffee from the Sweaty Crack of the Heine Bros. I prefer my coffee without a side politics or crack-sweat.

Ass coffee? Sounds bad.

Reading more from my sanctuary restaurant progressive.

Rosenblatt, whose restaurant is scheduled to open in early March, said he elected to become a sanctuary restaurant due to his concerns about the possible revocation of the fairness act.

"I feel like we are going backwards in time," Rosenblatt said of the matter. "Where business owners can openly practice discrimination. It's unacceptable to me."

Like, where? This doesn't happen. Not in my town. Ever. And if it did, that place would be all over Facebook, Yelp, news, blogs ASAP and sjw's would burn that sucker down.

"Not too long ago, it was legal to discriminate against people based on the color of their skin. They were not allowed in certain restaurants," Rosenblatt said. "At that time, several business owners stepped up and offered those discriminated against a safe place where they could enjoy a meal without fear. I want to do the same."

Word???! LMAO. Mf'er hopped in a time machine and went back to segregation, wants to relive that awful time and pretend like his restaurant is a non segragated beacon of light!!! HOW BRAVE! How old is he??? Oh, 26.

Who raised this mfer? Guarantee it was Ohio....

"If you want to engage in a civil political discussion, we can. I know that people are different and have different beliefs and views than me. However, if you come here with the purpose to denigrate and harass my staff or my customers, you will be asked to leave," Rosenblatt said.

No, bro, nobody wants to come talk politics at a fn restaurant.

Guarantee he sells $10 hot dogs or some shit. $5 side of onion rings and a $4 beer. GTFO.

I'm eating there now.
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never go full dem.
The Kitchen has a "hot dog menu". I was right. Hot dog starts at 3.50, can add toppings for a fee - the big daddy dog is $7.25. Make your dog a meal with chips and a drink! Enjoy! Let's be civil!
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^ Why have we not had a conservative entrepreneur create a legitimate social media platform? There's huge money in that waiting to be made because we would all leave the censorship BS from the left.

There's loads of money to be made catering to the right. We'll leave the left every chance we get... social media, coffee, film making... you name it.
Good question. Such a site could become a great blog project and possibly earn some extra $.

I was tracking Marxist style agitation and violent threats on my blog just as you're recommending......I may go back to doing it ....honestly, I was having a hard time keeping up with it after the election

There are 2 or 3 categories of manufactured crises that fit into what I believe you're describing here.....

Example 1: Black church burned to the ground with "vote Trump" spray painted on it --- turns out that it was a black member of that church that did the he's going to jail:

Example 2: Black Lives Matter calling for murder (open terrorism in the style of the bolshevik "red terror" approach ... helps a small # control a larger# and is TEXTBOOK Marxist agitation -- and I believe the violence is coming / in this case the threat is certainly not 'fake'):

at this point the blog is ad-free and only set to run through Dec 2017

this is a very specific writing project I'm taking no with a limited scope and other parameters
Mattis has reversed the overregulating that Obama put into place, basically handcuffing our military branches, and loosened U.S. rules of engagement.

Pentagon ditches onerous rules of engagement, gives Mosul troops quicker firepower access

He's also weeding out the useless people at the Pentagon.

Mattis Shows Up Unannounced, Gives Middle East Policy Office A Pop Quiz

ROE written by politicians who have never been in battle is a joke. Marcus Luttrell touched on that in his book "Lone Survivor."
[laughing]They can't help themselves. They're right back to where they were in November, parroting fake news, trying to fear monger.

Adam Schiff, California Democrat -- who is also a member of the House Intelligence Committee -- just said, again, on national TV, "Russia hacked into our election."

I'm absolutely, 100% positive that he knows even if Russia did the hacking, the DNC and John Podesta's email =/= our election.

Seriously, this is a member of the Intelligence Committee purposely trying to mislead the public, again trying to make it sound like that what Russia did directly affected the outcome of the election.
Not mention, during and after Brexit, Britain was bombarded with the "chaos and confusion" narrative as well. It's either liberal globalists propaganda or one hell of a coincidence. You decide.

Brexit chaos and confusion - Google search

And listen to what this British guy has to say about what their media is telling them about Trump over there. Nothing but lies. Just as bad as the liberal media here. It's almost as if they're all in on it together. Starts @7:10 mark.

Pretty clear to me there are elites that create these buzzwords and tell the media to use them.
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^ Why have we not had a conservative entrepreneur create a legitimate social media platform? There's huge money in that waiting to be made because we would all leave the censorship BS from the left.

On an unrelated note, Oscar ratings were at a nine-year low. Good
Yup I've been wondering for years why this hasn't been done yet. Theres too many damn social media outlets ran by liberals.
I like that Bush is now liked by the Dems. Haha. That's how it goes.

Made a movie about assassinating Bush
Claim he hates black people & caused Katrina
Call him a murderer & warmonger
Freaked out over Iraq
Blamed him for every Obama failure

Now they see him as someone that hates Trump so it's now, "I disagreed with him but Bush was a good man."

Same with Romney and McCain. They told blacks they'd end up in chains, claimed they had a war on women and even blamed Romney for causing someone's death. Fast forward after they lose and it's "I disagreed with them but they were good. But this new guy, he's scary."

Every GD time. Look at this tweet and just shake your head at the obliviousness of the left.

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This might be my favorite part of Trumps budget.

President Trump plans to cut foreign aid as part of his first budget request to Congress, the White House announced Monday.

"We are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars," Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told reporters. "So we will be spending less overseas and spending more back home."
You guys are becoming radicalized in the sense of if stupid can actually metastasize into even more stupid and spread internally like watching a rash spread across your collective red asses.

And that is what should have been happening all along!

If you want us overseas then pay up, otherwise enjoy the Muslims yourself!

Doors closed, F off piss ants!
So F'n tired of giving free handouts to these crap hole countries who hate America. About as bad as the cockroaches in this country who love taking welfare payments every chance they get and offer nothing in return.
Z, you've given up. No fight left.....
Nothing in here left to fight about. Have you read these guys lately? We're talking deep end loony tunes stuff. It is kind of terrifying watching them descend into total delusion. Even what used to be the more level headed ones (relatively speaking) are full on nuts right now. I fight the good fight but damn, I know what freaking is real and what is not and I am not sure most of these people in here do, anymore.

I guarantee you that at least a half dozen of them believe the Clintons were running a pedophile ring out of a pizza shop... then the stuff on Obama just takes it to a whole nother level. Then on the flip side Trump could surrender to Russia tomorrow morning and they'd be lapping his nuts up as hard as they could suckle.
[laughing]They can't help themselves. They're right back to where they were in November, parroting fake news, trying to fear monger.

Adam Schiff, California Democrat -- who is also a member of the House Intelligence Committee -- just said, again, on national TV, "Russia hacked into our election."

Something Adam Schiff should think about.
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You guys are becoming radicalized in the sense of if stupid can actually metastasize into even more stupid and spread internally like watching a rash spread across your collective red asses.

Nothing in here left to fight about. Have you read these guys lately? We're talking deep end loony tunes stuff. It is kind of terrifying watching them descend into total delusion. Even what used to be the more level headed ones (relatively speaking) are full on nuts right now. I fight the good fight but damn, I know what freaking is real and what is not and I am not sure most of these people in here do, anymore.

I guarantee you that at least a half dozen of them believe the Clintons were running a pedophile ring out of a pizza shop... then the stuff on Obama just takes it to a whole nother level. Then on the flip side Trump could surrender to Russia tomorrow morning and they'd be lapping his nuts up as hard as they could suckle.
I know Z, next thing you know conservatives will be burning down buildings and calling for cops to be killed! It's crazy! They may even kidnap a democrat that voted for Hillary, abuse that person, and film it live on Facebook for everyone to see. These people have gone crazy! Oh wait.....that's your side!

The only the only thing great about Reparations or "WPT" is the poor lifelong democrats it would effect. Can you see a poor liberal being forced to pay a tax they don't have, impimented by the party they've been pushing for the last 70 years?

The only reason the "WP" nonsense even started was because through scientific technology and DNA testing we've found that the VAST majority of whites never owned slaves. They had to get around it, and so WP was born.

Simple. If you're white, you owe, regardless.

Liberal ideology is a disease. I truly believe it and if you look at the protesters, liberal voters, and elected officials like Back door Barn Frank you'll see just how disgusting and pitiful they really are. More along the lines of an animal than human.
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I tell you what, if the 5% white privilege tax was treated like a publicly traded company and I could see balance sheets and income statements and review the cash flows for what it's used for.........I swear to god I'd pay it yesterday.

No questions asked, but I absolutely want to know where every penny goes.
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You guys are becoming radicalized in the sense of if stupid can actually metastasize into even more stupid and spread internally like watching a rash spread across your collective red asses.


This actually looks like the modern DNC establishment. Are these all males?
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Why does anybody check a race box on any form?

It shouldn't be on there because as a white guy, your odds of getting that job have decreased significantly if you have a liberal employer or a company needs to fulfill a diversity quota.

Funny how we can't just have a blank race and let the resumes speak for itself.
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