How will they rule ??!

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The American people need to know that their President is not a crook.
You're absolutely correct. This is a must. Been saying it for the last eight years, but no one on the left seemed to care. I find it very unbecoming that it's now all the sudden life and death.

Why is it liberals hold the black man to such low standards? Do you all really think that lowly of our black brethren? A black man can do any job just as well as a white man.

It's despicable for you all to think that they are so incompetent that you have to lower the bar for them to succeed. Such a pity to be so racist.
Trump should fire off a couple quick meaningless unenforceable Executive Orders and crow about how he changed the world knowing full well not a word of it will ever see light of day. Seems to be working swimmingly with his minions so far.

Let's see:

Obamacare.... going nowhere.

Wall... Mexicans definitely not paying for it and Big Spending Republicans must be planning on trying to make Americans foot the 15-20 billion dollar bill. Not going to happen.

Moslim ban... uh, courts b(*^*( slapped him. Not happening.

All his Russian sucking up seems to be working out well, though. I guess you lemmings can always take solace in making Ronald Reagan roll over in his grave for sucking up to Putin. Congratulations!
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Trump should fire off a couple quick meaningless unenforceable Executive Orders and crow about how he changed the world knowing full well not a word of it will ever see light of day. Seems to be working swimmingly with his minions so far.

Let's see:

Obamacare.... going nowhere.

Wall... Mexicans definitely not paying for it and Big Spending Republicans must be planning on trying to make Americans foot the 15-20 billion dollar bill. Not going to happen.

Moslim ban... uh, courts b(*^*( slapped him. Not happening.

All his Russian sucking up seems to be working out well, though. I guess you lemmings can always take solace in making Ronald Reagan roll over in his grave for sucking up to Putin. Congratulations!

You are wrong as usual Z. On Obamacare, Trump has ordered the IRS to stop enforcing the penalty for not buying insurance. So that is a big change. To do more he is going to need congress and that will take time.

On the travel ban, it was never a muslim ban and you know it. 85% of the muslim world was not subject to the ban. The 9th Circus Court is wrong on the law in that case. The President has wide authority on immigration matters. Trump will win when it goes to the Supreme Court. I imagine that Trump is waiting until Gorsuch is added to the court so that his win is assured. The Gorsuch vote will happen by Easter according to Sen. Grassely (head of the Judiciary Committee).
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You are wrong as usual Z. On Obamacare, Trump has ordered the IRS to stop enforcing the penalty for not buying insurance. So that is a big change. To do more he is going to need congress and that will take time.

On the travel ban, it was never a muslim ban and you know it. 85% of the muslim world was not subject to the ban. The 9th Circus Court is wrong on the law in that case. The President has wide authority on immigration matters. Trump will win when it goes to the Supreme Court. I imagine that Trump is waiting until Gorsuch is added to the court so that his win is assured. The Gorsuch vote will happen by Easter according to Sen. Grassely (head of the Judiciary Committee).
These 7 countries are where ISIS is a strong presence. It's also proof that democrats will put political correctness above national security. They are worse than ISIS. ISIS is just the fundamental Islamic group du jour. Democrats enabling their infiltration here needs to be known. I am stoked to know that Sebastian Gorka is a big presence to Donald Trump. I love that guy.
You are wrong as usual Z. On Obamacare, Trump has ordered the IRS to stop enforcing the penalty for not buying insurance. So that is a big change. To do more he is going to need congress and that will take time.

On the travel ban, it was never a muslim ban and you know it. 85% of the muslim world was not subject to the ban. The 9th Circus Court is wrong on the law in that case. The President has wide authority on immigration matters. Trump will win when it goes to the Supreme Court. I imagine that Trump is waiting until Gorsuch is added to the court so that his win is assured. The Gorsuch vote will happen by Easter according to Sen. Grassely (head of the Judiciary Committee).
Hey, I'm just going by what Trump promised you guys when he was selling you the snake oil. If you make a deal with the debil then I expect the debil will collect so I took moslim ban to mean moslim ban because that's what the man promised. He would build a wall and the moslims would pay for it. Says so right there in the Executive Order.
Of course the people at ICE say that they are doing exactly what they have been doing for years it's just that this administration wants to publicize and take credit for it. Kind of like boasting about bombing ISIS although it had been documented that under the previous POTUS over 26,000 bombs had been dropped on ISIS targets.
Pretty obvious that our small handed POTUS needs the attention to feel validated.

You are a moron if you truly believe only the administration wants to publicize this.

Trump wants it public because it looks like he is keeping his promise.

Liberal media wants to publicize this to show how evil Trump is...breaking up families and all...

Rare case where both sides want to make the same thing a large story.
Never in the history of this country has a President and administration been under a unbelievable microscope and its only been 3 weeks. MSM, Social Media, you name it and this administration is being fired at every minute of the day.

I could name off 5 scandals under Obama's administration and you never heard a peep from the MSM about them. Let's not even get into the whole email and pay-to-play scandals with Hillary and many other Dems which is far and away the worst act of treason I can remember in my lifetime from a top level official of the US government.

I am all about transparency. I do not have enough knowledge of the Logan Act to say what Flynn did was treason or anything like that, but lying to the Vice President of the United States about it absolutely deserved him being fired or resigning.

I knew when Trump won he would endure tremendous resistance from the left and MSM, but honestly its worse than I ever thought. Let's not leave the GOP out of this. Where the F! is the plan from the Republicans to replace Obamacare? When are we going to see tax reform passed? I know we are only three weeks into this but you have had 8 f'n years to have these plans ready and the American people made a clear mandate in Nov by giving you all three branches of government and here we are twisting in the wind yet again with these clowns in Washington.
Never in the history of this country has a President and administration been under a unbelievable microscope and its only been 3 weeks. MSM, Social Media, you name it and this administration is being fired at every minute of the day.

I could name off 5 scandals under Obama's administration and you never heard a peep from the MSM about them. Let's not even get into the whole email and pay-to-play scandals with Hillary and many other Dems which is far and away the worst act of treason I can remember in my lifetime from a top level official of the US government.

I am all about transparency. I do not have enough knowledge of the Logan Act to say what Flynn did was treason or anything like that, but lying to the Vice President of the United States about it absolutely deserved him being fired or resigning.

I knew when Trump won he would endure tremendous resistance from the left and MSM, but honestly its worse than I ever thought. Let's not leave the GOP out of this. Where the F! is the plan from the Republicans to replace Obamacare? When are we going to see tax reform passed? I know we are only three weeks into this but you have had 8 f'n years to have these plans ready and the American people made a clear mandate in Nov by giving you all three branches of government and here we are twisting in the wind yet again with these clowns in Washington.
Server was in her freaking bathroom. Total exploitation of the US government for money.
You are wrong as usual Z. On Obamacare, Trump has ordered the IRS to stop enforcing the penalty for not buying insurance. So that is a big change. To do more he is going to need congress and that will take time.
That is a change that will only lead to higher insurance costs for everyone with insurance. The only thing that will lower insurance rates beyond price controls imposed upon providers is to insure that everyone who has access to the healthcare system (which is everyone) is contributing to the system.

Honestly, the last thing I am worried about is the dismantling of Obamacare because I know it will be replaced by Obamacare-like. People act like Obamacare was some great change. It did 4 basic things 1) created the marketplace and 2) eliminated the pre-existing conditions exclusions, 3) made the stipulation that all healthcare plans covered checkups and 4) "required" that everyone buy insurance.
Trump has said for years and said on the campaign trail that "everyone must be covered". I'm going to sit back and enjoy watching the same politicians who have berated Obamacare for the last 6-7 years formulate something that is 98% Obamacare and then beat their chest and claim that they did something.
The socio-economics of healthcare will dictate that we will eventually move to a single payer system for all but elective procedures. The sheer weight of the entire baby-boomer population on Medicare alone will dictate it. I give it about 20 years to happen.
You are a moron if you truly believe only the administration wants to publicize this.

Trump wants it public because it looks like he is keeping his promise.

Liberal media wants to publicize this to show how evil Trump is...breaking up families and all...

Rare case where both sides want to make the same thing a large story.
So doing exactly what Obama was doing is keeping his promise. Glad you could admit it.
What is funny is that had he phrased it that way during the campaign then his supporters would have wanted him burned at the stake.
Snake oil sales at its best!
Really upset that Trump capitulated... only gonna make MSM hysteria worse. Obama did far worse and stonewalled. This is a big blow.

The only 3 really in tune with Trump's base, and fully cognizant of the Muslim menace, are Bannon, Miller, and Flynn. Well... 1 down.

Flynn worked his ass off to get Trump elected. This is a very demoralizing blow.
Never in the history of this country has a President and administration been under a unbelievable microscope and its only been 3 weeks. MSM, Social Media, you name it and this administration is being fired at every minute of the day.

I could name off 5 scandals under Obama's administration and you never heard a peep from the MSM about them. Let's not even get into the whole email and pay-to-play scandals with Hillary and many other Dems which is far and away the worst act of treason I can remember in my lifetime from a top level official of the US government.

I am all about transparency. I do not have enough knowledge of the Logan Act to say what Flynn did was treason or anything like that, but lying to the Vice President of the United States about it absolutely deserved him being fired or resigning.

I knew when Trump won he would endure tremendous resistance from the left and MSM, but honestly its worse than I ever thought. Let's not leave the GOP out of this. Where the F! is the plan from the Republicans to replace Obamacare? When are we going to see tax reform passed? I know we are only three weeks into this but you have had 8 f'n years to have these plans ready and the American people made a clear mandate in Nov by giving you all three branches of government and here we are twisting in the wind yet again with these clowns in Washington.
More fake news. Kind of like the list of terrorist attacks that weren't covered that included the Paris attack, the Orlando night club attack, the San Bernardino attack...I'm sure you never heard anything on those and others...
You do realize that it was the New York Times that broke the email scandal news?
When you attack the press, expect the press to fight back.

Where are Trump's plans for any of what you ask? (they don't exist)
It's obvious that he never thinks beyond the rhetoric.
More fake news. Kind of like the list of terrorist attacks that weren't covered that included the Paris attack, the Orlando night club attack, the San Bernardino attack...I'm sure you never heard anything on those and others...
You do realize that it was the New York Times that broke the email scandal news?
When you attack the press, expect the press to fight back.

Where are Trump's plans for any of what you ask? (they don't exist)
It's obvious that he never thinks beyond the rhetoric.
The only reason Islamic Extremism was a campaign issue is because Trump made it one. Media happy to be complicit with Killary's plan to flood the country with Muslims so we get some of that wonderful multiculturalism ripping France, Germany, and Sweden apart right now. Compare the media coverage for Dylan Roof to the San Bernardino terrorists...

Along with illegal immigration, the wall, renegotiating trade deals, etc.
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Hey, I'm just going by what Trump promised you guys when he was selling you the snake oil. If you make a deal with the debil then I expect the debil will collect so I took moslim ban to mean moslim ban because that's what the man promised. He would build a wall and the moslims would pay for it. Says so right there in the Executive Order.
[laughing] Michael Q. Schmidt, is that you?

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I hate the GOP shills that are the same as the Democratic Party. Too many RINOs wanting things to stay the same.
I learned and have re-learned a lesson in corporate America many times over that I'm sure applies to things in government as well.
From the outside it is often easy to see the problems and pitfalls about the way things are done. It's easy to believe that you have a better answer, a better mouse trap. Then you get put in position to fix those problems and pitfalls and you soon realize there are good, legitimate reasons things are the way that they are. You realize that all the people there before you weren't really all that dumb and that there's a lot more to it than it appears from the surface.
Breaking News: Vladimir Putin has accepted Michael Flynn's resignation. Thanks him for his service to our great nation.
Yeah, I know, pretty sad it takes a Russian puppet getting elected to actually put America first and attempt to do things that benefit this country and its people.
Russians are taking it hard that Flynn is gone. Our man Flynn. In like Flynn. A truly great friend of Godless communism.

Funny how easily the bible thumpers have sat aside and even embraced the Godless communist Ruskies. They'll do anything if they think it will save them a nickle on their tax returns.
I learned and have re-learned a lesson in corporate America many times over that I'm sure applies to things in government as well.
From the outside it is often easy to see the problems and pitfalls about the way things are done. It's easy to believe that you have a better answer, a better mouse trap. Then you get put in position to fix those problems and pitfalls and you soon realize there are good, legitimate reasons things are the way that they are. You realize that all the people there before you weren't really all that dumb and that there's a lot more to it than it appears from the surface.

It happens...except in the case of the fubar called Obama for 8 yrs.

Thanks for playing, though.
Compare the media coverage for Dylan Roof to the San Bernardino terrorists...
Please do.
Purely unscientific but simply googling "Dylann Roof shooting" produced 802,000 hits, "San Bernardino shooting" produces 2.28 million. Seeing that Roof is still with us and is still in the news that's quite amazing. Whereas the San Bernardino shooters are dead, no trials, no jail confessions.
Do you have a point?
NASA scientist detained at U.S. border until handing over PIN to unlock his phone
A U.S. border agent demanded the PIN code to unlock a NASA scientist's government-issued phone before letting him re-enter the country.

Sidd Bikkannavar understands that his last name may sound foreign, but he is a natural-born U.S. citizen who has been working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for 10 years. He was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for extra scrutiny when returning to the U.S. from Patagonia where his vacation consisted of racing solar-powered cars.

Any thoughts on this, gentle people?
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Just as I thought. Republicans circling the wagons, all over TV today, backing Trump, saying he did the right thing by asking for Flynn's resignation since he lied to Pence, and now it's in the past.

Also saying the next order of business is to investigate and weed out the obstructionists, who are illegally spying on American citizens and illegally leaking classified info to the press.

Sure sounds like impeachment is coming. Trump's end is nigh.
NASA scientist detained at U.S. border until handing over PIN to unlock his phone
A U.S. border agent demanded the PIN code to unlock a NASA scientist's government-issued phone before letting him re-enter the country.

Sidd Bikkannavar understands that his last name may sound foreign, but he is a natural-born U.S. citizen who has been working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for 10 years. He was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for extra scrutiny when returning to the U.S. from Patagonia where his vacation consisted of racing solar-powered cars.

Any thoughts on this, gentle people?

Read that story yesterday on USA Today, the story was provided by the man's friend. When USA Today tried to contact the man in the story he didn't respond.

The phone is property of the US government, it wasn't his personal phone nor is he supposed to be conducting personal business on it.
NASA scientist detained at U.S. border until handing over PIN to unlock his phone
A U.S. border agent demanded the PIN code to unlock a NASA scientist's government-issued phone before letting him re-enter the country.

Sidd Bikkannavar understands that his last name may sound foreign, but he is a natural-born U.S. citizen who has been working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for 10 years. He was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for extra scrutiny when returning to the U.S. from Patagonia where his vacation consisted of racing solar-powered cars.

Any thoughts on this, gentle people?

So the only proof is this guy's Facebook post?

Wonder if it's like the Trump supporters ripped my hijab off my head and screamed "Trump" as they ran away Facebook post?

Or, the my mother died because of Trump's travel ban Facebook post?

Yeah, I think I'll wait before having any thoughts on this.
NASA scientist detained at U.S. border until handing over PIN to unlock his phone
A U.S. border agent demanded the PIN code to unlock a NASA scientist's government-issued phone before letting him re-enter the country.

Sidd Bikkannavar understands that his last name may sound foreign, but he is a natural-born U.S. citizen who has been working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab for 10 years. He was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for extra scrutiny when returning to the U.S. from Patagonia where his vacation consisted of racing solar-powered cars.

Any thoughts on this, gentle people?

Doesn't sound like that's something a border agent should be concerned with. Then again, if you can search someone's butthole during an investigation then, well...
[laughing] John Conyers, one of the leaders of this nation, on national TV and doesn't know the difference between knew and know. It wasn't an accident either. Happened several times in a matter of a couple sentences.

Between him, Pelosi, Schumer, Ellison, Waters, Warren, Democrats rolling out the dream team.
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So doing exactly what Obama was doing is keeping his promise. Glad you could admit it.
What is funny is that had he phrased it that way during the campaign then his supporters would have wanted him burned at the stake.
Snake oil sales at its best!

The hell are you talking about? Dudes been in there a few weeks and his cabinet members even less if at all.

Trump likes the ICE headlines - already looks like he is keeping his promise (3 WEEKS IN)

Liberals like you like the headlines as well - because you believe it plays into the Trump is a nut breaking up innocent law breaking illegal immigrants families, hopes and dreams.

He has tried to go even further with promises but certain court rulings have held that up - unless you'd agree that that is also the same thing Obama did and the court rulings are garbage?

Has nothing to do with me admitting anything...or anyone else for that matter. If you are already trying to say "Trump can't keep campaign promises!!!!" on February 14, 2017, you are even more of a nutjob than most on here think.
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In all the hoopla, Mnuchin, McMahon, and Shulkin confirmed. Trump still down six cabinet members three weeks in.
I changed my opinion on Flynn after the RNC - thought he was awful on stage and had the makings of a nut.

Def a screw up by Trump.
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At this point, the libs are just looking for anything to scream about, whether real, perceived or outright false. Some of the stuff I see on here and on Facebook is laughable. Especially if you consider their total silence regarding similar or worse behavior by key liberal figures over the past 8 years.