Answer this question....WTF would a President that lost an election hold a rage fueled rally the day of Election Certification in Congress?? What was the purpose? He had already been declared the loser. He had already lost his court cases. He had already lost his state appeals.Love how you try and explain away what walz really meant and that he misspoke while in the same breath say trump incited a riot by using the words peacefully protest and that he in fact called the nazis very fine people. Your clown show continues 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡.
Why the rally? Why tell an angry mob that the election was stolen from them? The F'er knew exactly who to invite and what they would do.
Just like a mafia boss telling someone....I'd hate to see you end up feeding the fishes.
You are stupid enough to believe that you need fish food for a trip to the river.
I have also said Walz needs to explain himself and if he can't he needs to apologize for lying. It is potentially a lie...not inciting a riot.
You know....a lie like telling everyone you won an election that you didn't win?? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡