How will they rule ??!

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He said stuff wasnt reported on
He said that because its true. The MSM was kissing on Obamas ass every day. Just because you might find one article, doesn't mean it was really reported on. That also doesn't account for the typical leftist spin that would be in them too.
So you think that's the end of it?[roll]

When Trump gets impeached I'm sure it will be the MSM's fault.
Trump won't be impeached. Zero chance, even you know this. You would have to get a bunch of Republicans on board, and that won't happen. Also, you kind of have to break a law to be impeached.
First, you don't know that it happen.

What do you mean? It most definitely happened. Someone, or several someones from the CIA illegally spied on him, and then illegally leaked that classified info to the press. How else do you think this was made public? It's not a secret what has transpired. The only unknown is who from the CIA.

Second, if it did happen then that still doesn't excuse Flynn for what he did. Sounds like your only problem is that he got caught.

I have no problem with Flynn being caught or fired. Haven't made a single excuse for him. Matter of fact, I have said numerous times that he deserved to be fired. So not sure where you're getting that from.

Flynn was trying to undermine sanctions that had been put into place by Obama while he was still POTUS.

This has yet to be proven. From every single report out, there's zero evidence that Flynn was trying to undermine Obama's sanctions or that he broke the law.

The White House and FBI both have investigated this matter, and both came to that same conclusion. As of now, the investigations have been closed. The conclusion could change as more information comes out, but for now, you're only assuming.

Kind of like someone hacking the DNC to find dirt but not trying to hack the RNC to do likewise. You didn't mind that some outsider was trying to influence the election as long as it was working for your side.

They did try to hack the RNC. Try to keep up. That was made known months ago during the investigation. The RNC had security measures in place that prevented the attack.

[laughing] And are you seriously comparing Wikileaks, outsiders, releasing hacked emails online, that no one in the liberal media covered, even used scare tactics telling people it was illegal for them to read to rogue CIA employees, insiders who are supposed to work for the US government, illegally spying on the President and his NSA, then illegally leaking the classified information obtained from the illegal spying directly to the media?
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so a government ran media being the mouthpiece for a political party, a party that wants to eliminate guns from it's citizens, and a party that wants as much government oversight and regulation on it's businesses and population as possible? i believe that sounds exactly like 1920's Germany. so which party do you think i am referring to Fuzz. and please offer a counter argument to anything i just said.
The media isn't government run...
There is no political party, no major political party that "wants to eliminate guns from it's citizens"...
Nor is there any major political party that wants "as much government oversight and regulation on it's businesses and population as possible".
So your zero for 3...

Do whatever is necessary to get your cabinet put in and the Supreme Court justice confirmed.
...even if it means breaking the law, suspending congressional rules... Hitler did just that. He stacked the German courts with his people so that he could pursue his agenda without opposition.

- Limit yours and your cabinet's interaction with the liberal media. Don't take the bait on shitbags at SNL Limit Twitter use. If possible, really encourage a conservative entrepreneur behind the scenes to establish a social media app that isn't contolled by the left.
...avoid the free press and create your own propaganda and create avenues to push it.

- Make the left become like barking dogs. Hinder any of their access and make them like a blog. ...again, crush all opposition.

- Continue to push out studies and events of crime by illegals ... push that propaganda!!!

- Have an entire website that's like Media Matters but takes on the leftist hypocrisy and corruption. Particularly post Obama, Shumer and Clinton comments on illegals from a decade ago. ...push more propaganda...

- Purge tons of these offices of rats and Obama loyalists. Get rid of GOP/Bush types. Get rid of Priebus. ...crush all opposition...

One thing I notice missing...the great conservative talking point about the budget and the federal deficit. Cutting all these taxes, covering everyone with healthcare insurance, building a wall, rebuilding the military... I wonder how much conservatives will worry about the deficit the next few years?
He said that because its true. The MSM was kissing on Obamas ass every day. Just because you might find one article, doesn't mean it was really reported on. That also doesn't account for the typical leftist spin that would be in them too.
There are articles but it wasn't reported on you say? LOL. What story are you talking about specifically?
What do you mean? It most definitely happened. Someone, or several someones from the CIA illegally spied on him, and then illegally leaked that classified info to the press. How else do you think this was made public? It's not a secret what has transpired. The only unknown is who from the CIA.
Present your evidence.

You sound like our POTUS... "There was voter fraud blah, blah, blah".
Where is your evidence? "There are people registered in two states...dead people registered."...
Yeah, that's because when people move from one state to another and register to vote it doesn't automatically remove them from the voter roles, same when people die. Guess what, there are like 6.5 million people over the age of 112 on the live Social Security roles...there are only 42 people in the world known to be that old. None of that proves voter fraud.
The media isn't government run...
Wikileaks, the same Wikilealks you just touted, says this is kind of bullshit. Even if they literally aren't government run, they're most definitely liberal, political activists. They're most definitely not the harbingers of balanced truth and facts they claim to be.
If one were to post the objectives of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Germany circa 1920 it would look very similar to what you just posted. Get rid of all opposition and fill the govt with "yes men" at all levels that will follow all orders. Nothing could ever go wrong with that...
Another comparison of Trump to Hitler/Nazi Germany....everybody take a drink!
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The media isn't government run...
There is no political party, no major political party that "wants to eliminate guns from it's citizens"...
Nor is there any major political party that wants "as much government oversight and regulation on it's businesses and population as possible".
So your zero for 3...

Do whatever is necessary to get your cabinet put in and the Supreme Court justice confirmed.
...even if it means breaking the law, suspending congressional rules... Hitler did just that. He stacked the German courts with his people so that he could pursue his agenda without opposition.

- Limit yours and your cabinet's interaction with the liberal media. Don't take the bait on shitbags at SNL Limit Twitter use. If possible, really encourage a conservative entrepreneur behind the scenes to establish a social media app that isn't contolled by the left.
...avoid the free press and create your own propaganda and create avenues to push it.

- Make the left become like barking dogs. Hinder any of their access and make them like a blog. ...again, crush all opposition.

- Continue to push out studies and events of crime by illegals ... push that propaganda!!!

- Have an entire website that's like Media Matters but takes on the leftist hypocrisy and corruption. Particularly post Obama, Shumer and Clinton comments on illegals from a decade ago. ...push more propaganda...

- Purge tons of these offices of rats and Obama loyalists. Get rid of GOP/Bush types. Get rid of Priebus. ...crush all opposition...

One thing I notice missing...the great conservative talking point about the budget and the federal deficit. Cutting all these taxes, covering everyone with healthcare insurance, building a wall, rebuilding the military... I wonder how much conservatives will worry about the deficit the next few years?

your so cute Fuzz. I guess CNN and NBC and the others don't get their talking points directly from the DNC every single day. they don't report exactly what and spin exactly how the DNC wishes them to, everyday. CNN wasn't working with the Clinton campaign? it isn't the libs message to try and enforce more gun control every chance they get. you really believe that the dems wouldn't want to eliminate guns from our citizenry if that had the real opportunity? the party that is now a party that embraces socialism and takes shots at free market capitalism every chance they get?

i really try and not put anyone ever on ignore because i enjoy reading posts no matter how stupid, but you offer nothing. at least cardkilla is so stupid he is funny. i can't believe you can type what you do with a straight face.
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I'm not so sure.
I just don't see it. No doubt in my mind there will be asshole dems calling for impeachment every time Trump farts and coughs, but it would be political suicide for just one Republican to jump on board. Even the republicans that suck still want voted in for re election.
Present your evidence.

How else would a private phone call get recorded and then magically end up in the hands of the media?

My evidence is the people reporting the story are saying this is how the information was obtained. Read any story discussion the Flynn situation. The media has made no secret of where and how they got this information.

Not to mention, the WH and the FBI has literally listened to these phone conversation during their investigations.
50/50 chance Trump doesn't finish his term IMO. Taking on too many powerful forces, and doesn't have enough friends in congress or the media.

You are probably right unless people start to wake up and realize who the hell we are fighting.
Federal Reserve
9th Circus
Brennen CIA hold overs
Fox News
Open Society
Share Blue
Move On
Planned Parenthood
La Raza
and on and on and on
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Present your evidence.

Here's my evidence. Since I know you're fond of CNN...

The calls were captured by routine US eavesdropping targeting the Russian diplomats, according to the intelligence and law enforcement officials.

The calls were heard in the course of monitoring of communications of Russian diplomats, the officials said. US intelligence agencies routinely capture communications of senior foreign officials, including those based in the US, other intelligence officials said.

Take note, when an American is captured via one of these routine wiretaps their identity is never supposed to be revealed, and is always supposed to stay highly classified. Matter of fact, it is so classified, when they do happen to come across an American on one of these lines, they're supposed to take extra steps to shield their identity.

So, again, not only did they reveal Flynn's highly classified (in this situation) identity (illegal), but they also leaked that highly classified information to the media (also illegal).
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This administration is [roll]

Make an example out of Hillary for what exactly? Trump is openly disregarding national security by his ridiculous display at his country club. I'm sure all those guests have been extremely vetted. No spies here baby! Let's post em on Facebook...woo hoo! Now everyone knows who is carrying the nuclear football as they say. Amateur hour.
You are an easy mark for fake news. What a lemming you are.
Of course the people at ICE say that they are doing exactly what they have been doing for years it's just that this administration wants to publicize and take credit for it. Kind of like boasting about bombing ISIS although it had been documented that under the previous POTUS over 26,000 bombs had been dropped on ISIS targets.
Pretty obvious that our small handed POTUS needs the attention to feel validated.
You are an idiot, it is not this administration that is doing most of the publicizing. The liberal media is by making him out to be the bad guy because it is happening. You are really bad at this. Lemming much?
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Lol, democrats are suddenly worried about national security. Where have you been the last 8 years? Flynn MIGHT have discussed sanctions (even though theres no proof showing it) and libs are throwing a fit. Hillary had a server in her damn bathroom, selling America out piece by piece, and none of you libs said a word about it. Spare me the hypocrisy, please.
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How else would a private phone call get recorded and then magically end up in the hands of the media?

My evidence is the people reporting the story are saying this is how the information was obtained. Read any story discussion the Flynn situation. The media has made no secret of where and how they got this information.

Not to mention, the WH and the FBI has literally listened to these phone conversation during their investigations.
When you are an appointed government official and you are calling Russian ambassadors, there is no such thing as "a private phone call".

Forgive me, I'm slow, just learning about the Flynn...

So he talked to Russia? OMG

ABC has talked about this for 5 minutes now and the only fact they've given is he talked to Russia....

Second segment is about Flynn...

This is hilariously af considering what we know about Hillary. Could Flynn be blackmailed? What does FBI know?

Third segment is about Flynn..

Going on 10 minutes now. No answers. Why? Why? Why? OMG why did he do this and what does it mean?

Ok, Flynn coverage over. 10 min.

Now, Fed ethics committee investigating Kelly Anne Conway bc she said something about nordstroms. LMAO

Absolute gold.
And we still know Hillary, Obama, Jarrett and the rest of the former administration lied about Benghazi but you'll never hear one peep about that from the left. Or Fast and Furious. Or the IRS scandal. Or the Iran deal and planeloads of cash. Or Hillary's server, shall we go on?

Unbridled hypocrisy.
When you are an appointed government official and you are calling Russian ambassadors, there is no such thing as "a private phone call".

This is an honest question, no smartass intended here...

If the phone call was prior to being sworn in/inauguration of Trump etc was he truly a government official or still a private citizen.

I don't know the legalities of being part of the transition teams and the clearances they receive and rules they have to abide by.

On another note, I am glad Flynn is out. Something off about him.
When you are an appointed government official and you are calling Russian ambassadors, there is no such thing as "a private phone call".
Um... Okay.

[laughing] He was a private citizen at the time. Why do you think "He possibly violated the Logan Act" is getting thrown around. That law is specifically geared towards private citizens engaging in diplomacy. It couldn't be a possibility if he was a government official. I suggest you read up because you are f*cking clueless.

Besides, even if he was a government official at the time, which he wasn't, that still doesn't change the laws of spying on him and illegally revealing his identity, then releasing his classified identify, along with the classified information to the media.
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When you are an appointed government official and you are calling Russian ambassadors, there is no such thing as "a private phone call".
But there are private servers that were not secure. Hmmmmm. Hypocrisy from the left, who would have guessed it.
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