How will they rule ??!

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Syrian Christians in Syria: "Hey U.S. quit arming these Muslim extremists".

Derp derp derp. Let's just say Assad is over thrown, what is going to replace him? hahaha

We all know the answer to this one. a Saudi Arabian puppet, that's who.
How is president Blackman kicking ass? Seriously? He is sitting on the sidelines extremely weak watching the fighters fight for what they believe meanwhile ridiculing the only people willing to fight for him for his country.

I've never seen such pussified stupidity ever. Too scared to fight, ridicule those that will because they will, and then get bitchslapped by every country he deals with.

It's honestly sad when I feel thankful that Russia will stand up and clean our mess we created in the Middle East. Of course Putin has every intention of kicking our ass next for making the mess and sadly Obama has so many feeling we damn near deserve it!

Yea we need another multi-trillion dollar war in the Mideast since the last ones have turned out so good.
We need a President that will get out the credit card and kick some ass, to hell with this thinking and stuff.

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Because he's right, and he represents the majority, like it or not. I used to get very irritated by his posts, too. But he's right. It's not complicated at all. Democrats are cool and Republicans are old, racist, and dumb.

This is sadly true, and why I dont block them also. This is how the majority of americans think. Its Idiocracy at its finest. Its better to know whats out there, than to block it and be unaware of the growing majority who cant think for themselves.
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This is sadly true, and why I dont block them also. This is how the majority of americans think. Its Idiocracy at its finest. Its better to know whats out there, than to block it and be unaware of the growing majority who cant think for themselves.


Mark my words. The next political icon to gain endearment to Americans will not come in the form of a Republican nor Democrat. It will come from a political figure who can reach people by making both parties obsolete.

That's the next American hero.

Mark my words. The next political icon to gain endearment to Americans will not come in the form of a Republican nor Democrat. It will come from a political figure who can reach people by making both parties obsolete.

That's the next American hero.

Thats almost what Trump is doing. But he cant dial back the ego enough to make it happen.

I think Mark Cuban is the only person that comes to mind who could maybe make it happen.
Yea we need another multi-trillion dollar war in the Mideast since the last ones have turned out so good.
We need a President that will get out the credit card and kick some ass, to hell with this thinking and stuff.


Dude going the route we are will cause a damn a war. I would have been happy as hell if Bush never happened but he did, and Obama made it worse by pulling out of there like he did. Now all this stuff is our fault........and leaving Russia in charge is asking for trouble.

We will get it and this may well spark something worse because we are too scared right now.

Don't worry though everyone who is too scared now won't have much of a choice in a year or so.

Great pic
Dude going the route we are will cause a damn a war. I would have been happy as hell if Bush never happened but he did, and Obama made it worse by pulling out of there like he did. Now all this stuff is our fault........and leaving Russia in charge is asking for trouble.

We will get it and this may well spark something worse because we are too scared right now.

Don't worry though everyone who is too scared now won't have much of a choice in a year or so.

Great pic
Without putting you on the spot too much, what would you do if you were in charge? Mount a ground invasion? Give the Rebels a bunch of high grade weapons?

Just about any option on the table has been tried before and has failed. US intervention isn't going to make everyone get along over there. Russia can try, but they will not be able to control events in the ME. If our military might failed then theirs has no chance of succeeding.

We have our own, stable oil supply now so there's no national security issue at stake from that regard. Let's keep our troops away from the ME, and be very careful who we arm.
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And if you don't think Russia can take America right now you better pay closer attention to the world as a whole. Russia isn't alone in wanting us removed, hell our own people are doing their best to implode this country.

Are you aware this is the smallest military we've had since the 1920's? We have 7 times the population we did then and yet our military is smaller?

Terrible. Our military is light years beyond any other nations because 1) a professional, kick ass non-commissioned officer core; 2) technological superiority; and 3) I guess the officers (I say I guess not to diminish our officers but b/c the gap between US/foreign officers is less than the gap between NCOs). Let's see Russia project power all around the world, like the best Navy patrolling tens of thousands of miles from home in several spots. Or the best Air Force flying stealth bombers literally across the world and dropping bombs on sh!tholes wherever we please. There's a lot more to projected power than sending in technologically inferior jets to bomb rebels in Syria; any "battle" between Russia and the US would just be a matter of what the aftermath would look like (which gets to complicated things like political will and capital, economic considerations, etc...).

The amount of military-industrial complex brainwashing in this country is absurd, and I come from the perspective of someone who was employed in, and happy with, both aspects of that relationshiop. We cut a small amount and people cry because we're now only 100x more awesome than anyone else instead of 120x more awesome. Unreal.
There only a few options to deal with the middle east as far as I can tell. 1. We just get used to going to war there every 15 years or so to quell another uprising of crazies that want to murder anyone that doesn't believe what they do. 2. We implement regime change and support the regime to the fullest. 3. we pull out and wait for them to come to us and kill a bunch of us on American soil which means that we will have to go back to war with them on their turf.

Playing isolationist isn't going to work as a long term strategy. We need to implement regime change, and go in with every piece of military hardware we have and kill as many of the terrorists as we can to give the new regime a chance of making a long term stand.
There only a few options to deal with the middle east as far as I can tell. 1. We just get used to going to war there every 15 years or so to quell another uprising of crazies that want to murder anyone that doesn't believe what they do. 2. We implement regime change and support the regime to the fullest. 3. we pull out and wait for them to come to us and kill a bunch of us on American soil which means that we will have to go back to war with them on their turf.

Playing isolationist isn't going to work as a long term strategy. We need to implement regime change, and go in with every piece of military hardware we have and kill as many of the terrorists as we can to give the new regime a chance of making a long term stand.
Like we did in Iraq?
The Superpowers will probably prop up secular Arab states free of the influence of Islam and all the infighting that entails.

This model will give the illusion of peace in the region.

I foresee world leaders prancing around Neville Chamberlain-like proclaiming "Peace in our time!" in the years to come. (you heard it here first)
Donald Trump seem to be the only public figure that has any sense on this (maybe Rand Paul). Trump said let Russia give their blood and treasure over there. When asked about all the hand wringing on the possibility of Russia getting Syria he basically said "who gives a f?"

That's where I'm out. Wow Russia get's Syria - that could be the end of our way of life as we know it:p I'm glad some other country has stepped up to fight the loons. Let them deal with it. I'm for sitting this one out, and besides China's economy sucks right now and they might not be able to loan us another trillion or so.
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Again, from my uneducated viewpoint this is how I see it. Your thoughts?
Don't try to fix the ME, because we can't. There's not a singular power, like a Hitler, that we can destroy and make things better.

Trying to control the ME is like squeezing a handful of sand, the tighter you squeeze the more it slips through the gaps in your fingers.
Does anyone remember any of these faux moderates speaking up about isolationism and criticizing BO when troops were surged in Afg, our involvement in Libya, the "red line" in Syria, etc? Perhaps this is just spinning by fanboys as a coping exercise from Russia, Iran, and Syria working together.
What % of fault does the U.S have in the ME disaster?
Thought experiment:

Total up all of the money we've spent on wars in the Middle East
All of the money we've put in suitcases and shipped to Israel
All of the money we've used to prop up sexual dictators across the region

Now take about 5% of that mountain of treasure and invest it in developing non-petroleum energy sources.

Makes you weep, doesn't it?
Thought experiment:

Total up all of the money we've spent on wars in the Middle East
All of the money we've put in suitcases and shipped to Israel
All of the money we've used to prop up sexual dictators across the region

Now take about 5% of that mountain of treasure and invest it in developing non-petroleum energy sources.

Makes you weep, doesn't it?

So what you're saying, it's more than 80%, right?
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Thought experiment:

Total up all of the money we've spent on wars in the Middle East
All of the money we've put in suitcases and shipped to Israel
All of the money we've used to prop up sexual dictators across the region

Now take about 5% of that mountain of treasure and invest it in developing non-petroleum energy sources.

Makes you weep, doesn't it?

I don't know why my phone autocorrected "secular" to "sexual", but I refuse to correct it.
Ok I'll try and I'm sure it will be dumb to most because there is no right answer.

It's messed up because we were wrong from jump street to ever go in there with Bush(preface). So at this point I analyze who we as a nation trust and want to possibly work with, maybe even Russia, and form a real partnership if possible. Honestly I'm open to anyone over there IF we are comfortable in a long term relationship.

And we back them and show them that the U.S. Is capable of staying away(which is half of why they all hate us anyway) from their world.

Again the big issue I have is that right now, we created this stupidity and we are trusting Russia to do something I kind of think they aren't doing. Our deal with Iran hurt Russia and I think in the end they will somehow want revenge and if they get control of Syria they won't stop there, JMO.
Ok I'll try and I'm sure it will be dumb to most because there is no right answer.

It's messed up because we were wrong from jump street to ever go in there with Bush(preface). So at this point I analyze who we as a nation trust and want to possibly work with, maybe even Russia, and form a real partnership if possible. Honestly I'm open to anyone over there IF we are comfortable in a long term relationship.

And we back them and show them that the U.S. Is capable of staying away(which is half of why they all hate us anyway) from their world.

Again the big issue I have is that right now, we created this stupidity and we are trusting Russia to do something I kind of think they aren't doing. Our deal with Iran hurt Russia and I think in the end they will somehow want revenge and if they get control of Syria they won't stop there, JMO.

Krazy. we got to go back waaaay further than Bush to see the root of the problem. Maybe the ME has just always been a cluster-F from the get-go. But the U.S destabilizing Iran in the early 50s and then the U.S actually trains Bin Laden to fight the Russians in the late 70s, lead to the Bush fiasco.
Willy that's my point really in a nutshell, be f'n loyal! If we keep putting people in place to fight for us have their back for as long as it takes.

They hate us and we raised them to hate us. How would you feel if your parents raised you up taught you everything then boom joined up with whoever the new up and comers were and taught them how to screw you over knowing all your weaknesses.

I'm sure you'd be ready to bomb your folks! Same deal honestly, right or wrong?

We keep burning bridges as unloyal pieces of shit
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I guess, but I won't or at least not right now. I love what my country was, but it isn't close to that today. Just a bunch of idiots caught up in beating each other so bad that it f's everyone else. It's like watching parents that physically fight in front of kids and cuss and scream and then wonder why there kids hate them.
Willy that's my point really in a nutshell, be f'n loyal! If we keep putting people in place to fight for us have their back for as long as it takes.

They hate us and we raised them to hate us. How would you feel if your parents raised you up taught you everything then boom joined up with whoever the new up and comers were and taught them how to screw you over knowing all your weaknesses.

I'm sure you'd be ready to bomb your folks! Same deal honestly, right or wrong?

We keep burning bridges as unloyal pieces of shit

Exactly. Iran looked like the U.S before they went Muslim effing crazy in the 70s during their reformation. Guess they got sick of the U.S using CIA trained "Economic Hitmen" like they did with United Fruit Company in Guatemala.

The U.S did the exact same thing in South America that they did to the ME, but didn't have to deal with the religiously unstable in South America.
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Obama made it worse by pulling out of there like he did.

Options were 1) remain in Iraq under untenable (to us) co
Syrian Christians in Syria: "Hey U.S. quit arming these Muslim extremists".

Derp derp derp. Let's just say Assad is over thrown, what is going to replace him? hahaha

We all know the answer to this one. a Saudi Arabian puppet, that's who.

If we're lucky. Any power vacuum in the ME is just a disaster waiting to happen.
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You also have to consider how the British divided the Arab world around the time of the Great War.

Yeah, the Brits are the dirty culprit behind most things in early expansion, but we took over and through the military industrial complex, made it much worse.