How will they rule ??!

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I haven't heard one word about Trump's sneaky quid-pro-quo with China in Trump announcing he affirmed China's one nation policy then China promptly responding by clearing the way for Trump hotels in China.

Which is exactly why the msm need curb stomped. They're too busy crying wolf over tons of stupid stuff, while things like this or the relaxing of fiduciary duties go virtually unreported.

Why spend all their time on dumb nonsense and leave out valid important issues the public actually needs to know about?
Ronnie made an absolute killing, too, But there is a difference between speaking fees and insider business deals. You idiots mercilessly hounded Clinton on the Clinton foundation and Trump kept a close eye on that situation because the light bulbs in his head went off and he realized he could make an absolute killing in this racket even without his close buddy Putin who just also happens to be the richest man on earth by more than doubling the closest competition.

If you want to understand Trump then look at him as in all things leading back to making a buck. No philanthropy. No partisanship. No principles. No honor. Whatever points at money then that is his true north in all things. Even his trollop wife that he prenupped the hell out of.
O'Keefe dropping his video on CNN at 10 a.m.

Burn in Hell CNN. I hope you burn.

After the release wil the msm report on this? Probably not.
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Which is exactly why the msm need curb stomped. They're too busy crying wolf over tons of stupid stuff, while things like this or the relaxing of fiduciary duties go virtually unreported.

Why spend all their time on dumb nonsense and leave out valid important issues the public actually needs to know about?
You are not fooled by the diversions and that is good. I wish more people like you understood the game at hand. Deregulation and tax policy. Nothing Government does or does not do can be more profitable to the greedy nor more destructive to the very middle class Trump promised to save. The poor rubes don't even know they're being had. There is so much white noise right now that they could literally pass anything completely unnoticed and you hit precisely on one of the biggest.
those guys who flew those planes into the towers probably seemed like nice guys too, you know until they flew those planes into those towers.
Yet we don't have "extreme vetting" of people coming from any of the countries from which those guys game.
I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer seemed like a great neighbor too.

Y'all really wonder why you get called racist?
All paid protesters. We already saw their playbook. Remember?

And those who aren't paid, didn't vote for any of the Republicans or Trump anyways. They may be real people, with real anger, but they're also sore losers, who still haven't gotten over Hillary losing.

Imo, this is only going to hurt more than it helps by further uniting Trump and the base. Republican constituents and/or Independents who voted Republican can't even go to a Republican hosted town hall and ask their duly elected Republican official legit questions because the left is still throwing a fit.

That's has to be pissing a lot of people off who showed up for these things to hear more substance on the issues, but all they're getting is the left shouting everybody down.

They're trying to mimic the Tea Party movement but this is nothing like that. That movement took their anger to Republican officials and demanded they stand up to the Democrats. They didn't disrespectfully invade Democrat town halls, ruining the entire thing for Democrat constituents.
Kind of like Obama, right? That dude got rich off of being President and a politician. Same thing for Billy C.
Killary's Secretary of state job is what got those scumbags rich. Bill was just the "payoff" man who got the incredibly inflated "speaking fees" to complete the con.
Yet we don't have "extreme vetting" of people coming from any of the countries from which those guys game.
I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer seemed like a great neighbor too.

Y'all really wonder why you get called racist?

The seven countries were already carved out - I don't believe others could be added in EO. Saudi Arabia needs to be added for this to be taken seriously as a security measure...they have sent back many radicals.

The problem with adding more is people like you will say its a muslim ban religious test - so they stuck w/the Obama 7. Its too much and not enough all at the same time for you.
Yet we don't have "extreme vetting" of people coming from any of the countries from which those guys game.
Blame Obama and the Democrats for that. Obama chose the seven countries and introduced the bill to Congress that was passed into law.

Trump is only trying to enforce that law already on the books. He doesn't have the luxury of adding countries to the list. That would require writing a new bill and introducing it into Congress. Needless to say, the Democrats would never allow it to get passed into law.
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They're trying to mimic the Tea Party movement but this is nothing like that. That movement took their anger to Republican officials and demanded they stand up to the Democrats. They didn't disrespectfully invade Democrat town halls, ruining the entire thing for Democrat constituents.

Correct: because I am a Tea Party member.

At our meetings we sit around and complain about spending issues involving local gov't, the fed'l gov't, and taxes, in particular. It's never been an anti-Democrat organization at all. We have Dems, Repubs, blacks, whites, all kinds... and yes, some loonies as well.

Most radical thing we ever did was to walk around the IRS building in Covington on April 15th (silently, I might add, so as to not disturb the IRS employees).
Most radical thing we ever did was to walk around the IRS building in Covington on April 15th (silently, I might add, so as to not disturb the IRS employees).
Now compare that to the circus the liberals are turning these town halls into only because they're still mad that Hillary lost.

They're basically denying the Republican/Democrat/Independent constituents, who actually voted for Trump, an opportunity to attend and ask real questions.
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Yet we don't have "extreme vetting" of people coming from any of the countries from which those guys game.
I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer seemed like a great neighbor too.

Y'all really wonder why you get called racist?

Dahmer was an American citizen with full constitutional protection. Refugees are not. That's the easiest way to refute your pitiful attempt at a point; although there are many others too. It's not apples to apples. More like apples to eggs.

And those who aren't paid, didn't vote for any of the Republicans or Trump anyways. They may be real people, with real anger, but they're also sore losers, who still haven't gotten over Hillary losing.

Imo, this is only going to hurt more than it helps by further uniting Trump and the base. Republican constituents and/or Independents who voted Republican can't even go to a Republican hosted town hall and ask their duly elected Republican official legit questions because the left is still throwing a fit.

That's has to be pissing a lot of people off who showed up for these things to hear more substance on the issues, but all they're getting is the left shouting everybody down.

They're trying to mimic the Tea Party movement but this is nothing like that. That movement took their anger to Republican officials and demanded they stand up to the Democrats. They didn't disrespectfully invade Democrat town halls, ruining the entire thing for Democrat constituents.

Yep anyone with legit concerns will just be lumped in with the fake paid protesters. Sad because I can respect people standing up and voicing their opinions in a civil manner.
Republicans are preparing the biggest giveaway in tax history to the rich fat trumpcats by replaying Ronnie Reagan's greatest trickle-down hits again and you morons think arguing about something like transgender bathrooms that will affect less that .00000001% of the population and drive off the entire midwest is a great idea to fight about?.

Do you understand what give away means? Could you explain this a little better so that I can understand what level of stupid I'm dealing with to explain to you in a way you'll never understand just how this works?
How is what he said racist?

And you guys wonder why you always get laughed at for loosely tossing around the racist charge like it's a your momma joke.
Any attempt to imply that the bad apples of any racial or ethnic group are representative of that group as a whole is itself racism. Bigotry at best. Take your choice.
Any attempt to imply that the bad apples of any racial or ethnic group are representative of that group as a whole is itself racism. Bigotry at best. Take your choice.
Except he didn't do that. He stated facts. Reality is not racism or bigotry, nor can you claim it as such because you disagree. That's why we laugh at your type.

Besides, since when did the Muslim religion become a race or ethnic group? Why are you lumping all Middle Eastern people together and assuming they're all Muslim?
According to at @fuzz77 someone saying "people probably thought that Muslim was a nice guy... until they found out he committed a terrorist attack" is racist and/or bigoted.

But, I guarantee, if someone was to say "people probably thought Dahmer was a nice guy... until they found out he was eating people", @fuzz77 not only wouldn't consider it racist and/or bigoted, but would actually agree with that surmise.
Blame Obama and the Democrats for that. Obama chose the seven countries and introduced the bill to Congress that was passed into law.

Trump is only trying to enforce that law already on the books. He doesn't have the luxury of adding countries to the list. That would require writing a new bill and introducing it into Congress. Needless to say, the Democrats would never allow it to get passed into law.
No it wouldn't. Blocking any class or country from the US is a right specifically and exclusively given to the Executive, without limitation.
Yet we don't have "extreme vetting" of people coming from any of the countries from which those guys game.
I'm sure Jeffery Dahmer seemed like a great neighbor too.

Y'all really wonder why you get called racist?
Nope, we understand that morons like you do not know what racism is. If it does not go with your agenda and you don't have a good answer you resort to racism, homophobe, misogynist, Islamaphobe, warmongering haters.
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Any attempt to imply that the bad apples of any racial or ethnic group are representative of that group as a whole is itself racism. Bigotry at best. Take your choice.
No other intelligent response from you so, you chose one.