How will they rule ??!

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I have no clue what you are talking about and I never made that statement or anything like it. Chicago does have a high instance of gun violence. I simply pointed out that it's extremely easy to transport guns into Chicago from surrounding areas with liberal gun laws.

You actually think these people are sane? Come on man, sane people don't commit these kinds of meaningless, motivationless crimes.

No I dont. I think they have mental issues. But they didnt have a history of mental health issues. Those are 2 totally different things. They had problems, just none of it documented. So no mental health check could have uncovered them.

The only mass killer with an actual history of mental health, that Im aware of, is the car killer. But dems dont care about him because he used a car.
There is a good body of evidence, some of which was linked earlier in this tread during the previous shooting, that rejects that notion.

How would we know if they were never screened?

The vast majority of Americans including NRA members support mandatory background checks. That's only one thing to fix a complex problem and admittedly the results will be marginal. But "marginal" can be quantified as at least a few hundred lives a year. I think those that reject this one simple measure are selfishly saying that their conveniences are more important than someone else's life. That's a hard position to support.

The mass shootings are becoming an enormous issue and it isn't satisfactory to simply throw up your hands and say we can do nothing and every idea that is floated to solve the problem "won't work". AS a country and as a people I'm confident we CAN do much better.

I got no problem with any kind of background checks, the more the better, but the biggest problem is "gun free zones". Where do most mass shooting occur? In gun free zones. More laws will not solve this problem, we have really tough drug laws, has that helped the drug problem? NO. Trying to ban anything in this country does not work, prohibition, abortion, drugs,etc. If people desire something,someone will find a way to sell it to them. There is no easy fix to this, but more laws certainly is not the answer.
Hillary with some blatant union pandering ahead of the "debate". Odds that she would do anything to undermine TPP once in office: roughly 16 trillion to one.

No one knows what Hilary stands for, I doubt she even knows at this point. Her and Bill have always pandered to which ever way the breeze blows at the moment. Most phony two people ever. Like him or not, but Trump is what he is, Sanders is what he is. At least you know what you get wit them.
The fn 5.7, ar15, and ak47 should be off the streets. The only way to eliminate them is an impressive buy back program or stop making bullets for them. They are military weapons and have no purpose for the civilian world. I'm for the second ammendment but the forefathers of this country probably didn't see guns like that coming. Hell wanna end it, just make muskets the only legal gun(jk). If your hunting your not bringing one of those guns and if you are you might need to brush up on your shooting. Unless your planning on scare face and his family stopping by you don't need it for protection.
The fn 5.7, ar15, and ak47 should be off the streets. The only way to eliminate them is an impressive buy back program or stop making bullets for them. They are military weapons and have no purpose for the civilian world. I'm for the second ammendment but the forefathers of this country probably didn't see guns like that coming. Hell wanna end it, just make muskets the only legal gun(jk). If your hunting your not bringing one of those guns and if you are you might need to brush up on your shooting. Unless your planning on scare face and his family stopping by you don't need it for protection.


George Washington: "Sigh, If only my musket rifle could shoot non-stop"
What are the deductibles to you have any figures? $6000, $8000? I doubt that would force many people into bankruptcy or cause them to lose their home.

It is obvious to me that most Paddock posters are not and never were poors. There are untold numbers of working poor who live paycheck to paycheck and would love to have a thousand dollars in the bank. They don't own a house to lose. I know and am related to quite a few of those people. $6000 won't break them? Sheesh.
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No I dont. I think they have mental issues. But they didnt have a history of mental health issues. Those are 2 totally different things. They had problems, just none of it documented. So no mental health check could have uncovered them.

The only mass killer with an actual history of mental health, that Im aware of, is the car killer. But dems dont care about him because he used a car.
Can't get rid of guns that way.
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I got no problem with any kind of background checks, the more the better, but the biggest problem is "gun free zones". Where do most mass shooting occur? In gun free zones. More laws will not solve this problem, we have really tough drug laws, has that helped the drug problem? NO. Trying to ban anything in this country does not work, prohibition, abortion, drugs,etc. If people desire something,someone will find a way to sell it to them. There is no easy fix to this, but more laws certainly is not the answer.
You can't hit Deee with the facts that undermine his socialistic views or he will put you on ignore. Wait a minute...........[cheers]
The fn 5.7, ar15, and ak47 should be off the streets. The only way to eliminate them is an impressive buy back program or stop making bullets for them. They are military weapons and have no purpose for the civilian world. I'm for the second ammendment but the forefathers of this country probably didn't see guns like that coming. Hell wanna end it, just make muskets the only legal gun(jk). If your hunting your not bringing one of those guns and if you are you might need to brush up on your shooting. Unless your planning on scare face and his family stopping by you don't need it for protection.
Why? only one is an assault weapon. The other 2 shoot no differently than any other semi automatic gun out there. Pull the trigger each time to be able to shoot.
It is obvious to me that most Paddock posters are not and never were poors. There are untold numbers of working poor who live paycheck to paycheck and would love to have a thousand dollars in the bank. They don't own a house to lose. I know and am related to quite a few of those people. $6000 won't break them? Sheesh.
Which do they have a better chance at paying...$6000 or $100,000?
Yeah, I know some working poor who live paycheck to paycheck yet they always have cigarettes and money and a few buck for lottery tickets. A lot of the time it's about choices.
BTW, today if you have health insurance your annual checkup is fully covered with no deductible required which includes mammograms for women, periodic colonoscopies, etc. Adverse health conditions can be found often times before they are expensive to treat.
Yeah, I know some working poor who live paycheck to paycheck yet they always have cigarettes and money and a few buck for lottery tickets

Yea , I also know lots of NON-WORKING poor that do even try to work, gets a free government check every month, free medicaid and still have money to buy cigs, beer, weed,drugs.

So, by your logic, it is ok to take someone whole annual salary to make him have health insurance, while giving it to someone that refuses to work. Typical Liberal approach.
Kasich hits his highest approval rating ever as Gov
He trails Trump by 10 points in OH
Yea , I also know lots of NON-WORKING poor that do even try to work, gets a free government check every month, free medicaid and still have money to buy cigs, beer, weed,drugs.

So, by your logic, it is ok to take someone whole annual salary to make him have health insurance, while giving it to someone that refuses to work. Typical Liberal approach.
"whole annual salary to make him have health insurance"??? Typical conservative hyperbole.

Pretty sure if it required their entire earnings to purchase health insurance that they too would qualify for medicaid which would provide them health insurance as well as provide other benefits.

You realize that you are supporting the position that people with health insurance should be forced to pay for those without insurance because that is in fact what happens. People get sick and injured regardless of their ability to pay for care. If they don't/can't pay then that cost gets passed along to those who do pay. "Obamacare" simply expands those who are on the paying side by requiring them to carry insurance.
Re Kasich trailing Trump in know, people have been sick of politics and politicians forever. My sense is that it reached a new level with Watergate, when the idea morphed to "all of them are crooks and the system is crooked." But people just sort of tolerated it. Ironic that in the year the Rs finally had a decent chance to win the house+senate and the White House, the public finally reaches the point of rebellion. I still think that Trump and Carson and Fiorina will fade, and someone like Rubio or Kasich will get the nod, but by now that conventional thinking should be at least a little in doubt.....
So the Dems have a harvard dude running that looks like he walked out of a Sprockets skit. Gotta go deep in to the interwebs to hear anything about it.
George Will with a good one today. This is infuriating, and to beat a tired old drum, were it happening under a Republican administration it would be front page news every freaking day. It's an article of faith among libs that GWB did this kind of thing, with fanciful stories of a rogue IRS or JD targeting Democrats. Here, it's not a fanciful anything, it's actually going on.....and mostly crickets are what I hear....

Look,” wrote Lois Lerner, echoing Horace Greeley, “my view is that Lincoln was our worst president not our best. He should [have] let the outh go. We really do seem to have 2 totally different mindsets.” Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, was referring to Southern secessionist states when he urged President-elect Lincoln to “let the erring sisters go in peace.”
Greeley favored separating the nation from certain mind-sets; Lerner favors suppressing certain mind-sets. At the Internal Revenue Service, she participated in delaying for up to five years — effectively denying — tax-exempt status for, and hence restricting political activity by, groups with conservative mind-sets. She retired after refusing to testify to congressional committees, invoking Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.
As the IRS coverup of its and her malfeasance continues, the Republicans’ new House leaders should exercise this constitutional power: “
The House ... shall have the sole power of impeachment.” The current IRS director, John Koskinen, has earned this attention.
Dems/Lefties/faux-moderates yesterday: "McCarthy is a pawn used to take down Hillary, perfect face for the Repugs"

today: "Repugs have a civil war, they crazy"

All the while you stand blindly behind Reid and Pelosi as well as support HRC at 71% approval. UNITED!!
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Colbert wasted a whole segment on trashing McCarthy last night. Deeee had ready in his drafts to post.
Colbert wasted a whole segment on trashing McCarthy last night. Deeee had ready in his drafts to post.
I will say one thing for the democrats and that is they generally stick together regardless of how corrupt the party is. What am I saying....corruption is the root basis for the democratic party. They have lied their way into the party they are today. There is something to say for solidarity, it usually goes with socialism and communism.

In the words of Robin Williams: "Social Relevance, Right Arm!"
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Would love to see Trey Gowdey do it and he has the support, but he does not want it. Too busy proving how much of a POS Clinton is.
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I will say one thing for the democrats and that is they generally stick together regardless of how corrupt the party is. What am I saying....corruption is the root basis for the democratic party. They have lied their way into the party they are today. There is something to say for solidarity, it usually goes with socialism and communism.

In the words of Robin Williams: "Social Relevance, Right Arm!"
Corruption is the root basis of both parties.
No one knows what Hilary stands for, I doubt she even knows at this point. Her and Bill have always pandered to which ever way the breeze blows at the moment. Most phony two people ever. Like him or not, but Trump is what he is, Sanders is what he is. At least you know what you get wit them.

She stands for whatever gets her elected.

Colbert wasted a whole segment on trashing McCarthy last night. Deeee had ready in his drafts to post.

I love how Colbert really hit Trump with several tough questions. Then has basically a promotional pow wow with Bill Clinton.
She stands for whatever gets her elected.

I love how Colbert really hit Trump with several tough questions. Then has basically a promotional pow wow with Bill Clinton.

We could spend years pointing out hypocrisy from the liberal media.

It amuses me that liberals bash Fox yet own everyone else.
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Corruption is the root basis of both parties.
Not really arguing that, just saying that the Dems stick together because almost all of them accept it as the norm. Repubs have some splitting among the ranks because there are some that really want the change.
Take that, Kochs! I added one small but important note in parenthesis

An under-the-radar startup funded by billionaire Eric Schmidt has become a major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, underscoring the bonds between Silicon Valley and Democratic politics.
The Groundwork, according to Democratic campaign operatives and technologists, is part of efforts by Schmidt—the executive chairman of Google parent-company Alphabet—to ensure that Clinton has the engineering talent needed to win the election. And it is one of a series of quiet investments by Schmidt that recognize how modern political campaigns are run, with data analytics and digital outreach as vital ingredients that allow candidates to find, court, and turn out critical voter blocs. (ie idiots, losers, and convicts)
But campaigns—lacking stock options and long-term job security—find it hard to attract the elite engineering talent that Facebook, Google, and countless startups rely on. That’s also part of the problem that Schmidt and the Groundwork are helping Clinton’s team to solve.

The Groundwork is one of the Clinton campaign’s biggest vendors, billing it for more than $177,000 in the second quarter of 2015, according to federal filings. Yet many political operatives know little about it. Its website consists entirely of a grey-on-black triangle logo that suggests “the digital roots of change” while also looking vaguely like the Illuminati symbol
Not really arguing that, just saying that the Dems stick together because almost all of them accept it as the norm. Repubs have some splitting among the ranks because there are some that really want the change.
It's hard for many to see the congressional GOP's inability to govern itself as a positive.
Kochs are doing and supporting bad things. Schmidt and others that support the right team are clearly doing good for society. C'mon, you know this.
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Only the immoral libs could get behind a piece of garbage/criminal like Hillary Clinton. What a joke this country is if we end up with 16 years of Obama and Clinton.