How will they rule ??!

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I'm going to build a giant wall, spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure also, ban all the moslims, repeal Obamacare and throw 20 million people off of their health insurance, build a giant safe zone in Syria for all the refugees... right in the middle of me handing out the biggest tax breaks in history to all my rich fatassed buddies.

Now, show your political acumen by pointing out the only part of that which will really happen?

Correct. Massive tax breaks for the rich. The rest of that bullshit is to keep the rubes that elected me biting. They'll believe anything. LOL. Burn.
The wall has already been authorized. Congress, namely McConnell and Ryan, are already on board, they have to be. They know this is the one thing Trump will not back down on. No way, no how. The wall is a given at this point. If they want any political capital going forward, giving him this is their only option.

Also, does General Kelly really come across as the type of man who likes to bullshit and waste, not only his own time, but other's as well?

After the trip, he came away more confident than before, saying he thinks it could be finished in two years.
DHS Head John Kelly Says He Only Needs Two Years to Build That Wall
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Look. Moe pointed out that they visited the border and determined they could do it. Great. Now just buy all the land and hire all the workers and do it. Of course when you do that you actually have to cough up the money to pay for it so.. .uh... where is it?

Did you tell the American taxpayers they'd be coming up with that? I have a feeling after being told all year the Mexicans were going to pay for it that when they find out on top of all the other BIG GOVERNMENT SPENDING you're planning that they are going to have to foot the bill for your damned wall they might not like it. Just a hint. Maybe they'll be fine with it while they watch their tax bill skyrocket as these big spending Republicans run wild in the streets throwing tax dollars left and right like big red fatassed Santa Clauses.
I'm sure all the IOU's for just the land purchases will be accepted. We can forge Mexico's signature on them. Same with the equipment and payroll. Anyone here know how to write Mexican? If so, you're hired!
US has a trade deficit of 60 billion with Mexico through NAFTA. Renegotiate NAFTA, get that deficit down by just 1/3, and there's you 20 billion. Again, only simpletons though Trump was expecting a check in the mail.
Oh, so we wait until all that happens and then we'll have the money? Because, you know, when you buy things like land, concrete, and shovels then you actually have to pay for it so once we do all the things you mention, cut taxes massively, spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, build a massive safe zone (and protect it otherwise it is not a safe zone), repeal Obamacare and come out with a new expensive Federal program that per Trump will cover "everybody" then we'll have enough left over to pay for this giant wall like you said?

This sounds like fantastically believable stuff? I mean unlimited money... why didn't we think of that before? We'll just randomly name other people and other countries to pay for whatever we want to do then magically the money just appears!

Wow! Trump is a GENIUS! Magically appearing money from completely other people that don't even know about or have agreed to come up with it yet we can spend it! Thank you, Donald!!!!
Oh, so we wait until all that happens and then we'll have the money? Because, you know, when you buy things like land, concrete, and shovels then you actually have to pay for it so once we do all the things you mention, cut taxes massively, spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, build a massive safe zone (and protect it otherwise it is not a safe zone), repeal Obamacare and come out with a new expensive Federal program that per Trump will cover "everybody" then we'll have enough left over to pay for this giant wall like you said?

This sounds like fantastically believable stuff? I mean unlimited money... why didn't we think of that before? We'll just randomly name other people and other countries to pay for whatever we want to do the magically the money just appears!

Wow! Trump is a GENIUS! Magically appearing money from completely other people that don't even know about or have agreed to come up with it yet we can spend it! Thank you, Donald!!!!

It's a shovel ready job.
We are going to build a planetarium on Mars and Uganda is going to pay for it. Our new carpet in the White House is going to be paid for by Denmark. Run down to McDonald's and get me a #3 with extra ketchup and tell them the Canadians are buying.
It's a shovel ready job.
What's that mean, it's free?

Where, exactly, when you hand over the cash to buy stuff... where precisely is that money coming from?

Our Treasury? As in the tax payer's money Treasury? The same Treasury that all the other BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT programs are coming from? On top of BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN DEATH PANEL HEALTHCARE THAT TRUMP PROMISED IS GOING TO COVER EVERYONE?

Man, I have to give Republicans credit. When they are spending they spend like they mean it. Spend, spend, spend, spend, and more spending. Money everywhere all of a sudden. We can afford everything. We have money just laying around for "shovel ready" projects. We have so much money that we can just hand out to whoever we want to. This is fun. We would have elected all these Republicans earlier if we knew they knew a secret way to just spend money like there is no tomorrow?
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I'm having a meeting with my kids tonight. Got to let them know they're going to be footing the bill for all these Big Spending Republicans with the Big Government ideas. They need to be ready to pay for all this. Need to get them started early as this looks expensive.
What's that mean, it's free?

Where, exactly, when you hand over the cash to buy stuff... where precisely is that money coming from?

Our Treasury? As in the tax payer's money Treasury? The same Treasury that all the other BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT programs are coming from? On top of BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN DEATH PANEL HEALTHCARE THAT TRUMP PROMISED IS GOING TO COVER EVERYONE?

Man, I have to give Republicans credit. When they are spending they spend like they mean it. Spend, spend, spend, spend, and more spending. Money everywhere all of a sudden. We can afford everything. We have money just laying around for "shovel ready" projects. We have so much money that we can just hand out to whoever we want to. This is fun. We would have elected all these Republicans earlier if we knew they knew a secret way to just spend money like there is no tomorrow?

Shovel ready is what Obama called it in 2009, he got a Trillion dollars out of it, surely Trump can get 20 billion.
Regardless if they like it or not, they've already approved the funding. Ryan and McConnell have a tax cut battle with Trump coming up. They're not wanting to go quite as low as him.

Giving his this wall, not only buys them political capital to negotiate with, but it's also the one thing that keeps the majority of Trump's base. They know no wall, lots of angry voters. You might as well come to grips with it. The wall is being built.

There's also this plan the Republicans are kicking around.

Eager to help President Trump complete the 1,954-mile wall on the southern border, lawmakers are considering a financing plan that would tax the money that immigrants send home to Mexico and tap State Department foreign aid to the country.

House and Senate Republicans said that raiding those two caches of money would offset costs to taxpayers, a key demand of fiscal conservatives, and live up to Trump's promise to make Mexico pay for the wall.

In focus, according to the lawmakers, is the $23 billion that Mexicans who are illegally in the United States send home every year and the $209 million the government gives Mexico in aid, including money for police, military, food and even Peace Corps programs.
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Okay, in all of those words I read it makes it look like magic money. Please, in just a word or two... say where the money is coming from. Not next year or after something is negotiated or some other nonsense. Where, right now, is the money physically present?

As in, the money here HERE and now we take it and give it to them over THERE to pay for this?

What building is the "shovel ready" money kept in, who withdraws it, and how did it get there?
[laughing] @ bitching about money for the wall. Deal with it. I don't want my tax dollars paying for entitlements for illegals, yet I've had to deal with it. I'd much rather them go towards keeping illegals out, not making sure they live comfortably while here illegally.

Seems like a better conversation to be having with your children than the you're paying for illegal foreigners to invade you land. At least paying to try to keep them out instead of bring them here is a good thing for the country they inherit .
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Where was/is all this outrage when we spend trillions on alternative facts? Not to mention, Trump surely will be able to get billions from that huge, outrageously wasteful EPA budget.
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Is the shovel ready wall money in the same place as the shovel ready tax breaks money, the shovel ready Big Government healthcare plan that will cover everybody and replace Obamacare money, the shovel ready safe zone in Syria money, and the trillion dollar shovel ready infrastructure program money?

That's a lot of shovels? Can somebody do a quick calculation and tell me how much money the wall, the tax breaks, the healthcare plan, the safe zone, and the trillion dollar infrastructure program all are going to cost because I have to know how much to put on the withdrawal slip from the tax payers' pockets. I have a feeling this will be quite a bill and I'd like to let the people know what they've signed up for. Kind if like when you buy a car and they have that "honesty in lending" statement at the top that lets you know how much you really are paying for something.
Look Z, none of us thought Mexico was going to send a check signed " for the wall".
Even if Mexico offered to pay for it, it wouldn't work like that, congress would have to authorize the money.

We understood what Trump was saying, and the way you have posted I'm surprised you aren't too.
Renegotiating NAFTA will more than pay for it, not to mention jobs saved and brought back.
Well, when Obama took office we had a giant bill from a BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT to pay off just like when Bill Clinton took office and had 12 years of BIG SPENDING REPUBLICANS to pay for... so it looks like some poor SOB is going to have to figure out a way to pay for all the BIG SPENDING another BIG SPENDING BIG GOVERNMENT REPUBLICAN is planning on piling up.

Some poor Democrat is going to have to fix that mess when another BIG SPENDING REPUBLiCAN gets done SPENDING. Again.
Billions saved from Boeing deal to build AF1.
Billions saved in money spent on refugees and illegals.
Billions saved in funding UN and NATO bs including fake research on temperature readings for global warming.
Trillions saved in funding fake wars for drugs and oil.
Billions saved in sponsoring terrorist states and governments.
Billions saved from destroying the TPP.
Billions saved by reducing big government agencies and bureaucracies including the deep state shadow government of the cia.

Jobs created from reducing regs on business and energy.
Jobs created from fair bilateral trade deals.

I don't know tell me where the money is going to come from when our dumbass politicians stop spending money on dumb stuff and actually apply it to what is needed. Sort of like the dam in cali. Fund real stuff instead of dead beat slaves to the system partisan voters.
Z, Be honest, are you upset because Trump is going to build a wall and infrastructure, or because the Dems should've been doing this the past 8 years but instead went all in on social justice?

Obama was a weak President, the only thing that saved him was being the first black President.
I say that because the media treated him with kid gloves so they wouldn't appear racist.

He turned his back on Israel, made a shitty deal with Iran, ISIS ran rampant while he called them JV he fired the guy that tried to warn congress of their threat, weakened sanctions on Cuba, Russia made him look amateur, the Arab spring was a real gem, and on and on.
Billions saved from Boeing deal to build AF1.
Billions saved in money spent on refugees and illegals.
Billions saved in funding UN and NATO bs including fake research on temperature readings for global warming.
Trillions saved in funding fake wars for drugs and oil.
Billions saved in sponsoring terrorist states and governments.
Billions saved from destroying the TPP.
Billions saved by reducing big government agencies and bureaucracies including the deep state shadow government of the cia.

Jobs created from reducing regs on business and energy.
Jobs created from fair bilateral trade deals.

I don't know tell me where the money is going to come from when our dumbass politicians stop spending money on dumb stuff and actually apply it to what is needed. Sort of like the dam in cali. Fund real stuff instead of dead beat slaves to the system partisan voters.
Wow, that's a lot of imaginary money. Got a receipt?

I saved 2 trillion dollars by not buying a fleet of personal aircraft carriers so by your logic i am a trillionaire. I can't wait to tell my family!
LOL at the President pulling the guy out of the crowd today. Secret Service almost crapped their pants. I thought the guy did a great job at the podium.
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Billions saved from Boeing deal to build AF1.
Billions saved in money spent on refugees and illegals.
Billions saved in funding UN and NATO bs including fake research on temperature readings for global warming.
Trillions saved in funding fake wars for drugs and oil.
Billions saved in sponsoring terrorist states and governments.
Billions saved from destroying the TPP.
Billions saved by reducing big government agencies and bureaucracies including the deep state shadow government of the cia.

Jobs created from reducing regs on business and energy.
Jobs created from fair bilateral trade deals.

I don't know tell me where the money is going to come from when our dumbass politicians stop spending money on dumb stuff and actually apply it to what is needed. Sort of like the dam in cali. Fund real stuff instead of dead beat slaves to the system partisan voters.
He's too ate up with the liberitus to understand that. He's so used to looking at life through a ball sack that he can't see the light.
Just think, if Hillary would have won we had free everything to look forward to. Free school, Internet, health care, illegals, refugees, The list goes on and on. Oprah of politics.

Everyone gets free something, unless you're white and work for a living, then your taxes get raised even higher in order to foot the bill. Forced equality through breaking the backs of the middle class and giving it all to the poor.
Agree, and I'd be happy to pay an extra $5.000 a year for medical insurance and higher deductibles so the illegals can have free care.
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United States was the largest creditor nation on earth when Ronald Reagan took office. After 8 years of the largest military buildup in non-war year history combined with massive tax cuts for the rich we were turned into the largest debtor nation on earth.

Stand back, folks, because this BIG SPENDING REPUBLICAN is going to one-up Ronnie by a country mile in spending.

Trump is going to be the biggest spender in history, folks. You combine all this spending with his massive vetting and GOVERNMENT RUN DEATH PANEL healthcare plan that covers everybody and you're talking Reagan spending on steroids. Hold onto your wallets, folks. The Republicans are up to their old REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH tricks again. From our pocket to theirs. WHY ARE REPUBLICANS ALWAYS SPENDING EVERYONE ELSE'S MONEY?