How will they rule ??!

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shepard scott is a freaking twat. I thought he was going to cry saying that we have a right to know and that is demonstrably true that Russia interfered in this election >>>> that btw is a total bogus story
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shepard scott is a freaking twat. I thought he was going to cry saying that we have a right to know and that is demonstrably true that Russia interfered in this election >>>> that btw is a total bogus story
Tell us how you know it's a total bogus story.
What sources do you have that the rest of us do not?

It's funny that all the FAUX reporters are great until they no long toe the company line.
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Day without immigrants.

Just showed a couple of restaurants in Louisville that were closed for this BS. Had signs on the door IN SPANISH. That helps your cause.

Then, interviewed an owner that has been here 18 YEARS, but couldn't speak English. Smh
Tell us how you know it's a total bogus story.
What sources do you have that the rest of us do not?

It's funny that all the FAUX reporters are great until they no long toe the company line.

Day without immigrants.

Just showed a couple of restaurants in Louisville that were closed for this BS. Had signs on the door IN SPANISH. That helps your cause.

Then, interviewed an owner that has been here 18 YEARS, but couldn't speak English. Smh
Saw that exact bit on WLKY and said the exact same thing to my hen.....had an effing translator after 18 years here......ASSIMILATE ASSHAT.

As an aside, not sure why they don't understand that they are the ones losing one day of rev.....who exactly are they hurting other than themselves?
I never said it was, so what's your point?

False liberal, victim talking point. The number isn't 20 million, and 84% of the real number who either get Obamacare for free or pay very little would be covered by Medicaid.

The Obama administration claims 20 million more Americans today have health care due to Obamacare. But that is based on six years of survey data, not actual sign-ups. The reality is that when you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the number is 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84 percent) were people given the “gift” of Medicaid.

Besides, you'll have to excuse me if I don't care about "20 million", who don't pay, taking precedence and dictating health insurance coverage for the rest of the country. The majority, who actually pay for their health care, should take precedence and have health coverage that works for them.

You said it, so it must be true, right? I can spout off uninformed bs, too. Does that mean it's automatically true?

So go ahead and say it all you want, but until it actually happens, you're just talking more noise.
You know that Medicaid had to be expanded to enroll those people and that the Federal govt subsidizes the states to cover know this, right?
14 million, 20 million...not a lot of difference. And it doesn't matter if you care about them or not. They are going to use the healthcare system and if you are a healthcare system user who pays, you will be paying for them one way or the other.

That said, I can quote verbatim what Trump has said, of course he could be lying.
Very well known that all calls from US to any country hostile to the US are recorded. All of them since at the very least 2001... but we all know they really have every phone call and every email. How do you think Spitzer got caught with his mistress? Karl Rove must have worn his ear off listening to all those calls.

Every call from our president needs vetted. But none of the refugees or immigrants need vetted. Got it.

Does it not bother you that the outgoing President set as many landmines as possible for the incoming President? Regardless of party allegiance, that isn't how our transfer of power operates.
It reeks of a narcissistic, coddled former President that spoke constantly about his "legacy" as if he was the one that decided that topic.

The party of enlightenment, and tolerance is so full of hate they're blinded with rage.

Before Obama, presidents handwwrote touching letters to their successor. Obama secretly enacts spying protocols on his successor.
This is a good summary of the strategy of the left. They want more government control of things so they can control outcomes for people. To further their agenda, they pass legislation that never should have been passed to begin with which puts anyone who wants to repeal it in a position to be labeled as the person who took away insurance for 20 million people. It's never discussed that the people who implemented Obama Care basically harmed everyone else in the country in order to pay for the 20 million to be insured. There is never outrage over taking someones money against his/her will in order to give it to someone else. That, in my mind, says more than anything about how far we have deviated from what our founding fathers believed.

I agree with Trump on several things, but the idea of covering everyone is a stupid idea. I heard Rand Paul on the radio today discussing his plan to replace Obama Care and what he said made a lot of sense. He said up front, the goal should not be to provide insurance for everyone. The goal should be to create and environment where working families can purchase insurance at the lowest cost so insurance can be provided to as many working families as possible.
We "take money" for many things in the name of public good and it has served this nation pretty well. Our roads, schools, police and fire protection, our water and sewer systems, military, parks...
Claiming you or anyone was harmed by Obamacare is pure speculation. Fact is healthcare costs and insurance costs were rising and continued to rise at about the same rate before and after. It is likely that insurance rates would be what they are today had it never gone through.

If you can remove all the "takers" from the system and remove their costs with them then we could substantially lower our premiums and costs. But you can't do that. People get sick, people go to the hospitals regardless if they can pay or cannot. If they can't, that cost gets passed on to you and me.

The thing with insurance is that it adds costs to healthcare without providing one ounce of care. So why do you want an added layer of cost on top of a service that is used when needed regardless of ability to pay? Why do you want a system that delivers healthcare in the most expensive manner possible? It's a hell of a lot cheaper to GIVE someone blood pressure medication or diabetic insulin for 80 years than to deal with the consequences if they don't know they have the need or don't have the money for the medication. They're going to have a heart attack, stroke or diabetic coma, 9-1-1 will be called and they'll be hauled to the hospital and treated.
You can pay now or pay later...but you'll pay.
Day without immigrants.

Just showed a couple of restaurants in Louisville that were closed for this BS. Had signs on the door IN SPANISH. That helps your cause.

Then, interviewed an owner that has been here 18 YEARS, but couldn't speak English. Smh
Casa in Richmond was open today and it was packed full of grateful patrons. Owner is a hard working legal immigrant that we are lucky to have in this country. I ate there tonight to show my support for his bravery.
The clown spent the first 30 minutes of the press conference basically saying his administration doesn't suck. [laughing]

A "fine tuned machine"? [roll]

Biggest electoral college win since Reagan? [winking]

The leaks are real, but the news is fake? :confused:

Asking a member of the media to set up a meeting with the CBC? [thumb2]

The rest of the time was spent licking Putin's taint. What a disaster. Gotta admit, I'm having fun watching it, but geez, he's quite embarrassing for our country. Not that I'm a fan of bible-thumping Mike, but he will seem so sane and competent once trumpy gets impeached.

Considering the media tells you nothing he is doing that is good, it's rather sad the president has to take time to explain to the people they in fact do not suck.

Biggest upset I'm sure is what Trump was going for but...

Bottom line on Flynn, he was asked to step down for lying to Pence not because of what he this admin is held to a standard we haven't seen maybe since Bush 1.

Trump isn't a politician, which TBH is why he was elected so we really don't give a shit how you think he looks as you watch. We care about what he is actually doing! Look it up my friend they have been very pro America and very busy.
Saw that exact bit on WLKY and said the exact same thing to my hen.....had an effing translator after 18 years here......ASSIMILATE ASSHAT.

As an aside, not sure why they don't understand that they are the ones losing one day of rev.....who exactly are they hurting other than themselves?

1- the owner can speak English but chose not to.

2- I had several builder tell me today their guys didn't show up and they hope the materials I delivered aren't stolen. Ha. I told everyone of them to tell the Mexicans they buy from 84 in support of Mehico since that commercial was a big hit in that community.
Trumps press conference today was solid f*cking gold!
The press doesn't know what to do with him, when they threaten him,instead of backing down like every other politician, he lights their asses up!

This is how the press is supposed to act, they didn't get constitutional protections to chum up to politicians. This keeps politicians in check.
How refreshing and different would the nation be if every President had this level of screening, or even half?
MSM touting how much income taxes illegal immigrants pay. Can someone please explain to me how an illegal, undocumented immigrant pays income tax?

Their BS argument is illegals are hired by legit American companies that actually pay taxes, or the sales tax they generate on mt dew, Hardee's, Busch lite, and cigs!

That is where their BS stops because it doesn't cover what I pay, and it puts some legit companies out of jobs as it can't compete with $7 and hour cash under the table.

That's said I'd take a cash paying job too! Worked several honestly and I'm not ashamed. If the govt wants their cut of my money they better smarten up.
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And now there are reports that trumpy's pick to replace Flynn as NSA, an ex Navy Seal named Robert Harward, has turned down the offer. Apparently he cited the lack of being able to choose his own staff and the "obvious dysfunctionality" of the administration as his reasons for declining the job. Ouch.

Probably just fake news though, right guys?


If true, no. But someone will take the job.
Trumps press conference today was solid f*cking gold!
The press doesn't know what to do with him, when they threaten him,instead of backing down like every other politician, he lights their asses up!

This is how the press is supposed to act, they didn't get constitutional protections to chum up to politicians. This keeps politicians in check.
How refreshing and different would the nation be if every President had this level of screening, or even half?
Why would anyone think the press is above ridicule? The law is written to allow the press the freedom to print whatever they think the truth is at the moment. There is nothing that says they are not to be questioned.
What is missed by all the media reaction to his press conference is what Trump signed right afterwards.
Rolling back Obama regulations on coal.

I honestly feel as if Trump does this on purpose to play the media because they still can't stop themselves.

Coal is seen as awful and very bad by the left. So do a press conference and they will pounce all over it meanwhile passing on the real news. Then you have a huge portion of a whole industry now on the trump train.......and a lot of them are union.
I honestly feel as if Trump does this on purpose to play the media because they still can't stop themselves.

Coal is seen as awful and very bad by the left. So do a press conference and they will pounce all over it meanwhile passing on the real news. Then you have a huge portion of a whole industry now on the trump train.......and a lot of them are union.

I'd say that's part of it, and like he said during the press conference, he enjoys the back and forth.
Maybe I'm late to the game but Nancy Pelosi trying to define what a scapegoat is perhaps the most embarrassing thing I have ever witnessed. That's not even touching on the fact she was absolutely trolled by an obvious fake tweet. WTF is wrong with the people that continue to elect people like this?
Trump said he had the biggest electoral college victory since Reagan. Dude can't stop lying, and lying for no reason at that. You're the president you weirdo narcissist, why does that even matter?
Cuz he likes to win I'm OK with our prez wanting to win
And you are OK with lying about a video causing deaths but lying about how bad he beats Clinton is awful. Ok
So how much in tax dollars will be spent in truancy court with the immigrant parents pulling their kids out of school
What is missed by all the media reaction to his press conference is what Trump signed right afterwards.
Rolling back Obama regulations on coal.

Which might mean little to nothing for the future of Appalachian coal jobs.

Coal's demise threatens Appalachian miners, firms as production moves West

"We see central Appalachian thermal coal as dying," IHS coal analyst James Stevenson said. "The center of gravity of U.S. coal mining is moving westward."

Appalachian miners are "having to dig a little deeper into thinner seams to get the coal out," EIA coal analyst Greg Adams said. "It's high-quality coal, but it’s more expensive to mine."

"Spot prices of coal in northern and central Appalachia were $46.60 per ton and $42.30, respectively, in the week ended April 8,according to the EIA. Coal mined from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana are $9.35 per ton
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