That's so hyperbolic as to be irrelevant. As I've repeatedly said, I'm talking about a tiny stipend to only cover the basics if you use it extremely wisely. It's called Universal Basic Income, not Universal Luxury Income. Mostly it's just supplemental income for those who struggle the most from those who struggle the least. It's about more people getting to that jetski level, not fewer.
Look, we have fans here from all over the SEC footprint, ACC, Big Ten, and Big 12 too. Our rural areas are old and dying. The young talent moves to the city. Most of the people that stay are the ones who can't afford to leave. We all see this, no matter what field you're in or place on the political spectrum you occupy. Capitalism is globalism that's always seeking cheaper labor. Our system has doomed us. We need to invest in our own communities. A line most everyone here would give a 'like' if it didn't come from me.
Forget the stupidass socialism labels. What I'm advocating for is a reduction in federal and state bureaucracy. There are at least seven major, and many, many more in certain localities, forms of government assistance or 'welfare'. That takes offices and offices of people to manage and is wasteful. Every conservative here agrees with that, it's y'all's talking point. So streamline government by bringing it into the modern age and unifying all these smaller programs. Make politicians accountable for their pork again because you know where your tax dollars are going to, they're not going to some unaccountable bureaucracy behind closed doors, they're going to every single citizen to use as they see fit, mostly at your local restaurants, to pay your local rent, and buy your local groceries. We bring it in; we dish it out. Simple as that.