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Very interesting article:

Historian Neil Howe on Bannon, Trump, and the possibility of civil war in the US

In a revealing interview, historian Neil Howe candidly discusses his perspective on Steve Bannon, the former head of the website Breitbart News who is now President Donald Trump's chief strategist.

Bannon is a proponent of the theory that history generally moves in 80-year cycles, with each cycle ending in a crisis that destroys the old order and ushers in something new. It’s an idea proposed by Howe in "The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny."

In widely reported remarks, Bannon believes the US has had three "turnings" — the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression/World War II — and is now in the midst of another emanating from the 2008 financial crisis.

In an exclusive interview with RiskHedge's Jonathan Roth, Howe said he knew Bannon and they had worked together on documentary film projects in the past. "I didn't find anything sort of out of the ordinary about him politically," Howe said. "Like most other Americans, I didn't know what alt-right was until I read about it in the media."

Howe portrays an interesting portrait of the man now advising Trump
"Like most other Americans, I didn't know what alt-right was until I read about it in the media."
[laughing] The liberal media has no clue what the alt-right is, so, obviously, this guy still doesn't know.

Everything the liberal media has ever reported on the subject was taken from here, and this shit is the most laughable fake news in the history of of fake news. 
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Very interesting article:

Historian Neil Howe on Bannon, Trump, and the possibility of civil war in the US

In a revealing interview, historian Neil Howe candidly discusses his perspective on Steve Bannon, the former head of the website Breitbart News who is now President Donald Trump's chief strategist.

Bannon is a proponent of the theory that history generally moves in 80-year cycles, with each cycle ending in a crisis that destroys the old order and ushers in something new. It’s an idea proposed by Howe in "The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny."

In widely reported remarks, Bannon believes the US has had three "turnings" — the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression/World War II — and is now in the midst of another emanating from the 2008 financial crisis.

In an exclusive interview with RiskHedge's Jonathan Roth, Howe said he knew Bannon and they had worked together on documentary film projects in the past. "I didn't find anything sort of out of the ordinary about him politically," Howe said. "Like most other Americans, I didn't know what alt-right was until I read about it in the media."

Howe portrays an interesting portrait of the man now advising Trump
This article makes it sound like Bannon is wanting to cause a civil war. Nonsense. If a civil war is started it'll be started by people on your side.

By the way, where were all the articles on Valarie Jarrett the past 8 years? You wanna talk about someone sketchy advising a President, we hardly knew anything about her, and after 8 years we still don't.
Speaking of, that Pepe, alt-right article for sheep brings back fond memories.

Remember when Hillary gave a 30 minute speech dedicated to the alt-right, where she blasted Trump for his "dark conspiracy theories", but then proceeded to weave this delusional web of a conspiracy theory, connecting Pepe memes, online trolls, white supremacist, Nazis, etc... all back to the "grand Godfather" of the alt-right movement, Vladimir Putin?

Good times.

Here is to hoping that the DNC doesn't choose Jaime Harrison or Buttgag. Those two seem like they have their acts together.
While managing to completely contradict himself from his previously stated campaign position. The man stands for absolutely nothing. The only thing he has ever been consistent on in his entire political life is sucking up to Putin/Russia.

Actually didn't he just leave it up to the know the way the government is supposed to work, without federal over reach...."now I'm forcing you to bake them a cake"
Actually didn't he just leave it up to the know the way the government is supposed to work, without federal over reach...."now I'm forcing you to bake them a cake"
You mean like Trump's moslim ban where several of the states like Washington sued his fat ass and won, then Trump responded with his "I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT" tweet to which Washington responded "we already did twice, and we won"?
You mean like Trump's moslim ban where several of the states like Washington sued his fat ass and won, then Trump responded with his "I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT" tweet to which Washington responded "we already did twice, and we won"?

Oh Z living vicariously thru Washington state now. Haha. Dude. You suck at life. Get over it. Trump is your president. Pence is your VP. it's over. Big bad trump doing what is best, giving states their rights back.

Side note. I hope Texas immediately sues over the executive order coming out in the next couple days. Let some judges who will actually determine law instead of feelings decide.
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Jon Meacham was on with a new book about how liberal colleges actually spawned radical conservatism because if you want to go to an elite university in the US then it will undoubtedly be very liberal in nature and that if you don't toe the liberal line you will be shunned, thus the birth of guys like William F. Buckley.

Anyway, Joe and his good buddy Donnie really got into it there for a minute as Joe gets wound up over the liberalism at elite colleges because there really are no alternatives. The quality of the discussion (which randomly fluctuates between serious and insider ribbing) is just great. Nice to have something on TV that you don;'t have to be a complete moron in order to enjoy.
Tillerson is getting undercut by Bannon. Not good. I really like Tillerson and had high hopes that he could save things. Great discussion on Morning Joe about this right now.
This article makes it sound like Bannon is wanting to cause a civil war. Nonsense. If a civil war is started it'll be started by people on your side.

By the way, where were all the articles on Valarie Jarrett the past 8 years? You wanna talk about someone sketchy advising a President, we hardly knew anything about her, and after 8 years we still don't.

Yea but the democrats also caused the civil war too, really, and you'd never know that today since it was thought to be over slavery.
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Mexico is very simple to deal with but Trump has screwed it up. Whoever has the most money in Mexico wins. Period. They are the embodiment of what happens when you let your rich ruling class completely dominate your country and eviscerate the middle class.

But hatred for the US, or probably more like jealousy, permeates everything in their country and is especially rampant in their Universities and their local politics. The US is blamed for everything. The boogieman to explain away the abject poverty instead of the obvious true answer that the rich do not give two shits about the poor in Mexico as there is no middle class at all (which is exactly where the US is headed, by the way which is why I have said we are becoming Mexico for over a decade now).

You absolutely could get Nieto killed with this "Mexico is going to pay for the wall" shit if the Mexican people in any way saw that Mexicans were doing that. Very inflammatory talk to a VERY macho culture. They would rather die in a nuclear fireball than be seen as bowing to the US. There is just no question about that.

So the message from Mexico to Tillerson is very predictable. They love to work with the US because money talks. They would love to even help with the US deporting South Americans to the Mexican border. But you cannot publicly call Mexico out the way Trump has done because then it becomes a question of honor and shame. Nieto was SAVAGED for meeting with Trump during the campaign. He took a huge political hit for that. Trump should appreciate that or at least stop trying to get Nieto killed with his careless remarks and tweets. Do your business with Mexico quietly, it really is that simple you morons.
People underwater in California might be changing their minds before long. Nothing like a river washing away your house to make you rethink your politics.

sink or swim

Indeed, pressures mounted to tear down rather than build dams. The state — whose basket of income, sales and gas taxes is among the highest in the country — gradually shifted its priorities from the building and expansion of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, bridges and highways to redistributionist social welfare programs, state employee pensions and an enormous penal archipelago.

California currently hosts a third of the nation’s welfare recipients. Over one in five Californians lives below the poverty line. One in four Californians was not born in the United States. These social transformations pose enormous political challenges and demand that infrastructure and schools grow commensurately to meet soaring populations.

"Most" educated tho...

Mexico is very simple to deal with but Trump has screwed it up. Whoever has the most money in Mexico wins. Period. They are the embodiment of what happens when you let your rich ruling class completely dominate your country and eviscerate the middle class.

But hatred for the US, or probably more like jealousy, permeates everything in their country and is especially rampant in their Universities and their local politics. The US is blamed for everything. The boogieman to explain away the abject poverty instead of the obvious true answer that the rich do not give two shits about the poor in Mexico as there is no middle class at all (which is exactly where the US is headed, by the way which is why I have said we are becoming Mexico for over a decade now).

You absolutely could get Nieto killed with this "Mexico is going to pay for the wall" shit if the Mexican people in any way saw that Mexicans were doing that. Very inflammatory talk to a VERY macho culture. They would rather die in a nuclear fireball than be seen as bowing to the US. There is just no question about that.

So the message from Mexico to Tillerson is very predictable. They love to work with the US because money talks. They would love to even help with the US deporting South Americans to the Mexican border. But you cannot publicly call Mexico out the way Trump has done because then it becomes a question of honor and shame. Nieto was SAVAGED for meeting with Trump during the campaign. He took a huge political hit for that. Trump should appreciate that or at least stop trying to get Nieto killed with his careless remarks and tweets. Do your business with Mexico quietly, it really is that simple you morons.

Imagine that America, the place millions of Mexicans work having to bow to Mexico over their feelings when America calls them out.

Basically let's just say we go with F Mexico's feelings. Do things right and we can do business, but keep it up the way you are going and we will shove our big American foot all the way up your culo!!
Republicans are getting smoked in these healthcare town hall meetings. Some lady just drilled Tom Cotton. You start taking folks' healthcare away and I tell you, 2018 is going to be very damned interesting at the ballot box. Republicans are going to need the Russians to work overtime to pull that one out.

All paid protesters. We already saw their playbook. Remember?

Sadly so many people are dependent on handouts, it will be tough to roll it back completely. It will almost have to be done in phases. Otherwise career politicians won't have the guts to do it.
Imagine that America, the place millions of Mexicans work having to bow to Mexico over their feelings when America calls them out.

Basically let's just say we go with F Mexico's feelings. Do things right and we can do business, but keep it up the way you are going and we will shove our big American foot all the way up your culo!!

Their president threatened to call the UN...lmao.
I hope he does and Trump answers!

All that said, I am a huge fan of Mexicans. If I was building a house I'd have them frame, drywall, paint, roof, and landscape. When it comes to work those guys get it! Big fan.........but they are here and my beef is with their country.
I cannot believe "transgender rights" is actually emerging as an issue we want to fight about again. Might as well get BLM to start showing their asses again as we're not being totally politically blind enough yet on what it takes to win a national election. Let's just announce Democrats will only appear on the ticket in California and New York and get it over with. Good Lord could these people be any more blind as to the optics of the situation?

Republicans are preparing the biggest giveaway in tax history to the rich fat trumpcats by replaying Ronnie Reagan's greatest trickle-down hits again and you morons think arguing about something like transgender bathrooms that will affect less that .00000001% of the population and drive off the entire midwest is a great idea to fight about?

I haven't heard one word about Trump's sneaky quid-pro-quo with China in Trump announcing he affirmed China's one nation policy then China promptly responding by clearing the way for Trump hotels in China. A perfect segue into the fact that Trump still is in a position for him and his family to benefit wildly from his Presidency, which is what I think is Trump's primary concern all along. Making money for himself and his family. Focus like hell on that, tie it into his tax plan for the rich, then use economics to drive a wedge between him, the Republicans, and the rust belt. Not argue over "we're all muslims today" and "gender neutral bathrooms" you blithering morons.
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Kind of like Obama, right? That dude got rich off of being President and a politician. Same thing for Billy C.