How will they rule ??!

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This is directed at those of you who hate Trump. I hope you’ll read it with an open mind.

Ask yourself whether it’s possible that those same outlets which lied to you about the mental fitness of the sitting president might have lied to you about anything else. Look into the Russia collusion hoax, the “fine people” and bleach hoaxes, the origin of COVID-19, Hunter Biden, the evidentiary basis for climate change policies or pediatric “gender-affirming care.” Seek out original sources & uncut video footage, instead of relying on the filter of mainstream media coverage.Ask yourself this too: who is actually running this country? Do you honestly believe Joe Biden is in charge? Is the “deep state” a conspiracy theory, or is it a reality hiding in plain sight?
For my own part, I will never fault a fellow citizen for coming to these conclusions “late.” It’s more valuable to unite around the truth than to gloat over who was right first. We’re all human, we’ve all been wrong & been misled before, but we are best off as a nation if we can openly admit it and improve in the future. We’ll have our opportunity to do that this November & beyond.
That is the real conundrum for them, isn't it!??! On the one hand, they are saying he is unfit for the job and needs to drop out of the campaign. On the other hand, they are saying he is NOT unfit and sharp as a tack, and fully capable of being president.

Which is it? It ain't both!!
Same scenario as Biden mishandling classified documents case. It’s whichever benefits him at the time of course.
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And this is why we are in the shape we are as a country. People like you would rather import inane, destructive California policies across the country rather than have a guy in office who implements practical common sense policies that benefit this country. All in the name of orange man bad TDS.
If Biden is the candidate, Sammy will vote for him 3 times.
The state laws regarding ballot access, and the campaign finance laws that may restrict the use of Biden’s war chest seem like very, very big hurdles to jump.

It’s definitely going to take people as skilled as the democrats to ignore those laws and convince courts no one has any standing to challenge their illegal actions.
It would take a lot to bump Kamala off the ticket. I'm sure Dems are researching ways but this is interesting if true.

Joe's campaign just confirmed that the Sept. debate was on and he's not exiting the race. I really don't think they have a choice since it's too late to get a new candidate on the ballot in a few states, isn't it?
Joe's campaign just confirmed that the Sept. debate was on and he's not exiting the race. I really don't think they have a choice since it's too late to get a new candidate on the ballot in a few states, isn't it?

Well I guess the odds of the Biden admin having their judge send Trump to prison at his sentencing just went up.
Folks, there's no covering up, debating last night.

Has been a long time coming. He's been old and declining for years. He was put out to pasture post Obama for a reason. He was too old, and never really popular enough.

The swamp, not just dems but neo-con globalists pubs from Bush/Cheney/McCain machine(s) also, dragged him out of retirement because they had no one else.

No wars, cracking down on cheap manufacturing/labor abroad was more than the country club pubs could handle.

Now they both, have egg on their face, and no answer.

Dems have no depth on the roster and no mass appeal.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have shunned Tulsi Gabbard, nor RFK jr. They'd also have done more to promote Tim Ryan up the ranks who is a decent moderate Dem and seemingly solid dude. Andy is a developmental prospect in the farm system who they may have to call up prematurely. However, I'm afraid the party puppeteers would corrupt/ruin every good quality about him and force him to go radical thus ruining any chance with middle American moderates on both sides.

Pubs aren't much better down the 3-deep, but at least the general themes of "Maga" have resonated with and grown more popular with wider groups of people on both sides, even if they don't like the current messenger.

We'll see who they tab to run VP, and essentially be next up. If the party is picking, I don't have a lot of faith. They'll probably force a limp neo-con dolt. They should court Tulsi, but most likely wont. I've never understood why VP picks aren't more strategic to win over moderates/independents. The main candidate has already won the party, you need votes from the middle and other side. Tulsi brings some women, dems, independents.
Joe's campaign just confirmed that the Sept. debate was on and he's not exiting the race. I really don't think they have a choice since it's too late to get a new candidate on the ballot in a few states, isn't it?
I'm not sure. He still has to get on ballot in a few states, which seems procedural. So, how much more difficult would it be to replace him?
I'm not sure. He still has to get on ballot in a few states, which seems procedural. So, how much more difficult would it be to replace him?

I heard on the radio this morning that it would be very complicated to replace him. I guess it doesn't matter as they were pretty emphatic that he's not going anywhere and will be at the Sept. debate. I'd decline to do another debate if I was Trump.
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And even smarter people know a vote for Trump will be another disaster with crazy policies. And it’s all out there to be read, they’re broadcasting it. They’re not hiding it. Trump is already saying he’s going to use the justice system to go after opponents (an insane thought you would normally disagree on). He’s already talking about putting tariffs on at least 10% of imports which is only going to cost you more money. His buddies like MTG want to completely gut every federal agency and tear them down (sure they can be more efficient, but they literally don’t want them to exist). They want to establish a Christian nationalist agenda. Remember that pesky separation of church and state you used to believe in? Project 2025 lays out their other insane agenda items. They want to criminalize porn. You want to live in that world? They want to eradicate the Affordable care act. They want to eliminate the department of education and free lunch programs for kids with poor families. They want to get rid the agency that tracks hurricanes and any other government institution that might have concerns about the climate. They want to expand all presidential powers to the point where Trump is king through the Unitary Executive Theory. Even for you guys that love to blow Trump, that can’t be what you want. They want to change thousands of government jobs from merit based jobs to political appointees. So jobs that used to require you to be smart in a certain agency now wouldn’t need you to be smart at all in your field. Instead Trump can hire anyone he wants that’s loyal and will be a yes man. I’m sure some of you love the sound of the My Pillow Guy in a major role in making key decisions for government agencies though.

I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.
At least in America we have our rights to cling to and argue over. Occasionally get SCOTUS to grant or revoke one. This wave of reactionary rightwing bravado sweeping the world will be(and already is) much worse for marginalized peoples across the world who don't have the protections of our Constitution.
Well I guess the odds of the Biden admin having their judge send Trump to prison at his sentencing just went up.
Said the same thing this morning. Riker's Island will have a high profile visitor....and Trump will jump in the polls by 10 points.
At least in America we have our rights to cling to and argue over. Occasionally get SCOTUS to grant or revoke one. This wave of reactionary rightwing bravado sweeping the world will be(and already is) much worse for marginalized peoples across the world who don't have the protections of our Constitution.
Your luxury beliefs are what keep them marginalized. You are the problem.
GDP. What say you?
That’s a good metric. Does it account for a family’s purchasing power, or inflation rates, the price of fuel, the health of the stock market? That before the pandemic, unemployment was the lowest it had been in 50 years? That the poverty rate in 2019 was at an all time low?

Does it also take into account that a Chinese virus, funded by the Deep State, essentially destroyed the last year of Trump’s term which would have a negative effect on GDP?
GDP. What say you?
At least in America we have our rights to cling to and argue over. Occasionally get SCOTUS to grant or revoke one. This wave of reactionary rightwing bravado sweeping the world will be(and already is) much worse for marginalized peoples across the world who don't have the protections of our Constitution.
Can’t the marginalized peoples across the world copy our Constitution for themselves?

Never has there been such a ham-handed way to say that you’re sad that the return of common sense across the West is going to stop the invasion and subjugation of our people by your fellow travelers.
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Chevron doctrine gets the old heave-ho.

Less government power is a beautiful thing.
It isn't less, it just shifted it from the executive branch to the judicial. Which I probably prefer, just clarifying it's still the same level of government power, just moved.
When Trump got elected I clearly remember taking my dog for a walk everyday and the sounds of construction was constant. Before, the undeveloped land were overgrown and it was always quiet when I went outside. Our personal financial situation went from doing ok to seeing our nest egg quickly grow to a level we thought would take years to accumulate. Since Biden, its grown some but at a very small pace. I also know for a fact we got back around $2500 in taxes when the Trump tax cuts were passed. Hopefully Trump can cut them even more because we pay way too much as it is.
Chevron doctrine getting overturned is so unbelievably massive. That was one thing that absolutely had to happen to have any chance to get this country back from the brink.
Trump has delivered the two biggest court decisions in modern times. He’s the most substantial POTUS since Reagan. Oh, how that is a dagger to the heart of his haters.

Unfortunately, it means Congress has to now do their job instead of year-round campaigning. Seeing as how they’re almost all nitwits, it will be interesting.