How will they rule ??!

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good. people should not be having huge families if they depend on the government to take care of them. Screw that.
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But, why is it always the right that has to be the bigger man and adjust to the actions of the left? I don't cave in ad give my kid ice cream at 11pm just b/c she won't stfu about it. Know why? B/c if I cave once, she knows I've set precedent to cave again.

I agree with this, but what I'm getting at is there is too much to take on to let this little media BS waste his time! When your at work and you have huge projects to get done do you sit around and waste time on the little shit?

I mean sometimes the little things drag us down so bad we miss the big jobs.

Trump has to let this go until another day! He isn't going to win the battle and then have smooth sailings from then on anyway. The more they attack now the dumber they look.....he has set that up nicely. Let the now attack and prey on an admin that gets shit done/right. His fight with the media has made his first month a damn mess.

Also, "we" have to because we are the Christian religion and those dumbasses don't know how to be the bigger person. They just tear you down until they think they are level with you.
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The former is what enables the latter.
precisely. You take out ISIS, the liberals will reach out to another anti American group. You take out the liberals, and there's no bridge for terrorists to board. Oh and you would also do away with pigfaced feminazis, black lives matter terrorists, debates on what gender you are as early as grade school, sucking a live baby out of a woman and breaking its neck. to name a few
precisely. You take out ISIS, the liberals will reach out to another anti American group. You take out the liberals, and there's no bridge for terrorists to board. Oh and you would also do away with pigfaced feminazis, black lives matter terrorists, debates on what gender you are as early as grade school, sucking a live baby out of a woman and breaking its neck. to name a few


Now remember, if it wasn't for the left and their insane demand for immigration, these nut jobs would still be stuck in the third world and away from Europe and the U.S.
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Sec. Mattis tells deadbeat NATO countries to pay up or the U.S. will moderate its level of support to the alliance.

“No longer can the American taxpayer carry a disproportionate share of the defense of western values,” Mattis said. “Americans cannot care more for your children’s security than you do. Disregard for military readiness demonstrates a lack of respect for ourselves, for the alliance and for the freedoms we inherited, which are now clearly threatened.”
California Governir to ask for Federal Funds to help fix the Oriville Dam spillway. Interesting.

Not a damn dime should be given to California. There is ZERO benefit to do so.
- California refuses to enforce immigration laws
- They're a leftist utopia of garbage that wastes money like crazy and are broke
- They wanted to secede
- And they haven't voted Republican since 1988. No benefit in doing so. Eff them and if they do want money, they have to get rid of sanctuary cities to even be considered to be given money.

Hell, ask Hollywood for the loan, Jerry Brown.
Sec. Mattis tells deadbeat NATO countries to pay up or the U.S. will moderate its level of support to the alliance.

“No longer can the American taxpayer carry a disproportionate share of the defense of western values,” Mattis said. “Americans cannot care more for your children’s security than you do. Disregard for military readiness demonstrates a lack of respect for ourselves, for the alliance and for the freedoms we inherited, which are now clearly threatened.”
About F'n time. The American taxpayers have propped up NATO far too long. We simply cannot afford to do it anymore.

About California, since they do not want to follow the Federal laws and a big portion of their residents are all for the taxpayers paying for illegals and refugees they should have plenty of money to pay for the dam repair themselves.
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IRS penalties and interest will financially ruin most of these clowns. Pretty dumb way to protest.

Along those lines, had a client tell me one of their employees was claiming they were a sovereign citizen not subject to the federal income tax laws of the United States, and therefore the client could not withhold federal income tax from their wages. Obviously it was bullshit, so I decided to see what the IRS' actual position was (Rev. Rul. 2007-22)

This revenue ruling emphasizes to taxpayers, promoters and return preparers that all U.S.
citizens and residents are subject to federal income tax. Any argument that a taxpayer's income is excluded from taxation because: 1) the taxpayer has rejected or renounced United States citizenship because the taxpayer is a citizen exclusively of a State (sometime characterized as a “natural-born citizen” of a “sovereign state”); or 2) the taxpayer is not a person as defined by the Internal Revenue Code and is, therefore, not subject to federal tax, has no merit and is frivolous.

If these people want to avoid federal income tax, I suggest they do it the good old fashioned way and move out of the country like Burger King and all the evil corporations they hate so much.
Sec. Mattis tells deadbeat NATO countries to pay up or the U.S. will moderate its level of support to the alliance.

“No longer can the American taxpayer carry a disproportionate share of the defense of western values,” Mattis said. “Americans cannot care more for your children’s security than you do. Disregard for military readiness demonstrates a lack of respect for ourselves, for the alliance and for the freedoms we inherited, which are now clearly threatened.”
Good. I'm really liking this Mattis guy.
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Not a damn dime should be given to California. There is ZERO benefit to do so.
- California refuses to enforce immigration laws
- They're a leftist utopia of garbage that wastes money like crazy and are broke
- They wanted to secede
- And they haven't voted Republican since 1988. No benefit in doing so. Eff them and if they do want money, they have to get rid of sanctuary cities to even be considered to be given money.

Hell, ask Hollywood for the loan, Jerry Brown.
you're missing much needed bullet points.

- people literally pooping and pissing on everything in the streets
- heroin needles, which are taxpayer funded, being left in the streets
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It's simple. What's being changed is American culture and way of life over the next 100 years. When you "rehapolster the culture" with less sophisticated origins you're going to find yourself pandering to the needs of those voters. Then of course the global elites can take away any part of the constitution, BOR, States rights, and the republic. The destruction of The American Republic is the end game.
FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100. The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change. Of course your arguments aren't new. They are as predicable as old men sitting around complaining about youngsters and how they will never amount to anything. Each and every wave of immigrants into this country faced opposition from people like yourself saying the same things.
M'Gousky -- do you agree with the next two statements?

I believe both to be true (not trying to play "gotcha" with you - just taking the conversation to a logical and clear conclusion + one prediction type statement)

1) We are witnessing a Marxist revolution in the USA right now - the revolution has been gaining momentum since the 1960's and is becoming increasingly intolerant of opposing views - to the point of legitimizing their own violent actions on occasion.

2) The goal is to economically destroy the US Dollar which will, in turn, trigger a worldwide economic response that requires a new arrangement no longer based on the US Dollar....this is being carried out by a 'network of networks' as opposed to a single nation or entity
Good grief! Take of the tin foil hat. The lead from the tin is seeping into your brain.
Are we supposed to believe "anonymous sources" that say Flynn talked about Russian sanctions, with zero proof that it actually happened?
If by "zero proof" you mean the NSA intercepting and recording the calls, transcribing them, then making them available to Congress and the White House and that have subsequently verbatim been leaked to the press then "yes" you are correct, there is zero proof. LOL.
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The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change.

Like you and yours recent suggestions of the new Hitler?
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It really does suck to not know whether or not what's being reported on a daily basis is complete and utter bullshit, or has any basis in fact.

We all saw the DNC Wikileaks emails. We all had the actual evidence. We were told there was nothing to see there, even though we all were seeing it. We were told focus on Russia, there's nothing to see in the emails.

Now, we don't have the actual evidence. But we're still being told to focus on Russia, and that the content of these calls is nefarious. These are the same people who were completely ignoring everything in the DNC emails. Yep, still need to focus on Russia.

If the Trump administration is in bed with Russia, I don't want to support him. I don't want to defend him.

But so far, we've been lied to so much by everyone who's making these claims, you really can't believe a goddam thing until we actually see the transcripts. And that's obviously not going to happen. We have to rely on their reports from "anonymous sources".

So I guess thanks for crying wolf and ignoring actual scandals so many times you incompetent hacks in the media. I now can't believe a goddam word you publish.
Just for you idiots future reference in this thread, there are numerous calls from Trump's staff during the campaign and leading up to his inauguration to Russia that were intercepted by the NSA. Many of them involving Russian intelligence officers. The NSA knows exactly what was said. It is recorded. Only a matter of it worming its way to light one day at a time. All of them transcribed. Drip, drip, drip... until Trump's fat ass is buried up to his fat lying mouth in it.

There, write an Executive Order on that. Hold a few laughable meetings that mean jackshit. Big League. Huge. Keep feeding the rubes the horseshit they voted for.
FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100. The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change. Of course your arguments aren't new. They are as predicable as old men sitting around complaining about youngsters and how they will never amount to anything. Each and every wave of immigrants into this country faced opposition from people like yourself saying the same things.
Do you mean fear mongering such as the stock market will collapse if Trump is elected? Trump is going to setup concentration camps for muslims? I could go this the type of fear mongering you refer to from people like yourself?
Schumer is now demanding that if an investigation into Flynn is opened up, Sessions must recuse himself. My question is, on what grounds?

He's the AD, and has the authority to lawfully oversee/conduct the investigation as he sees fit. It's not like Sessions secretly met with Flynn on a tarmac.
All of them transcribed. Drip, drip, drip... until Trump's fat ass is buried up to his fat lying mouth in it.
Again, how are they going to bury Trump when people who have literally read the transcripts have said Flynn did nothing out of the ordinary, and will not face any charges himself? Please, enlighten me.
FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100.

Correct, so stop whining about some people not wanting the immigration policy to be like it was in the 1800s.
Just for you idiots future reference in this thread, there are numerous calls from Trump's staff during the campaign and leading up to his inauguration to Russia that were intercepted by the NSA. Many of them involving Russian intelligence officers. The NSA knows exactly what was said. It is recorded. Only a matter of it worming its way to light one day at a time. All of them transcribed. Drip, drip, drip... until Trump's fat ass is buried up to his fat lying mouth in it.

There, write an Executive Order on that. Hold a few laughable meetings that mean jackshit. Big League. Huge. Keep feeding the rubes the horseshit they voted for.
Don't worry Z, liberals only have to deal with Trump being president for another 8 years.
It really does suck to not know whether or not what's being reported on a daily basis is complete and utter bullshit, or has any basis in fact.

Agree completely. Have always tried to read 2 or 3 perspectives on any issue before I'd come up with some reasonable opinion. Now, that doesn't even seem to work consistently.
FYI the "American culture and way of life" has changed and will continue to change over time. It has changed quite substantially over the past 100 years and is likely to change over the next 100. The idea that we are going to "rehapolster the culture" to less sophisticated origins is nothing but fear mongering and ignores 1000's of years of history and understanding of how cultures change. Of course your arguments aren't new. They are as predicable as old men sitting around complaining about youngsters and how they will never amount to anything. Each and every wave of immigrants into this country faced opposition from people like yourself saying the same things.
fuzz the problem is pandering to lawlessness. That kind of culture change we do not want. BLM, Islam they all make their points with violence.
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Kudos to Ashton Kutcher for using his celebrity legitimately. If you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk. He seems to have been impressive today before senate

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