How will they rule ??!

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Only the immoral libs could get behind a piece of garbage/criminal like Hillary Clinton. What a joke this country is if we end up with 16 years of Obama and Clinton.

Watching the dysfucntion in the House has been epic. Now Boehner is going to stick around and he's going to easily deal with the Dems on the debt ceiling and potential deals on a long term budget, tax overhaul and anything else that was tableled for a long time.

Well plaued Freedom Caucus...well played.
Watching the dysfucntion in the House has been epic. Now Boehner is going to stick around and he's going to easily deal with the Dems on the debt ceiling and potential deals on a long term budget, tax overhaul and anything else that was tableled for a long time.

Well plaued Freedom Caucus...well played.

If that is the scenario that indeed plays out and let's say Ryan says no and the Pubs have to lobby for Democrat votes to get a new speaker over the finish line, it almost has the appearance of a new "centrist" party emerging with traditional Republicans and some moderate/centrist Democrats unifying. The remaining Republicans and Demarcates would lean more towards their wings.
College has become nothing more than little brainwashed crybaby shitheads fighting a nonexistent war because that's what "social warriors" always have to do. They're constantly offended and always showcase how dumb and hypocritical they are.

Clemson cancels "Maximum Mexican" dinner

UCLA under fire for Kanye West theme party cause "blackface."
Guess TPP and TTIP are gonna be rocking soon.

Wonder how long it takes before the buffoons (common American people) get angry at the dipshits they voted for who supports these horrible corporate powered acts. Can't wait to see the reaction.


Sorry for the yelling, people have no clue what's just been unleashed. 12 nations. 40% of the global economy. Companies owns nation-states. Thankfully I'll be dead before anything serious happens. Whew.

Right now in Oklahoma and Florida people are being taxed if they have solar panels on their roofs becasue they aren't buying enough electricity from the government authorized utility. So your prediction about the telecom oligopoly getting something similar in place is not as far fetch as some may think.
Guess TPP and TTIP are gonna be rocking soon.

Wonder how long it takes before the buffoons (common American people) get angry at the dipshits they voted for who supports these horrible corporate powered acts. Can't wait to see the reaction.


Sorry for the yelling, people have no clue what's just been unleashed. 12 nations. 40% of the global economy. Companies owns nation-states. Thankfully I'll be dead before anything serious happens. Whew.

What? This sounds very bad.

But, the thing is, buffoons won't get mad because this "non-usage fee", among other fees, will go towards providing those buffoons with FREE INTERNET!!! YAYYY!!! because no human should be denied the right to internet! Vote 4 me! ;)
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The game is totally rigged against the 20% - 80%'rs. The wealthy do not care because they don't have to. The poor get more and more services free. Everyone else that works and has to perhaps budget their money get squeezed on basically any essential product or service we need, from utilities, higher education, child care, health care, you name it. Big Corporate America the US Government in their back pocket and then everybody acts surprised they are getting screwed.
What? This sounds very bad.

But, the thing is, buffoons won't get mad because this "non-usage fee", among other fees, will go towards providing those buffoons with FREE INTERNET!!! YAYYY!!! because no human should be denied the right to internet! Vote 4 me! ;)

That's what it always comes down to it seems. The poor and uneducated will continue to vote this way because it allows them to stay dumb and lazy and take everyone else's money. The rise don't care because they make too much money to be effected by such things so like fromthestands mentioned, the working middle class gets effed like always.

One of the best things we could do is get rid of lobbyist and destroy the two party system.
Right now in Oklahoma and Florida people are being taxed if they have solar panels on their roofs becasue they aren't buying enough electricity from the government authorized utility. So your prediction about the telecom oligopoly getting something similar in place is not as far fetch as some may think.

I keep hearing how we are getting closer to extended lifespans through technology. At first I use to think that would be awesome. Then I keep seeing how essentially Earth is turning into one giant mass corporation and I am wondering why in the hell would anyone want to live for 100s of years under that kinda life?
Something of a narrative buster, so will be ignored:

"Now, a paper on polarization and inequality released in August by political scientists from Princeton, Georgetown, and the University of Oregon (and highlighted this week in a Washington Post article) provides some empirical evidence that Democratic Party’s leftward drift is more pronounced than the GOP’s rightward drift, at least at the state level. The study’s overall argument is that income inequality has increased political polarization at the state level since the 1990s. But the authors find that that this happens more by moving state Democratic parties to the left than by moving state Republican parties to the right. As the Democratic Party lost power at the state level over the past 15 years, it also effectively shed its moderate wing. Centrist Democrats have increasingly lost seats to Republicans, “resulting in a more liberal Democratic party” overall. The authors find that the ideological median of Republican legislators has shifted much less."
Something of a narrative buster, so will be ignored:

"Now, a paper on polarization and inequality released in August by political scientists from Princeton, Georgetown, and the University of Oregon (and highlighted this week in a Washington Post article) provides some empirical evidence that Democratic Party’s leftward drift is more pronounced than the GOP’s rightward drift, at least at the state level. The study’s overall argument is that income inequality has increased political polarization at the state level since the 1990s. But the authors find that that this happens more by moving state Democratic parties to the left than by moving state Republican parties to the right. As the Democratic Party lost power at the state level over the past 15 years, it also effectively shed its moderate wing. Centrist Democrats have increasingly lost seats to Republicans, “resulting in a more liberal Democratic party” overall. The authors find that the ideological median of Republican legislators has shifted much less."
Exactly, thus the shift of what mainstream liberals define as moderate which we see in a nauseating way here. They can't come to terms with the fact their party is totally aligned with where the cash and media help is, NoCal and NYC. The GOP was done in 2008, remember? The shift nationally at the state level under Obama has been dramatic but totally ignored.

"Last Tuesday, Republicans made historic gains in the nation’s state legislatures. The GOP now controls 68 out of 98 partisan state legislative chambers -- the highest number in the history of the party. Republicans currently hold the governorship and both houses of the legislature in 23 states (24 if Sean Parnell wins re-election in Alaska), while Democrats have that level of control in only seven.

Democrats dominated these elections for most of the postwar era, often controlling between 60 and 80 chambers. Three specific factors -- the increasing strength of Southern Republicans, recent strategic efforts to gain state chambers, and the national political conditions of 2014 -- together explain how the GOP has turned the tide in recent years and built a massive advantage in the state capitals on Tuesday."

Read more:
Showing the self-awareness of a UL fan, per CBS, POTUS at fundraiser:

@markknoller: In the president's view, Tea Party Republicans would rather burn down the House than admit the democratic process "requires compromise."
Showing the self-awareness of a UL fan, per CBS, POTUS at fundraiser:

@markknoller: In the president's view, Tea Party Republicans would rather burn down the House than admit the democratic process "requires compromise."

King Obama wants to talk about compromise? [laughing]

I absolutely hate that guy and his trash puppeteers & administration. Cannot wait until he is gone. The damage is done but the sooner this sack of garbage is out; the better.
King Obama wants to talk about compromise? [laughing]

I absolutely hate that guy and his trash puppeteers & administration. Cannot wait until he is gone. The damage is done but the sooner this sack of garbage is out; the better.

Reading stuff like this is just awesome...just awesome. Too bad Obama couldn't run a third time. I am sure he would still win in an electoral landslide AGAIN. Though I am sure the black man in the white house is tried it kicking so much Republican a$$ on a constant basis. It's almost like the varsity team playing the freshman team.

And now with Boehner back in the picture, I am sure Obama is going to further cement his semi-liberal agenda.

Keep posting this's just tasty.
Glad your blind loyalty is thrilled with the destruction this man has caused our nation.

What angers me are his supporters, the ignorant and lazy who keep him in office yet they aren't the slightest bit informed. Not to mention it should be easy to win, when you own the media and no one ever holds you accountable for anything.
Glad your blind loyalty is thrilled with the destruction this man has caused our nation.

What angers me are his supporters, the ignorant and lazy who keep him in office yet they aren't the slightest bit informed. Not to mention it should be easy to win, when you own the media and no one ever holds you accountable for anything.

When I read your words...destruction, angers, ignorant,'s just awesome. You can easily tell how much of a bitter person you are.

Like I said, Obama would win in a landslide again...EASILY.
^has to be a troll, just way to over the top to be real.

Troll? Sorry, been here a real long time; just don't visit that much anymore as it's not as much fun as it use to be. I've been listening to the drivel of everyone on here about how the Republicans are going to do this and going to do that...all the while, President Blackman is constantly kicking a$$.
Steve Kroft not exactly lobbing softballs at the President.
That's because he's not running again. He's not on the ballot, so CBS will be a little tougher to cynically get some "unbiased" cred. It's an old ploy - similar to the way the media beats up conservatives and cheerleads liberals in the run up to an election, then will treat us to unending human interest stories from the point of view of the right after the election is over and there's no chance at a conservative win. For the most part, credentialed media are democratic operatives with bylines.......
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..all the while, President Blackman is constantly kicking a$$.

Well, at least it's true that he's hostile and combative with his political opponents in this country. The real bad guys, the ones dedicated to wiping us off the map? Oddly, he's not so tough with them.....
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That's because he's not running again. He's not on the ballot, so CBS will be a little tougher to cynically get some "unbiased" cred. It's an old ploy - similar to the way the media beats up conservatives and cheerleads liberals in the run up to an election, then will treat us to unending human interest stories from the point of view of the right after the election is over and there's no chance at a conservative win. For the most part, credentialed media are democratic operatives with bylines.......

Exactly what they did with Mitt Romney.
Well, at least it's true that he's hostile and combative with his political opponents in this country. The real bad guys, the ones dedicated to wiping us off the map? Oddly, he's not so tough with them.....
Obama knows fully well that the Republicans can't do a thing to him. He is however afraid of his own party and those guys out there that cut off heads.
Describes Albany Wildcat, Deee, Z, and a few others on here.
Albany has a child like mentality and post like a 6 year old. Deee is just plain corrupt and hell bent on a socialist agenda. Z likes to try and seem more intelligent than he really is all the while looing like an idiot.
Albany has a child like mentality and post like a 6 year old. Deee is just plain corrupt and hell bent on a socialist agenda. Z likes to try and seem more intelligent than he really is all the while looing like an idiot.


I know you can do better. But seriously, Obama is doing as he pleases and the Republicans are falling apart at the seams.
How is president Blackman kicking ass? Seriously? He is sitting on the sidelines extremely weak watching the fighters fight for what they believe meanwhile ridiculing the only people willing to fight for him for his country.

I've never seen such pussified stupidity ever. Too scared to fight, ridicule those that will because they will, and then get bitchslapped by every country he deals with.

It's honestly sad when I feel thankful that Russia will stand up and clean our mess we created in the Middle East. Of course Putin has every intention of kicking our ass next for making the mess and sadly Obama has so many feeling we damn near deserve it!
It's honestly sad when I feel thankful that Russia will stand up and clean our mess we created in the Middle East. Of course Putin has every intention of kicking our ass next for making the mess and sadly Obama has so many feeling we damn near deserve it!
Russia will kick our ass how? If there's anything I still like about Obama it's his determination to keep US troops out of the ME. By all means if the Russians want to take up the baton let them try, but they're not going to fix shit. I've said it before, it's way past time that we cut our losses in the ME and let those tribes have their civil wars.
Fair enough, can't ever argue with minding our own business but the problem with that is ISIS is in place because both parties did dumb shit. Bush went in and Obama pulled out and now it's chaos.

And if you don't think Russia can take America right now you better pay closer attention to the world as a whole. Russia isn't alone in wanting us removed, hell our own people are doing their best to implode this country.

Are you aware this is the smallest military we've had since the 1920's? We have 7 times the population we did then and yet our military is smaller?
Fair enough, can't ever argue with minding our own business but the problem with that is ISIS is in place because both parties did dumb shit. Bush went in and Obama pulled out and now it's chaos.

And if you don't think Russia can take America right now you better pay closer attention to the world as a whole. Russia isn't alone in wanting us removed, hell our own people are doing their best to implode this country.

Are you aware this is the smallest military we've had since the 1920's? We have 7 times the population we did then and yet our military is smaller?
Com'on krazy, the US military dwarfs Russia's. They can Nuke us, but then we'd nuke them. Nothing new there.
When they are aligned with Iran, Korea, and China Id say we are dwarfed and your living in the past.

But from the sounds of things we will soon find out.
wow people in this thread still don't have Albany on ignor? why willingly subject yourself to a poster who is the perfect definition of the ignorant no-nothing low-information Obama supporter/voter?
Because he's right, and he represents the majority, like it or not. I used to get very irritated by his posts, too. But he's right. It's not complicated at all. Democrats are cool and Republicans are old, racist, and dumb.
wow people in this thread still don't have Albany on ignor? why willingly subject yourself to a poster who is the perfect definition of the ignorant no-nothing low-information Obama supporter/voter?

Yes, keep your head in the sand and just ignore the majority of population that constantly growing and will elect the new President. Seems like a great strategy.
BEIRUT — American antitank missiles supplied to Syrian rebels are playing an unexpectedly prominent role in shaping the Syrian battlefield, giving the conflict the semblance of a proxy war between the United States and Russia, despite President Obama’s express desire to avoid one.

lol proxy war between superpowers....but yeah, the 1980s called Mitt Romney and wants it's foreign policy back. Thanks Wash Post, NeoCon rag!!!1

Btw, while Putin is supporting Assad and we are supporting the moderate Deee types (whomever tf that is), guess who wins? You guessed it....more heads lopped off. Glad we can be of assistance, ISIS. Glad we've got this bag of dicks POTUS to get us through, doh. I mean, such a leader on 60 Minutes. I'm sure Putin was peeing himself.

I think there is some (a very small amount) grace for those who voted for Obama the first time...very small amount I stress. But the second time? Something mentally or physically had to be wrong with you.
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