How will they rule ??!

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How do you know what someone is going to talk about before the conversation is had?
What does any of this have anything to do with the point at hand? Every one of your counters is an irrelevant strawman. You specifically claimed the intelligence community is "non-partisan".

I simply pointed out to you their actions say otherwise. It's doesn't matter if it was a heated conversation, it's still a confidential conversation that had zero business being leaked.

He and the president of Mexico/Australia had heated conversations. So what? Running countries is serious business, and world leaders have heated conversations every minute of everyday.

It's not like it was a matter of national security, and had to be leaked. The only reason it was leaked is because some partisan hack(s) within the intelligence community wanted to try to embarrass him.

Trump has plenty of enemies on both sides of the isle. How are you so sure it's an Obama crony and not maybe a Bush crony or Lindsey Graham crony.

And to your point about who's crony it was, another strawman. Obama's, Graham's, McCain's, Bush's, what difference does it make? Although, there are numerous reports saying they are Obama holdovers, so there's that.

Either way, my point still stands, and your "non-partisan" comment is still false. A bipartisan illtelligence community wouldn't have leaked something as trivial as a heated phone call with another world leader.

Again, the only reason is was done is because some partisan hack(s) within the illtelligence community wanted to try to embarrass him.
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“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday. “So even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”
What did Schumer know and when did he know it?

Pretty sad the Democrat minority leader publicly encourages and condones the intelligence community to leak classified information and commit multiple serious felonies because of politics. Can you say third world, banana republic leadership?
What does any of this have anything to do with the point at hand? Every one of your counters is an irrelevant strawman. You specifically claimed the intelligence community is "non-partisan".

I simply pointed out to you their actions say otherwise. It's doesn't matter if it was a heated conversation, it's still a confidential conversation that had zero business being leaked.

He and the president of Mexico/Australia had heated conversations. So what? Running countries is serious business, and world leaders have heated conversations every minute of everyday.

It's not like it was a matter of national security, and had to be leaked. The only reason it was leaked is because some partisan hack(s) within the intelligence community wanted to try to embarrass him.

And to your point about who's crony it was, another strawman. Obama's, Graham's, McCain's, Bush's, what difference does it make? Although, there are numerous reports saying they are Obama holdovers, so there's that.

Either way, my point still stands, and your "non-partisan" comment is still false. A bipartisan illtelligence community wouldn't have leaked something as trivial as a heated phone call with another world leader.

Again, the only reason is was done is because some partisan hack(s) within the illtelligence community wanted to try to embarrass him.

Good gawd you're not very good on your feet. You keep saying "partisan hacks with I the intelligence community" yet have no idea of from where the leaks comes. It's amazing that you're not worried about the accuracy of those leaks.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with party and with being disrespected.

Speaking about being disrespected...isn't in interesting that Trump has disrespected and attached just about everyone EXCEPT Putin and the Russians?

But let's assume you are correct and it is some partisan hack, let's just say it's Obama himself. If the rumors are true and they have the transcripts and recordings to prove it. You going to continue to complain about the source and not the act?
What did Schumer know and when did he know it?

Pretty sad the Democrat minority leader publicly encourages and condones the intelligence community to leak classified information and commit multiple serious felonies because of politics. Can you say third world, banana republic leadership?
You sound like the Nixon apologists during Watergate.

And where did he say he encouraged or condones anything? He said it was dumb to insult them. That's fact.
Mark it down...Media will put all their focus on how he wasn't great linguistically so that makes him unhinged, or they'll spend all their time talking about his electoral college statements.....they will completely ignore substance and issues
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Some hard-hitting stuff from the Washington Post. It's good to see that they were very tough on Obama.

yet have no idea of from where the leaks comes.
Wtf? Every single report out says the leaks came from the intelligence community. So how do we not know where they came from?

It's amazing that you're not worried about the accuracy of those leaks.

Why is it amazing that I'm not worried about Trump having a heated conversation? Quite frankly, it's amazing that it actually worries you.

You going to continue to complain about the source and not the act?

You're absolutely right. I'm much more concerned about intelligence agents breaking the law, and leaking classified information than I am Trump halving a heated conversation with the president of Mexico.
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I can handle truth be it good or bad for me or my views.
Y'all keep deflecting simple questions which tells me you don't want the truth if the truth leads to the downfall of Trump.
Truth cost Hillary the election.
Why are you more concerned about the HOW than the WHAT?

I don't even know what you think I'm deflecting, there is literally NO damaging info that's been released.
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You're absolutely right. I'm much more concerned about intelligence agents breaking the law, and leaking classified information than I am Trump halving a heated conversation with the president of Mexico.
How about Trump and his campaign having conversations with Russian intelligence officers?
Nobody gives a F about Mexico or Australia, this isn't about that and you know it.
So when those leaks come out...those of him talking to the crying about it? Those mean spies.:chairshot:
Drip, drip, drip:popcorn:
For the first time, I don't see how Trump gets through these four years. The combination of the media, democrats, and this shadow government, those in the intelligence community will surely beat him at some point. I don't think it's possible to truly "drain the swamp."
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How about Trump and his campaign having conversations with Russian intelligence officers?
Nobody gives a F about Mexico or Australia, this isn't about that and you know it.
So when those leaks come out...those of him talking to the crying about it? Those mean spies.:chairshot:
Drip, drip, drip:popcorn:

First of all, no where was it stated Trump had conversations with Russian intelligence officers. Second, it was stated that those that did probably had no idea they were speaking to intelligence, or that they were talking to them about anything out of the ordinary.

Lastly, do you think anyone from Hillary's campaign spoke to Russian intelligence during this time. Since she had spent years as SOS don't you imagine she called someone trying to get info in Russia?
Trump said he had the biggest electoral college victory since Reagan. Dude can't stop lying, and lying for no reason at that. You're the president you weirdo narcissist, why does that even matter?

Out of all the substance that was discussed; Obamacare repeal/replacement coming in March, new travel ban EO coming next week, new Labor Secretary nomination, DACA possibly being extended, tax reform coming soon, DOJ investigation into illegal leaks, choose to focus on a single irrelevant, braggadocious comment?

Like you said, "why does that even matter?", yet you still chose to focus only on that. Doesn't make much sense to put all your on something that you even admit doesn't really matter.
Bill, you're smarter than that. You know exactly what I have asked about.

Fuzz, If something truly dangerous to the US was at hand then yes, I'd hope someone from intel would get out the message. However, there is nothing that has been released to make someone think that there is such info, and I would hope that would be the first thing released, not what are essentially paper cuts.

Whats happening now are political factions, trying to maintain some level of control over Govt from someone that isn't a career politician.
Notice Fuzz keeps talking about hypothetical scenarios and "what if this happens" or "what might happen" while we're all talking about what actually happened.

Makes it difficult to have a debate with someone when their entire position is based on straw men they've crafted in their own mind.
Didn't know he said that. Don't know why he would but it did make me go back and look at the numbers.

Granted, the U.S. population has grown about 70 million from the 80s to today but how many of those new people vote Republican? No idea.

But what I did see is pretty wild. Trump did get more overall votes than any Republican president. These are rough estimates of winners by how many votes (rounded to the nearest figure) they got that year; not electoral.

1980-Reagan 43 million
1984-Reagan 54 million
1988-Bush 48 million
1992- Clinton 44 million
1996- Clinton 47 million
2000-Bush 50 million
2004-Bush 62 million
2008-Obama 69 million
2012-Obama 65 million
2016-Trump 63 million

Obviously population size is a factor but I don't know by how much. But the overall votes are pretty interesting. I imagine Obama's numbers were driven by the new black voters and people just wanting to see history. Reagan's jump in the second election is very impressive though.
I think he makes it through but I think it will be a continuous onslaught to the point nothing good will ever be reported on. The more Trump fires back the more that's the news and not accomplishments.

He is wasting time on the losers and that's all they want.

He basically should find one person he trusts and only speak to that person and allow him/her to be the only outlet reporting his words.
I think he makes it through but I think it will be a continuous onslaught to the point nothing good will ever be reported on. The more Trump fires back the more that's the news and not accomplishments.

He is wasting time on the losers and that's all they want.

He basically should find one person he trusts and only speak to that person and allow him/her to be the only outlet reporting his words.

Here's the thing people are missing with all this hoopla that's going on. The media isn't paying attention to what he's actually implementing, so shit is getting accomplished.
How about Trump and his campaign having conversations with Russian intelligence officers?

As of right now that's nothing but a made up, media rumor, so how am I'm supposed to discuss the facts of it when there is no such thing at the moment? I refuse to argue a fallacy with fallacy.

Nobody gives a F about Mexico or Australia, this isn't about that and you know it.

What do you mean? Anyone who cares about this country, its freedoms and its national security should be very worried about it.

Some in the intelligence community breaking the law and leaking highly classified info to try to undermine and embarrass political opponents or to get revenge on someone who they feel disrespected them is serious business.

That's third world type shit that should never happen in this country, and when it does happen, those people need to be imprisoned.

So when those leaks come out...those of him talking to the Russians...

[laughing] When? Out of factual arguments, now going with the rumors? If those leaks come out, and if they're made public, I'll read them and form an opinion. Until then, you're talking noise.
I think he makes it through but I think it will be a continuous onslaught to the point nothing good will ever be reported on. The more Trump fires back the more that's the news and not accomplishments.

He is wasting time on the losers and that's all they want.

He basically should find one person he trusts and only speak to that person and allow him/her to be the only outlet reporting his words.
Control the message.

I think he utterly enjoys mixing it up with the press, though, so I doubt this is a feasible option.
Out of all the substance that was discussed; Obamacare repeal/replacement coming in March, new travel ban EO coming next week, new Labor Secretary nomination, DACA possibly being extended, tax reform coming soon, DOJ investigation into illegal leaks, choose to focus on a single irrelevant, braggadocious comment?

Like you said, "why does that even matter?", yet you still chose to focus only on that. Doesn't make much sense to put all your on something that you even admit doesn't really matter.
The president lying is irrelevant? LOL, ok. Anything to justify his BS, it's now irrelevant when he lies.
Oh and I would to talk about how you guys are against socialized medicine and want to repeal it and replace it with... socialized medicine. That just goes to show the 2 shitty parties are really the same, they just use different labels (Obamacare) to rile up the sheep.
I don't even know what you think I'm deflecting, there is literally NO damaging info that's been released.
Exactly. The public hasn't even been allowed to read the info contained in the leaks, only be spoon fed by the media -- and from most media reports and the FBI, Flynn did nothing out of the ordinary, and won't face any charges because he didn't break any laws. Yet, somehow, this is being compared to Watergate, Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Exactly. The public hasn't even been allowed to read the info contained in the leaks, only be spoon fed by the media -- and from most media reports and the FBI, Flynn did nothing out of the ordinary, and won't face any charges because he didn't break any laws. Yet, somehow, this is being compared to Watergate, Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
I guess lying about doing something that is acceptable isn't out of the ordinary. Lying for no reason is normal. Bwahahaha, you can't make this stuff up.