How will they rule ??!

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He says he wants to be the Wikileaks to the MSM. Offering 10 grand for documents, videos or anything.

Not related to the tapes, but any doubt that OKeefe would have ended up dead or in jail if Hillary won?

Yeah, because the MSM sure isn't going to out themselves for having a biased slant.

That stupid blonde bitch on Morning Joe said it's the job of the MSM to contrl the info. f*** her. I'll pay a another woman to black her eye.
Yeah, because the MSM sure isn't going to out themselves for having a biased slant.

That stupid blonde bitch on Morning Joe said it's the job of the MSM to contrl the info. f*** her. I'll pay a another woman to black her eye.
Fizz/RQSCRUB identifies as a transgender Martian female... close enough?
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How do student visas work? Isn't that how the 9/11 attackers got here? Or nah?

Any idiot with his dick in his hand can go to college and likely get paid to do so.

We talking about golden whore showers again Willy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::okay:

[laughing] just Trump hookers
Trump would be completely within his constitutional and congressional-granted authority to ban every GD non-citizen muzzie on earth from coming into our country.

Ask them why they're so hellbent on getting uneducated and zero-skilled people here to burden tax payers?

Then try not to laugh and follow it up with asking why they don't care about homeless people here, vets and if they are so compassionate about Islam then why do they go out of their way to start shit with Christians all the time by freaking out over Nativity scenes, Chick-Fil-A, trying to bankrupt Christian bakeries, etc?
No it wouldn't. Blocking any class or country from the US is a right specifically and exclusively given to the Executive, without limitation.
Yes, I understand and agree with that, but that's a different matter.

I'm specifically talking about the Terrorists Travel Prevention Act law of 2015 that names the seven countries. Trump cannot add countries to that law and make new law with an EO.

In order to change that law, that's already on the books, to include more countries, he'd have to go through Congress.
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Name an open AND prosperous majority black or Muslim country.


I think Islam is a counterfeit religion, and there's definitely something wrong with it's teachings and leader.

That said, most Muslims aren't jihadists, but some would say that's because they haven't really got into the authoritative writings.

To answer your question, I would say Jordan qualifies, and that King Abdullah isn't a bad guy.
Twitter censoring CNNLeaks same way they did with Wikileaks. Not allowing it to trend, newsworthy negative tweets, from well known people with lots of followers, mysteriously being deleted or can't be retweeted, people getting banned, etc...


Town halls are starting to get so dangerous that Congressmen are being encouraged by the Sergeant at Arms to back out. Also reports that buses have, in fact, been spotted bussing these leftist groups in by the dozens.

And parents who took their children to teach them a lesson in civics are complaining that they're having to get up and leave because there's zero discourse, nothing but shouting, cursing, threatening, violent behavior from the Trump hating, sore loser left.

Dear Fellow East Texans:

Thank you for your recent request to my office for a town hall meeting. Having traveled the entirety of our district so many times during my time in Congress, doing thousands of events and public appearances.

Unfortunately, at this time there are groups from the more violent strains of the leftist ideology, some even being paid, who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety.

Threats are nothing new to me and I have gotten my share as a felony judge. However, the House Sergeant at Arms advised us that civilian attendees at Congressional public events stand the most chance of being harmed or killed.

One Congressional friend had one of his district staff members knocked unconscious and hospitalized this past week after being overrun by a group intent on physical confrontation and disruption.
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Town halls are starting to get so dangerous that Congressmen are being encouraged by the Sergeant at Arms to back out. Also reports that buses have, in fact, been spotted bussing these leftist groups in by the dozens.

And parents who took their children to teach them a lesson in civics are complaining that they're having to get up and leave because there's zero discourse, nothing but shouting, cursing, threatening, violent behavior from the Trump hating, sore loser left.

Dear Fellow East Texans:

Thank you for your recent request to my office for a town hall meeting. Having traveled the entirety of our district so many times during my time in Congress, doing thousands of events and public appearances.

Unfortunately, at this time there are groups from the more violent strains of the leftist ideology, some even being paid, who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety.

Threats are nothing new to me and I have gotten my share as a felony judge. However, the House Sergeant at Arms advised us that civilian attendees at Congressional public events stand the most chance of being harmed or killed.

One Congressional friend had one of his district staff members knocked unconscious and hospitalized this past week after being overrun by a group intent on physical confrontation and disruption.
They need to do something about this before someone gets hurt or killed.
How big is the transgender people community? Every other question in Spicers news conference has dealt with that issue. Is there nothing more important for the POTUS to worry about?

Shew, thought for a second Trump wanted leave matters like this up to the states. Glad he changed his mind
They were just interviewing a lib/dim on FBN and she said Trump easing the restrictions on coal would only help the owners and not the workers in the coal FACTORIES. Gotta love lib/dims.

Shew, thought for a second Trump wanted leave matters like this up to the states. Glad he changed his mind

Spicer did say medicinal would be left up to the states. Didn't hear him say they'd be "taking action" against recreational, but maybe I missed that part. What I did hear him say was that he'd refer them to actually ask the AG about recreational.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for legal recreational marijuana. I'm a pot head, smoke daily, constantly, ingest thc anyway I can, but [laughing] at complaining about it. It's been the law for your entire life, and if you smoke, then it definitely hasn't stopped you before, so nothing has changed.

If that's your biggest beef, then I'd say Trump is doing pretty damn good.
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[laughing] Fathers all across the nation, you hear that? If you don't want your 12 year old daughter subjected to possibly seeing a grown man's penis, then you are overprotective and intolerant.
The only plus side to the situation as it is now is that if my 11 year old daughter is in a public bathroom and starts screaming because someone is attacking her (don't care who) it will probably not cost the taxpayer a dime to defend he/she/it because "it" will probably not get out of there alive.
How big is the transgender people community? Every other question in Spicers news conference has dealt with that issue. Is there nothing more important for the POTUS to worry about?

Just now on local news, breaking historical TV event:

For the first time ever a transgender actress will play the role of a transgender lawyer who is romantically persued by a straight male who is aware the lawyer is trandgendered.

This is great news, folks. CBS breaking barriers. So blessed.
This is just an assumption, but if Trump/Sessions decide to take action on recreational marijuana states it's probably because of his war with sanctuary cities/states.

He'd be blasted for being a hypocrite for allowing recreational states to break federal law, but then coming down hard on sanctuary cities/states for breaking federal law. That's ammunition he can't afford to give them in his fight against sanctuary cities/states.

And I'm already seeing the media is trying that very angle regarding the bathroom deal, trying to compare the two, and point out Trump's hypocrisy. The two situation aren't even remotely close to being the same.

Trannies using the women's restroom isn't federal law. Leaving that up to the states to decide for themselves wouldn't be giving the states the power to break federal law at their own discretion.
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Shew, thought for a second Trump wanted leave matters like this up to the states. Glad he changed his mind
Should've figured a WaPo journalist was up to more fake news. The words "taking action" never left Spicer's mouth.

Mr. Balko is a perfect example of why the media is complete shit. Dishonest hacks, competing to see who can strum up the most outrage.

From Spicer's own words, Mr. Balko could have easily still made his point without purposely misquoting him.

I thought he made it pretty clear by using the quotation marks in such a way, he was indication "taking action" was not actually what Spicer said.

Surprised you guys, and innumerable news outlets, screwed it up.
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The worst part is I may totally disagree with Trump's position on marijuana.

But, I don't know what the f*ck reality is.

We have news organizations running quotes from a press conference that are completely made up. I don't have the time or energy to fact check every news story. That leaves me in the position of assuming every negative story about Trump is false. That's not good for me or the country.
I thought he made it pretty clear by using the quotation marks in such a way, he was indication "taking action" was not actually what Spicer said.

Surprised you guys, and innumerable news outlets, screwed it up.
Maybe so. I thought when he put Spicer: at that start he was then proceeding to quote Spicer. Thought the quotations were his scare quotes.

Maybe you're right. Maybe "taking action" was hyperbole meant to strum up the outrage he was looking for.
Name somewhere on earth where trickle-down economics worked and did not cause the country that implemented it's debt to sky rocket? US? Iceland? Where has it ever worked? Ronnie tried it and it turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. It bankrupted Iceland. Regale us with stories of its tremendous success? Jack Kemp's supply side horseshit is the same thing under a new name but produced the same results. The Bush tax cuts for the job creators didn't create a damned thing. Where is the success that we should point to in justifying Trump's new tax giveaway to the rich while breaking the backs of the middle class that elected him?

I can't wait for this tax plan to roll out. That's when we can finally start making some headway into the rust belt and midwest that he completely duped. As soon as his tax plan rolls out then they'll get a good look at who the real Trump is.

Cutting taxes on the rich people does nothing because they just hold on to it when you cut their taxes. It dries things up. You want economic activity that helps a country then you put money into the pockets of the middle class were it will be circulated and generate true economic recovery instead of bottle-necking it all at the top 1%.

Economic activity, people buying things and selling things, are what creates prosperity. All the bullshit about cutting taxes so the money "trickles down" (I call it bread crumbs off the rich man's table) and cutting taxes on the "job creators" is totally debunked bullshit. I want to hear Trump defend his big tax giveaway to his rich billionaire buddies because we've been hearing those lies since they first whispered out of Ronnie Reagan's lying assed mouth.
I thought he made it pretty clear by using the quotation marks in such a way, he was indication "taking action" was not actually what Spicer said.

Surprised you guys, and innumerable news outlets, screwed it up.
Or maybe this is sarcasm, and I completely missed it the first time around?
Just now on local news, breaking historical TV event:

For the first time ever a transgender actress will play the role of a transgender lawyer who is romantically persued by a straight male who is aware the lawyer is trandgendered.

This is great news, folks. CBS breaking barriers. So blessed.

"By a straight male." Negative. That means he's gay or bi at the very least. You start doing it with another penis, you're gay.

But the left goes out of their way to make the gay and trans community look like they're a huge percentage.

Last summer, I saw some of these advocates complaining that there's not enough portrayals of HIV positive characters in television. You see, it's never enough. They just move on to something else and try to take even more and keep demanding more.
Name somewhere on earth where trickle-down economics worked and did not cause the country that implemented it's debt to sky rocket? US? Iceland? Where has it ever worked? Ronnie tried it and it turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. It bankrupted Iceland. Regale us with stories of its tremendous success? Jack Kemp's supply side horseshit is the same thing under a new name but produced the same results. The Bush tax cuts for the job creators didn't create a damned thing. Where is the success that we should point to in justifying Trump's new tax giveaway to the rich while breaking the backs of the middle class that elected him?

I can't wait for this tax plan to roll out. That's when we can finally start making some headway into the rust belt and midwest that he completely duped. As soon as his tax plan rolls out then they'll get a good look at who the real Trump is.

Cutting taxes on the rich people does nothing because they just hold on to it when you cut their taxes. It dries things up. You want economic activity that helps a country then you put money into the pockets of the middle class were it will be circulated and generate true economic recovery instead of bottle-necking it all at the top 1%.

Economic activity, people buying things and selling things, are what creates prosperity. All the bullshit about cutting taxes so the money "trickles down" (I call it bread crumbs off the rich man's table) and cutting taxes on the "job creators" is totally debunked bullshit. I want to hear Trump defend his big tax giveaway to his rich billionaire buddies because we've been hearing those lies since they first whispered out of Ronnie Reagan's lying assed mouth.

Again WTF are you talking about? What is it about what you call trickle down is so bad?

Edit: Ok I think I can help you......see you are under some false illusion that the "rich" are by year end paying taxes vs being twice as smart as you and hiding their money in off shore accounts.

I believe that is the beginning of your issue here. From there you basically think our tax code is it is better to be pissed on than pissed off, which is completely backwards.
Trump is a business man, I think he'll do what's right for business people.

We need a stance on weed. Period. Obama wouldn't tackle it. We have feral laws that are being broken. Make the laws clear. Allow it federally or make it a state issue. I believe Trump would like to end all the bullshit so the laws are clear....I hope. Idk, that just seems like the logical thing to do, and trump seems like a logical man.

Somewhere in Kentucky, cops raided a shop for selling CBD edibles. Far as I knew, CBD was federally legal. Far as I knew, you could extract it from hemp. Wtf do I know. I just know someone needs to grow some balls and make a decision as to wtf our federal stance on weed is. It's like immigration - wtf knows. If the govt wants to bust you, they can do that.
Should've figured a WaPo journalist was up to more fake news. The words "taking action" never left Spicer's mouth.

Mr. Balko is a perfect example of why the media is complete shit. Dishonest hacks, competing to see who can strum up the most outrage.

From Spicer's own words, Mr. Balko could have easily still made his point without purposely misquoting him.


That's a totally fair answer. Somebody needs to look into it.

And look, medical mj is mostly recreational mj as far as I'm concerned. Absolutely there are people with conditions that need it, but the majority of sales will be just like the pillheads going to the doctor "my tummy hurts", I can't sleep good" - boom, here's your indica at ridiculously marked up prices paid for by stupid insurance. It's just business, ans business is good. Govt will get in on that.
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