How will they rule ??!

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US factory CEOs to Trump: Jobs exist; skills don't

"President Donald Trump brought two dozen manufacturing CEOs to the White House on Thursday and declared their collective commitment to restoring factory jobs lost to foreign competition.

Yet some of the CEOs suggested that there were still plenty of openings for U.S. factory jobs but too few qualified people to fill them."

That is a load of bullshit shoveled by people trying to cover their ass.
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Building a house right now. 6 Mexicans showed up today and worked their arses off from about 8:00 until 5:50 or so. I hope they don't get deported until they are finished.

Seriously, I don't mind the ones that work. They just need to be here legally....and pay taxes like everyone else.
Guess what? They don't pay taxes. They claim 8 dependents, have a false SS card, and skip out at the end of the year and never file. Nor do many of them carry car or health insurance.
Prolly did, Krazy. I often do

Some crazy broad blaming men for the worlds problems when all we do is try to get poon tang, I'm saying since that's our only goal what we do is for poon tang.

Like Dave Chappell said it's all bait!
Guess what? They don't pay taxes. They claim 8 dependents, have a false SS card, and skip out at the end of the year and never file. Nor do many of them carry car or health insurance.

This isn't really the case, completely. I know several crews that do it legit.

Bricklayers though, Louisville is at a shortage right now.

I heard we will see a 2 week refusal to work soon. If that happens it should get interesting around here.
Some crazy broad blaming men for the worlds problems when all we do is try to get poon tang, I'm saying since that's our only goal what we do is for poon tang.

Like Dave Chappell said it's all bait!

Krazy, honestly I'm the last guy to talk about what women should do. hahaha
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Just now on local news, breaking historical TV event:

For the first time ever a transgender actress will play the role of a transgender lawyer who is romantically persued by a straight male who is aware the lawyer is trandgendered.

This is great news, folks. CBS breaking barriers. So blessed.
Can I just say that I *love* when Mashburned pops in with a post?

Always timely, always topical. [laughing]
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URLs exist; linking skills don't.
This is what happens when schools took trades out of High School and encouraged everyone to go to college. Some people aren't made for college. There is nothing wrong with learning to be an electrician, plumber, mechanic or any other blue collar skill.

I wish more community colleges would pick up the vocational slack that HS's no longer teach.
Dude, Mash is the shit. Would wafully rap with his cracker ass any day. Plus he loves dogs

Thanks man.

I rip and I rhyme I rhyme and a rip, this is the way that mashburned spits.
Can I just say that I *love* when Mashburned pops in with a post?

Always timely, always topical. [laughing]

*sits on therapist couch*

Alright, I'm ashamed to say this, but this is what happened: I'm looking at the tv like "hey that 6'4" black chick is kinda cute". It was a fn trap. Now I feel gay as hell, and that was the entire point of this stupid "news" segment. Good job CBS. F you.
LOL at the Jameis Winston outrage.

Accused of sexual assault at FSU, got in trouble for yelling "f*ck her right in the pussy" or whatever, stole crab legs from a supermarket, and seemed to be an all around imbecile ("YOU SCRONG WE SCRONG").

Let's bring him in to speak to kids then get upset when he says something we don't like.
This is what happens when schools took trades out of High School and encouraged everyone to go to college. Some people aren't made for college. There is nothing wrong with learning to be an electrician, plumber, mechanic or any other blue collar skill.

I wish more community colleges would pick up the vocational slack that HS's no longer teach.

What happens is in the qualifications they require a 4 year college degree. The folks with a Bachelors don't want to work in a factory, and the people that want to work don't have a degree.

A degree is not needed for 90% of factory work, the other 10% is simply trade school degrees.
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This is what happens when schools took trades out of High School and encouraged everyone to go to college. Some people aren't made for college. There is nothing wrong with learning to be an electrician, plumber, mechanic or any other blue collar skill.

I wish more community colleges would pick up the vocational slack that HS's no longer teach.
Very true. Golf buddy of mine hated college. Dropped out, went to a tech school to become an electrician. 20 years later he is a master electrician who owns his own company making a ton of dough and loves what he does. Lives in a $750k home, plays golf all the time, drives a brand new BMW X5 and has no debt.

Another friend of mine is a General Contractor who owns his company and does both residential and commercial construction. He cannot find good help. A lot of the Mexicans went home after the 08 crash. He has a few Mexicans who are legal, work very hard, and are dependable. The problem he has are the Americans who come to work for him who have drug problems, are extremely unreliable, and frankly are lazy as f. Many work just enough to where they do not lose their welfare benefits.

There are opportunities for people out there, but so many refuse to take those opportunities and make a good life for themselves and their families. Start taking away welfare for capable folks and I bet you see them get off their butts.
LOL at the Jameis Winston outrage.

Accused of sexual assault at FSU, got in trouble for yelling "f*ck her right in the pussy" or whatever, stole crab legs from a supermarket, and seemed to be an all around imbecile ("YOU SCRONG WE SCRONG").

Let's bring him in to speak to kids then get upset when he says something we don't like.
genius. You girls sit down. GUys you stand up, women need to be silent men need to be strong hahahaha
Yeah, my best friend in the world, God rest his soul, went to a trade school in Paducah right out of HS for 1 year to learn masonry. He had his own company in B'ham with 2 crews running at the same time by the time he was 24. He always made more money than I did with my multiple degrees. Plus, he had a head start AND had no student loans to worry about.

I swear to Jehova, I've wished on more than one occasion that I'd just learned to weld better in HS.

Have another buddy in ATL who is a welder and jujst finished work on the new nuclear power plant down there. I'm straight up jealous of the money that guy makes.
Guess what? They don't pay taxes. They claim 8 dependents, have a false SS card, and skip out at the end of the year and never file. Nor do many of them carry car or health insurance.

I understand. IMO, for those that work and stay out of trouble, I don't mind their becoming "legal" if they want to stay here. For those who are unwilling to work or break the law, haul them back. We need legal workers that can pay taxes. As for Mexicans taking American jobs, they may take some, but in the business I'm currently in, I work with American citizens who are too lazy to work, give in to the slightest anxiety provoker and think they can't work, etc... Of the 50 or so people I work with on a regular basis,for many, to even suggest they get a job putting shingles on a house would result in: A) Their not coming back to me for services; B) They'd come up with a multitude of reasons their "condition" renders them unable to work.

Most Americans that want a job right now can find work.
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Since the media will probably purposely leave this part out, but, today, when you hear the media's sob story about an illegal with a brain tumor being deported (like ICE is somehow supposed to know her personal and private health condition), just know that an immigration judge found sufficient evidence to order her deportation last month. Instead of complying, she chose to flee, making her a fugitive.

Yeah, sucks for her that she has a brain tumor, I sincerely hope she gets well, but the law wouldn't make an exception for anyone else if they had a health condition, so it definitely shouldn't make one for her.
What difference does it make if she has a brain tumor?

She got the cash for an operation in the US? If so, I think the US has a B-2 Visa program she can apply for. If not, my tax dollars supposed to pay for any Mexican's medical treatment who can scurry across the border? GTFO.
Yeah, my best friend in the world, God rest his soul, went to a trade school in Paducah right out of HS for 1 year to learn masonry. He had his own company in B'ham with 2 crews running at the same time by the time he was 24. He always made more money than I did with my multiple degrees. Plus, he had a head start AND had no student loans to worry about.

I swear to Jehova, I've wished on more than one occasion that I'd just learned to weld better in HS.

Have another buddy in ATL who is a welder and jujst finished work on the new nuclear power plant down there. I'm straight up jealous of the money that guy makes.

Don't they know that they're uneducated white men; the lowest people according to liberals?
What difference does it make if she has a brain tumor?

She got the cash for an operation in the US? If so, I think the US has a B-2 Visa program she can apply for. If not, my tax dollars supposed to pay for any Mexican's medical treatment who can scurry across the border? GTFO.
Yes, like the wall, make Mexico pay for it.
was anyone listening to rush yesterday? A celebrity called in I forgot his name. Anyone remember?
[laughing] These people are nauseating. If they have so much self hate, why not make a suicide pact, and go ahead and end it?


Students at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania will carry a physical reminder of their alleged “white privilege” this month, as the school’s College Democrats have launched a campaign in which they are asking students to wear a white pin in the shape of a puzzle piece.

They say the goal is to make students at the small, private liberal arts college think about how race affects their lives.

Aileen Ida, president of the College Democrats, claimed in a report in the College Fix that white people continually tolerate a societal system of oppression unless they work against it.

“No matter how accepting someone is, that doesn’t stop them from being part of a system based on centuries of inequality,” she said.

At least someone knows what's up, though.

Scott Greer, deputy editor at the Daily Caller, scoffs at this idea.

“This is just a talking point to further guilt-trip whites into doing what these activists want,” Greer told WND. “There is no real discrimination going on. Besides, nothing white liberals do to combat this imaginary oppression will be good enough for these agitators.”

The College Fix quoted Ida as saying, “Discussions about race are often perceived as being only open to people of color, but I think it is just as important for white people to partake in conversations about race.”

But Greer, knowing what he knows about the typical nature of racial discussions, does not trust the College Democrat president’s motives.

“She only wants whites to participate in these conversations in a totally submissive role,” he inferred. “This is not a conversation; it’s a resentful lecture that requires Caucasians to nod their heads and not voice disagreement.”

Despite Ida’s desire to spark a campus-wide discussion on race, Greer does not think this experiment is likely to make a real impact on any white students.

“I don’t think they are going to change at all,” he predicted. “The students who would wear these pins are the most fervent believers in white guilt, and the wearing of these pins just demonstrates to the rest of the world how ludicrous they are. This is absolutely about virtue signaling and nothing else. Nothing will change from this, except to further legitimize anti-white sentiment on campus.”

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What difference does it make if she has a brain tumor?

She got the cash for an operation in the US? If so, I think the US has a B-2 Visa program she can apply for. If not, my tax dollars supposed to pay for any Mexican's medical treatment who can scurry across the border? GTFO.
My thoughts exactly. The fact ICE just saved taxpayers tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, in medical bills is a bonus.

For patients not covered by health insurance, the typical cost of brain tumor treatment can range from less than $50,000 for a small benign tumor in an accessible location that can be treated with surgery alone up to $700,000 or more for a malignant tumor that must be treated with some combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
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gotta protect the freedom of the press...NY Daily News headline:

Body language experts dissect moment Trump strategist Steve Bannon intimately pats Reince Priebus
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