How will they rule ??!

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This is just as crazy as those who say the thing was staged. Social media permits this nutty influence on both sides of the political spectrum. If this had any merit, someone within the system would blow the whistle. The government is filled with people of all political persuasions. This is a nutty theory.
Agree, First i don't think there were any windows on that side of the building that I could see and if there were they were too low and likely not operable (generally the case on a building like that) Can't see how someone inside the building would have had a clear shot without poking holes in the building.
The people who have trashed and mocked Trump are the same people who cast a ballot for Joe Biden and will do it again. 😆 This guy was always a joke but watching this guy lie about the dumbest stuff in an attempt to relate to people and exagerrate his experiences outside of being a corrupt POS for over 50 years.

Some of Biden's lies are so dumb. You'd roll your eyes if a guy in your office started telling you all of this stuff.

"I hit two home runs in the congressional baseball game" (went 0-2)
"I was a part of the Delaware Football team when they made a big upset" (Was not on the team)
"My parents made me quit the football team because I had a 1.9 GPA after one semester"
"I chose my wife over being a starter on the football team because I didn't want to miss out on time with her."
"I finished at the top of my class"

"I was a truck driver"
"I was at the Civil Rights Movement"
"I saw two gay guys kissing on my way to apply for a lifeguard position in the projects and that's when I was for gay rights."
"I was at Ground Zero the day after 9/11"
"I almost died in a house fire"
"My wife died because of a drunk driver"
"My son died in Iraq"

Cornpop and Mouse.
It's not pending anymore dumbass, they ruled on it today. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled in favor of allowing companies to censor speech. Halleck lost the case.
Well, classmates aside, I think he made his preference fairly clear, when he tried to blow Trump's head off. I mean, there is THAT.

It doesn't seem that we have a very clear picture of where his head was at, in the two years since HS and when he climbed up on that roof. We know that the extreme left/Democrats have historically been more prone to start shooting political opponents.

You have to admit, that a staunch right wing conservative or libertarian would be acting against their own interests by killing Trump. (Unless you think the sole motivation was to martyr him, which seems superfluous, since Trump was already the favorite to be elected)

We could take an informal poll here. How many self-described conservatives have donated to the Progressive Turnout Project or to ActBlue? Fess up conservatives!!
Here’s an idea, why don’t you guys stop engaging with Dion and he’ll go away. His only joy in life is irritating you and baiting you into responding to him, ignore him so the rest of us don’t have to scroll through all the responses to his idiotic takes. You aren’t going to change his mind so do yourself a favor and ignore him.

If you see a good chance to flame him, by all means proceed, but try and cut down on responding to every post he makes.
This times a million. It's a waste of time engaging with him. Nobody with any sense should have interest in talking to a marxist. This thread would be so much better if him and sam were left alone. The days of finding common ground are long gone.
Had my eye on that.

It's delicious. A buddy of mine told me about it. We went to Jake's Cigar Bar in Brannon Crossing where he first tried it. Damn. Went and bought a bottle as soon as I could find it. Took me almost a year to find it because of distribution or pandemic caused issues.
Thomas Sowell has lived an incredible life...and still going. Would love to see him reach 100.

He's an American hero.

I had an email exchange with him some 20-25 years ago about an article he wrote where he gave the incorrect distance from home to second base. I can't recall how far he wrote that it was, but it was less than the correct 90 x √ 2. He wrote back thanking me for the explanation and correcting him. I should have kept it.
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On the other hand, you have stuff coming in with cheap labor, no OSHA, etc which means a loss of manufacturing jobs. Unions also play a role. Companies also. It's complicated.
I can see them on expensive things like electric cars. And high end electronics, Apple whatever items. But even those allow domestic producers raise prices & those trickle down to raising stuff like used car prices.
Bro, Donald Trump was in WWE. He learned the art of blading there. No shots were even fired. He ducked and bladed his ear when he was in the ground. Then pretended to be hurt to get a big pop.

It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it
Nevermind those others in the crowd who took bullets and gave up their life for the "staged" event.
How does someone carry a latter through any type of check point?

Some of you all have been to a Trump Rally. You know damn well how bad traffic is and how hard it is to get into that stuff. It took forever to get into the national championship game six years ago when Trump was there.

Considering they had a team inside the building, why would I not think they just left it for him to use at this point?
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How are high tariffs not high taxes? They really hit the lower classes.

But, if you do these, & perhaps higher sales & gas taxes, and then refund those receipts equally to all citizens, it's OK as the lower income folks get more back than they spend.
Trump addressed it in the article, which you did not read.
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Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.
Proof by assertion is a logical fallacy. Epic fail.
Atheists axiomatically believe in abiogenesis.

Creationists believe that an external force "created life"

There is as much proof for one, as there is for the other; which is to say NONE.

Atheism, therefore, is just as much based on faith as Creationism. (As it stands now)

So, atheism is a religion. In that it is a belief system that has no proof to support it.

Taken in small increments, yes, there is as much proof for one as another. Looking at things wholistically, there is nothing supporting abiogenesis. Not even abiogenesis supports itself, for it is THE ever-changing theory.

Whenever there is something that seems to suggest it's failure, it simply extends the timeline and *poof* suddenly the earth is another billion years old and like magic people believe it is still viable. Why, just this month popular mechanics trumpeted another extension (which I said was coming a couple months ago). New contrary data *poof* add more years. Like clockwork, when interest dies out and skepticism peaks, more marketing...

Meanwhile the timeline for creation hasn't budged. Hasn't been disproven, and the evidence is all around us. Every second of every day.

I get why city folks don't believe it. Surrounded by concrete, crime, propaganda, and waste products, it makes sense to them. They have no hope and no desire to understand that this had to be put together in a very short period for it all to continue existing. To someone for whom everything is artifical, artifice is the answer. It has to be to go on living in it.

The worship of technology and fantasy over reality is just one of the symptoms.
Which illustrates that every single idiot here (they know who they are) who has used the word “fascist” in relation to Trump has no earthly idea what the word actually means.

I've been on that crusade for years. But it never seems to take.

But, I'll try again.

If the political spectrum lies on the X axis. Everything left of zero is liberalism, everything right of zero is conservatism. If you follow the line out, left of zero, the extreme endpoint of liberalism is fascism. Go the other way, and the extreme endpoint of conservatism is anarchy. Find me an anarchist that is for a government or entity that makes the rules. All of the rules. Until then, the left needs to STFU about fascism.
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Agree, First i don't think there were any windows on that side of the building that I could see and if there were they were too low and likely not operable (generally the case on a building like that) Can't see how someone inside the building would have had a clear shot without poking holes in the building.
Not to mention the masses of people between the building and the stage.
Which illustrates that every single idiot here (they know who they are) who has used the word “fascist” in relation to Trump has no earthly idea what the word actually means.


They always have justification for it. Honestly, most of their base is low info especially the women and college kids.

"hE iS a fAsCiSt" but has no problem with Biden's constant attempts at power grabs. How many times has the Biden admin overstepped their authority? Look how they target their political opposition with their BS cases and then get those cases in crooked courts to give them what they want.

Democrats always seek to change the rules when they're losing.
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Bro, Donald Trump was in WWE. He learned the art of blading there. No shots were even fired. He ducked and bladed his ear when he was in the ground. Then pretended to be hurt to get a big pop.

It makes perfect sense if you don’t think about it
It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.

How long before the Dem/libs 'stage' something similar? Maybe bigger. More people killed? Biden LEAPING off the stage to cover people in the front row?

(Could Biden even hit the ground like Trump did? LOL)