How will they rule ??!

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Radley made up a quote. F*ck him to death for all I care. You're right that is part and parcel of the media being loose with facts when it suits their needs, it's bullshit and needs to stop.

*very larry david voice* Having said that, the substance of what he tweeted was correct. Spicer said the DOJ would make a distinction between medical and recreational pot and would be "looking into it." Couple that with Jeff Sessions being a major proponent of the drug war, and I don't think it's out of line to assume this means the federal government will be more involved in some way with recreational pot at the state level.
Trump is a business man, I think he'll do what's right for business people.
How did the Bush tax cuts for the rich work out? Tell us about all the jobs it created?

Tell us how Reagan slashed taxes on the rich and in just 8 years of credit card spending turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. Prior to Reagan taking office the United States had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. Under Reagan the middle class began to collapse and all the wealth began steadily flowing just to the top 1% effectively beginning the slide of turning us into Mexico and that slide continues to this day. Only under Bill Clinton fleetingly did the middle class begin to recover, but under Bush II and Obama the slide has continued. Wall Street booms while our middle class dies.

Trump's tax cuts are more of the same. More nails for the coffin of our middle class. More steps into becoming Mexico with an ultra rich ruling class, no middle class, and a helluva lot of poor people that nobody gives a shit about.
When the MSM reports something "bad" about Trump, just don't believe it. Because 99% of the time it's bullshit.

If I were Trump, if there were any real dirt on me, I'd send it to the MSM tonight. Hell, its not like anybody would believe its true, even if it was. That's how bad its became. We won't even know when they are telling the truth about something.
Having said that, the substance of what he tweeted was correct. Spicer said the DOJ would make a distinction between medical and recreational pot and would be "looking into it." Couple that with Jeff Sessions being a major proponent of the drug war, and I don't think it's out of line to assume this means the federal government will be more involved in some way wit

Absolutely, right, and I agree; otherwise, Spicer wouldn't have insinuated as much. That's why I said Balko could've have easily made his point without the outrage tactics, by just honestly quoting Spicer.

I also agree that it's a stupid decision. I'm not with Trump on this, but I also can't really be mad. That would be hypocritical. I feel strongly that sanctuary whatevers should obey federal law, so I'm not about to start picking and choosing which federal law(s) I think states should obey.

Besides, this is irrelevant depending on where some live. Regardless if Trump completely left it up to the states, there are still quite a few states out there that would go out of their way to never legalize recreational.

Either way, it doesn't really change much. Just an unnecessary inconvenience. Those who smoke will continue to do so, and most state's laws are quite lax for minor possession these days.
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[laughing] Kelly today when addressing the press: "I repeat, there will be no use of military forces in immigration. At least half of you try to get that right."
yeah I mean why should they be confused when Trump calls it a military operation. This admin talks out of both sides of their mouth, and both sides are lying, all while someone in the count room is laughing their ass off at how gullible the right is as they make out like bandits.

At this rate, we're gonna be in full blown civil war within 2 years. But then again, Americans are lazy.
When the MSM reports something "bad" about Trump, just don't believe it. Because 99% of the time it's bullshit.

If I were Trump, if there were any real dirt on me, I'd send it to the MSM tonight. Hell, its not like anybody would believe its true, even if it was. That's how bad its became. We won't even know when they are telling the truth about something.
my God you have your head so far up his ass it's amazing. Don't let facts get in your way
yeah I mean why should they be confused when Trump calls it a military operation
This has already been explained. Totally taken out of context by the fake media.

He meant military as in the precision and discipline ICE is carrying out the operation with, not military boots rounding up illegals.

But, of course, the drama queen snowflakes always have to have something to be outraged about, even if they have to make it up.
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my God you have your head so far up his ass it's amazing. Don't let facts get in your way
Pot meet....never mind. Michelle and Barack had to go get surgery to remove yours after he left office. Did not have butt plugs big enough for the hole left behind.
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So is the left just going to protest every day and cry about everything for the next 4-8 years? What are they going to protest after Trump gets all of his cabinet in there and the Supreme Court?

Just move on to fake outrage about something else?

Anyways, HuffPo wrote an article saying that Trump was right about Sweden and then deleted it. Can't go against those talking points and bias ever,

So is the left just going to protest every day and cry about everything for the next 4-8 years? What are they going to protest after Trump gets all of his cabinet in there and the Supreme Court?

Just move on to fake outrage about something else?

Anyways, HuffPo wrote an article saying that Trump was right about Sweden and then deleted it. Can't go against those talking points and bias ever,

Yeah, but they might actually be helping the economy. Soro's continues to pay these out of work bums and they spend money where ever they are bused into on the local business's. Plus, if they get out of hand enough maybe the police can get in some target practice. Get rid of some of these lazy morons. Win, win, win.
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So is the left just going to protest every day and cry about everything for the next 4-8 years?[/MEDIA]
No.. no... there's some voting to do next year so... we'll see if this outrage translates at the voting booth or not. If it doesn't then they deserve all the scorn you folks can heap on.
I hope he does and Trump answers!

All that said, I am a huge fan of Mexicans. If I was building a house I'd have them frame, drywall, paint, roof, and landscape. When it comes to work those guys get it! Big fan.........but they are here and my beef is with their country.

Building a house right now. 6 Mexicans showed up today and worked their arses off from about 8:00 until 5:50 or so. I hope they don't get deported until they are finished.

Seriously, I don't mind the ones that work. They just need to be here legally....and pay taxes like everyone else.
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No.. no... there's some voting to do next year so... we'll see if this outrage translates at the voting booth or not. If it doesn't then they deserve all the scorn you folks can heap on.
But what can it translate to other than maybe keeping their own seats? Only eight Republicans are up, and six are in deep red states. Arizona and Nevada are the only two they could possibly flip; meanwhile, they have 20+ (25?) to defend, and 10 of those are in red states, several that Trump won, easily, by double digits.

Besides, half of those out there protesting couldn't even bother to vote in the general. Gonna be a tall task getting them motivated for mid terms
But what can it translate to other than maybe keeping their own seats? Only eight Republicans are up, and six are in deep red states. Arizona and Nevada are the only two they could possibly flip; meanwhile, they have 20+ (25?) to defend, and 10 of those are in red states, several that Trump won, easily, by double digits.
We will see, won't we.
We will see, won't we.
Yes, we will. And with Democrats being overt obstructionists, those 10 red state Democrats are in big trouble. I mean, Trump has still yet to have almost half of his cabinet nominated. Don't think people don't realize what's going on.

Only two that I think will have no problem surviving; Heitkamp and Manchin, because they've played ball and have actually put country over party.
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Name somewhere on earth where trickle-down economics worked and did not cause the country that implemented it's debt to sky rocket? US? Iceland? Where has it ever worked? Ronnie tried it and it turned us into the largest debtor nation on earth. It bankrupted Iceland. Regale us with stories of its tremendous success? Jack Kemp's supply side horseshit is the same thing under a new name but produced the same results. The Bush tax cuts for the job creators didn't create a damned thing. Where is the success that we should point to in justifying Trump's new tax giveaway to the rich while breaking the backs of the middle class that elected him?

I can't wait for this tax plan to roll out. That's when we can finally start making some headway into the rust belt and midwest that he completely duped. As soon as his tax plan rolls out then they'll get a good look at who the real Trump is.

Cutting taxes on the rich people does nothing because they just hold on to it when you cut their taxes. It dries things up. You want economic activity that helps a country then you put money into the pockets of the middle class were it will be circulated and generate true economic recovery instead of bottle-necking it all at the top 1%.

Economic activity, people buying things and selling things, are what creates prosperity. All the bullshit about cutting taxes so the money "trickles down" (I call it bread crumbs off the rich man's table) and cutting taxes on the "job creators" is totally debunked bullshit. I want to hear Trump defend his big tax giveaway to his rich billionaire buddies because we've been hearing those lies since they first whispered out of Ronnie Reagan's lying assed mouth.
Absolutely FALSE, every bit of it. Instead of typing an essay, why didn't you just say "Ii have no clue about basic economics"?
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How did the Bush tax cuts for the rich work out? Tell us about all the jobs it created?

Tell us how Reagan slashed taxes on the rich and in just 8 years of credit card spending turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. Prior to Reagan taking office the United States had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. Under Reagan the middle class began to collapse and all the wealth began steadily flowing just to the top 1% effectively beginning the slide of turning us into Mexico and that slide continues to this day. Only under Bill Clinton fleetingly did the middle class begin to recover, but under Bush II and Obama the slide has continued. Wall Street booms while our middle class dies.

Trump's tax cuts are more of the same. More nails for the coffin of our middle class. More steps into becoming Mexico with an ultra rich ruling class, no middle class, and a helluva lot of poor people that nobody gives a shit about.

Man. Can someone get this guy laid? He needs it. Desperately. Wasn't there a paddock groupie chick named wodie? Maybe she will take one for the team. Your butt hurtness and the amount of time you spend beyotchin can't be healthy. It's over bud. Trumps your president.
How did the Bush tax cuts for the rich work out? Tell us about all the jobs it created?

Tell us how Reagan slashed taxes on the rich and in just 8 years of credit card spending turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. Prior to Reagan taking office the United States had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. Under Reagan the middle class began to collapse and all the wealth began steadily flowing just to the top 1% effectively beginning the slide of turning us into Mexico and that slide continues to this day. Only under Bill Clinton fleetingly did the middle class begin to recover, but under Bush II and Obama the slide has continued. Wall Street booms while our middle class dies.

Trump's tax cuts are more of the same. More nails for the coffin of our middle class. More steps into becoming Mexico with an ultra rich ruling class, no middle class, and a helluva lot of poor people that nobody gives a shit about.

Stfu I'm talking bout weed.

No Sharia law yet either. That comes into play when the numbers are big enough to get it done. Play stupid or be stupid, your choice/mistake.

Actually there is sharia finance law. We the USA directly fund terrorism in many ways. It's good for business. Period.

That's all any of this is. Spread our bs materialistic western world to the east. Disrupt and takeover countries to open more business. Both sides of this battle between west and east have good points. Humans are just awful greedy creatures.
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Actually there is sharia finance law. We the USA directly fund terrorism in many ways. It's good for business. Period.

That's all any of this is. Spread our bs materialistic western world to the east. Disrupt and takeover countries to open more business. Both sides of this battle between west and east have good points. Humans are just awful greedy creatures.
You wear stupid well. Congrats!
How did the Bush tax cuts for the rich work out? Tell us about all the jobs it created?

Tell us how Reagan slashed taxes on the rich and in just 8 years of credit card spending turned us from the largest creditor nation on earth into the largest debtor nation on earth. Prior to Reagan taking office the United States had the largest healthiest middle class the world has ever known. Under Reagan the middle class began to collapse and all the wealth began steadily flowing just to the top 1% effectively beginning the slide of turning us into Mexico and that slide continues to this day. Only under Bill Clinton fleetingly did the middle class begin to recover, but under Bush II and Obama the slide has continued. Wall Street booms while our middle class dies.

Trump's tax cuts are more of the same. More nails for the coffin of our middle class. More steps into becoming Mexico with an ultra rich ruling class, no middle class, and a helluva lot of poor people that nobody gives a shit about.

What do you do to earn money?
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Man being a straight white male is so hard these days. We're so discriminated against. How long until we will see a civil rights level movement to stop the constant bashing and scapegoatin?

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US factory CEOs to Trump: Jobs exist; skills don't

"President Donald Trump brought two dozen manufacturing CEOs to the White House on Thursday and declared their collective commitment to restoring factory jobs lost to foreign competition.

Yet some of the CEOs suggested that there were still plenty of openings for U.S. factory jobs but too few qualified people to fill them."
Jobs are there, the liberal education system has tainted our youth and they are not ready to fill them. Who's fault is that? Obama and friends.
US factory CEOs to Trump: Jobs exist; skills don't

"President Donald Trump brought two dozen manufacturing CEOs to the White House on Thursday and declared their collective commitment to restoring factory jobs lost to foreign competition.

Yet some of the CEOs suggested that there were still plenty of openings for U.S. factory jobs but too few qualified people to fill them."

URLs exist; linking skills don't.
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