How will they rule ??!

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Lock her up and drain the swamp. Of course we are going to find out what really happened now that her 7th floor is gone, DOJ is gone, and the other members of the swamp that colluded to cover her ass are now gone. She sold out the country. We have 650K emails waiting to be released on top of the 33K she tried to delete with bleach bit. Her crimes are well documented and she should be prosecuted along with any other criminal we uncover. be clear.....the only things Russia is actually accused of doing is allegedly having DNC emails showing they rigged the primary and Podesta's email (who's password was password) showing he's a weirdo.

^ all without proof and certainly not important enough to "hack the election"

Am I missing something? Good Christ, why don't you guys ever hitch your wagons to something with substance?
You pathetic losers have any idea of what the Vietnamese did to prisoners? At how skillful they were in torture? McCain was literally laying there with every bone in his body already broken looking at certain death. Certain slow painful death. At the hands of the most brutal torturers imaginable... and he survived that. He lived and came home from that.

For you pricks to sit in judgment of him while licking all over the likes of Donald Trump... well just look at yourselves. Of what you are. You are sickening in every sense of the word. You are repulsive to me. You racist, bigoted, misguided little soulless slimeballs. Whatever you oozed out from is infected and should be sterilized permanently. You and your vermin should be burned out of wherever you are infesting. Our country is being poisoned by the rot you represent. You are black mold on the heart of our country. I would love to stomp you into nothingness and scrap you off my shoes like the dogshit you are.
Aren't you the clown who claims to have served but has never proven it?
DHS' Kelly announcing sweeping new immigration guidelines, superseding nearly all of the previous administration's guidelines, coming sometime this week. Just needs Trump's signature.

DHS' Kelly proposes hiring more immigration officers, fast-tracking deportations
What an improvement from Jeh (who the f*** spells their name like that) Johnson that Gen. Kelly is. Its nice to feel like we have a WH that is legitimately trying to keep the country safe again. The last 8 years were a disaster in that regard
I will preface that I have never said anything about McCain"s service so, that being said, I will say this about your rant, you are as bad if not worse than the people you are calling out Mr, stolen valor. If memory serves, you have been known to rant about your time in but never have proven it when called on it. I would not be so smug when you yourself have lied about your own service.

Interesting - did not know any of this. Z posts with an extreme juvenile hostility for somebody with a claim to any military service, not to mention how his general ideologies are almost completely out of sync for such persons. That is not to say there are not many veterans who are democrats, with ideas more liberal than conservative, etc. But to use his recent, very undisciplined, very outrageous tirade as an example. No military bearing in that one, none and never.

As for proof of service, that's sort of difficult. I'm a veteran, but I'm not about to post a copy of my 214 here just so people can (1) know who I am and (2) so others could say "how do we know that's you?" But if you've served in the military for a reasonable period, you know. The only daily formations Z has ever known in his adult life are the drive-through lines at local fast foods.
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Joe Rogan: "Donald Trump is president, Bill Cosby is a rapist, and Bruce Jenner is a chick... we're living in an episode of 'LOST' folks."

Saw it. Pretty funny set. Quite a few laughs throughout. Although, that' not a direct quote because Trump wasn't president yet. Anyways, the ending kind of ruined it for me.

That Kardashian succubus bit that he closed with was corny as hell. Stooped up on that stool, growling and snarling? Not sure about all that. Maybe it's just me, but I thought that bit missed the mark badly. Bad note to end on.
Saw it. Pretty funny set. Quite a few laughs throughout. Although, that' not a direct quote because Trump wasn't president yet. Anyways, the ending kind of ruined it for me.

That Kardashian succubus bit that he closed with was corny as hell. Stooped up on that stool, growling and snarling? Not sure about all that. Maybe it's just me, but I thought that bit missed the mark badly. Bad note to end on.
I'm watching it right now. About halfway through it.

You and your fabricated reality. I live in the murder capital of the country and in close proximity to a decently sized muslim population, and I'm not afraid at all. If you think this is a dangerous country to live in, then you sir are a total pussy. Grow a pair, son.
Pretty sure he meant safe as in keeping people out of the country who are flooding into it illegally. Just because that's not a direct threat to you, doesn't mean it's not a threat to the country overall.
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I have made it pretty clear. Not only did I serve active duty but I've pretty much worked my whole life for the military in a civilian capacity. I don't want to state my service because I don't want my posting to reflect on my military service as I realize I say controversial shit and I don't want it to be claimed that what I post in any way reflects on my service or the service that I currently work for. Pretty simple but these douchbags think it is funny to attack John McCain's service in favor of Donald Trump so they don't bat at eye over the running joke of claiming I am stolen valor, which is an automatic ass whipping in real life. I guarantee there is not one of them in here that I couldn't beat within an inch of their life in about 1 minute.

It doesn't bother me because if you are a big enough douchbag to do that then it reflects on you, not me. I am thankful for my service, Every good thing in my life is a result of my service. I am afforded a comfortable life and compensated well for what I do, and I am better than anyone else is at what I do so frankly I don't give a shit what these losers think or say about it.
Then you've got total scumballs like ymmot who constantly dig for personal information so they can then turn around and in real life try to use it against you. We lost LEK because of ymmot doing exactly that. Ymmot's scumball ass should have been banned forever from this forum because of that but for some strange reason he is still here. Still digging. Still trying to get people's real information because he is such a loser that he actually wants to try and impact somebody's real life over a friggen message board. That's the kind of low lifes we have to guard against. So please stop trying to press people for their private information because of losers exactly like ymmot.
Joe Rogan: "Donald Trump is president, Bill Cosby is a rapist, and Bruce Jenner is a chick... we're living in an episode of 'LOST' folks."
Donald Trump is president directly as a result of people like you. You drove this country to the point that we elected him. Way to go, be proud.
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MCain is doing his best to promote globalism.

Trump needs to toughen up immigration and keep dangerous people like John McCain the hell out of our great country.

Old globalist cuck. He can GFH. He is a military songbird for yhe Vietnamese
Then you've got total scumballs like ymmot who constantly dig for personal information so they can then turn around and in real life try to use it against you. We lost LEK because of ymmot doing exactly that. Ymmot's scumball ass should have been banned forever from this forum because of that but for some strange reason he is still here. Still digging. Still trying to get people's real information because he is such a loser that he actually wants to try and impact somebody's real life over a friggen message board. That's the kind of low lifes we have to guard against. So please stop trying to press people for their private information because of losers exactly like ymmot.
Once again, you are wrong. Uncanny. Don't forget that you are the only person posting here who has received several perma bans.
Then you've got total scumballs like ymmot who constantly dig for personal information so they can then turn around and in real life try to use it against you. We lost LEK because of ymmot doing exactly that. Ymmot's scumball ass should have been banned forever from this forum because of that but for some strange reason he is still here. Still digging. Still trying to get people's real information because he is such a loser that he actually wants to try and impact somebody's real life over a friggen message board. That's the kind of low lifes we have to guard against. So please stop trying to press people for their private information because of losers exactly like ymmot.
I'm gonna need your Social Security # and your Diners Club International Card # please.
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You pathetic losers have any idea of what the Vietnamese did to prisoners? At how skillful they were in torture? McCain was literally laying there with every bone in his body already broken looking at certain death. Certain slow painful death. At the hands of the most brutal torturers imaginable... and he survived that. He lived and came home from that.

For you pricks to sit in judgment of him while licking all over the likes of Donald Trump... well just look at yourselves. Of what you are. You are sickening in every sense of the word. You are repulsive to me. You racist, bigoted, misguided little soulless slimeballs. Whatever you oozed out from is infected and should be sterilized permanently. You and your vermin should be burned out of wherever you are infesting. Our country is being poisoned by the rot you represent. You are black mold on the heart of our country. I would love to stomp you into nothingness and scrap you off my shoes like the dogshit you are.
Who came on here and trashed, TRASHED, Senator John McCain a little over 8 years ago during the 2008 election? Need help? YOU. Many long-time posters in this thread, myself included, remember your anti-McCain psycho-babble rather vividly back then. You relentlessly attacked both him and anyone else supporting his presidential bid.

You're nothing more than a damn, sorry-ass partisan hack.

Z, spare me and the rest of us, and shut the hell up.
You pukes are disgusting to me. I would like to pound your little faces right into the concrete and see how you liked that.


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Interesting - did not know any of this. Z posts with an extreme juvenile hostility for somebody with a claim to any military service, not to mention how his general ideologies are almost completely out of sync for such persons. That is not to say there are not many veterans who are democrats, with ideas more liberal than conservative, etc. But to use his recent, very undisciplined, very outrageous tirade as an example. No military bearing in that one, none and never.

As for proof of service, that's sort of difficult. I'm a veteran, but I'm not about to post a copy of my 214 here just so people can (1) know who I am and (2) so others could say "how do we know that's you?" But if you've served in the military for a reasonable period, you know. The only daily formations Z has ever known in his adult life are the drive-through lines at local fast foods.
He has never said what branch, unit or anything. Without producing a DD214 here I can still prove my service with giving you a history of units and times where I served and also, locations of these units and countries. Including an article in the New York Times many years ago in which I was incorrectly quoted by the NYT when I was Drill Instructor at the Drill Sergeant School at FT. Sill OK. If you talk about your experiences I can pretty much tell if you have served or not.
Then you've got total scumballs like ymmot who constantly dig for personal information so they can then turn around and in real life try to use it against you. We lost LEK because of ymmot doing exactly that.

This is your best post ever . . . from my perspective, that is. Because I never knew who to thank. Thanks, ymmot . . . thanks for being Z's version of a scumball.
For the record, I support Military people, and actually did not like Trumps remarks toward Mccain.

Having said that, I wasn't there. But there could be more to the mccain story that's been oppressed over time. It doesn't appear to be as simple as submission due to torture.

And besides that, the guy has been ineffective at helping military families and issue inside of the VA. He's not made that a priority, but touting his war record for votes is. He seems phony, my opinion. And I was a supporter in 08.
Spot on Morg. What has McCain ever done for vets? Absolutely nothing. Hell theres been vets dying in his own state because of the VA and McCain didn't care or do anything. Hes a disgrace. Hes repeatedly turned his back on them. Shameful.
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Trump will do more for vets than McCain ever did. Just wait until Trump does some things to the VA that'll be great changes that will be great to Vets, and McCain, who is a Vet, will still be bashing Trump.
If you talk about your experiences I can pretty much tell if you have served or not.

absolutely correct. I met a young man in his mid to late twenties several months ago, making lofty claims about his service. But when I asked him a few questions that anybody who has experienced daily life at Ft. Bragg should know, it was clear he had no clue. First stump was "Area J", and then it just got more embarrassing after that. Worst part of all was I met him at a church.

Thanks for your service, WC. King of Battle.
Liking your own post like you (Z) did with this one is pretty pathetic. However, to respond to this one is easy. There are a lot of people out there who lie about their service who never had the courage or discipline to serve much less selflessness to do so. I once knew a professed Vietnam Vet who said he was returned early from Vietnam because he was shot in the back with a .50 cal machine gun.

P.S. In case you missed the point, questioning those who are questionable about their service is what every vet should do.
In that dudes defense, it would be hard to keep serving after being shot in the back with a .50 cal machine gun. Especially if he took like 3 or 5 hits.
absolutely correct. I met a young man in his mid to late twenties several months ago, making lofty claims about his service. But when I asked him a few questions that anybody who has experienced daily life at Ft. Bragg should know, it was clear he had no clue. First stump was "Area J", and then it just got more embarrassing after that. Worst part of all was I met him at a church.

Thanks for your service, WC. King of Battle.
Whooosha! That is artillery's answer to Hooah! It is supposed to be the sound the round makes coming out of the tube if you eliminate the boom. By the way, for those reading this I was waiting for Z's response but I figured he has already backed out of this one. When the "Vietnam Vet" I referenced earlier said he was shot in the back with a .50 cal machine gun, I called him on it. A .50 cal machine gun would cut you in half.
John McCain: the VA reform plan pending in Congress is 'very bad'
By: Leo Shane III, Military Times, May 6, 2016

Sen. John McCain on Friday panned the massive veterans omnibus legislation pending in the Senate as a “very bad” plan, casting doubt on the future of the already controversial reform measure.

During a radio interview on Arizona’s KFYI-AM, the longtime Arizona senator said he is “deeply concerned” about the plan, particularly its provisions dealing with firing problem employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs and expanding options for veterans seeking health care outside the VA system.
My MEPS was Louisville. I was recruited out of Danville, KY. My bootcamp was San Diego, CA. I was in multiple "A" and "C" schools for a year at NTC before I ever was sent to my first duty station. RTC, NTC, and MCRD no longer exist so I couldn't know that unless I did it. My rate required a TS clearance because it was in communications/cryptography. Since leaving active duty I've worked for 3 different branches of the military and have over 20 years of civilian service in addition to my active duty.
My MEPS was Louisville. I was recruited out of Danville, KY. My bootcamp was San Diego, CA. I was in multiple "A" and "C" schools for a year at NTC before I ever was sent to my first duty station. RTC, NTC, and MCRD no longer exist so I couldn't know that unless I did it. My rate required a TS clearance because it was in communications/cryptography. Since leaving active duty I've worked for 3 different branches of the military and have over 20 years of civilian service in addition to my active duty.
Thanks for your service.
John McCain is a warmonger.

Until Trump tries to pass legislation to silence the media, I don't want to hear anybody else try to reference dictatorship with Trump.
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