How will they rule ??!

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President Trump may need to implement the Cone of Silence in the White house.


While away at the country club, he could utilize the Portable Cone of Silence.

Thing is, they knew he had lied for 3 weeks. It wasn't until the lying became public knowledge was there any pressure to resign.
During those three weeks he was being investigated by the WH and FBI to get to the bottom of if he really lied or not, and to make sure he didn't break any laws.

It's moronic to even think the WH and FBI should have just depended on what the media was reporting, then reacted to it, made decision based on it, without doing their own official investigation. It's called due process, you might have heard of it.
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Flynn lied. Got caught. Got fired.
LMAO at all the Trumplings saying Flynn got fired when five minutesbefore he resigned Kellyanne was out there saying the president had complete confidence in him and supported him 100%. I wonder what changed? Trump had been told weeks earlier that Flynn was compromised so what changed?
LMAO at all the Trumplings saying Flynn got fired when five minutesbefore he resigned Kellyanne was out there saying the president had complete confidence in him and supported him 100%. I wonder what changed? Trump had been told weeks earlier that Flynn was compromised so what changed?

Perhaps a full investigation? Waiting for enough info to take clear action?

The mistake was hiring Flynn to begin with. Not firing him the first moment it needed done
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If the phone call was prior to being sworn in/inauguration of Trump etc was he truly a government official or still a private citizen.
Private citizen. That's where the "depending on what was discussed, he possibly broke the law" outrage is coming from.

If he was a government official he could discuss diplomacy with Russia all he wanted, well within the law, and there wouldn't be the possibility of a potential criminal act.

What is the Logan Act?

The Logan Act forbids private citizens "without authority of the United States" from negotiating with foreign governments with an "intent to influence" measures or conduct of that government regarding any "disputes or controversies."

Did Flynn break the law?

This case hits several key aspects of the Logan Act: whether Flynn had "authority" to participate in the phone calls; whether conversations related to a "dispute or controversy"; and whether he had an "intent to influence" a foreign government.

Let's break those down:

There's no evidence Flynn, as an adviser at the time to President-elect Trump, had authority from Obama to speak with foreign officials. The exact context of Flynn's side of the conversation was not clear, even to the FBI and intelligence groups that reviewed the content, a US official said.

Given that point, it's unclear whether Flynn's conversations related to a "dispute or controversy," or whether he had an "intent to influence" a foreign government.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday said the White House counsel looked into the situation and found no "legal" issue with the phone calls.

Some FBI and Justice Department officials have told CNN the phone calls are not likely to lead to any criminal charges.
This is an honest question, no smartass intended here...

If the phone call was prior to being sworn in/inauguration of Trump etc was he truly a government official or still a private citizen.

I don't know the legalities of being part of the transition teams and the clearances they receive and rules they have to abide by.

On another note, I am glad Flynn is out. Something off about him.


Hehehellooo Rrrrrrussia
If one were to post the objectives of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Germany circa 1920 it would look very similar to what you just posted. Get rid of all opposition and fill the govt with "yes men" at all levels that will follow all orders. Nothing could ever go wrong with that...

Hey you know who acts like Brownshirts, complete with smashing glass windows, assaulting people, destruction of property, and absolute intolerance for those who think differently? Your snowflake buddies. Complete with Muslim support, just like the last time.

What do you have to say to that, Herr Fuzz?
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Forgive me, I'm slow, just learning about the Flynn...

I'm in the same boat . . . I turn this mess off for a couple days, and effing chaos.

Now, either Trump is a Russian agent or the Obama deep state shadow governwtf is still calling the shots. I guess nothing has changed since about last June? Cool, I'll continue to prepare for the end of the world.
Hypocrisy be damned.......Benghazi was a set up and that's why you won't hear about it.

Trump better tighten up the ship or he will sink. I've said red in my opinion of Trump, but I'm starting to realize while he is all business he is also a complete dumbass!

I can handle both honestly, but you better be better at the business end to be such a jackass.

Also talked to several Mexicans the past week or so and I didn't realize what a joke the ICE process is. Shelbyville has been raided multiple times of late and from what I'm told as long as you don't answer the door when they come knocking you are free to stay. They laugh about it and told me straight up some get sent back home and they are back in a week and they don't understand why it's happening because nothing is changing, but it's a good show for now.
Hypocrisy be damned.......Benghazi was a set up and that's why you won't hear about it.

Trump better tighten up the ship or he will sink. I've said red in my opinion of Trump, but I'm starting to realize while he is all business he is also a complete dumbass!

I can handle both honestly, but you better be better at the business end to be such a jackass.

Also talked to several Mexicans the past week or so and I didn't realize what a joke the ICE process is. Shelbyville has been raided multiple times of late and from what I'm told as long as you don't answer the door when they come knocking you are free to stay. They laugh about it and told me straight up some get sent back home and they are back in a week and they don't understand why it's happening because nothing is changing, but it's a good show for now.

Do they realize Trump has only been President 3 weeks? Serious question
Do they realize Trump has only been President 3 weeks? Serious question

I didn't ask them, but legal or illegal they are here to work. I'm not saying you have to sympathize with them but Mexico is so crooked that they don't understand trying to be honest and pay taxes. They are trained to get away with as much as possible then offer a bribe to get out of everything. To them that bribe is a "tax".

Also understand we have never really ever tried to enforce this policy publicly. It was not televised that Obama was cracking down so people aren't programmed to be fearful like they are with Trump.

You bring up the 3 weeks, and I'll tell you is booming honestly and Trump's financial war with Canada just slapped us with 20% increases on lumber this week. The tariff was going to impact us, but what happened was it was foreseen and the mills bought up everything leading to current shortages which drives up the prices now through the roof. Now that will or should balance out but that is a huge spike after two years of almost flat costs.
Yea but are we trusting this FBI or not?

Also who gives a F if they cleared him? He f'n lied, GTFO!!!

It's simple.
That's the New York Post characterizing what the FBI found. Show me something from the FBI saying he's cleared because that investigation is ongoing.
Russian spy ship spotted off US coast

A Russian spy ship was spotted patrolling off the coast of Delaware on Tuesday — the same day it emerged that the Kremlin secretly deployed new cruise missiles and buzzed a US Navy destroyer, according to a report.

The Russian ship SSV-175 Viktor Leonov was in international waters, 70 miles from Delaware, as it sailed north at 10 knots, a US official told Fox News. It was not immediately clear where it was headed.

Russia deployed ground-launched cruise missiles to two locations inside the country in December, a US official told Fox News later Tuesday.


A test for Trump. Will he pass?
A test for Trump. Will he pass?
Wait? I thought Putin and Trump were gay together? Signs of a bitter break up?

Seriously, though. That was this a.m. They've done came and went. Yeah, he passed. Statement from DoD.

We are aware of the vessel’s presence. It has not entered U.S. territorial waters. We respect freedom of navigation exercised by all nations beyond the territorial sea of a coastal State consistent with international law.

Currently the ship is off the coast of Delaware, well in international waters. It is expected to continue north until it gets to the sub base at New London, Conn., then turn around and head south toward Cuba.

The presence of foreign vessels and aircraft near U.S. territory is nothing new. In 2015, there was a flap about a Russian spy ship hanging out in a spot where the transatlantic cables are laid.
Russian spy ship spotted off US coast

A Russian spy ship was spotted patrolling off the coast of Delaware on Tuesday — the same day it emerged that the Kremlin secretly deployed new cruise missiles and buzzed a US Navy destroyer, according to a report.

The Russian ship SSV-175 Viktor Leonov was in international waters, 70 miles from Delaware, as it sailed north at 10 knots, a US official told Fox News. It was not immediately clear where it was headed.

Russia deployed ground-launched cruise missiles to two locations inside the country in December, a US official told Fox News later Tuesday.


A test for Trump. Will he pass?
Where the hell are the Trump Tower mooners when you need them? One look at that fat black crusty ass would have blinded every sailer on the Leonov.
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Wait? I thought Putin and Trump were gay together? Signs of a bitter break up?

Seriously, though. That was this a.m. They've done came and went. Yeah, he passed. Statement from DoD.

We are aware of the vessel’s presence. It has not entered U.S. territorial waters. We respect freedom of navigation exercised by all nations beyond the territorial sea of a coastal State consistent with international law.

Currently the ship is off the coast of Delaware, well in international waters. It is expected to continue north until it gets to the sub base at New London, Conn., then turn around and head south toward Cuba.

The presence of foreign vessels and aircraft near U.S. territory is nothing new. In 2015, there was a flap about a Russian spy ship hanging out in a spot where the transatlantic cables are laid.
Was it sufficiently alpha enough for you? Not me.

What about the cruise missiles and the buzzing of our destroyer? We let 'em get away with that?

He s'posed ta be alpha!
Heat is turning up on Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez:

ICE detainer denied for man charged with repeatedly sexually assaulting young girl.

Two Democrat State Senators joined Republican Senators in calling for the Travis County Sheriff to end this insanely dangerous policy. Over the past week, more than 50 undocumented immigrant offenders just in Travis County alone have walked free without ICE detainers.

The madness must stop.
What about the cruise missiles

Happened in December, correct? There's your answer.

buzzing of our destroyer

Don't know. Maybe they'll hash it out over dinner when they kiss and make up.

Better yet, maybe Trump will just bomb the f*ckers, then sit back and laugh at all you fags bitching and moaning about world peace and people's inconveniences and feelings.

You're predictable and suck at this trolling deal. We both know if Trump would have taken a more aggressive approach, you'd still be here baiting with the opposite argument.
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Wait what? Why if it is the truth?
Theres no proof that it's true. He lied to Trump and Pence, which is why he was fired. However, theres still no proof that Flynn did what hes being accused of.

Its pretty obvious IMO that there are Obama carryovers who started a war to destroy Flynn. This is why Trump must find the source(s) of the leaks. They won't stop with Flynn.

This is the swamp trying to destroy the Trump administration.
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Happened in December, correct? There's your answer.

Don't know. Maybe they'll hash it out over dinner when they kiss and make up.

Better yet, maybe Trump will just bomb the f*ckers, then sit back and laugh at all you fags bitching and moaning about world peace and people's inconveniences and feelings.

You're predictable and suck at this trolling deal. We both know if Trump would have taken a more aggressive approach, you'd still be here baiting with the opposite argument.
Fag? I know you are but what am I.

To be honest, I have and do want all of our presidents to succeed. They succeed, we succeed.

Many people in this thread have some valid points and some not so much.

I still believe all Americans can coexist but some thoughts in here are troubling, to say the least. I hope it's just internet bravado...
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I still believe all Americans can coexist

I don't think it will ever happen, at least not in our lifetime. People are tribal animals by nature. It's in our blood.

All the advancements, education, sophistication, etc... can't change it. Not sure we'll ever overcome it because when it gets down to it, instinct will always override logic, reason, and perspective.

but some thoughts in here are troubling

[laughing]Those are the best kind.

I hope it's just internet bravado...

You'd be surprised. Crazy world we're living in.
Theres no proof that it's true. He lied to Trump and Pence, which is why he was fired. However, theres still no proof that Flynn did what hes being accused of.

Its pretty obvious IMO that there are Obama carryovers who started a war to destroy Flynn. This is why Trump must find the source(s) of the leaks. They won't stop with Flynn.

This is the swamp trying to destroy the Trump administration.

Ok, well you keep believing which ever politicians you choose and I'll presume your as blind as Obama/Hiliary supporters.

Flynn may fall on the sword, but let's use some common sense. If nothing was wrong Trump wouldn't back down so you not realize this, yet?
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I love that Dave Rubin, formerly of the Young Turks, is seeing the light on how dumb progressives and the left are