How will they rule ??!

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Just to clarify... What are his problems, in your opinion, and what does that have to do with his marital status?

He's frustrated. He's gay, unwilling to come out for political reasons (he's old), and he feels in his position it wouldn't be beneficial. Conservative (religious) gay men have an extremely tough time with homosexuality.

DO I know that for a fact? No, but it's eerily similar to other men in similar positions.
Just to clarify... What are his problems, in your opinion, and what does that have to do with his marital status?

By the way, form an opinion and contribute. You might not like my post but I put my opinion out there. I don't go around trying to play 20 questions of "gotcha".

If you're always asking because you really don't know any substance, fine. But if not, give it a rest.
By the way, form an opinion and contribute. You might not like my post but I put my opinion out there. I don't go around trying to play 20 questions of "gotcha".

If you're always asking because you really don't know any substance, fine. But if not, give it a rest.
Fair enough. Wanted to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding you.

Just trying to understand you guys and where you're coming from.
Actually, you do. You make a post, the count goes up. 100% controlled by you.
Yet you claim that it is a "sock account" for another account that was created years later.

Maybe I actually have a life and don't measure my self-worth by the number of posts. Many of you have many thousands of postings but have yet to say anything enlightening other than to expose your ignorance.
Here's more on Reuters, a nationally respected poll. If this isn't biased, then I don't know what is. Matter of fact, it's way beyond biased. It most definitely isn't bad data or accidentally wrong.

They purposely manipulated their own formula, changed a week's worth of results, and scrubbed all prior polling data to garner the 90% chance of winning outcome they desired, in an attempt to intentionally mislead the public into thinking Trump had no chance.

Pat Caddell on 'Cooked' Reuters Poll: 'Never in My Life Have I Seen a News Organization Do Something So Dishonest'

On Sunday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow, political strategist Pat Caddell outlined his charge that Reuters tampered with its own daily tracking poll to manufacture a sudden surge for Hillary Clinton.

“They not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads,” said Caddell. “They also erased all the former polling off the site. They didn’t tweak their procedure – they cooked it.”

“Never in my life have I seen a news organization, and a supposedly reputable poll, do something so dishonest,” Caddell continued. “What they have done is, they decided the people who said, ‘oh, I’m never for someone’ – oh, those must be Hillary votes. They used to be Trump voters.”

“They made a switch, as much as nine points, in their results from the beginning of last week, the 25th and 26th. It is, beyond doubt, the most outrageous thing,” he declared, noting that results in three- and four-way polls that include independent candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were also skewed.

“This is what the media is willing to do, to try to elect her,” Caddell said. “This poll is nothing but a part of a media offensive. In the 45 years since I was a child, in top-level presidential campaigns, I have never seen the media on such a jihad, and so involved in hiding facts, and not following up. This is a crisis of democracy, what the press is now doing.”

Breitbart certainly isn't a reputable source in polling. It's some guy's opinion who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Reuters/Ipsos is most certainly a poll, one of the more respected, yet it may not have been 98%, they did, in fact, give a prediction. Hillary was given a 90% chance of winning by their pollsters on election day. Not debatable.

Besides, as far as HuffPost poster polls goes, if the polls, such as Reuters/Ipsos, weren't off by so much, their analysis of compiling couldn't have reached the monumental failure of predicting a 98% chance of a win. The polls being so wrong are to blame for 98% compilation. The two go hand in hand.

They had bad polling - that doesn't mean they were biased. Just bad at their jobs.
Breitbart certainly isn't a reputable source in polling.
Breitbart isn't the source. They just conducted the interview. Those were Caddell's words, verbatim, regardless of who was sitting across from him. Strawman go boom.

It's some guy's opinion who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Do you even know who Pat Caddell is? Might want to read up before claiming he doesn't know what he is talking about it, and making yourself look silly.

And it's not just his opinion. He, along with others, went back and checked their website at the time. A nine point swing in a matter of days raised a lot of eyebrows. This really happened.

How else do you think Reuters came to their 90% win probability? Because it sure wasn't from doing honest polling. It was a huge story during the election. Reuters was even forced to come out on why they did it, making excuses, trying to explain it away.
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I really hate it for Mccain. But the guy has obviously been a phony for a long time. My father did some research on the VA, I might post it if I can find it. It comes out to look really bad on ole John. Had manny chances through decades to make some changes for the vets and not only didn't support some of the measures, but rejected it.

Just being a war hero doesn't mean you're free of issues, especially being a politician. Trump exposed Mccain using the current state of the VA + Mccains years of service in politics. How do you not get something done in mccains position? Anynthing?

Nothing. He's been controlled.
I'm starting to believe the songbird rumors on McCain.

Hes such a piece of garbage, that I wouldn't be surprised if he really was a songbird.
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I'm getting trash with google.

Anyone know who got the closest sat election. I don't really count the LA times, maybe I should. They seemed to have Trump up all cycle.
They had bad polling - that doesn't mean they were biased. Just bad at their jobs.
But I thought polls didn't give win % probabilities? Anyways, 90% win probability isn't bad polling. It's just not. That doesn't happen on accident. That's on purpose.

And now you claim, Reuters/Ipsos, one of the most respected, cited and acknowledge polls in the country is bad at their jobs? How did they ever reach such status then? It's quite the opposite. They're so good at their jobs they thought they could get away with it.

Is there any argument you're not willing to make to carry on this facade? They were only that bad because they purposely chose to be, intentionally trying to mislead the public.
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I'm starting to believe the songbird rumors on McCain.

Well, wasn't he pardoned along with around 30 other men charged with treason? It's been a while so I can't remember exactly. Too lazy to check myself.

I wouldn't be surprised if half of his stories about torture are made up. My grandfather was shot nearly 10 times, captured by the germans, thrown in a hay stack to die and bled out for 2 days before he was rescued by Americans. He was never able to speak about any of it. Wanted no recognition through hthe years, turned down many events. He was never able to sleep peacefully. I look at Mccain compared to him and something is totally off.
Here's the best one I found. Trafalgar group. Granted a projection, not sure if that's using the same polling system as others.

Well, wasn't he pardoned along with around 30 other men charged with treason? It's been a while so I can't remember exactly. Too lazy to check myself.
I do think that's right, but I can't remember for sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if half of his stories about torture are made up.
Same here. I don't trust the guy at all. Seeing how he is these days fighting for globalism, its hard to even believe he was in the military.
I look at Mccain compared to him and something is totally off.
No doubt. The guy doesn't give a damn about America. If he ever did, something obviously changed. You don't go from being a supposed war hero, to taking money from George Soros. His whole story might be a total fraud. Its a shame too, he won't be remembered as a war hero. He will be remembered as Benedict Arnold of these modern times.
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Yet you claim that it is a "sock account" for another account that was created years later.

Maybe I actually have a life and don't measure my self-worth by the number of posts. Many of you have many thousands of postings but have yet to say anything enlightening other than to expose your ignorance.
You haven't exposed anything of mine. Only thing exposed was your baffling claim that your not 100% in control over your post count.

I couldn't give shit less how many posts you have. Judging from your posts, the less you post the better, as far as I'm concerned.

I was simply explaining to you that if you make a post, your post count goes up. See how that works? 100%, without a doubt, in your control. Why so defensive?
I do think that's right, but I can't remember for sure.

Same here. I don't trust the guy at all. Seeing how he is these days fighting for globalism, its hard to even believe he was in the military.

No doubt. The guy doesn't give a damn about America. If he ever did, something obviously changed. You don't go from being a supposed war hero, to taking money from George Soros. His whole story might be a total fraud. Its a shame too, he won't be remembered as a war hero. He will be remembered as Benedict Arnold of these modern times.

Which makes me really sad to think that. But what other conclusion can be drawn?

"A fair comparison to McCain would be Jane Fonda. Both spent time in North Vietnam.

  • Both are accused of helping North Vietnam, Fonda by being photographed and McCain by doing many propaganda broadcasts and helping the enemy plan attacks on American soldiers.
  • Fonda returned to be reviled and spit on while McCain returned to the Senate, spending years helping North Vietnam keep Americans prisoner and amassing a huge fortune trading on heroism and sacrifice we are now told never happened.
  • Of the two, Fonda was the more honest and by far had done the least harm to the United States.
  • According to sources, it was John McCain that fired the rocket that caused the Forrestal incident, the most serious disaster on an American ship.
  • Stories make him out to be a “hero” and an “unnamed” total idiot is blamed. McCain is said to be that idiot with his daddy running cover for him. Thus far, Jane Fonda has never attacked one of our ships. We will be taking a look at both McCain and Fonda and try to verify claims.
  • Perhaps they could have a contest to see who killed the most Americans. No tally as to how many pilots were shot down using intel McCain admits giving the North Vietnamese has been made. The Forrestal incident may be a huge cover up in itself.
McCain’s cover story, that the plane behind him fired a missile into his plane is at odds with other stories that blame exploding bombs on some other part of the ship. The investigation and all records involving his military records were under the direct supervision of his own father."

Not a fonda fan but found this searching around. There's a lot more. Guys daddy was able to seal a lot it seems. Amazing he can even be compared to that b****.
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ALso, I never realized it, but that's why Trump was ripping Mccain so hard. He didn't want to just say he's a liar, but he put out the doubt for all to see.

What he meant was "I like guys who weren't captured and pussied out, giving up our plans".
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Figured it was only a matter of time. Chaffetz and Gowdy have a major hard on for this case. They've pledge from day 1 to pursue it as far as the evidence takes them.
Yeah, focus on Hillary's emails while refusing to launch a House investigation into what every intelligence agency in the country describes as close continuing contact throughout the campaign between Trump's staff and Russian intelligence agents. Nice.

The Republicans are keeping the investigation in the Senate intelligence committees because they know those are not public and they know anything coming out of those has to be released by the White House. What a snowjob.

Yet they paraded Hillary, her emails, and Bengazi all over the TV for the last 2 years.
But I thought polls didn't give win % probabilities? Anyways, 90% win probability isn't bad polling. It's just not. That doesn't happen on accident. That's on purpose.

And now you claim, Reuters/Ipsos, one of the most respected, cited and acknowledge polls in the country is bad at their jobs? How did they ever reach such status then? It's quite the opposite. They're so good at their jobs they thought they could get away with it.

Is there any argument you're not willing to make to carry on this facade? They were only that bad because they purposely chose to be, intentionally trying to mislead the public.

You clearly know nothing about market research or polling. You can try and sound smart but you are foolish. They aren't lying or trying to mislead anyone.
And now you claim, Reuters/Ipsos, one of the most respected, cited and acknowledge polls in the country is bad at their jobs? How did they ever reach such status then? It's quite the opposite. They're so good at their jobs they thought they could get away with it.

They are not good at polling. And they have been successful not because of their political polling, but their other work.

FYI, I worked for Ipsos for years so I think I know what I'm talking about.
Well, wasn't he pardoned along with around 30 other men charged with treason? It's been a while so I can't remember exactly. Too lazy to check myself.

I wouldn't be surprised if half of his stories about torture are made up. My grandfather was shot nearly 10 times, captured by the germans, thrown in a hay stack to die and bled out for 2 days before he was rescued by Americans. He was never able to speak about any of it. Wanted no recognition through hthe years, turned down many events. He was never able to sleep peacefully. I look at Mccain compared to him and something is totally off.
How's Trump's war record? Oh, he got sick and had to stay home in his mansion so men like John McCain had to pick up the slack for him. Then you clowns show up in here attacking the very man that put is ass on the line for his country, got shot out of the sky while serving his country, crashed and has his entire body broken up and while in that condition was taken prisoner and tortured... and you ****ing PUNKS have the nerve to criticize that in favor of some fat rich bastard that never set foot out of his Daddy's mansion to serve his county.

You pukes are disgusting to me. I would like to pound your little faces right into the concrete and see how you liked that.

I am so sick of these Republican chickenhawks that have never served taking pot shots at the guys that actually had the nads to do it, I would love to sling their asses out there into combat and see how brave they are when its their own ass on the line and in the crosshairs.
You pathetic losers have any idea of what the Vietnamese did to prisoners? At how skillful they were in torture? McCain was literally laying there with every bone in his body already broken looking at certain death. Certain slow painful death. At the hands of the most brutal torturers imaginable... and he survived that. He lived and came home from that.

For you pricks to sit in judgment of him while licking all over the likes of Donald Trump... well just look at yourselves. Of what you are. You are sickening in every sense of the word. You are repulsive to me. You racist, bigoted, misguided little soulless slimeballs. Whatever you oozed out from is infected and should be sterilized permanently. You and your vermin should be burned out of wherever you are infesting. Our country is being poisoned by the rot you represent. You are black mold on the heart of our country. I would love to stomp you into nothingness and scrap you off my shoes like the dogshit you are.
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You clearly know nothing about market research or polling. You can try and sound smart but you are foolish. They aren't lying or trying to mislead anyone.
They are not good at polling. And they have been successful not because of their political polling, but their other work.

FYI, I worked for Ipsos for years so I think I know what I'm talking about.

You can just keep responding with basically the equivalent of "Nuh Uh", having absolutely nothing to back it up with except for basically the equivalent of "Trust me. I know", to every single posts all you like.

Doesn't change the facts that; A. You said polls don't give win % probability. I provided an example of them doing just that.

B. You said that polls aren't biased. I not only provided you with an example of a poll being biased, but a poll being downright fraudulent.
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Yeah, focus on Hillary's emails while refusing to launch a House investigation into what every intelligence agency in the country describes as close continuing contact throughout the campaign between Trump's staff and Russian intelligence agents. Nice.

The Republicans are keeping the investigation in the Senate intelligence committees because they know those are not public and they know anything coming out of those has to be released by the White House. What a snowjob.

Yet they paraded Hillary, her emails, and Bengazi all over the TV for the last 2 years.

We're impervious to your fake news, you're impervious to the truth. There is absolutely no proof Trump was in contact with the Russians. There is overpowering proof that Hillary and the dumbass muslim broke the law.

They aren't lying or trying to mislead anyone.

They are not good at polling.

And one last thing, because you keep failing to comprehend it. They actually were good at polling during this last election, and had very good data before they cooked their books.

Trump was leading by 5 points in their poll when they were being honest about their polling. They intentionally changed the way they did things to erase his lead, and surprise, Hillary is now leading according to their poll.

If they would have stayed the course, been honest about their polling, they would have been one of only three polls to actually get it right, but instead they cooked the books and gave Hillary a 90% chance to win.

You don't go from being among a small group that had it right to that wrong on accident.
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Yet you claim that it is a "sock account" for another account that was created years later.

Maybe I actually have a life and don't measure my self-worth by the number of posts. Many of you have many thousands of postings but have yet to say anything enlightening other than to expose your ignorance.
Ouch! I am so hurt. Who knew someone with little knowledge about us or anything else could be so cruel. :rolleyes:
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Yeah, focus on Hillary's emails while refusing to launch a House investigation into what every intelligence agency in the country describes as close continuing contact throughout the campaign between Trump's staff and Russian intelligence agents. Nice.

The Republicans are keeping the investigation in the Senate intelligence committees because they know those are not public and they know anything coming out of those has to be released by the White House. What a snowjob.

Yet they paraded Hillary, her emails, and Bengazi all over the TV for the last 2 years.
Elections have consequences. So does breaking the law.
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You pathetic losers have any idea of what the Vietnamese did to prisoners? At how skillful they were in torture? McCain was literally laying there with every bone in his body already broken looking at certain death. Certain slow painful death. At the hands of the most brutal torturers imaginable... and he survived that. He lived and came home from that.

For you pricks to sit in judgment of him while licking all over the likes of Donald Trump... well just look at yourselves. Of what you are. You are sickening in every sense of the word. You are repulsive to me. You racist, bigoted, misguided little soulless slimeballs. Whatever you oozed out from is infected and should be sterilized permanently. You and your vermin should be burned out of wherever you are infesting. Our country is being poisoned by the rot you represent. You are black mold on the heart of our country. I would love to stomp you into nothingness and scrap you off my shoes like the dogshit you are.
We have achieved rage. Couple dozen doughnuts will make you feel better.
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Yeah, focus on Hillary's emails while refusing to launch a House investigation into what every intelligence agency in the country describes as close continuing contact throughout the campaign between Trump's staff and Russian intelligence agents. Nice.

The Republicans are keeping the investigation in the Senate intelligence committees because they know those are not public and they know anything coming out of those has to be released by the White House. What a snowjob.

Yet they paraded Hillary, her emails, and Bengazi all over the TV for the last 2 years.
Yet you were against doing it to her. Nothing to see here folks. Your comedy continues, please go on. Comedians embellish and make up stories as they go along and you have mastered it funny man. All over TV last 2 years....[roll]
You pathetic losers have any idea of what the Vietnamese did to prisoners? At how skillful they were in torture? McCain was literally laying there with every bone in his body already broken looking at certain death. Certain slow painful death. At the hands of the most brutal torturers imaginable... and he survived that. He lived and came home from that.

For you pricks to sit in judgment of him while licking all over the likes of Donald Trump... well just look at yourselves. Of what you are. You are sickening in every sense of the word. You are repulsive to me. You racist, bigoted, misguided little soulless slimeballs. Whatever you oozed out from is infected and should be sterilized permanently. You and your vermin should be burned out of wherever you are infesting. Our country is being poisoned by the rot you represent. You are black mold on the heart of our country. I would love to stomp you into nothingness and scrap you off my shoes like the dogshit you are.
I will preface that I have never said anything about McCain"s service so, that being said, I will say this about your rant, you are as bad if not worse than the people you are calling out Mr, stolen valor. If memory serves, you have been known to rant about your time in but never have proven it when called on it. I would not be so smug when you yourself have lied about your own service.