How will they rule ??!

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All you guys repeat after me:


The first step to recovery is admitting it, folks. You are addicting to Trump's spending and you support it wildly. So why on earth are you ashamed to admit it? Free yourselves. Letter your inner spender out and let us all have a good look at it.

Regretfully, spending is going to occur in politics. That's how you get a liberal, you should know this truth.
At least I'd have faith that Trump is leading us to spend properly and responsibly. Can't say that about people on the left/wrong side of the aisle.
Anybody keeping track of how much these Big Spending Republican's are planning on spending because there is a big fat orange Santa Claus up there promising free shit for everybody right now. Why do Republicans always think they know how to spend my money better than I do? Keep your greedy hands out of our pockets you lying freeloaders.

He made them applaud Government Regulations for crying out loud. Really, really, strong Government Regulations. In the middle of a speech featuring about 30 trillion dollars in spending. Anti-free trade, even. They lapped every word up. They couldn't clap hard enough. I think he should have performed an abortion right there on the stage and made them pass it around. I loved every minute of watching that. I am going to replay it about 20 times now. I want to savor every expression in the crowd. Every twinkle in Trump's eye as he marvels at how stupid these people are.
Get back to us when Trump doubles our national debt.

I admire your persistence: especially in the face of an obvious intelligence shortfall.
Monty Burns (D-Ky) the bright face of the future of the dem party who they want to spotlight on SOTU night? Jezuz H Christ. Or is any semblance of viable "candidates" running in fear from the slot knowing how badly the will look in comparison to the POTUS?
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Sounds like the more moderate Dems are laying low and hoping this whirlwind of juvenile protesting will soon extinguish itself. If it doesn't, it will be interesting to see what they do. Can't imagine trying to win a House or Senate seat in the South or Midwest with a Muslim as your DNC head with protesters spewing off about such a wide variety of oddball issues. the current climate, will the Dem protesters even get behind and support the more moderate Dems? They seriously may be left out completely on an island.
Some damn French people started a petition to elect Barack Obama as president. So thoughtful, so progressive, so blessed. They are just sick and tired of the crazy alt right, per sources.
The French Left had best spend less time worrying about Donald Trump and Barack Obama, and more time worrying about this spring. French moonbats may soon be as shell-shocked as American moonbats were in November (actually, our moonbats are still shell-shocked, but I digress). Like it or not, they'll get a female President, if not this time then in 2022.
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[laughing] Santa Clara is judge shopping, asking any and all federal judges who'll hear their plea, to block Trump from being allowed to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities when they fail to cooperating with federal law.

Another case of feelings and inconvenience being above the law to these people. If a judge seriously blocks this, it's over. The rule of law no longer exist. All you have to do is find you a liberal who'll interpret the law through biased feelings and you're all set.
Please tell me someone saw Tucker Carlson talking with a DNC senior advisor about genders. My god I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the guy literally sat there and said multiple times that we get to decide or gender and that is the final say for what our gender officially is. So as a guy if you want to just walk into a female locker room go ahead, if someone asks just say you identify as a female that day. Fallon Fox (male to female trans MMA fighter) beating the crap out of girls? No big deal because he says he is now a girl.

Seriously are we really at this point in society where people are outright just trying to deny biology?
The left does not believe in science.
Anybody keeping track of how much these Big Spending Republican's are planning on spending because there is a big fat orange Santa Claus up there promising free shit for everybody right now. Why do Republicans always think they know how to spend my money better than I do? Keep your greedy hands out of our pockets you lying freeloaders.
The big bang explosion of stupidity is still expanding because your mouth is open. You really are this dumb aren't you? I was at one point willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but now, no doubt.
In and amongst all this spending I never heard him mention his trillion dollar infrastructure program? Did he promise to do that by this Monday by any chance while he was sprinkling out the Christmas presents?

I can't wait to see the budget next week. Something has to give. He will either continue walking all this horseshit back to it is relatively just like what was already in place or he'll double-down on the lying and the promising. Hmmm... what does his track record suggest he'll do?

I want to make money off you suckers, too. You'll believe anything. Hell, you've got the biggest lyingest most obvious conman of all time shuffling the clam shells right in front of you and it's like you've never seen this game before? Somehow you can't recognize even the most obvious of swindlers ever? No wonder grifters still travel all over the south selling black water as driveway sealant to you idiots. You literally fall for anything. Damn, I need in on this bonanza. Rubes, rubes as far as they eye can see just waiting to be taken. Donald must think he's in Heaven (or that Russian cathouse he got peed on in).
We have to vote it in and pay for it to see what is in it. [roll]You guys were like puppies to the food bowl.
Serves 'em right, especially after the Priebus story this morning. 30 minutes of fact checking and following up, and they would have known their facts were fake. Instead they chose to run with it, now they suffer the consequences.
That story was such bullshit. CNN is awful. I'm glad we have a President that is standing up to them.
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[laughing] CNN playing clips of Trump's CPAC speech on him blasting the media, then coming back and saying "Well, he's wrong. The polls show Americans trust the media."

Do they not realize how people actually feel about polls? Did we not just witnessed one of the biggest upsets ever in November, where all the polls couldn't have been more wrong?

Seriously, who watches this shit regularly, and among those who do, who actually believes this shit? It's borderline satire.
Serves 'em right, especially after the Priebus story this morning. 30 minutes of fact checking and following up, and they would have known their facts were fake. Instead they chose to run with it, now they suffer the consequences.

What was the priebus story?
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They really need an explanation? Maybe stop your bullshit propaganda and lies.

I don't see the big deal. It wasn't an on camera press briefing in the briefing room. It's an off camera gaggle in Spicer's office.

There were only so many requests that could be accommodated because of lack of room. Spicer invited who he saw fit, some even turned down the invitation. Again, this wasn't press briefing.
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What was the priebus story?
That he sought out and contacted the FBI, then tried to strong arm, pressure them into publicly squashing the Russia story.

The truth is, the FBI, McCabe, approached Priebus just to give him a heads up and let him know the NYT Russia story was severely overblown. Priebus then asked since that was the case, was there anyway the FBI could let the public know instead of allowing fake news to dictate the story. McCabe refused, told him no, that it isn't the FBI's job to call balls or strikes, and that was the end of it.
Please tell me someone saw Tucker Carlson talking with a DNC senior advisor about genders. My god I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the guy literally sat there and said multiple times that we get to decide or gender and that is the final say for what our gender officially is. So as a guy if you want to just walk into a female locker room go ahead, if someone asks just say you identify as a female that day. Fallon Fox (male to female trans MMA fighter) beating the crap out of girls? No big deal because he says he is now a girl.

Seriously are we really at this point in society where people are outright just trying to deny biology?
Yet some of the same people won't hesitate to berate a Christian for not believing in evolution. Hypocrisy.
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Sounds like the more moderate Dems are laying low and hoping this whirlwind of juvenile protesting will soon extinguish itself. If it doesn't, it will be interesting to see what they do. Can't imagine trying to win a House or Senate seat in the South or Midwest with a Muslim as your DNC head with protesters spewing off about such a wide variety of oddball issues. the current climate, will the Dem protesters even get behind and support the more moderate Dems? They seriously may be left out completely on an island.

I'm telling you, pick up the book "The Shadow Party." It discusses Soros owning the party and replacement of all moderates.
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Yet some of the same people won't hesitate to berate a Christian for not believing in evolution. Hypocrisy.

Speaking of hypocrisy, have you ever seen a Democrat take on Muslims? Have they ever cried about seeing an Islamic item or display like they do with Nativity scenes? Have they ever targeted a Muslim business? Nope.

The left has enemies and those are the west, whites and Christians. No one else is allowed to be criticized.
[laughing] Santa Clara is judge shopping, asking any and all federal judges who'll hear their plea, to block Trump from being allowed to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities when they fail to cooperating with federal law.

Another case of feelings and inconvenience being above the law to these people. If a judge seriously blocks this, it's over. The rule of law no longer exist. All you have to do is find you a liberal who'll interpret the law through biased feelings and you're all set.

Hate to quote myself, but speaking of this, isn't California in a crisis right now? Don't they have much more important things to be worried about than judge shopping, disobeying federal law and protecting illegals?
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[laughing] CNN playing clips of Trump's CPAC speech on him blasting the media, then coming back and saying "Well, he's wrong. The polls show Americans trust the media."

Do they not realize how people actually feel about polls? Did we not just witnessed one of the biggest upsets ever in November, where all the polls couldn't have been more wrong?

Seriously, who watches this shit regularly, and among those who do, who actually believes this shit? It's borderline satire.

Maybe you don't believe polls but every single Fortune 1000 company and brand completely depends on them to make business decisions and have for decades. Maybe CNN doesn't know how to interpret a poll, but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls, at least educated people.
In his speech today, Trump said the lines were 6 blocks long but nobody would hear about it bc the media wouldn't cover it. I have been staying at the Gaylord all week and there was no line at all today. One of my biggest things with Trump is why does he say things like this when they are 100% false?
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Maybe you don't believe polls but every single Fortune 1000 company and brand completely depends on them to make business decisions and have for decades. Maybe CNN doesn't know how to interpret a poll, but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls, at least educated people.

Have you forgotten how bad the polling was this past election? There were polls going into the last 2 weeks of the election that had Trump down 6-10%. They were garbage, and anyone paying attention knew it.
In his speech today, Trump said the lines were 6 blocks long but nobody would hear about it bc the media wouldn't cover it. I have been staying at the Gaylord all week and there was no line at all today. One of my biggest things with Trump is why does he say things like this when they are 100% false?

Gaylord in Orlando? Dude, you're 1 minute from my place. Wanna do some blow? They aren't all false. Trump likes to work up the crowd. But not sure about that line. Gaylord is kinda sophisticated
Maybe you don't believe polls but every single Fortune 1000 company and brand completely depends on them to make business decisions and have for decades. Maybe CNN doesn't know how to interpret a poll, but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls, at least educated people.
So, hildawgs really won? The polls had her winning bigly.
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In his speech today, Trump said the lines were 6 blocks long but nobody would hear about it bc the media wouldn't cover it. I have been staying at the Gaylord all week and there was no line at all today. One of my biggest things with Trump is why does he say things like this when they are 100% false?

That's not true at all. People were in line as early as 3 am. I saw Fox News out there interviewing people all morning. Very first guy in line was from California, drove days to get there.

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the ACU, said it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest crowd he has seen at the event.

but that doesn't mean that most people don't trust polls

When the poll is about Trump, I can point to about 60M people who don't who don't trust it.
I really don't care if it makes me a bigot. There are men, women and people with mental problems in this world. That's the list of genders.

If you think your kid should be able to pick their gender, you're a goddam lunatic and shouldn't be a parent.

All kids and teenagers go through shit. That's life. Deal with it. Grow up.
Why bother with that when it's so much easier to just lop your dick off, right Z?