How will they rule ??!

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Numerous articles/op-eds emerging that uncover what was behind many of the liberal leaning news stories over the past few weeks. Some are long, but worth the read. And, of course, they'll be ignored by the MSM and get very little attention.

Administration quits due to Trump policies...well....not so fast my friend

Trump administration officials believe that a Department of Homeland Security report that undercut the president’s position on his travel ban was drafted with the express intent of leaking it to the press, a source close to the department says.

The source said the report was drafted by those loyal to the Obama administration inside the department’s office of intelligence and analysis. The drafters relied solely on open source material, which meant it could be delivered to reporters without violating federal laws on mishandling classified information.

“This was not really a leak but sabotage,” the source said. “This report was commentary. This is insurrection. They all took an oath.”
I like what I read about Trumps budget. Big cuts in the EPA and State Department.

While there are some common sense reforms that need to be made in the EPA, those who don't support its mission are obviously too young to remember things prior to its existence. The idea that industry will be environmentally responsible with less regulation ignores all history.
It will be no different than the financial markets. Common sense regulations were placed upon the markets after the events that led the US into the Great Depression. Those regulations served us well and it wasn't until many of those regulations were lifted that we had a near repeat in 2007/2008.
There is a reason, and a damn good one that the EPA was created. And as soon as people realize that they are being poisoned to allow a few to profit, history will repeat itself.
It's just sad that every few generations it requires people learning the same hard lessons that were learned years earlier.
While there are some common sense reforms that need to be made in the EPA, those who don't support its mission are obviously too young to remember things prior to its existence. The idea that industry will be environmentally responsible with less regulation ignores all history.
It will be no different than the financial markets. Common sense regulations were placed upon the markets after the events that led the US into the Great Depression. Those regulations served us well and it wasn't until many of those regulations were lifted that we had a near repeat in 2007/2008.
There is a reason, and a damn good one that the EPA was created. And as soon as people realize that they are being poisoned to allow a few to profit, history will repeat itself.
It's just sad that every few generations it requires people learning the same hard lessons that were learned years earlier.

You're right Fuzz, the general mission of the EPA is noble and necessary.
With that said, the last administration used as a weapon to pound certain industries in order to make them nonexistent. It was not meant to be used as a political tool.
When we give too much power to government to regulate we get disastrous results. Regulation becomes too political and prosperous for those in government who are looking for the kickback.
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You're comparing the EPA of old with the EPA of new. The EPA is no longer what it used to be, and has gotten far away from what it was intended to do.

Now it is used as a backdoor around Congress by Democrats. They use the EPA to enforce policies, that could have never passed Congress, through regulations.
My town is so brave and so blessed. We now have a "sanctuary restaurant"
where you can dine without being harassed. So blessed we are, so progressive. For far too long we've been without a safe place to eat. What a glorious day.

LMAO....don't read all that, but it's hilariously smug af. What in the isn't even open, or something.

"Common sense reforms"

You idiots have no sense, common or otherwise, so forgive us for laughing at your overused phrase, "common sense reforms".

They always speak in euphemisms anyways to hide their agenda and how effed up they are.

And when lefties say, "common sense" I get a chuckle. This is the group who can't even agree on gender, doesn't understand that gun free zones don't work, doesn't want our borders protected or proper vetting from terrorist hot spots, doesn't understand economics and honestly, they're incapable of listening or to understanding any other point of view.
So tired of these pretentious ass twats that make light of serious issues for marketing reasons, pump their egos, whatever...

2 houses in my neighborhood still have their "hey we welcome all spanish and muslims, but not any other people" signs in their yard. It's blatantly racist af, and I guarantee the Mexicans who cut their yard will not appreciate that stupid sign when they have to take it out of the ground and put it back up every gd week just so Mrs. Twatface can tell all her neighbors that she's def not racist, like totes not racist, yaknow, as long as you're spanish or Muslim, yaknow, you can live here, but not Russian, Chinese, Korean, etc etc etc.
ISIS execute a 15-year-old boy by beheading after he is caught listening to western music in Iraq


I mean what they expect? Rep your set and stay true.
Would be interesting to see the results of an article/tweet scan of certain catch words/phrases and associate them with their source over time. Sanctuary, draconian, common sense, white privilege, affirmative action, disadvantaged, science denier, Nazi, Fascist, etc.

And, more specifically, look for the same key buzzwords that are used in a 24 hour time period by various sources which would indicate a co-ordinated effort to push a particular point or agenda originating from a common source. I've seen this done occasionally with certain buzzwords but not a study over time.
Would be interesting to see the results of an article/tweet scan of certain catch words/phrases and associate them with their source over time. Sanctuary, draconian, common sense, white privilege, affirmative action, disadvantaged, science denier, Nazi, Fascist, etc.

And, more specifically, look for the same key buzzwords that are used in a 24 hour time period by various sources which would indicate a co-ordinated effort to push a particular point or agenda originating from a common source. I've seen this done occasionally with certain buzzwords but not a study over time.
You don't observe the same thing from the right simply with differs buzzwords?
Our defense spending is on a another planet compared to everyone else. The problem is that there has been so much waste, fraud, etc. The F35 program has been a complete disaster. How about the billions over budget for the latest Naval Warship projects? 4 Billion for a new Air Force 1?

Meanwhile the billions we spent on planes, ships, etc in the past have all aged and need replaced. Much better/latest equipment is now needed.

Entitlements have to be repaired. The government has stolen our money from the SS and Medicare funds for their pet projects. Millions of people are abusing the welfare system. Meanwhile, just like the military spending there is countless cases of fraud, etc., that costs us billions a year with these programs along with other ridiculous programs.

Washington does not have a revenue problem. It has a SERIOUS spending problem. Wasteful spending, fraud, criminal activity by our politicians, etc. have gotten us into this mess. My hope is Trump will be able to get a grasp on it all much like he had to with his businesses and figures out where the cuts can be made and find ways to help minimize the amount of fraud, etc. that is costing us billions a year.

Bingo! This is what libs don't get either. 100% dead on!

Sure the wall, tax cuts, etc etc sound crazy with the budget that is currently in place, and it would be! So we really cut spending with that fine tooth comb Obama talked about.

See what Dems like Z forget is that is why Obama was elected. He talked about it several times about going through the budget and trim spending. Which as far as defense he did, but nothing else.

Now hopefully trump stays true to his word.
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I pointed this out at the time, but remember when the first travel ban was rolled out?

"Chaos and confusion" was said literally thousands of times within the first day, across all platforms; MSM TV channels/Internet websites, local news, newspapers headlines, radio shows, blogs, social media, Democrat politicians, liberal social justice groups, etc...

They didn't miss a beat. Everyone had their buzzword talking point. It was almost as if it was organized and collaborated from the top down.
My town is so brave and so blessed. We now have a "sanctuary restaurant"
where you can dine without being harassed. So blessed we are, so progressive. For far too long we've been without a safe place to eat. What a glorious day.

LMAO....don't read all that, but it's hilariously smug af. What in the isn't even open, or something.

Yeah, we have one of those in Louisville too. I won't be buying coffee from the Sweaty Crack of the Heine Bros. I prefer my coffee without a side politics or crack-sweat.
Not mention, during and after Brexit, Britain was bombarded with the "chaos and confusion" narrative as well. It's either liberal globalists propaganda or one hell of a coincidence. You decide.

Brexit chaos and confusion - Google search

And listen to what this British guy has to say about what their media is telling them about Trump over there. Nothing but lies. Just as bad as the liberal media here. It's almost as if they're all in on it together. Starts @7:10 mark.

"We are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life" --Viola Davis
How refreshing to see an actor have such a firm grasp on reality. They should give her some sort of meaningful award.
Yeah, we have one of those in Louisville too. I won't be buying coffee from the Sweaty Crack of the Heine Bros. I prefer my coffee without a side politics or crack-sweat.
If Sunergos pulls any crap please do not tell me about it. Thanks. I'm going to remain on a don't ask don't tell policy for the forseeable future.
They are all in it together. They are globalists and it's the only way to them to make everything systematically work.

We have been on schedule for this to pan itself out for along time now. Those that were happy and in control want chaos if they are thrown off to make everything so smoother and have everyone accept their ways.

You can be happy for Trump, but just 1 president doesn't stop the movement set in place. These old rich bastards must die and another president or two will be necessary to carry our current course in a different direction.

You will see a globalist vs nationalist war, IMO, within the decade.
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They are all in it together. They are globalists and it's the only way to them to make everything systematically work.

These old rich bastards must die

Or, look to the young ultra rich bastards who not only have billions, but also hold sway over various forms of influential media such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
I know most at these town halls have been coached, but I don't understand the logic behind coaching them to back and support Obamacare. Do the Democrats and their constituents not realize Obamacare has failed?

If nothing is done, by this time next year it will have basically collapsed and repealed itself. Doing something about it us unavoidable at this point. Even if Hillary had won and the Democrats were in power, they'd be forced to do something about it as well.
"We are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life" --Viola Davis
Nope, we do it all the time with birthdays, barbeque's, parties, friendly get together's etc....we just don't have a venue other than our local establishments to use. They mostly celebrate how great they are to themselves.
Or, look to the young ultra rich bastards who not only have billions, but also hold sway over various forms of influential media such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
That's the direction it's already heading. All three of those are guilty of censorship, manipulating info, suppressing info, etc...throughout this past election and since Trump has taken office.

And I'm sure they've been doing it for much longer, but this election really kind if lifted the curtain and many more, much more aware.
^ Why have we not had a conservative entrepreneur create a legitimate social media platform? There's huge money in that waiting to be made because we would all leave the censorship BS from the left.

On an unrelated note, Oscar ratings were at a nine-year low. Good
If Sunergos pulls any crap please do not tell me about it. Thanks. I'm going to remain on a don't ask don't tell policy for the forseeable future.

Sunergos was caught up in the PC cross hairs for removing the LEO newspaper from its shop earlier this month. People assumed that it was because of a cover featuring two lesbians kissing. It turned out that wasn't the reason and they were barely spared a boycott/picket from the PC police.

"The owners of a local coffee company have fended off a wave of anger — and allegations of discrimination — over removing LEO Weekly from their stores "due to increasingly sexually explicit content and advertising.".....
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