How will they rule ??!

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Wait, Hillary Clinton is a liar so it justifies Trump being a liar? Bwahahaha! I told you, the 2 shitty parties justify their BS by pointing out the other parties BS. It happens every time.

don't let your estrogen rush to your brain, princess. Clinton, yes, was a liar. Trump, was mistaken. Though he was referencing his victory in comparison to other republicans, he was still mistaken, as GHWB's victory in 1988 was more sizeable. If you would like to be a credible observer of politics, or for that matter a credible observer of any component of the human scene, you should at least be able to learn how to distinguish between lies and mistakes, as the former attests to chronic poor character, the latter to incident of poor quality. Persons who attempt to distort, confuse the distinction (this is you apparently), also fit the mold of chronic poor character more than just incident of poor quality. here to help as always. kk
The president lying is irrelevant? LOL, ok. Anything to justify his BS, it's now irrelevant when he lies.
More of a braggadocious exaggeration, but okay. And exaggerating about that particular thing? Yes, it is irrelevant. You even said it didn't matter yourself. So, if you even agree that it doesn't matter, then why the outrage?

Also, it's odd how you always seem to mention the "shitty two parties" every chance you get, but in every single post you only attack one certain party.
don't let your estrogen rush to your brain, princess. Clinton, yes, was a liar. Trump, was mistaken. Though he was referencing his victory in comparison to other republicans, he was still mistaken, as GHWB's victory in 1988 was more sizeable. If you would like to be a credible observer of politics, or for that matter a credible observer of any component of the human scene, you should at least be able to learn how to distinguish between lies and mistakes, as the former attests to chronic poor character, the latter to incident of poor quality. Persons who attempt to distort, confuse the distinction (this is you apparently), also fit the mold of chronic poor character more than just incident of poor quality. here to help as always. kk
Nah, I call shit what it is. If somebody lies I dont sugarcoat it and say they mislead or made a mistake just because they're on my side of the partisan divide. A lie is a lie is a lie whether told by Trump, Obama, Clinton, you, or I. Sorry I hurt your feelings snowflake, calling me princess should make you feel better.
More of a braggadocious exaggeration, but okay. And exaggerating about that particular thing? Yes, it is irrelevant. You even said it didn't matter yourself. So, if you even agree that it doesn't matter, then why the outrage?

Also, it's odd how you always seem to mention the "shitty two parties" every chance you get, but in every single post you only attack one certain party.
Why am I outraged when the president calls a press conference and tells lies? Do I really need to explain this?
Keyser is just talking out of their ass per usual. That poster has a horrible take on almost every thread they post in.
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and want to repeal it and replace it with... socialized medicine.
Oh, so you already know exacty what Republicans health care plan is going to be, when it was only announced today that it wouldn't be finished until March?

Yeah, I'm thinking you full of shit, triggered by Trump's press conference, running off at the mouth.
More of a braggadocious exaggeration, but okay. And exaggerating about that particular thing? Yes, it is irrelevant. You even said it didn't matter yourself. So, if you even agree that it doesn't matter, then why the outrage?

Also, it's odd how you always seem to mention the "shitty two parties" every chance you get, but in every single post you only attack one certain party.
Because that poster is a fraud. Claims to be a libertarian, but never is not defending liberals.
Why am I outraged when the president calls a press conference and tells lies? Do I really need to explain this?
Yes because you said that particular exaggeration didn't even matter. Your words, not mine. I tend not to get outraged about things that don't even matter.
Yes because you said that particular exaggeration didn't even matter. Your words, not mine. I tend not to get outraged about things that don't even matter.
Innocuous things dont matter until you start lying about them. It makes me wonder why you're lying. Are you lying because you have something to hide, are you just a habitual liar, again I shouldnt have to explain this.
I didnt defend anyone. Where on earth did I defend anyone? I called a man who lied a liar, I called Hillary a liar too, but I didnt defend anyone. You guys can't stop making stuff up.

When you were talking about how large Hillary's win was going to be, you never mentioned your outrage on her lies.

You were giddy about the prospects of a Trump defeat.

Silence can be very telling.

You are on one of the "two sides" you blast - that's OK, but man up.
Oh, so you already know exacty what Republicans health care plan is going to be, when it was only announced today that it wouldn't be finished until March?

Yeah, I'm thinking you full of shit, triggered by Trump's press conference, running off at the mouth.
Umm, if its going to be anything as in if they replace it with something it will be socialized medicine.
Nah, I call shit what it is. If somebody lies I dont sugarcoat it and say they mislead or made a mistake just because they're on my side of the partisan divide. A lie is a lie is a lie whether told by Trump, Obama, Clinton, you, or I. Sorry I hurt your feelings snowflake, calling me princess should make you feel better.

we can apply your method here for old time's sake. lying. When liberals, media, etc. made the claim of a mistake, which it was. A much worse mistake than Trump's, when a reporter quizzed him on whether the American people should trust him if he could not estimate his victory correctly, yet never was Obama challenged on whether he should be trusted for not knowing how many states comprise our Union. Great illustration. Magnificent unevenness.

The regressive victim left found their opening. They are attacking him on the lady that asked about meeting with the black caucus. He said schedule me a meeting or something to the effect. They are attacking him as racist and sexist bc of it. Because how dare he suggest she put that together.

All the while leaving out that he did try to meet with the black caucus. Both sides wanted to meet but the dems advised the caucus against it for political reasons.
When you were talking about how large Hillary's win was going to be, you never mentioned your outrage on her lies.

You were giddy about the prospects of a Trump defeat.

Silence can be very telling.

You are on one of the "two sides" you blast - that's OK, but man up.
My whole thesis was Hillary was a horrific candidate and she was gonna be president because you guys nominated a buffoon. I was wrong, we have a buffoon as president because they nominated a horrific candidate.

I dont know what I was silent about, I will let you know how I feel about any subject if asked.
we can apply your method here for old time's sake. lying. When liberals, media, etc. made the claim of a mistake, which it was. A much worse mistake than Trump's, when a reporter quizzed him on whether the American people should trust him if he could not estimate his victory correctly, yet never was Obama challenged on whether he should be trusted for not knowing how many states comprise our Union. Great illustration. Magnificent unevenness.

Look, another they lied too so that justifies my guys lies.
Umm, if its going to be anything as in if they replace it with something it will be socialized medicine.
No, that's what I figure would happen when obamacare collapses, which it will. And then we are all on medicaid left for the government to decide how to ration money for care "because govt knows best"

A replacement would deal with opening up competition across state lines to drive premiums down. The left has been good at trotting out these "the ACA saved my life". Yeah, those on subsidized plans aren't going to lose coverage. It's the 30 million unsubsidized who are on single or small group plans who are risking bankruptcy if they have an accident who already faced with paying ungodly premiums just bc they work. I'm guessing it will also have a reintroduction of catastrophe insurance, for those who don't want to pay ridiculous premiums..they only want coverage incase something massive happens. In other words, choice...not forcing ppl to buy things they don't want.
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How do I know they're gonna replace it, because they said they were gonna replace it. Maybe they were exaggerating.
Don't dodge the question to cover up for your lies. You said it was going to be socialized medicine exactly like Obamacare. How do you know? Facts, proof, not your opinion.

Why are you lying about something you have no clue about? For someone so outraged over a "lie", you sure like to lie a lot. Are you a habitual liar?
Didn't know he said that. Don't know why he would but it did make me go back and look at the numbers.

Granted, the U.S. population has grown about 70 million from the 80s to today but how many of those new people vote Republican? No idea.

But what I did see is pretty wild. Trump did get more overall votes than any Republican president. These are rough estimates of winners by how many votes (rounded to the nearest figure) they got that year; not electoral.

1980-Reagan 43 million
1984-Reagan 54 million
1988-Bush 48 million
1992- Clinton 44 million
1996- Clinton 47 million
2000-Bush 50 million
2004-Bush 62 million
2008-Obama 69 million
2012-Obama 65 million
2016-Trump 63 million

Obviously population size is a factor but I don't know by how much. But the overall votes are pretty interesting. I imagine Obama's numbers were driven by the new black voters and people just wanting to see history. Reagan's jump in the second election is very impressive though.
1980 John Anderson pulled nearly 6 million votes

Total votes for candidates receiving > 1 million
1980 - 85,103,195 (3 way)
1984 - 92,032,824
1988 - 90,696,073
1992 - 103,758,177 (3 way) Perot 19.7 million
1996 - 94,683,948 (3 way) Perot 8 million
2000 - 101,455,899
2004 - 121,069,054
2008 - 129,446,839
2012 - 126,849,299
2016 - 128,824,246

In 1992-1996 the GOP candidate got 39.1 million votes both elections and Clinton received only 2.5 million more in 96 than 92. Trump received 46% of the vote which was the smallest percentage in a virtual two way race for the winning candidate in US history. Romney received 47.2%, McCain 45.7%, John Kerry 48.3%, Al Gore 48.4%, Bob Dole 40.7%, Perot 8.4% in a 3 way race, Bush 1 37.4 Perot 18.8% (3 way)...all of those lost.
If Trumps name was Art Briles, Keyser would be defending him.
I never defended Art Briles either, I asked for the facts in the case, you just lied again.

I'll tell you what happened with Art Briles, I had a surgery when the story first broke, so I just read the story without the influence of the herd/public opinion and looked at the facts. The facts didn't add up to him covering up rape, I asked what he did specifically and none of the sheep with herd mentality could actualy say because they adopted someone elses opinion and were riding the wave of herd outrage.
Don't dodge the question to cover up for your lies. You said it was going to be socialized medicine exactly like Obamacare. How do you know? Facts, proof, not your opinion.

Why are you lying about something you have no clue about? For someone so outraged over a "lie", you sure like to lie a lot. Are you a habitual liar?
Obamacare isn't socialized medicine other than it does subsidize insurance for some. You can rest assured that Trumpcare will also subsidize insurance for some.
Trump himself has said..."everyone must be covered". One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to have a pretty good idea big picture of what it will look like. Minute details? no...don't know those. But I know that there are 20 million people getting their insurance from Obamacare and many of those are people with pre-existing conditions. No politician is going to leave those people out to dry.

As I said, it will be 98% Obamacare, Trump will hail it as "Bigly!" and all of his little minions will cheer that Obamacare is dead when if fact it will have only gotten a name change.
I guess lying about doing something that is acceptable isn't out of the ordinary. Lying for no reason is normal. Bwahahaha, you can't make this stuff up.
Nothing was out of the odinary in his discussions with Russia. That's what the FBI has said (or at least that's what the media has reported them saying) after reviewing the transcripts. No one here has defended Flynn for lying to Pence, and all agree he should have been fired.
Yea, but it was Fox News, that's completely different. These are honest to goodness non-partisan professional journalists from big city newspapers like New York, Boston, Washington that are being called out. They went to really impressive colleges and have written BOOKS! They are authors! It's just not the same.....
Obamacare isn't socialized medicine

I never said it was, so what's your point?

But I know that there are 20 million people getting their insurance from Obamacare. No politician is going to leave those people out to dry.

False liberal, victim talking point. The number isn't 20 million, and 84% of the real number who either get Obamacare for free or pay very little would be covered by Medicaid.

The Obama administration claims 20 million more Americans today have health care due to Obamacare. But that is based on six years of survey data, not actual sign-ups. The reality is that when you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the number is 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84 percent) were people given the “gift” of Medicaid.

Besides, you'll have to excuse me if I don't care about "20 million", who don't pay, taking precedence and dictating health insurance coverage for the rest of the country. The majority, who actually pay for their health care, should take precedence and have health coverage that works for them.

As I said, it will be 98% Obamacare.

You said it, so it must be true, right? I can spout off uninformed bs, too. Does that mean it's automatically true?

So go ahead and say it all you want, but until it actually happens, you're just talking more noise.
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To be fair Moe, we should ask RQ's mother. She seems to be the ultimate authority on everything. That and his neighbor and his cousin.

Always appreciate his samples of one to validate a particular point.
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Obamacare isn't socialized medicine other than it does subsidize insurance for some. You can rest assured that Trumpcare will also subsidize insurance for some.
Trump himself has said..."everyone must be covered". One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to have a pretty good idea big picture of what it will look like. Minute details? no...don't know those. But I know that there are 20 million people getting their insurance from Obamacare and many of those are people with pre-existing conditions. No politician is going to leave those people out to dry.

As I said, it will be 98% Obamacare, Trump will hail it as "Bigly!" and all of his little minions will cheer that Obamacare is dead when if fact it will have only gotten a name change.
This is a good summary of the strategy of the left. They want more government control of things so they can control outcomes for people. To further their agenda, they pass legislation that never should have been passed to begin with which puts anyone who wants to repeal it in a position to be labeled as the person who took away insurance for 20 million people. It's never discussed that the people who implemented Obama Care basically harmed everyone else in the country in order to pay for the 20 million to be insured. There is never outrage over taking someones money against his/her will in order to give it to someone else. That, in my mind, says more than anything about how far we have deviated from what our founding fathers believed.

I agree with Trump on several things, but the idea of covering everyone is a stupid idea. I heard Rand Paul on the radio today discussing his plan to replace Obama Care and what he said made a lot of sense. He said up front, the goal should not be to provide insurance for everyone. The goal should be to create and environment where working families can purchase insurance at the lowest cost so insurance can be provided to as many working families as possible.
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The Chuck Todd/media thing is also hilarious bc they don't realize they are at fault. Where were they with this hard hitting stuff when Trump took over the GOP, instead sitting back laughing, thinking it was going to help hillary coast
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