How did Biden do it? I'll type this slow: P E O P L E H A T E T R U M P. You don't. You don't even understand why? (Or do you?)
Trump didn't just screw a porn star. He did it while the his wife and baby were getting settled AFTER THE BABY'S BIRTH. And -- oh, yeah -- paying for her silence AND committing fraud to hide it. Oh, yeah. Trump and the owner of the National Enquirer had a catch-and-kill industrial process going on.
You sound too young to remember the constant anti-Clinton hounding in the press. It was constant for Bill's 8 years and almost as constant for the next 24. The NYTimes misrepresentation of the Whitewater facts has been exposed many times. And, guess what? The Times never apologized for it or even acknowledged it. Yeah. The flagship liberal newspaper. So, guess what? You're nuts. You know I bet you've engaged in a little anti-Clintonism yourself. And it's been going on since 1992. Spare us the self-pity and historical revisionism.