How will they rule ??!

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Oh, good grief . . . the Post. Thanks, Flynn. Thanks NY Post. Thanks Yogi Berra. Not trying to condescend too much here. But this is just deja vu all over again for any of us who really want to put it into historical perspective . . . this surgical, call to accountability of Mike Flynn's mouthing, whatever the content, whatever the extent. Accountability Now.

This after many months or years of HRC's criminal trespassing against the people of the United States. Her theft of classified documentation resulting in god knows what, the content, the extent. Accountability Never. So much more the egregious. So much more the harmful. So much more the protected. So much more the swept under the rug by the same political mouthpieces and media and viewing population already demanding Flynn's head and helmet on a platter, up to and including whatever can be done about his former boss in the Big House.

Reminds me so much of when Bill Clinton shook hands with Wen Ho Lee and apologized to him after Mr. Lee had been jailed for a period of months following his successful theft of our most sensitive classified documents from the Los Alamos National Lab, a crippling compromise to our nuclear weapons programs for all time. A spy against the people of the United States, given a pat on the back by Bill Clinton and nary a doubt for doing so by the media and their destructive, blind, liberal followers.

Then, just a few years later a different President, called into mass accountability when persons within / connected to his administration had merely mentioned the name, Valerie Plame, regardless of the almost innocuous result. Yes, these conditions personify the great chasm that separates how one political sect is almost forever free of any concern being more than slapped on the wrist, while the other . . . well, historical facts tell the story better than I can. Plenty more to come. My god, how did the Donna Rice saga EVER manage to bring down Gary Hart?
Ok, well you keep believing which ever politicians you choose and I'll presume your as blind as Obama/Hiliary supporters.

Flynn may fall on the sword, but let's use some common sense. If nothing was wrong Trump wouldn't back down so you not realize this, yet?
Are we supposed to believe "anonymous sources" that say Flynn talked about Russian sanctions, with zero proof that it actually happened?

Sorry, but I'm inclined to disagree with that notion.

I also don't see it as Trump backing down, as Flynn probably didn't want to be a distraction.

This is starting to look like that dumb Russian dossier on Trump, and the idiots who tried to smear Bannon as a white supremacist. Theres no proof of any of it, but democrats don't need proof to try to destroy people.

Maybe this one will turn up true, but I'm not going to blindly believe things just because the MSM throws allegations out there. Lets see some proof and then we'll talk.
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....Herr Fuzz?

Is it fair to assume that the representatives of the "left" and "right" here all agree that the following things are bad ideas?

1) Arming "Moderate muslims" anywhere

2) Continuing to try and overthrow Assad

3) Attempting to stay in Afghanistan -- for whatever F'ing purpose were there for

4) continuing the GWOT with no end in sight
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Hypocrisy be damned.......Benghazi was a set up and that's why you won't hear about it.

Trump better tighten up the ship or he will sink. I've said red in my opinion of Trump, but I'm starting to realize while he is all business he is also a complete dumbass!

I can handle both honestly, but you better be better at the business end to be such a jackass.

Also talked to several Mexicans the past week or so and I didn't realize what a joke the ICE process is. Shelbyville has been raided multiple times of late and from what I'm told as long as you don't answer the door when they come knocking you are free to stay. They laugh about it and told me straight up some get sent back home and they are back in a week and they don't understand why it's happening because nothing is changing, but it's a good show for now.

Trump is no dumbass. Honestly you should be able to tell that much after he won the election. He wants the media scrutiny because if the media fights with Trump, Trump wins. The reason? As of last month the media had a 4% approval rating. Everyone hates them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

As far as mexicans coming back, that's why it will have to be enforced with consequences. 3rd time caught = 5 years in a penitentiary will stop half of the problem on site. They won't be laughing then.

America has become so weak on immigration it's going to destroy us one day. Maybe not my life, your life, or your kids, but our families down the line will see the country stutter and fall due to it. No country has ever sustained itself without borders and laws.

Americans better get serious about it and back trump to reform and implement new bold strategies and penalties or we lose it.
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Define what's being destroyed - and I think you'll agree that it's the foundations of the system of Republican govt

Ironically - as the Hard Left preaches about abuse of power, historical wrongs committed by "White people" and other breaches of trust.....they work tirelessly to ERADICATE A system of government that was designed to provide checks and balances and limit that power in the hands of "men"

What the true leadership WANTS -- is their New World Order
Socialism on the way to Communism.....

ALL the power in the hands of a few

It's doublespeak of course and I'm writing about that as well

Working on the "black lives matter" article now and intend to publish it around 5am ish if all goes well
Is it fair to assume that the representatives of the "left" and "right" here all agree that the following things are bad ideas?

1) Arming "Moderate muslims" anywhere

2) Continuing to try and overthrow Assad

3) Attempting to stay in Afghanistan -- for whatever F'ing purpose were there for

4) continuing the GWOT with no end in sight

The problem isn't fighting terrorism abroad, the problem is the American people have no stomach for it. And therefore our politicians don't either. "Leave them alone, they leave us alone" strategies don't work. This is a religious and ideological war for the most part. They're just going to come after us. Bill Clinton tried every way he could to ignore terrorist threats and attacks abroad and it led to 9/11.

I was once for the Iraq war while in college and believed very much in the mission. I still think had America gone a little further and Obama closed it out Iraq "could" have been something that might resemble a success story. I'm no longer interested in supporting huge wars because America fights with kid gloves in this century and you can't wage war while holding your dick. Kill them, take their oil, burn it to the ground, let them rebuild. If we have another problem in 100 years then do it again. Eventually they're going to get it. But that's not possible today, so I see no points except to keep them over there, and busy. Obama showed me that future presidents can f everything up, so be careful what you leave them. I was too young, but Bush should have known that.

Assad should have been overthrown once the obama administration drew a "red line". Whether we agree or not, that displayed huge weakness. As of right now, I just don't see the point. Why? Who's the replacement?
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Define what's being destroyed - and I think you'll agree that it's the foundations of the system of Republican govt

Ironically - as the Hard Left preaches about abuse of power, historical wrongs committed by "White people" and other breaches of trust.....they work tirelessly to ERADICATE A system of government that was designed to provide checks and balances and limit that power in the hands of "men"

What the true leadership WANTS -- is their New World Order
Socialism on the way to Communism.....

ALL the power in the hands of a few

It's doublespeak of course and I'm writing about that as well

Working on the "black lives matter" article now and intend to publish it around 5am ish if all goes well

It's simple. What's being changed is American culture and way of life over the next 100 years. When you "rehapolster the culture" with less sophisticated origins you're going to find yourself pandering to the needs of those voters. Then of course the global elites can take away any part of the constitution, BOR, States rights, and the republic. The destruction of The American Republic is the end game.
Is it fair to assume that the representatives of the "left" and "right" here all agree that the following things are bad ideas?

1) Arming "Moderate muslims" anywhere

2) Continuing to try and overthrow Assad

3) Attempting to stay in Afghanistan -- for whatever F'ing purpose were there for

4) continuing the GWOT with no end in sight

Yes, absolutely. Those are logical thoughts.
What a bunch of GD morons. This is the best this country's government has to offer? Ironic she talks about Trump being incompetent while she is citing a completely fake tweet she and her staff did no research on. Let's not even talk about all the seats lost under her leadership, the infamous quote on having to pass the Affordable Care bill first before knowing what is in it, and the list goes on. Jesus Christ it is beyond comprehension how morons keep voting to keep her in Congress.

It's simple. What's being changed is American culture and way of life over the next 100 years. When you "rehapolster the culture" with less sophisticated origins you're going to find yourself pandering to the needs of those voters. Then of course the global elites can take away any part of the constitution, BOR, States rights, and the republic. The destruction of The American Republic is the end game.

M'Gousky -- do you agree with the next two statements?

I believe both to be true (not trying to play "gotcha" with you - just taking the conversation to a logical and clear conclusion + one prediction type statement)

1) We are witnessing a Marxist revolution in the USA right now - the revolution has been gaining momentum since the 1960's and is becoming increasingly intolerant of opposing views - to the point of legitimizing their own violent actions on occasion.

2) The goal is to economically destroy the US Dollar which will, in turn, trigger a worldwide economic response that requires a new arrangement no longer based on the US Dollar....this is being carried out by a 'network of networks' as opposed to a single nation or entity
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Yes, absolutely. Those are logical thoughts.

What's that old George Orwell quote?

In times of Universal deceit -- telling the truth is a Revolutionary Act.....?

I use his "All Art is Propaganda" book quite a bit when I reference the need for a change in our political language on my blog.

and he's right --- we have to start calling the Hard Left what they are - they're Marxists
we have to start considering this period of our history WHAT IT IS -- it's a damn revolution

I'm not saying we all have to suddenly become GI Joe and go to physical war -- but our political awareness needs to change so that our words are accurate and we start using the OBVIOUS angles that are in the pages of history - to challenge the Marxist Left

(again, I make a distinction between "traditional Left" who isn't trying to fundamentally change the form of govt we have or purposely break the economic system)

The next time someone talks about the "Slave owners" who founded this country - ask them about their respect for the blood that was shed to end slavery

Then ask them who THEIR Founding Fathers are - if they're pushing a Black Lives Matter type Marxist agenda then the irony is that their Founding Fathers are WHITE EUROPEAN SOCIALISTS AND COMMUNISTS.....

and they were MUUUUCH BIGGER slave owners in the end.....

God, there are SO MANY angles
The problem is going to be when we hit critical mass and talking no longer matters

We're close now
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Are we supposed to believe "anonymous sources" that say Flynn talked about Russian sanctions, with zero proof that it actually happened?

Sorry, but I'm inclined to disagree with that notion.

I also don't see it as Trump backing down, as Flynn probably didn't want to be a distraction.

This is starting to look like that dumb Russian dossier on Trump, and the idiots who tried to smear Bannon as a white supremacist. Theres no proof of any of it, but democrats don't need proof to try to destroy people.

Maybe this one will turn up true, but I'm not going to blindly believe things just because the MSM throws allegations out there. Lets see some proof and then we'll talk.

I would agree, if Flynn didn't resign.
All these reports from unnamed anonymous Obama holdovers about things they picked up while using government resources to spy on the opposition party's Presidential campaign really are concerning for a laundry list of reasons.

I agree. I, too, still can get past the concerted effort of partisan hacks, in what are supposed to be our most trusted intelligence agencies, to break the law and leak highly classified info in order to undermine and destroy political opponents. It doesn't get any more banana republic than that.
Bingo which is what makes the story true, not fake news.
Yeah, true that he lied, not true that he discussed anything against the law.

There have been several other reports from those who have read the transcripts and been a part of the investigation, who say he did nothing out of the ordinary and no laws were broken.
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I tend to agree with Greenwald that leaks are good.

However, I do draw a distinction between leaks intended to provide the American people with facts, and leaks intended to destroy political opponents. I view the first category of people as whistleblowers. The second category are opportunistic criminals.

Additionally, there is a huge difference between what's happening here, and Snowden/anything that's been provided to Wikileaks.

Snowden had actual source data. Wikileaks publishes actual source data. I was able to read all the DNC emails that were leaked [probably by Seth Rich RIP] to Wikileaks. Greenwald could cite actual NSA data.

Now all we have are anonymous sources making claims to various media outlets who've historically shown an absolute disdain for Trump.

Obviously Flynn lied to Pence, so he should have been forced to resign.

That doesn't for one second absolve the people in the intelligence community who are committing criminal acts, regardless of whether the information they're anonymously leaking is true or not.
In times of Universal deceit -- telling the truth is a Revolutionary Act.....?

That's great.

I just honestly feel the way the media/govt has brainwashed the adults that will take over once the old heads are gone....shit, the adults that are old enough and running things now...and the future generations that follow, there's no hope. The way the left had controlled that message is unreal, and the right will have to work very hard to offset that, set the record straight. Even then, I'm not so sure we can even sustain what we had. Humans are incompetent now, and mostly reliant on everybody but themselves because they can't do simple things. We *need* the govt more than ever; that's why we are F'd. It's not so much a political thing, it's a nature thing that was created by a political thing...They have disrupted our habitat so much.

We needed serious reform decades ago. This thing has been a slow festering disease that is about to grow up and run our country, and we won't have the old wise men to save us. They will be the small minority.
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What a bunch of GD morons. This is the best this country's government has to offer? Ironic she talks about Trump being incompetent while she is citing a completely fake tweet she and her staff did no research on. Let's not even talk about all the seats lost under her leadership, the infamous quote on having to pass the Affordable Care bill first before knowing what is in it, and the list goes on. Jesus Christ it is beyond comprehension how morons keep voting to keep her in Congress.

[laughing] The best part? She thinks so lowly of her base that she literally broke down and explained what a scapegoat is elementary style.
The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn - Bloomberg View

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports). John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term. The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern. "There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said. "From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Nunes told me Monday night that this will not end well. "First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus," he said. Put another way, Flynn is only the appetizer. Trump is the entree.
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Well in the media's defense if they actually get to tell the truth then attaching a lie to it is fair game!

Look I'm not saying Flynn is some crazy crook, but he did what was right for the right reasons. What our guy needs to do is scale back the media attack and work. Ignore this shit for awhile and try to call a truce. It's clear why this happened and unfortunately until things change a little the media is a cess pool of piranha and trump is the big fish.
Well in the media's defense if they actually get to tell the truth then attaching a lie to it is fair game!

Look I'm not saying Flynn is some crazy crook, but he did what was right for the right reasons. What our guy needs to do is scale back the media attack and work. Ignore this shit for awhile and try to call a truce. It's clear why this happened and unfortunately until things change a little the media is a cess pool of piranha and trump is the big fish.
But, why is it always the right that has to be the bigger man and adjust to the actions of the left? I don't cave in ad give my kid ice cream at 11pm just b/c she won't stfu about it. Know why? B/c if I cave once, she knows I've set precedent to cave again.
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Trump is no dumbass. Honestly you should be able to tell that much after he won the election. He wants the media scrutiny because if the media fights with Trump, Trump wins. The reason? As of last month the media had a 4% approval rating. Everyone hates them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

As far as mexicans coming back, that's why it will have to be enforced with consequences. 3rd time caught = 5 years in a penitentiary will stop half of the problem on site. They won't be laughing then.

America has become so weak on immigration it's going to destroy us one day. Maybe not my life, your life, or your kids, but our families down the line will see the country stutter and fall due to it. No country has ever sustained itself without borders and laws.

Americans better get serious about it and back trump to reform and implement new bold strategies and penalties or we lose it.

I think it is very clear of the strategies that the left/globalists are pushing. It also helps explain their hostility toward whites all the time.

Push/force multiculturalism on white nations, import third world government dependent people that have zero emotional connection to this country or share its values and will vote Democrat. Have those same people produce offspring like crazy to outnumber the natives.

Push identity politics to where there is no unity at all. Make America and whites the "bad guy" in your narrative through education, entertainment and media. Shame and ostracize anyone who opposes your agenda.

I could go on and on with this topic but it's very clear that they have a specific motive with their hate of whites/Europeans and the desperate need to flood these nations with savages and ignorance through immigration.
But, why is it always the right that has to be the bigger man and adjust to the actions of the left?

That's how it always is. The left doesn't compromise AT ALL. You won't see that ever occurring and how can we compromise with such completely different beliefs?

When someone like the left has such an insane ideology and has doubled down on radicalizing their voter base, you can't start to adapt to views of people that you've told your voters that they're evil racist nationalist Nazis that are oppressing you.

We've caved so much to the left when it comes to social issues and now we have freaking transgendered garbage accepted as being normal.
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I tend to agree with Greenwald that leaks are good.

However, I do draw a distinction between leaks intended to provide the American people with facts, and leaks intended to destroy political opponents. I view the first category of people as whistleblowers. The second category are opportunistic criminals.

Additionally, there is a huge difference between what's happening here, and Snowden/anything that's been provided to Wikileaks.

Snowden had actual source data. Wikileaks publishes actual source data. I was able to read all the DNC emails that were leaked [probably by Seth Rich RIP] to Wikileaks. Greenwald could cite actual NSA data.

Now all we have are anonymous sources making claims to various media outlets who've historically shown an absolute disdain for Trump.

Obviously Flynn lied to Pence, so he should have been forced to resign.

That doesn't for one second absolve the people in the intelligence community who are committing criminal acts, regardless of whether the information they're anonymously leaking is true or not.
You probably shouldn't read Greenwald.
Well in the media's defense if they actually get to tell the truth then attaching a lie to it is fair game!

Look I'm not saying Flynn is some crazy crook, but he did what was right for the right reasons. What our guy needs to do is scale back the media attack and work. Ignore this shit for awhile and try to call a truce. It's clear why this happened and unfortunately until things change a little the media is a cess pool of piranha and trump is the big fish.

This makes total sense, but the problem is the media, Dems, Obama, and Soros cronies are going to keep attacking until they get what they want. Then he has to deal with Republican scumbags like Ryan, McCain, Mitch, Graham, and many others who are trying to derail him behind the scenes. "Draining the Swamp" sounded great at rallies and all, but I do not think a lot of folks realized how deep "The Swamp" really is and what it will take to drain it. Trump has his work cut out for him, but folks voted for him because they believe he was the one person who would at least attempt to try and do it.
For those who refuse to believe the MSM are liberal political activists, who colludes with the Democrats as a political arm, the Flynn situation should be all the proof you need.

These are the same entities who refused to report on Wikileaks documents because of "ethics issues", even went as far to tell their viewers it was illegal to read them, but they are more than happy to illegally accept illegally obtained, highly sensitive, highly classified information, and then report on it for entire 24 hour cycles.
What a bunch of GD morons. This is the best this country's government has to offer? Ironic she talks about Trump being incompetent while she is citing a completely fake tweet she and her staff did no research on. Let's not even talk about all the seats lost under her leadership, the infamous quote on having to pass the Affordable Care bill first before knowing what is in it, and the list goes on. Jesus Christ it is beyond comprehension how morons keep voting to keep her in Congress.

Even the New York Times ran a story with that fake twitter account as proof. Journalism is a freaking joke.