How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Think I'll go to our local Starbucks and take a big ole shit in their bathroom sink. Nah, just can't do this, but this is how I feel about those bastards. Guess, I'll go to Dunkin Donuts and buy an overpriced cup of coffee from them instead.

haaha sounds good Bill

I got about $40 in starbuck cards that were given to me. I am going to use them. Sorry guys. I ain't throwin' away free money. I'm poor cousin comes over today and he's learning about the third Reich. First thing I see is "7.5 million Jews killed" Yada.

So it's now up to 7.5 in our school systems? Our government teaches straight propoganda to the masses.

Anyone even believe it was 6 million like we were taught?
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I verified it. That's legit.
Oh, so actually nothing has been done yet and it is not an accomplishment and it was not repealed on DAY ONE like we heard a million times in the campaign so as of right now it is complete bullshit. Thanks.

He doesn't start until all positions are full. He's been on day 0 during the obstructionist plots
U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Russian hackers directed by President Vladimir Putin sought to put Trump in the White House instead of Hillary Rodham Clinton, seeing the New York businessman as far friendlier to Moscow’s interests. The Kremlin denies the charge.

I guess we're supposed to believe that the content of the emails had nothing to do with exposing how corrupt her, her cronies, the msm, and the piece of shit muslim president were? It was simply the act of hacking that did it.

She was instrumental in allowing Russia access to 20% of our uranium deposits, why would they give up a golden goose like her? I realize the media is talking to leftists idiots but damn it, the rest of us can see it too.

The Russians were in a far better position with the liberals. They could have started the 4th Reich and obama wouldn't have done shit. No way it was anything more than to make a mockery of America anyway.
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[laughing]Not that I thought it to begin with, but the fact that @ymmot31's joke seemed to escape him, I can now say, unequivocally, that @YourPublicEnemy has zero prejudices against black people.

Good stuff. You're a good man in my book, YPE. Better than @Willy4UK and myself.

Ha. Nah. I got the joke. I just wanted to show the pics instead of talking about them. I know I'm going to be called racist by the same four or five people anyways no matter what.

I'm still red-polling these fools.
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Ha. Nah. I got the joke. I just wanted to show the pics instead of talking about them. I know I'm going to be called racist by the same four or five people anyways no matter what.

I'm still red-polling these fools.

There are major similarities between German WW2 propoganda and American journalism today. Pushing these thugs as victims of police brutality to stir up racial animosity couls easy be the start of a civil war if America wasn't so into their technology.
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US fighter jets intercept unresponsive aircraft over Trump’s Florida resort

Two US F-15 jets have been scrambled to intercept an unresponsive plane that violated restricted airspace over President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. A sonic boom prompted a scare among locals who dialed 911 in panic, the air defense command said.

God bless the man for putting up with so much BS. I don't know how many of us could deal with this garbage and insanity from the left, media and establishment.

You know someone is going to try and kill him.
The sonic boom was just the noise of liberal heads all exploding at once.

God bless the man for putting up with so much BS. I don't know how many of us could deal with this garbage and insanity from the left, media and establishment.

You know someone is going to try and kill him.

Haven't really been paying attention all that closely today because of basketball, but you'd think this is something that would be more widely reported.
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I verified it. That's legit.

Ugh. Censorship is in full effect. They are also filtering the search for CNN ratings using the news search feature. I use to monitor the ratings for CNN just to see how much they are tanking but since Donald Trump called them out for their low ratings it's almost impossible to find anything pertaining to that now using there news search bar.
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German. Propoganda. Liberal. Media.

Do some research if it's been a while. The similarities are alarming.
The humor in watching inner city minorities destroy their own communities while blaming white man is pure gold. It just shows what people are dealing with. Absolute ignorants and stupidity.

But the white "uneducated" vote is a safe play. Easier to attack than the 80% uneducated vote in the minority communities which liberals couldn't even compete without.
The humor in watching inner city minorities destroy their own communities while blaming white man is pure gold. It just shows what people are dealing with. Absolute ignorants and stupidity.

But the white "uneducated" vote is a safe play. Easier to attack than the 80% uneducated vote in the minority communities which liberals couldn't even compete without.

That has always irked me. When they're saying " uneducated whites," it's a reference to blue collar workers who bust their hump and didn't get a bogus degree in Gender studies or lesbian dance theory. They act like these 45,50-70-year old men are somehow dumber than 22-year old kids.

Meanwhile, the left has a complete stronghold on the black community, Hispanic community and intentionally flood the borders with the third world for votes. They own the thug and government dependent vote as well as the brainwashed group of college kids and then want to act superior. It's quite comical, really. cousin comes over today and he's learning about the third Reich. First thing I see is "7.5 million Jews killed" Yada.

So it's now up to 7.5 in our school systems? Our government teaches straight propoganda to the masses.

Anyone even believe it was 6 million like we were taught?
I like that you guys are flatout comfortable enough to not even bother hiding the sheets now. Just come right out with your Nazi shit.
Trump right out of the gate imprinting the great fabulous miraculous unequaled incredible work that has ALREADY been done.

This is infomercial 101 shit. Seriously. The greatest cleanest whitest brightest fabulous cleaning solvent you can buy. $19.95 plus shipping and handling. Buy one now and we'll throw in a free tax plan plus ban two races of your choice from entering the United States. Only a limited supply available. Only the first 15 callers will get this tremendous bigly deal. Don't delay!!
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History will look at this as the darkest days of American. When some despot convinced 40% of the country to turn their backs on their Judicial system, their free press, their Congressional Representatives, even their own fellow Republicans... and trust ONLY in a man who says only he knows. Only he can do. Only he is to be believed.

This is Jim Jones shit. When does Trump break out the koolaid and Nikes? Here's a tip for you guys... don't drink the punch.
"As I speak these gang members are being thrown out of the country". "Get them the hell out of here!" "Put the miners back to work". [cheers]
History will look at this as the darkest days of American. When some despot convinced 40% of the country to turn their backs on their Judicial system, their free press, their Congressional Representatives, even their own fellow Republicans... and trust ONLY in a man who says only he knows. Only he can do. Only he is to be believed.

This is Jim Jones shit. When does Trump break out the koolaid and Nikes? Here's a tip for you guys... don't drink the punch.

A free press?

I bet he doesn't mention Ford is going ahead and building two huge plants in Mexico.

Trump is still up there flat out lying about his 20% tariff bullshit. There is exactly ZERO chance that he will ever do that and he knows that but because you have the dumbest bastards on earth as his audience they believe it.

Just like they believed Mexico will pay for the wall.

Just like they believed Obamacare would be repealed on day one.

Just like they believed all the killings in Chicago would stop on day one.

Just like they believed all the Moslims would be banned on day one.

Lies, lies, lies, and more lies. And he is still up there telling them. And they are eating those turns as fast and they can fork them into their dumb ignorant mouths because Trump is all they got to keep their hate going. To keep feeding them the dream.

All infomercial 101 bullshit. I am embarrassed people can fall for this.
Trump right out of the gate imprinting the great fabulous miraculous unequaled incredible work that has ALREADY been done.

This is infomercial 101 shit. Seriously. The greatest cleanest whitest brightest fabulous cleaning solvent you can buy. $19.95 plus shipping and handling. Buy one now and we'll throw in a free tax plan plus ban two races of your choice from entering the United States. Only a limited supply available. Only the first 15 callers will get this tremendous bigly deal. Don't delay!!
Well @Supreme Lord Z

What I really wanted was Hope and change. I didn't even get to keep my own doctor.

I'll take 10% trump promises to the empty shell of idiots that are liberal douchebag politicians.

Sleep tight snowflake. It's gonna be a long 8 years, and the best part is the Shellacking doesn't even start yet. You've got more losses coming in two years.

Even calling up a guy from the audience to "testify" for him. Boy, folks... we've seen this stuff before. I hate to spoil the plot but it doesn't end well for you.
Trump should announce we are going to use the same playbook we used successfully to destroy the mob to now use on destroying gangs. Racketeering laws. Turn loose Elliot Ness-like feds on these bastards.