How will they rule ??!

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Has nothing to do with me admitting anything...or anyone else for that matter. If you are already trying to say "Trump can keep campaign promises!!!!" on February 14, 2017, you are even more of a nutjob than most on here think.
And it's not for a lack of trying. Trump can't really do anything about obstructionists slow walking his confirmations, liberal judges undermining and overruling his constitutional authority, Obama moles in the intelligence community illegally spying and leaking classified info, and the entire left putting their inconveniences and feelings ahead of border security and national security.
Odd how during these press briefings, every single Skype session with a local reporter, the question is always about policy, something that actually matters to the people and affects their lives; economy, jobs, regulations, health care, national security, border security, energy, education, etc...

Complete 180 from the MSM drama queens in the briefing room, rumor mongering, baiting, only looking for that negative "gotcha" moment.
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At this point, the libs are just looking for anything to scream about, whether real, perceived or outright false. Some of the stuff I see on here and on Facebook is laughable. Especially if you consider their total silence regarding similar or worse behavior by key liberal figures over the past 8 years.

Oh, I know. I had to get off social media because I was blown away at the GD ignorance of these people.

Some were championing this as "told you so" moment and why Hillary should win. Haha. Oh, the most corrupt candidate in our nation's history?

Libs aren't even aware of Obama scandals nor cared to say anything the last eight years but three weeks in and they have shown more scrutiny than ever before and can judge a president.

I saw my old college newspaper wrote some article about Trump voters regretting voting for them and now jess voters can learn from this. You can't make this up.
That is a change that will only lead to higher insurance costs for everyone with insurance. The only thing that will lower insurance rates beyond price controls imposed upon providers is to insure that everyone who has access to the healthcare system (which is everyone) is contributing to the system.

Honestly, the last thing I am worried about is the dismantling of Obamacare because I know it will be replaced by Obamacare-like. People act like Obamacare was some great change. It did 4 basic things 1) created the marketplace and 2) eliminated the pre-existing conditions exclusions, 3) made the stipulation that all healthcare plans covered checkups and 4) "required" that everyone buy insurance.
Trump has said for years and said on the campaign trail that "everyone must be covered". I'm going to sit back and enjoy watching the same politicians who have berated Obamacare for the last 6-7 years formulate something that is 98% Obamacare and then beat their chest and claim that they did something.
The socio-economics of healthcare will dictate that we will eventually move to a single payer system for all but elective procedures. The sheer weight of the entire baby-boomer population on Medicare alone will dictate it. I give it about 20 years to happen.

You missed one big thing that Obamacare did. It was a huge expansion of Medicaid for low income at a huge cost to everyone else. Those people got it for free. While the rest of us work and pay for ours, they have no skin in the game. Democrats love more handouts for freeloaders that they figure will vote for them.
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Trump, GOP lawmakers eye 'illegal' leaks in wake of Flynn resignation

Republican allies on Capitol Hill are turning their attention to the potentially “illegal” leaks that revealed Flynn's politically fatal discussions with a Russian diplomat and other sensitive details from inside the administration.

Monday night House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants the FBI to conduct an assessment of recent media leaks.

The leak itself is raising serious questions -- because when the intelligence community captures phone calls of an American inside the U.S., even if the discussion involves a foreign national (in this case an ambassador), steps must be taken to shield the American caller's identity.

Recent leaks also have revealed reported details from phone calls between Trump and the leaders of Australia and Mexico and from the intelligence community investigation into Russian interference in the U.S. presidential campaign.

"If [the Flynn conversation] was picked up inadvertently, then that would have had to have been approved by someone in the last administration to actually unmask his name so that the FBI or intelligence officials knew who it was on the other end of the phone talking to the Russian ambassador," Nunes said. "If, in fact, the press reports are right, someone made the decision to deliberately listen to General Flynn's phone calls and that is, I think, unprecedented, unwarranted and flat-out wrong."

Nunes said he is going to “be asking the FBI to do an assessment of this to tell us what's going on here because we cannot continue to have these leaks as a government."

Senate homeland security committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said “somebody in the nebulous intelligence community” would have had access to the Flynn discussions.

“Who tapped the phones, who was listening to it, who leaked it? I think those are legitimate questions to ask,” he said on Tuesday. “Leaks of this nature are incredibly damaging to America … and we need to look into it.”

A congressional source said they believe the intelligence was known to a small circle of Obama administration officials and appointees at the end of last year, including some working within the intelligence community -- and the leaks were targeted and coordinated to undermine the administration.
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Trump, GOP lawmakers eye 'illegal' leaks in wake of Flynn resignation

Republican allies on Capitol Hill are turning their attention to the potentially “illegal” leaks that revealed Flynn's politically fatal discussions with a Russian diplomat and other sensitive details from inside the administration.

Monday night House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., wants the FBI to conduct an assessment of recent media leaks.

The leak itself is raising serious questions -- because when the intelligence community captures phone calls of an American inside the U.S., even if the discussion involves a foreign national (in this case an ambassador), steps must be taken to shield the American caller's identity.

Recent leaks also have revealed reported details from phone calls between Trump and the leaders of Australia and Mexico and from the intelligence community investigation into Russian interference in the U.S. presidential campaign.

"If [the Flynn conversation] was picked up inadvertently, then that would have had to have been approved by someone in the last administration to actually unmask his name so that the FBI or intelligence officials knew who it was on the other end of the phone talking to the Russian ambassador," Nunes said. "If, in fact, the press reports are right, someone made the decision to deliberately listen to General Flynn's phone calls and that is, I think, unprecedented, unwarranted and flat-out wrong."

Nunes said he is going to “be asking the FBI to do an assessment of this to tell us what's going on here because we cannot continue to have these leaks as a government."

Senate homeland security committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said “somebody in the nebulous intelligence community” would have had access to the Flynn discussions.

“Who tapped the phones, who was listening to it, who leaked it? I think those are legitimate questions to ask,” he said on Tuesday. “Leaks of this nature are incredibly damaging to America … and we need to look into it.”

A congressional source said they believe the intelligence was known to a small circle of Obama administration officials and appointees at the end of last year, including some working within the intelligence community -- and the leaks were targeted and coordinated to undermine the administration.

Obama made the call? Would not be surprising.

Letting Obama become our president was like welcoming in a wolf. We have overcome every Democrat and Republican presidency in our history but Obama's will have had the worst effect ever on our country and lead us to a path that doesn't even look like America anymore.
At this point, the libs are just looking for anything to scream about, whether real, perceived or outright false. Some of the stuff I see on here and on Facebook is laughable. Especially if you consider their total silence regarding similar or worse behavior by key liberal figures over the past 8 years.
You mean the same behaviors that the right has screamed about over the last 8 years...
The right is getting doses of its own medicine and doesn't like it. Scream, pout and obstruct everywhere possible. Not because you would do something differently...but just because.
And it's not for a lack of trying. Trump can't really do anything about obstructionists slow walking his confirmations, liberal judges undermining and overruling his constitutional authority, Obama moles in the intelligence community illegally spying and leaking classified info, and the entire left putting their inconveniences and feelings ahead of border security and national security.
Sounds exactly like what Obama faced.
If the previous administration has/had any involvement in these leaks, people should go in front of a firing squad.

I'm 100% serious about that.

An underling at the NSA leaking documents is one thing. Having a Presidential administration trying to directly undermine and sabotage the peaceful transition of power in this country is something else entirely.
Sounds exactly like what Obama faced.

Not really. You mean the right screamed, pouted and obstructed the enforcement of US laws, the sovereignty of our nation and protection of our borders, keeping terrorists out of our county, rioted over every little thing (even to shut down free speech), refused to show up for the inauguration and confirmation hearings?

I must have missed all that because from what I recall, the right was constantly begging for the enforcement of our laws, pleading to be tougher on terrorists and illegals, furiously fought against political correctness to preserve free speech, never once rioted, showed up for the inauguration, and gave Obama his cabinet in due time.
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You missed one big thing that Obamacare did. It was a huge expansion of Medicaid for low income at a huge cost to everyone else. Those people got it for free. While the rest of us work and pay for ours, they have no skin in the game. Democrats love more handouts for freeloaders that they figure will vote for them.
You're right...except instead of actually putting them on Medicaid where they could have taken advantage of lower costs and lower reimbursement rates the GOP insisted that they be covered with private insurance.
These poor "freeloaders" also get sick, have accidents, etc. They would seek healthcare in the ERs of our hospitals and the costs of those visits would get passed along to those who do pay. At least with Obamacare these people now had access to primary care which is much cheaper than care in the ER. Organizations that care for these people know that the way you save money is to make sure they get that primary care. That diabetics and other chronically ill have and take their medications. Not much different than doing the routine maintenance on vehicle. It lessens the chance of catastrophic failures that cost much more money to repair.
[laughing] John Conyers, one of the leaders of this nation, on national TV and doesn't know the difference between knew and know. It wasn't an accident either. Happened several times in a matter of a couple sentences.

Between him, Pelosi, Schumer, Ellison, Waters, Warren, Democrats rolling out the dream team.
I hope those names stay in front of the TV cameras as long as possible; they're a Republican wet dream.

CNN... that's right, CNN just posted the results of a poll that showed Americans disapprove of the Dems leadership by a margin of 66/34%.

Good job Dems- keep it up please... for the good of the country lol.
Not really. You mean the right screamed, pouted and obstructed the enforcement of US laws, the sovereignty of our nation and protection of our borders, keeping terrorists out of our county, rioted over every little thing (even to shut down free speech), refused to show up for the inauguration and confirmation hearings?

I must have missed all that because from what I recall, the right was constantly begging for the enforcement of our laws, pleading to be tougher on terrorists and illegals, furiously fought against political correctness to preserve free speech, never once rioted, showed up for the inauguration, and gave Obama his cabinet in due time.
Different methods, same intent.
Different methods, same intent.

Again, not really.

I must have also missed Bush having crony plants in the intelligence agencies and State Department illegally spying on the President's/incoming NSA's director's phone calls during the transition, and then illegaly leaking that highly sensitive, highly classified information to the press.

Maybe your delusional revisionist history can jog my memory. Please, tell me more. I need specific examples. Thanks.
CNN... that's right, CNN just posted the results of a poll that showed Americans disapprove of the Dems leadership by a margin of 66/34%.
Did it give %'s of Democrats/Republicans/Independents?

I'm only asking because that seems like a big deal because, I'm assuming here, but most participating in a CNN poll are more than likely Democrats.
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Admittedly, I'm not very familiar with the names thrown around to replace Flynn but as respected as Petraeus may be, you can't really bring that guy into replace him, right?

He may even be the most qualified (I have no idea) but Trump would look like a hypocrite after bashing Clinton for her handling of classified info if they end up going with him.
Never in the history of this country has a President and administration been under a unbelievable microscope and its only been 3 weeks. MSM, Social Media, you name it and this administration is being fired at every minute of the day.

I could name off 5 scandals under Obama's administration and you never heard a peep from the MSM about them. Let's not even get into the whole email and pay-to-play scandals with Hillary and many other Dems which is far and away the worst act of treason I can remember in my lifetime from a top level official of the US government.

I am all about transparency. I do not have enough knowledge of the Logan Act to say what Flynn did was treason or anything like that, but lying to the Vice President of the United States about it absolutely deserved him being fired or resigning.

I knew when Trump won he would endure tremendous resistance from the left and MSM, but honestly its worse than I ever thought. Let's not leave the GOP out of this. Where the F! is the plan from the Republicans to replace Obamacare? When are we going to see tax reform passed? I know we are only three weeks into this but you have had 8 f'n years to have these plans ready and the American people made a clear mandate in Nov by giving you all three branches of government and here we are twisting in the wind yet again with these clowns in Washington.
Name them and I'll post the articles from the New York Times, Washington Post, and whatever outlet you consider the MSM.
If the previous administration has/had any involvement in these leaks, people should go in front of a firing squad.

I'm 100% serious about that.

An underling at the NSA leaking documents is one thing. Having a Presidential administration trying to directly undermine and sabotage the peaceful transition of power in this country is something else entirely.
Make sure to line up Michael Flynn with them.
Again, not really.

I must have also missed Bush having crony plants in the intelligence agencies and State Department illegally spying on the President's/incoming NSA's director's phone calls during the transition, and then illegaly leaking that highly sensitive, highly classified information to the press.

Maybe your delusional revisionist history can jog my memory. Please, tell me more. I need specific examples. Thanks.
First, you don't know that it happened.
Second, if it did happen then that still doesn't excuse Flynn for what he did. Sounds like your only problem is that he got caught. Flynn was trying to undermine sanctions that had been put into place by Obama while he was still POTUS.
Kind of like someone hacking the DNC to find dirt but not trying to hack the RNC to do likewise. You didn't mind that some outsider was trying to influence the election as long as it was working for your side.
As they say...paybacks can be a motherphucker.
Dems have no power at all other than using the media as a weapon and will continue to put out the nut job rioters and protestors, which will turn off normal people.

Republicans have a fantastic opportunity to fix this country and make some changes that never would have occurred under GOP robots and the left. We could seriously get immigration under control, properly tackle Islamic terrorism, stop the economic burdens of illegals and the wefare state, help keep jobs, lessen government oversite, maybe even fix the voter ID laws, get Soros, etc.

Just think, the left can only come off as scumbags with their insane biased coverage over evey little thing, break stuff, assault people and protest and try to block actually good things like proper vetting. No need to participate in their circus.
I hope Trump does a number of things.

- Do whatever is necessary to get your cabinet put in and the Supreme Court justice confirmed.

- Limit yours and your cabinet's interaction with the liberal media. Don't take the bait on shitbags at SNL Limit Twitter use. If possible, really encourage a conservative entrepreneur behind the scenes to establish a social media app that isn't contolled by the left.

- Focus on jobs and security.
- Make the left become like barking dogs. Hinder any of their access and make them like a blog.

- Continue to push out studies and events of crime by illegals
- Have an entire website that's like Media Matters but takes on the leftist hypocrisy and corruption. Particularly post Obama, Shumer and Clinton comments on illegals from a decade ago.

- Purge tons of these offices of rats and Obama loyalists. Get rid of GOP/Bush types. Get rid of Priebus.

- Really reach out and try to fix that Flint water crisis and go into Chicago and these other crap holes and continue to make way into getting black voters by trying to actually fix these communities instead of doing what libs do and let them stay in ruin.
If one were to post the objectives of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Germany circa 1920 it would look very similar to what you just posted. Get rid of all opposition and fill the govt with "yes men" at all levels that will follow all orders. Nothing could ever go wrong with that...
If one were to post the objectives of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Germany circa 1920 it would look very similar to what you just posted. Get rid of all opposition and fill the govt with "yes men" at all levels that will follow all orders. Nothing could ever go wrong with that...
Yup, cause we all know how much of a raging capitalist Hitler was.
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First, you don't know that it happened.
Second, if it did happen then that still doesn't excuse Flynn for what he did. Sounds like your only problem is that he got caught. Flynn was trying to undermine sanctions that had been put into place by Obama while he was still POTUS.
Kind of like someone hacking the DNC to find dirt but not trying to hack the RNC to do likewise. You didn't mind that some outsider was trying to influence the election as long as it was working for your side.
As they say...paybacks can be a motherphucker.

A) There is no proven hack at all. In all likeliness, that was an internal leak considering there were emails discussing such things. Your "Why didn't they get any Republican leaks" stuff is hilarious. For one, Wiki is just a publisher and it's likely no one leaked documents and even if they did, what would they find? Surely wouldn't be colluding with 99 percent of our media or trying to get Trump elected.

B) Obama's sanctions were absolute garbage as zero evidence has ever been provided that Russia had anything to do with the exposure of Dem Party and media corruption.

Oh, paybacks? Ha. You thinking this is on par with what WikiLeaks revealed or the damage it did, is too damn funny.
It didn't though. I'd say it flew over your head, but I'm not sure you have one.
Yeah, because when history repeats itself it does so perfectly in every way.

One is never so blind as when he won't open his eyes to see...or think.
Lol, yeah the MSM was so hard on poor Barry.
Look at you changing the topic. He said stuff wasnt reported on, I said tell me the scandal and I would post the article. I didn't say anything about the media being tough on "Barry". You guys are always deflecting and making strawman arguments instead of dealing with the issue at hand.
If one were to post the objectives of the National Socialist German Workers Party of Germany circa 1920 it would look very similar to what you just posted. Get rid of all opposition and fill the govt with "yes men" at all levels that will follow all orders. Nothing could ever go wrong with that...

so a government ran media being the mouthpiece for a political party, a party that wants to eliminate guns from it's citizens, and a party that wants as much government oversight and regulation on it's businesses and population as possible? i believe that sounds exactly like 1920's Germany. so which party do you think i am referring to Fuzz. and please offer a counter argument to anything i just said.