How will they rule ??!

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"Biden stumbles, Trump lies" - the Democrat talking point being plastered all over the web right now. Congrats, drone.

Biden said the Border Patrol endorsed him...Lie.

Biden said he has a 6 handicap...Lie.

Biden said there are a thousand trillionaires in America...Lie.

Biden said Trump wants to raise taxes...Lie.

Biden said his son died in Iraq...Lie.

Biden has been caught plagiarizing over a half dozen times. He's a liar and a fraud.

He meant he has 6 physical and mental handicaps lol.
Couple thoughts on this video/last night:

1) This is how you talk to a two year old or your new puppy when they pee in the correct spot.
2) Jill Biden is an absolutely awful person who will do anything to have any modicum of power/fame. Shame on her.
3) I don’t feel bad for Joe. Yes, I hate seeing anyone go into mental decline like he is, but the man is an absolutely awful person who has sold out his country for money.
4) If this is the best Joe could do after a week solid of training while hiding out from the world, can you imagine how he would be getting one of those emergency calls at 3AM?
I don’t feel sorry for old Joe one minute. I just think it’s sad that our country has an empty suit representing us as our leader and his wife only cares about being the First Lady.
With all due respect, if the "fact" checkers are the same people that:

  1. Assured us that Hunter's laptop was fake....
  2. Assured us that Trump was colluding with Russia....
  3. Assured us that masking and social distancing would stop the spread...
  4. Etc
  5. Etc
  6. Assured us that (until about 10PM CDT last night) that Biden was fit for the office of POTUS...
(and they are the same people, btw)

Why should anyone put any credence whatsoever in what these "fact" "checkers" have to say?
They're not the same, PBS verified multiple lies Trump pushed.
"Biden stumbles, Trump lies" - the Democrat talking point being plastered all over the web right now. Congrats, drone.

Biden said the Border Patrol endorsed him...Lie.

Biden said he has a 6 handicap...Lie.

Biden said there are a thousand trillionaires in America...Lie.

Biden said Trump wants to raise taxes...Lie.

Biden said his son died in Iraq...Lie.

Biden has been caught plagiarizing over a half dozen times. He's a liar and a fraud.
Are gaffes lies now? He corrected himself on the trillionaire comment that I remembered, for instance.
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Donated to multiple Republican candidates. Biden was not my first choice. Biden is a dead man walking. He has aged terribly in 4 years. Trump is older than Biden was.
Biden has one foot in the grave.
Trump has one foot in a prison cell.
I can't vote for either in good conscience.
So you’ve boiled it all down to the puppet you saw last night versus the man who was persecuted by the puppet masters so that people like you would choose the puppet.

This is your thinking?
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What did we turn it into before covid and Floyd uprooted everything? Please elaborate.
As we are seeing this morning, today is the day that the lies are all crashing down. There won’t be any specifics about why Orange Man Bad, only the generalized repetition that Trump is a liar sprinkled with some J6 outrage. It is like watching machines that are jammed or stuck.
And even smarter people know a vote for Trump will be another disaster with crazy policies. And it’s all out there to be read, they’re broadcasting it. They’re not hiding it. Trump is already saying he’s going to use the justice system to go after opponents (an insane thought you would normally disagree on). He’s already talking about putting tariffs on at least 10% of imports which is only going to cost you more money. His buddies like MTG want to completely gut every federal agency and tear them down (sure they can be more efficient, but they literally don’t want them to exist). They want to establish a Christian nationalist agenda. Remember that pesky separation of church and state you used to believe in? Project 2025 lays out their other insane agenda items. They want to criminalize porn. You want to live in that world? They want to eradicate the Affordable care act. They want to eliminate the department of education and free lunch programs for kids with poor families. They want to get rid the agency that tracks hurricanes and any other government institution that might have concerns about the climate. They want to expand all presidential powers to the point where Trump is king through the Unitary Executive Theory. Even for you guys that love to blow Trump, that can’t be what you want. They want to change thousands of government jobs from merit based jobs to political appointees. So jobs that used to require you to be smart in a certain agency now wouldn’t need you to be smart at all in your field. Instead Trump can hire anyone he wants that’s loyal and will be a yes man. I’m sure some of you love the sound of the My Pillow Guy in a major role in making key decisions for government agencies though.

I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.
Going after his political opponents this admin JUST DID???? Also did he lock Hillary up?

MTG's crazy ass? Yeah, any crazier than cori bush and jamal bowman? Isn't the current guy allowing a daily Charlottesville with hamas supporters bc he's worried about losing some votes in Michigan?

Christian nationalism is a james Carville focus group created talking one buys it and polled terribly so they gave up on it.

Federal agencies...youre under the impression any job the government created is good? Where'd you like to start? Maybe start with 7.5 billion spent on EV charging and in his tenure 7 Have been built. Great work.

The department of education is a on earth did ppl get educated before the 70s? It's a beaurcracy of thousands of ppl msking and avg of 110k a year where that money could go to the states to spend on their schools..who know their education needs...not to special interest groups or teachers unions. Are you under the impression that if the government creates a department called "the fun cuddly caring department" that's what they do? Who on earth would get rid of fun and cuddly?

They want to eliminate checks and how the democrats are trying to destroy the Supreme Court bc they want it to be an extension of the legislative branch to shove through policy whims thru? And how they continually mislead the public on what the job of the court is. Claiming their udealogues every time something they don't like gets struck down.

We can do this forever. Im not going thru all this drivel. I'm guessing you believed the 16 economist signatories claiming the economy would get worse in the press yesterday....bit didn't look to see who the economists were, like janet yellens husband, democrat congressional consultants etc...the same ones that said it would happen in 2016, the exact same ones that signed a letter that said the inflation reduction act would work wonders, weeks before 40 year high inflation.

Personally, I like Desantis better, but the democrats wanted trump...they wanted to play the odds. They've done all they could to make him the nominee. There's no reason to believe anything they say with these fear mongering tactics, that wont happen, or bc you don't understand the nuance of any policy. If there was a mitt Romney resurgence, they'd be calling him hitler right now too. We know, bc they did.
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And even smarter people know a vote for Trump will be another disaster with crazy policies. And it’s all out there to be read, they’re broadcasting it. They’re not hiding it. Trump is already saying he’s going to use the justice system to go after opponents (an insane thought you would normally disagree on). He’s already talking about putting tariffs on at least 10% of imports which is only going to cost you more money. His buddies like MTG want to completely gut every federal agency and tear them down (sure they can be more efficient, but they literally don’t want them to exist). They want to establish a Christian nationalist agenda. Remember that pesky separation of church and state you used to believe in? Project 2025 lays out their other insane agenda items. They want to criminalize porn. You want to live in that world? They want to eradicate the Affordable care act. They want to eliminate the department of education and free lunch programs for kids with poor families. They want to get rid the agency that tracks hurricanes and any other government institution that might have concerns about the climate. They want to expand all presidential powers to the point where Trump is king through the Unitary Executive Theory. Even for you guys that love to blow Trump, that can’t be what you want. They want to change thousands of government jobs from merit based jobs to political appointees. So jobs that used to require you to be smart in a certain agency now wouldn’t need you to be smart at all in your field. Instead Trump can hire anyone he wants that’s loyal and will be a yes man. I’m sure some of you love the sound of the My Pillow Guy in a major role in making key decisions for government agencies though.

I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.

Here we go. Biden cannot be supported, so fear must be employed en mass.

You seem to forget that Trump was president for 4 years and people realize that the world did not implode, but rather things were better then. Only the truly imbecilic (about 35% of the country) should fall for that.
And even smarter people know a vote for Trump will be another disaster with crazy policies. And it’s all out there to be read, they’re broadcasting it. They’re not hiding it. Trump is already saying he’s going to use the justice system to go after opponents (an insane thought you would normally disagree on). He’s already talking about putting tariffs on at least 10% of imports which is only going to cost you more money. His buddies like MTG want to completely gut every federal agency and tear them down (sure they can be more efficient, but they literally don’t want them to exist). They want to establish a Christian nationalist agenda. Remember that pesky separation of church and state you used to believe in? Project 2025 lays out their other insane agenda items. They want to criminalize porn. You want to live in that world? They want to eradicate the Affordable care act. They want to eliminate the department of education and free lunch programs for kids with poor families. They want to get rid the agency that tracks hurricanes and any other government institution that might have concerns about the climate. They want to expand all presidential powers to the point where Trump is king through the Unitary Executive Theory. Even for you guys that love to blow Trump, that can’t be what you want. They want to change thousands of government jobs from merit based jobs to political appointees. So jobs that used to require you to be smart in a certain agency now wouldn’t need you to be smart at all in your field. Instead Trump can hire anyone he wants that’s loyal and will be a yes man. I’m sure some of you love the sound of the My Pillow Guy in a major role in making key decisions for government agencies though.

I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.
Have you discussed this with your therapist?
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Fair enough. But is this a lie, or hyperbole?

FTR, Trump’s term was the greatest economy in MY adult life. I would not call it a lie.

It’s akin to the left’s “Trump wants to destroy democracy or the constitution.” It’s political hyperbole. Saying Trump “lied” about having the best economy requires you to say Biden lied when he exaggerated, many times.
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Are gaffes lies now? He corrected himself on the trillionaire comment that I remembered, for instance.
But he lied on his opening statement that no service members died under his watch. So he lied in the first 2 minutes of the debate.

That's the thing, you guys just ignore lies and redirect like you're doing here..."Oh stuttering is a lie?" after ignoring a lie right before.

What about Biden saying "I've created more jobs than any president" or "trump left more ppl unemployed since Hoover" I feel like there was something going on in 2020...can't quite put a mask on it tho...
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Are gaffes lies now? He corrected himself on the trillionaire comment that I remembered, for instance.
When he said that Trump said to "inject bleach into your arm" was that a gaffe?

When he said that Trump called Klans and Nazis "very fine people," a narrative most recently debunked as false even on Snopes, was that a gaffe?

When he said that nobody in the military died while he's been POTUS....when we all saw the 13 coffins come home from Afghanistan...
was that just a gaffe?

...there is much more.
Trump's bigly "lies" are hilarious... like when he said someting to the effect of, "I was the greatest president ever for the environment, they just told me so before I walked out here!"

Baideng's lies are largely divisive gaslighting hoaxes, like the fine people hoax or the suckers and losers nonsense. Those are far more consequential, completely poisonous to the country.
I said we need a good third option, not that one was available. I agree as I posted that he gets things done but, he needs to be more presidential and less childish with his mannerism and responses for me.
Trump was very presidential and controlled last night. Biden tried to provoke him and take it in the dirt, but Trump stayed measured and controlled. Trump was a different man last night and is ready for a second term.
How many times have Trump gaffes been called lies? Tons.
There was a really good one a few years back where it rated a claim false because Trump said something was like 98% and it was 97.3%. I can't remember which one that was.

But my favorite fact check from Biden was a few years ago on the Satchel Paige thing. The article states "No, Biden did not say that." Proceed to read the article where they say, "yes, he did say that but here's the context." Brought to you by the same group who pushes the "very fine people" lie.
Trump is a terrible debater. I watched the whole thing and it just sucked. Trump won only because Biden was dead in the water. I have said this before, I have never been a fan of Trump but, as a person who gets things done, he is the only option we have right now. We desperately need a good third option.
Hopefully several options emerge if Trump is elected. His VP pick is key to who will be carrying the torch after Trump, assuming he is able to win. His VP will likely be considered the Republican front runner for 2028 unless he/she just goes all Kamala Harris on us.